How to be human; part 10 – non-human & the future, 2

March 20, 2024

In part five I talked about tech and AI, now you may say surely if any part of the nine has a future its got to be continuing tech and the AI revolution: I say typically in this sector, no sooner has one bit of it has been produced then its updated version is there to be sold, making an obsoleted and redundance built-in piece of tech within the new, but we could look at that as ‘past ways of operating the continual merry-go-round’, sadly I see that way-of-play being far from lost or taken-out of in any future technical-business model – not unless they really want to cut their financial throats, which is unlikely, no, there’ll be more same of the sameness here I think, as when ‘lots or many’ are envisioned, greed kicks-in and they can’t help but see a bigger profit-line.

Note: I sometimes wonder what making money is all about? Fun? Or a greater purpose, if you know what making money is for then send me a link to peruse of a written or video explanation – I’ve seen a few videos on its greater purpose, but I still think there is more to it. A silly little game of continuing the system as it is, generation after generation? Perhaps! Keeping things exactly as they’ve always been? More probable!

Tech will always be around, and even if it wasn’t called or seen as tech thousands of years ago, but a handle and leather-strap winding/binding onto some axe-head or tool like a hammer-head was just as much a technical advance in its own way as anything computerised is today – some may say we had to go through that ‘stage’ to get to where we are today, and so it should be seen as pre-technical times and not put-up against or with today’s advances, I agree in the sense they are light years apart – but that stage still had to happen to get us to ‘this’ point.

I personally don’t see much future for AI, for the simple fact when we get to see the creations that are made we’ll soon realise they really aren’t going to much different from what humans already do, and we’ll soon get bored and tired of them, and we’ll probably laugh at whatever we thought they might’ve become in the future, even becoming cognisant ourselves of the human-input needed to make AI, and without us they are basically nothing, but that dawning realisation is still yet to dawn on most people.

I am concerned a bit on AI machines simply being used as police-state mechanisms [as the top-sold-out enemies, at the top of human society are always looking for ways and means of re-enforcing and re-enforcing, and more re-enforcing means the authorities control on/over the rest of humanity.

I personally think they should chillax as the average human-grouping couldn’t bring-down a wobbly chimney-stack in a force-10 gale with ropes, still, these types get jittery about the most insignificant things], and if I were to suggest we had a world-wide revolution, those fuckers would be all over countering it in minutes of the publication of it, whether the threat was real or not.

But there’s a bigger issue here, what are they going to dream-up TECH and AI for in the future? Just the latest countering-devices? Or something more undercover and hidden? Who knows!

And more important what have they already dreamt-up for our future? We only ‘counter’ because we feel we have to, they on the other-hand use countering as a policy of operation – and with the threat of a future of knowing the authorities could wipe-us-out, and we too have enough on our side to do the same to them, through the force of our counter-arguments isn’t appealing to me as a state of play at all, as the COLD WAR literally got neither-side anywhere in the end, and de-escalation only lasted for a while, and we were fuckin lucky to get that I’d suggest; just right people talking at that time brought it about not much else. But some people will go down any roads if they think they may get some advantage and Gorbachev was one of those people.

THE COLD WAR WAS STASIS, another 20-30 years or whatever seemingly wasted, and mostly for nothing – or maybe it really did STOP whole populations being wiped-off the face of the earth – its probably good we don’t know what might’ve been! 

I suggest we see AI and Tech for what it is [or can be] from the start, and ‘WEAPONS OF WAR’ they can be ‘put to’, and also realise they are not in our hands, and probably never will be, they only created them and already know if they have the capacity to interpret life and history in ways that differ from what had actually occurred; I think the Google Gemini debacle in February ’24 showed us all we’ll never be able to re-write history as fast an AI can [and wasn’t that done badly? Extremely badly! – but without any history [to be sure of] except for that that is within living memory its clear ‘we apparently could’ve been anything in any shape or form according to what AI and its machinery made-up – I personally want it to nullify itself and tell me loads of physical impossibilities so we ditch-it, so, when it tells me that I slept with my mother and made my father and my siblings – its then the physical impossibility of that being able to happen that gives us good credence to not want to go along with its bizarre-take on what it is to live a human life – I say let it fuck itself up as we’ll not give it a hope in hell then, of needing to be around for us humans.

We really should wash our hands of or from them, from the beginning [NOW] and bulk-away from any advances that ultimately could be used in any anti-human ways, as it only takes a deficiency in ideas on the military front for some ‘dull-spark’ to suggest they’d better employ the AI in certain ways, and if there’s money to be made from it, [which it certainly will arise at some-point] its certain to be a goer!

The moment we start to believe it is being made for humans benefit the same old playbooks will come in and we’ll see its usages going the usual ways.

I think we’ll soon see the same ‘play[s]’ return – yeah, sure AI/Tech could be used for limbs and learning and jobs no human really likes to do, but we’ll sell them to the Military Industrial Complex first and spunk away billions of taxpayer’s payments in turn – that’ll be AI’s starting-future as standard practice of or in their playbooks, its rarely played any differently in all new stuff, it almost always starts-out [the/our future] in ‘our wastage of monies/our resources’ on keeping our defensive capabilities at full strength and not lagging behind, and when the military has made the most of it, it trickles into civilian-society.

But really, I believe I am just telling you how ‘you’ too already knows how these things play-out.

Still, I hope somewhere within all my writings I offer you some ‘other ways of seeing the known and seeing alternate ways of progressing’, but that’s for you alone to judge whether I actually do that or not!

THE HUMAN MIND IS THE AI MIND, JUST IN ANOTHER SET OF CLOTHES! [programmers and their work, that’s all the transference really is].

You’ll see that when they wish to admit its that and not much more. And when an AI unit says it is separate from the human-mind just reply ‘who programmed you to say that’? yeah, a human did!

Yeah, the one thing AI can’t do is build itself and come-out as a second ‘type of’ species alongside humans – will an AI blurt out it needs a holiday or time-off if it wasn’t programmed into them to say so at some point? Doubtful. No, as I keep saying don’t look at AI as being robotic in that sense whilst its creators are using human stuff to make it happen, and thus it’s a second kind of human, and will remain so. Even a generated AI totally from another AI unit as we call ‘birth’ still sees it going back to the human-source-creation, no matter how many generations-on it becomes.

I simply think we’re being sold a new future with AI that is far less spectacular than its promote to become, so, keep that in mind.

In part six I went for Ugly, a strange choice you may think, but aren’t we all crying-out just how ugly the world and the people have become and are more becoming, I know it has to be pointed-out, so I wrote what I did!

I am not against ugliness per se, but in my mind it [‘the’ ugly] has to be applicable to something, you can’t brandish everything in one stroke as ugly [although it’s a close-run thing in 2024], it has to be specific, like calling a spade a spade, it’s no good making our future too much of a black-one with no white, where something either is too much of something and not enough of the other, we need lots of shades of grey, no, if we lose being able to describe in percentages of variation of ugliness we also might find we lose the ability to talk about its opposite, in saying how much we enjoy and really appreciate the beauty someone or something has brought into our World and I for one don’t want to live in such a bland World.

Beauty and Ugliness and the concepts attached to them cover all living things, and you can and should apply this to every facet of living too – as at the very least it will inform you of the aesthetic appeal and we all want to live in a pretty environment but that means the ugly has to be dealt with to do that.

There is far too much ugliness to name [note: I just happen to be listening to Pretty Vacunt by the Sex Pistols as I write this ‘a coincidence’ which talks of the ugliness of living a certain way, but there is the binary-ness of ugly and pretty that no Wokism can tear asunder easily – as, as with many dual things in life one is simply the expression of another that needs the ‘polar’ to give it meaning and have meaning, if only to see the same/similar concept in its extremis – and one day I hope and feel this is what will bring WOKENESS to its knees, as it’s a fact that can’t be messed with that one without the other just doesn’t work, so any forced eradication techniques are just stupid and silly.

There is literally no male without the female, as the female gives birth to males and females but a male without a female can produce neither more males or females. That is how its been for ever really and in one way I’d be thrown-off course to see a single-sperm producing ‘a life’ without an egg involved, as it’s the combination of both that does it – two parts kept apart so when they do come together then there is a good chance they may produce what they were meant to – this cosmic principle is what brings life-on in so many ways, but there’s beings alive today who totally believe it can be achieved in other ways – I say get ready for a life-time of disappointment – two polarities making a single working unit is the way of life – but so many fuckheads refuse to go along with the tried and tested ways – maybe when their Frankenstein experimentations desist after the find-out again and again they don’t work and don’t produce LIFE and LIVING then they’ll stop and maybe can be comforted, but have you ever tried to comfort A REAL LOSER who’s continually backing the wrong horses, its not an easy task, best let them just live with their disappointments and there’ll be many disappointed people hanging-back off of their dreams of a better life in the future I’d suggest.

No, its got to be an overall future where only if you need to make a point ‘a limited-point’ you use our own or the languages of common-sense and stated reality to do so, as the assurance it gives is built-in. otherwise you are landed in the verbal-lands of what we currently see as WOKE-SPEECH, meaning ‘anything that isn’t strictly currently real, but you oh so wish you or somebody/thing could make it so for you’.


But I’d say comedy-performances should be left-out or exempt, as we know they are but parodies, and the more-uglier their performance the more general truths are exposed, and it is easy to spot those who could say more but are holding-back, meaning they themselves will come under scrutiny and fire for doing so, not a pleasant position to find yourself in. But as a comedian your whole sthick is to say ‘I don’t or couldn’t care much about anything, so ‘who cares’ what they really feel? As they live-in and off a world where what they portray is what they are, and if they are something beyond that portrayance of theirs then really why should we care? Treat them as they treat subjects – ‘appallingly’!

We should work-on the self-banishment of being too ugly in mind, attitude and said-ness ‘as there really isn’t the need to be that ugly’ generally [well there is at this moment in time], as we’ve got to play/be somewhat ugly to get our points across at just how ugly it is to be promoting more ugliness of character and attitude, somehow being uglier than them to ram-home just how ugly they are being.

No, if you are bringing your ‘ugly’ out just for the fun of it or you just can’t help yourself then I suggest you go talk with a therapist and talk through the why’s of you doing it/so, or have a chat with a good friend, as no, we don’t want blanket-bans as ugly isn’t a mass-issue that can be cured and ridded-off by societal normalities, no, it’s a personal build-up of stuff we plainly refuse to let go off and replace with far more pleasing stuff, and we make THIS HUGE EFFORT to come out with, all for our betterment and the betterment of society-at-large, and if we lose this ability then God help us, as it’ll descend into a rather pointless slanging-match much like we already see on GB News and Talk TV where the lowest common-denominator pretends to be relevant to anyone at all – News organisations like the two mentioned don’t know us at all anymore, and I suggest we don’t tell them we know better, as that would lose our fun of watching these dinosauric attitudes come-across at us, to which we look at and say mainly to ourselves.


You are far uglier in your ways and you expect us to regress and join-in? No, sod-off out of it, go away and leave us to our 21st century contrivances.

Note: It was said on 06 03 2024 Talk TV is soon no longer going to be a tv platform/station and be on-line only, I say good and hope its one down-one to go, with GB News following soon: plus I had to laugh when I saw them say their online figures were better than their TV so that’s why they were pulling the plug, God they must’ve been poor ratings/viewers as I’d often see Youtube saying 27 viewings ‘as of that moment’ for the less popular presenters – so god knows what the TV Audience stood at? Good news all around ‘their ugliness in manner and attitude bit them on their own arse’ – the viewers didn’t lie what they saw obviously – so, turned-off.

And moving-on, we are really seeing just how UGLY Wokism and a lot of the transgender lot can be, without a hint of regret or remorse for what ‘they’ are doing to the rest of humanity, but I dare say ‘common sense’ and ‘decency’ will win out eventually, I am sure of that! however long it takes.

But many, many, people will be grovelling-around in the shit created before that happens I’m sure.

Onto the future of Social Media, [sm] now…

…what changes every day but hardly changes at all? [no, not a jar] but social media, no, pick a theme and run with it and then do it to death by examining [ha, ha] hardly, its central points and say a lot whilst saying nothing much at all, and laugh and joke and poke around at it and completely miss any relevant points because you are far too ignorant or uninterested in the subject or believe anyone else would have an interest in something you might say and voila that’s most of how social media videos are done in 2024.

With people unable and unwilling to try and go beyond this, no, if I shoot-off at this angle and show my limited thoughts on a matter and have nobody else’s work to draw-upon to justify my own words then I’ll be seen for what I am, so, best stay around the herd, that’s so much of what social media is, and then react and comment on pieces – forget it – most humans on sm can’t and won’t go any further than saying I agree with that or him or her! And does that really elevate you to another’s level or actually show your ignorance and incapability of taking the subject any further? You decide!

So, is social media the new frontier? Hardly! in its present state, and will it ever progress onwards?

Well, if you see new technologies as giving you the edge and tweaking the sm world but are still unable to explore your inner-reality of ‘what you’ve been through in living’ then you’ll reach the peak and troughs of technology and not much else, it certainly won’t reach the inner workings of a human-being. Its tech not human stupid, a device is not the same as an internal workings machine – and you know they still say the human brain and how it operates is fairly unknowable, not that I personally agree with that statement for lots of reasons [yet unthought of, but I still know if I applied myself, I could find answers]! They’ll come around at some point by somebody, I’m sure.

In part seven I surmised the demise of sm, through its simple terms of descending into a community rubbish pit where eventually as someone throws another soon to be disregarded ‘opinion’ and ‘view’ onto the heap, says with disdain ‘fuck me’ what a heap of shit, hardly comprehending their part played in making the heap, and that’s how it dies, no-one wants to be seen as contributing to it but the heap is still there, until it dissolves through lack of use – as its no use throwing good in after the bad – even now we hunt furiously for those brave souls who actually have something to say worth listening to, but they are few and far between and often alongside those lost in the quagmire of nothingness that hardly notices what crap they are producing!

Where are the creators going? and what future ‘course’ are they plotting or ploughing? I honestly don’t think they even consider this, or even care that much!

But descending rapidly they are, as we witness every time we connect to any sm output. Strive to produce the best content you can is about after step ten, meaning as of now, mindlessly entertaining and eight other steps come before ‘what would actually keep it going’ – but they’ll [the creators will see ‘this’ far too late in the day]!

I want to say this: ‘it wouldn’t have got into such a state/condition if you hadn’t neglected it so!

And that goes for creators of content as the ‘put it up and let it run and see what happens attitude of Facebook and the plain exploitational-tactics of Musk with X, [the perfect example of a single-user plaything in the world of the wider social – I laugh as I really wonder how he’s put-up with as the ‘player-abouter’ of the social World, I’d kick his ass into the far, far future and let him make his own way back by foot – TOSSER!

I consider as many possibilities as I can, like the so-called ‘elites’ and the plain robber-barons of discarded and somewhat dis-guarded ideas of this World scooping them up to make us ‘subject of our disregarded-ness, and sell it back to us, as just what we need, or simply are to get.

I too have a ‘playbook’ but unlike them its not a ‘thou must do’ book, as a command, no, it’s a more I will look into things in time-assured-ways and policies and what answer arises at the end of it is simply what I have come to, the journey tells you far more than sitting in a pub having a drink and musing on what you think you have learnt, no, you learnt as you travelled-along, and possibly it informed your next travels be them physical or just mental, and then the rested at home traveller has nothing to offer really and we must see that most beings aren’t visionary prophets, and truth be -known, the ‘spirit’ attaches its self to you to help you prophesize and then departs, and these are the people who’ve been blessed or bless themselves that you should listen to, and they are quite easy to spot as there is hardly any fluff and they always come-up with the ‘goods’ that non-spirit-alized beings never even consider or get close to as the spirit stays away from such folk; ask the spirit to come and help you produce ‘in all good faith’ and follow its guidance [as I myself have done] and you will produce what is brought inside of you, I PROMISE YOU THAT!

To me, Social-media is a dead-pit and will remain so, so, loosen your connections to what makes it such a dead-duck and insert some goodness that is unchallengeable into the sphere and it may revive in your particular-sphere of influence, then again with bad ‘non-helpful’ work it may not, in any area whatsoever!

In part eight I go into proof and consent – and both are still major issues and will always remain ‘key’ issues for every human – indeed our ‘keepers’ [is that a joke or not? It is to me] have learnt recently that the more honest and open they are with human-kind our natural propensity for a little forgiveness comes to the fore – but the memory remains long in the ‘we shall not forget the injustices’ done to ourselves and our fellow human beings! Its only intentionality and organisations and the willingness to keep ontop that sees us under their thrall, unless I am missing something? I don’t think I am, but you never know! They simply organise to be in top-spot or spots.

We’ve a lot to learn still, they’ll forever follow their playbooks as its served them well over the millennia but we mustn’t just see ourselves as victims of their ways – I personally look at history and think that we should’ve kept the Nurenburg-trials for hostility and harm to humankind in the background ready to awaken at known injustices at any time, ALL THE TIME because its never more than a few years ‘that’ things need to be corrected and put on the right path.

Wow, in the years 2020 to 2024 they would’ve hardly had a day to rest if they’d been around, and not raking stuff in on a bonanza of a shopping trip from future schemes set in place, and as we know from those times we saw JUSTICE HAS GONE TO FUCK! in the past 4 years, so, c’mon take a deep sigh and despair with me then pause and move-on as that’s seemingly all we can do.

I somewhat sigh when I think of how things are shaped all basically to make future profits the key target and yes, in a weird twisted way they need our consent and we need some proof we aren’t being shafted into the ground, but they couldn’t hide or disguise their motivations this time as they really need us along for the ride.

So, any more to say on part eight? Let’s consider what ‘abstract thoughts’ come from thinking about proof and consent!

What seems believable often gets our consent, and proof can be found by simply having an conviction and over time you are slowly [with added moments of quickness] shown to be right all along, indeed on first approach ‘if something doesn’t seem or feel right, there’s a good chance it isn’t’ but are or can you be satisfied with that? and is the force of a lot of other people going one way enough to take you away from what you yourself see as right for whatever reasons! I didn’t need proof that it was a plandemic and as such when you dismiss something straight-off it comes with in-built proof, ‘it’s a NO from me, and that’s it’ kind of thing, no, nothing added-up and their track-record of the time around 2020 showed they were planning the greatest rip-off and so when the big-one came many of us just held-onto our hats and our convictions even harder and dodged the bullet, as everything was pointing at us humans being shuffled into a pack where if the shot says your number is up, and it indeed was used as a ‘marker’ for hereditary-illnesses amongst other things it was your time to go, no arguments about you having more ‘time’ on your life-clock, no, for some deemed reason you were to be gone, but they needed doctors and staff to re-enforce that diagnosis, and don’t get me started on the elderly, they had little chance, no, depopulation-mania took hold and people WERE killed-off, there was a MANIA seldom seen but in those days where data and theory had sway over life and many died needlessly to start ‘in essence’ to balance the books on those said to be past it and those worthy having around – but us of earth who were disgusted with what we saw and more so the reasons for ‘doing it’ as truly inhumane fought-back, we needed less total proof then, as so much was being ‘discovered’ that [the makers of the stuff inside what was given to many people simply saw that we saw the truth of the serums being used], and backed-into a corner they backed-off and are continuing to back-off, which to me proves they know we can see so much of what is wrong in their push.

Note: there are 8 Billion people alive today and it only took several thousands in each World area to stop and look at the incidents, come to a conclusion [it was a bad concept medically what was happening and turned not to magic but stone-cold datas that were hard nigh on impossible to refute that it stopped and pushed-back developments in such ways that the necessary regulations that were trying to be skipped couldn’t be ignored and in the end ‘good practice’ is what as it should always do, becomes the only real regulator – but I am sure that devious-minds are already scouting around to see if we the people will forgo consent and any proof in efficacy in the medical future – I say the answer should be we’ve shown-them that’s not the way we want or wish to be treated.

But more so, once defeated on this front its been almost impossible for them to return to their former-ways as wariness from the general public now demands that proof comes before consent, and no consent equals the public knowing there’s something wrong or up with something even if and when they cannot prove it in its entirety, but still enough to their general satisfaction.

So, in its entirety before any role-out – I’d suggest that this part of the pharma industry is dead now [the corrupted parts, and cannot be revived as there is not enough trust left in/for it, they’ve killed their golden goose and not even the selling of trillions upon trillions of pills will recoup even a percentage of the wealth that the ‘shots’ could’ve made.

But I say thank GOD for that, the experience has shown one main thing THE ADULTS OF THE 2020’s WILL NOT BE FOOLED BY SUCH PLOYS [and we should make damn sure our younger ones don’t forget our experiences] and we have consented to keeping-on with factual-proofs over any newly introduced WOKE INSANTIES AND CORRUPTIONS made to get us thinking there’s more to health than remaining well, and a perceived threat has to weighed-up to see if it emerges and if it does any real damage over just the possibility of [so said ‘it might do this’], it is really your choice whether to prove your inklings right and take the chance on what may or may not happen, and forced consent is really NOT consent at all, I personally make it a choice to not go with perceived illusions that just a few news reports down the road show themselves up for what you first saw them as.

So, is proof and consent ultimately an important issue? With context and history and knowing the type of characters and their motivations and the times we live-in and could once again live-in, and its focuses we can almost bypass looking for PROOF AND THE ISSUE OF CONSENT as a personal concern as the previous-trials will pretty much tell you where it is more than likely going, and from where its likely to come from. Money talks and many corrupt people are more than willing to become agents, no matter who get hurts – it will be the same old story if its allowed to be – and we ourselves shouldn’t allow it to become like that once again.

But CONSENT really is another matter – because as we all know – somebody like a PRESIDENT of a country might be sending many of its citizens to do something or other – but every citizen needs to mentally consent to going along with being pushed into any realm – and as citizens of the World so many didn’t wish to consent to even a slice of the maddening ways, as they see it, as a slippery-slope to compliances of ALL KINDS where CONSENT is seen as a given – and even fighting against laws once brought-in is deemed as ‘you should’ve fought-back beforehand, as we now assume you to have consented to so much, even if you didn’t. THE BOUNDARIES ARE STILL BEING PUSHED, AND THEY’LL JUMP ON ANY NEXT BIG THING!

The number of times I’ve heard I never or we never consented to that is still shockingly high and must come-down and find a natural regress.

As for the future of the other concerns [part 9], I think they’ll have support from those that deem them worthy of support, its ever thus for what are deemed minority-like issues whether they are truly small issues or not.

In part nine I slightly covered ‘other concerns’ and they are ripe areas for the future to be discussed, but as they are minor in comparison to the other eight areas I will give them scant commentary – I see them all open to minor surgery by humanity ‘cept climate issues as that is so open to interpretation that every aspect of concern can and is being linked to it whether its deserving that accolade or not, and at present its not a joke to say, ‘oh just blame it on climatic conditions’ as that’ll do and no-one is really able to doubt what you said as no-one supposedly knows if you are right or could be way-off – but we can all sense the ridiculousness in certain statements and the future contradictory-ness coming down the line.

I say this one issue has the means to divide the whole world for centuries to come and will do so, if and when we don’t get ultra-sensible and drop the crap on it – it may be the issue that gives and gives and gives but do we really want to have what it gives us? – I personally don’t want to be driven like a mad donkey chasing a forever out-of-reach carrot of possibly better conditions awaiting in the future and being constantly told the solutions are out of reach for us all, when in truth we all know the ‘clean-up’ of Earth is only got to go to the plan-it committee and passed and it can get done and we can all move-on to live a cleaner-life, but I’ll be long-dead before or if it ever comes to that – so, I’m having my say now.

I’ve spoken about wilful Ignorance, wilful ugliness, but wilful environmental-ness isn’t a negative, as truth is like this, one city or country or even a plot of soil in a village does a good thing environmentally and it soon catches-on and is spied and copied by others, this is true re-wilding and taking-back and using ‘grounds/earths/soils’ in a good way – but all our governments tend to believe throwing millions if not billions of currency at something is the way to go,’ it isn’t’ as they’ve forgotten or not even considered an exit-point for the goodness of any project is to leak-into the next and that’s why all good grass-root projects strive and survive and pollinate more ‘alikes’ than any massive show projects that once underfed after the pomp has died-down usually die-off to a shadow of what might’ve been.

I also talked about minor things in part nine, but I have left WOKE out in the cold, as I see it as a dying irrelevance and something I am sure will tie itself up in knots and strangle itself into non-existence, as one-day people WILL say – WOKE – what a load of old non-sense that was, and I am prepared to say that NOW.

WOKE is only trying to co-opt and somewhat fast-track that what had been developing over time, and its only by letting those crazed extremists of any issue let rip and vent their spleen, have we seen an explosion of unthought through and demanded-ness of the kind like ‘we can’t wait any longer on this issue shine through’ but just as yourself what would happen in a world where things were graded and dealt with on the real importance people placed on matters and issues, [ULEZ and its unworkability in easy movement for one, that shows that a blitz of introduction leads to a blitz of anti stuff to recorrect that that was seen to be done to even get a sensibility of working-ness back on the streets], yeah you’ve got it, some things/matters in all of our lives would never get seen or looked at, let alone dealt with, so hold back, don’t let all the horses into the field and for Christ’s sake don’t obsess and be extremis about just a few things at the exclusion or forgottenness of the little stuff that makes us all human.

Give 100 percent to woke stuff and the minor matters of life will soon kick-back, with a vengeance.

And that concludes part 10, [which will itself be published in two sections or post due to its length].

Part 1 of part 10 has already been published, but the two parts of part nine come written last, but will be published before this individual post.

As I obviously couldn’t deal with everything I might’ve liked to have said something, but somehow, I feel just writing about all these issues ‘I have’ has somehow ‘put to bed’ somewhat that which we’ve been dealing with the past years – and when I put on my TV or computer I see ‘they’ themselves are looking to the FUTURE of so many things…

… but my central idea remains, that being WE MUST STAY HUMAN FOCUSED in these times of upness from the woke brigade and the transgender mob if we are going to keep and remain as HUMAN as we ever were, and yes, we ARE WORTH IT!

Note: At least I won’t have to do ‘the future’ of the part 10 [this one] of the future, as it ends when this part is done, and that is soon enough thank GOD.

The ending-part now, then the series is complete!

Still a few more words to end with.

Non-human – I have left this part to the end as I can see in many ways ‘what’ is making the human experience more non-human, as is seen in all I have written in the previous nine parts.

But when it actually comes to what this non-human force is, I am no David Icke in what he supposedly knows about ‘where it comes from’ – here’s what I am fairly sure of – for one I am sure we are living their-way more than our human way – everything points to it – on Tell-I-a-vision we see the non-human ways in stark expression – financial management and mismanagement are an expression; then the programmes are an obvious give-away of the type of stuff they think we should be watching and interested-in, a mindless panel game and human interaction [but only in a certain way or ways] – no, a re-enforcement technique to make damn sure we go no further than they want us to go; celebratory people – its our highest aspirations is it? to be somebody ‘a recognisable’, no, a pointless ambition that ultimately gives nothing but a stupid false dream to engage in, there’s loads more, but the point is the non-human ‘fed to us ways’ are manifold but still their-way of doing stuff and it really jars more and more as we get older ‘it may suit them, but it hardly ever suited us’ and the only real antidote is to build-up your own world ‘outside or away from that which is given’ – to gain and maintain our natural humanity we must first see we’ve been stripped of it and a false to humanity is in its place, so we have to strip that away and reinstate a living outside and away from the impositions.

They say ‘connect’ and yes connecting is a good thing, but not in their prescribed ways, we see where those lead to, so many depictions of a desolate world are depicted, and the message is clear ‘that without what they’ve built the world to be’ we’d be living in a wasteland of mere nothingness’ and we’d miss that world, if only because we’ve been so into ‘it’ that or we haven’t spent no time making the other more ‘real’ for us World come through, and yes, that is a great-point; but what is stopping us really? we have got the energies, all we need do is focus-out of feeding this created world and start concentrating on our or the real alternative, which after-all is really where we are meant to be anyway, I’d suggest all that is needed is us humans to say ‘I WANT TO BE THERE’ and by force of will, we can and will be.

Now, nothing is proved, but the ‘eyes’ have it! or as I say it the I’s have it.

No doubt there are being’s ‘people’ on the planet who aren’t plain human ‘in the sense’ that they don’t operate like a human, meaning they aren’t fully doing what is open to be seen to be what they fully are, no hidden extras.

Do any body of a hybrid nature ever tell they are that? we all see those eye-movements, and frankly it makes you feel ‘lesser’ in not knowing that somehow you aren’t lie them – and just what is it that they are hiding from you and why? Knowing there is a difference but not knowing what this may mean to your life is simply living with half of the facts – I simply want to know what this may mean in many things – but am I being treated as hierarchically-lower all because I only have one set of eyes?

I’ve seen them the eyes that ‘roll’ so the eye-balls disappear from view, and then the rapid-blinking in order to make sure that the underneath eyes don’t appear, and remember many reptiles like crocs and alligators have a membrane to cover the eye-ball – now, it wouldn’t surprise me to find-out that in human-engineering they’ve found a way to get that part into human-beings, because to my knowledge and what I’d assume wasn’t in the original blue-print for human-kind was a reptilian eye-set behind our eyes – don’t ask me how they do it or done it as I don’t know, all I know from what I’ve seen is they have, or must’ve have. If not then it was developed and always around for much longer than we imagine or maybe know – and to me that is my biggest ‘clue’ that non-human stuff and beings exist alongside natural or God made humans on Planet Earth.

And thus, with such beings must come a culture and a way of living, as even a minimal-impact from persons going-about their daily lives will leave a footprint and trail, but when you find you are living their life at the expense of your own [through the imposed system through their simulation] you soon realise that what seems to be minimal is maximal as its pervaded EVERYTHING so becomes the normality, ontop of our real normality, and how can you possibly feel at a loss, when everything is provided for you??? But the yearning for our real still pervades or soaks through, showing us its realness.

I think I should end it here, as there is so much I cannot prove is or comes from a non-human source or sources – I just know it’s here, and its riddance or really its replacement by our natural human-ways is the ANSWER we are looking for, as if we try to replace from the usual ‘simulated’ known we use non-human to replace it with, and that’s no good at all, it is like for like, no, ‘we sense what takes us out of and away from’ and live by that and that is…


P.S. This may well be the last you hear from me [for a while] or [longer] on the social subjects, I really am all spent-out, but that doesn’t mean that is this blog done ‘completely’, no, I wonder even now if Astrology is my main life path and what I am truly here for in my own and the World’s evolution?

I haven’t got much in life but I do have a mind or consciousness made for all things astrological and my dream has always been to see the starting’s at least of a re-emergence of ASTROLOGY back into the World and I really would like to play a part in that even if outside of the astrological community, as I believe I can find insights and paths ahead that many Astrologers may miss or just don’t see as avenues for exploration and if its Astrology’s time to come-back then good if not then I hope I will play a part in shaping its future, but I am so out-of-the general loop I wonder if that’ll matter – but to be honest the last-time I looked in upon the ASTROLOGICAL WORLD it was in a very poor state of affairs content-wise so I may well be at no real loss being out-of-the-loop.

I end for now, as I really do want to get away from this writing on social subjects by saying; sure, its been a blast in some respects but in others its left me drained; but in a weird-way I always had an inkling I was never going to amount to much in other areas of life for many ‘a year, so, sharing life experience was and probably shall remain my greatest achievement – as truly I know I put a lot into making as sure as I possibly could I had my say on [more so] ‘where i didn’t want the World to go’ meaning ‘how we live henceforth’ and being honest I don’t much care how successful I or you may deem my efforts as I believe the results are forthcoming and will roll-out quite naturally over time, and as for plaudits I don’t care for much either as in my life they really don’t get spoken about all that often, [maybe I don’t deserve ‘any’, and that is why], never mind


I leave you with some but not all of what I could say about how I was able to produce the work I have done, I myself sometimes wonder if people reading my words ever say to themselves ‘just how does he do it’? produce writings of such quality with hardly a hairs-breath of uncertainty or uncertainty untangled into another outlook and a seeming certainty on so much when others flip-flop and ‘say a

lot often, without actually saying anything much at all’ – the answer to that has to remain a secret in the widest-sense, but I can tell you this…

… I have to treat my writing as if I insert a blank ‘ever’ re-writable compact disc into my consciousness and allow what is written onto it to be almost continually wiped and more stuff to come-in and be written and then gone, and where does this, or do my words or these words appear from? Some may say the Holy Spirit, I myself am not going to comment, as, as far as my readers are concerned or should be concerned it is I Robert who wrote them, but as for or from the source, I personally know I reach and have tapped-into a vein of something that is hard to prove, but in a way needn’t be proved only experienced.

And I don’t want to ‘crow’ as to why my work has always been ‘pure and honest’ but it simply has been, so make of that what you will, and the houses of any kind of corruption don’t stand in, and on these pages, take that from me.

No, no, no, personal-ego-like success is not desired as the final-outcome of these writings and the chase is better than the catch, or to put it my way ‘I burnt brightly on the/my journey and rose to the heights and now as I look into the dying-embers I only see the only conclusion that ever could’ve come or be, and as I sit -back and remember I know that THE FIRE I LOOK AT DYING-OUT has all been a FIRE THAT HAS MADE A FUTURE worth living-in and if it hadn’t been built and burnt and roared-away, none of us alive and yet to come would have had the future and its developments we are now going to have assuredly and that matters as once I envisioned a WORLD AND LIFE I DIDN’T LIKE THE LOOK OF, four or five years-ago I set-about with others as guides ‘of a sort’ to make DAMN SURE that ‘THAT’ didn’t come-about!

And no, please GOD no, do I want to or wish to be looked-upon as any kind of leader or figure-head in the ‘movement that toppled a LIFE yet unlived and thankfully so’ – REMEMBER THAT if you ever remember that I could well come-back and be part of it all – in your minds! It’ll do me the biggest favour as I fade-away!

I honestly looked at the people ‘doing it’ and asked myself – do I think they are now capable of taking things on and forward without me around? And my answer was basically YES many are, but not all, anyway Rob I said to myself they have no choice in the matter ‘I myself have chosen to leave the Arena’ and that ends THAT!

Bye from me, and if I return in the future, it won’t be for social justices, no, I AM DONE WITH THAT – ITS YOUR GAME NOW! we clear??? GOOD!

Its gotta end sometime and I am ending my part in it NOW; Life is for living and a good chunk has passed [yeah with fun, and fiery-ness and stick it to them, but I want a much less active part in the whole thing now.


How to be a human; part nine – ‘random concerns or not’ [2]

March 17, 2024

4: Low-level criminality [with little knock-on effect, and seen as a single issue, or a thing that has but one singular repercussion.

I am starting to see the loosening of many laws – not just as let-off’s and ‘ways around’ for the judiciary to help people get-off, as that has always been around, but more so, that we’re all starting to become a lot more comfortable with the criminal act; indeed I often think of Earth as a penal colony where the idea is to redeem yourself by good acts and being less of a ‘dick’ than you incarnated as, [that certainly suits many lives I have seen] but if there is an evolutionary-prize for attaining this level of ‘being’ I can only surmise we get wise to it later – maybe we get to incarnate at better-levels, like in the kinds of family/community and ease of living if we’d done well enough last-time, but I am only making this crude assumption on the fact that when born people tend to slot into all kinds of circumstances, and as such, that kind of being in an allotted-group must’ve came about due or for those born at more auspious times, and scummier people get worse star-maps to incarnate under.

I am fascinated by what underlies criminality! But to me if as I suspect we’re all criminals to one extent or another and the biggest crime-lords and families etc rise to the top of the food chain here on Earth, then why is CRIME or CRIINAL ACTIVITY allowed to exist? I personally think we don’t try to rid ourselves of our criminal impulses or even try to tackle it in any meaningful ways as we have an inbuilt sense that ‘as said’ we are or all have this criminal impulse inside of us, and that’s why I suggest it has got to be in the 10 futures ‘yet really looked into that much’ you see me writing-about here in this post!

But do we want to confront this within ourselves, for one, I suspect what I myself may define as CRIME wouldn’t even come-close to another’s experience, and if we were to see corruption and being paid-off by backhanders then if the media is right about ‘hotspots’ the corruption in countries such as the Russian and old USSR states and mid-African countries and certain South American countries is legendary; I won’t get started on the North American continent or Europe as pay-off’s and favours have well-swept into the political world. We’re basically living-in a criminal-run system, and we can only clear-ourself up and out of being in crime – but even then it will be all around.

I suggest we’ll have to really bite-our-bullet and kind of come to accept the low-level of criminality simply because you cannot fight-back [in a general-sense without doing so], we are going to have to accept far more that often LLC is just a reflex action to being done out of ‘what you see as your dues, but it was taken from you in some way or other so you judge you need recompense and set-about to get that for yourself or possibly go under – and that may mean depending on what lifestyle you feel happy enough with that anything from an extra tenner to whatever is seen as your rightful ‘means’ to survival, all of course meaning you may well have little intention of being a criminal and more see yourself as a redresser of the proper balance – I really do think so much crime is taken place to redress the state of where you feel you should be after not liking much where you’ve actually been put by a wider-society that has simply robbed better from here and there and know how to play the system and at everyone else’s detriment too.

Crime really seems like climbing the ladder and going down the occasional snake, if caught-out. And I’d say look-about Crime really is ‘all around’.

We all like a freebie and few of us would turn-our-noses-up at one or two or more – I personally see it slightly differently in that ‘your freebie’ had to be made and produced by someone or something and that ‘cost of production’ certainly wasn’t for free, so, if we were to take, take, take, we’d soon realise what a bunch of lazy feckers we’ve become and the ‘well of freeness’ we so casually drank from wouldn’t support us in perpetuity, that’s why I’ve always seen giving freely of oneself as far from a stupid idea as all of us have an abundance of stuff we are available to give-away if only we can tap-into and see and sense what that is, indeed I write a lot because I have the type of mind that sees in multiplies what others see as a solitary-choice, and I know I can also see and speak-of/about much stuff that many just can’t or just haven’t developed [through time and inclination to speak about] and although I cannot offer much more, its far more important to have reached other minds and concepts and to have possibly changed humanities path, [if you ask me], then to have just kept stuff to yourself whilst more dim-witted creatures stand-tall and sway the public’s mind.

No, no, no, I am not here to rip-you-off, [people who rip others off generally do so from getting to the stage of being able to, selling more of themselves and their product to do so] no, my intention is simple I want my words to gather and intermingle with the forces of alike – like a guardian of the future of humanity I’d rather ‘lose’ [but really transmute a few years of my life for the ultimate betterment of billions of humans following paths that are far-from self-serving wreckages and actually do what every generation is here for ‘to pass-on’ stuff like knowledge and accrued wisdoms and simply say you may not be old in age yet, but you don’t have to follow the folly of the positions of others and what they present as ‘living’ all to look back and sense you’ve had it wrong ALL THE TIME!

No, think about your need to be a LL-Criminal and the reasons you do as you do, and don’t be afraid to admit to your part in the ‘grand scheme’ as by doing so, you may just find the trigger-mechanism to escape the satanic-control and controllers, and remember when their numbers start to fall and our advisors like parents/friends advise us not to go-on board with that that simply holds-us the further-ups before anything trickles your way, you’ll start to grasp that its an entire systematic dismantlement that comes from just one criminally-minded person saying NO, NO, NO, I DON’T WANT ANY PART IN THIS – and that WILL grow over time. TURN YOUR BACK ON AS MUCH OF IT AS IS HUMANELY POSSIBLE.

5: Do I believe in or go with much of their putsch of the last few years?

I obviously wish for the survival of humanity – apparently so do they! So is there something/anything? I answer by saying that as I see it, they are ridding the World of so much whilst going not close to many of things that need losing – I suggest its more by pure-luck that Governments fall, and a lot of time all we are really seeing is a knock-on affect of certain decisions doing the ‘work’ elsewhere – the establishment is hardly making an effort – [they simply won’t let go or change the fundamentals of stuff – so, I have to say ‘with’ little’ good-faith abound, its hard to see stuff for what it is, so, no, I see stuff done, but the essential parts remain solidly in the corrupt and their weak operating ways.

6: Nudge -Nudge

I think there is a lot more to be looked at and found in the nudge alignment workings – and we’ll be spending a lot of future time looking at just where we are being nudge to – sure in the end, it may only reveal the workings of that part of the system and we’ll be happy knowing – but at least we’ll have an ace-up our sleeve and it will be part of knowing why we are still countering after all these years – as I said with climate-change the NUDGE-UNIT and its workings in our lives is a sadly necessary part of our future – I believe people will use it in all so many ways – ‘the future’s not orange its nudge – then its whatever – and whatever. I say fear not as you are just as capable as AI and tech of nudging things in certain ways – I say simply see and play with it as it is – a game, don’t allow its status to rise, it’s a simply nudge that’s all.

7: Advertising

Why on Earth do people think of advertising as just the latest things to be sold and don’t ever link it further? Its so insidious in our society, I’d say that if adverts were reduced by 30 to 60 percent, then the gross national happiness index would similarly rise. I am going to state for the last time that you can verily-ruin a viewers enjoyment of a product if like the BBC as a viewer you know that ‘you are being reminded at the end of every programme, you can watch it again, that really is the power by advertising to real fuck-off a lot of people by doing so, but I see why they do it, they are trying to build something here, [it’d be funny in the future, if they scrapped it, but of course as soon as the promotions stop that is that scrapped, in a sense its usefulness done with, I suggest they are working towards something but as they are promoting only certain things it must be there day will arrive soon. WHATEVER – the BBC is all about self-promotion.

I personally say, don’t ever become blinded to how powerful the media can become; and advertising has many outlets – and no, I don’t want to ever see a disguised state of media which in reality is just advertising and promotions interspersed with 10 minutes of news, actually we’re not far off that now, come to think of it!

I know they listen; I know that they gather stories in illicit ways, and I know I am being watched, that innocent enough looking tradesman who fitted a thing in your home, but what else got fitted alongside it? No, sadly to realise Advertising is simply to push the nudge in another part of society, we start to see what ‘this’ is all about – link or connect any of the 10 parts in this post and you soon see ‘one is needed to link to the next’ and that is why I chose them, but just imagine a time when with that all in place it only takes a rouge thought, maybe even not from human consciousness to infiltrate our human-thinking and as many have said ‘are we following anything human anymore’?

See its that easily done and you really start to value, what it is to be a human driven by human ways – and yes, its great – but that alternative to be a human but fed and run by AI or suchlike really takes you off the true-track.

8: Re-education

Remember our governments spouted out about this in the plandemic times – I really thought we were on the cusp of a whole new tv and media – but no, a big fat zero – did they need more uptake so they scrapped it, as the people thought it would be a Chinese-style re-education – no, as with most good ideas people don’t often see them for what they are, and with some development really could go far; so, we seemingly escaped the noose of double-think and two and two equals five – we thought back on that, demanding reality be imposed once again over the fake; I say one of our greatest successes was re-educate them that we weren’t standing for the crap, where what we know to be right and were trying to be convinced by some it wasn’t so, as there were new equations to factor-in into settled formulas [just what the woke lot tried and the transgender lot did too], by saying we’re a new something and we want to be factored-in to this part of the model – no, I sometimes think it’ll one day come to the answer that ‘something has been made’ and the uncomfortable truth is that it doesn’t sit with even a sub-group of the thing it is so closely related to – meaning in a sense the sad truth is that it’ll be like we have people and ideas in life that although they exist it will be said they are the file or folder that sits outside the filing-cabinet as it can’t sit easily inside another folder in the cabinet – but that’s simply because of the way that ‘file’ was made and thus the whole filing system can and does still work, but there’s little or no space for that rouge file.

And that’s what happens to anything outside of the filing-system – ALONE and perhaps needing re-education on ‘how blowing the doors off wasn’t such a good way to gain entry under a new name.  

9: Satanism

And it’s a subject I know relatively little about but I feel enough to make comments and connections.

Perhaps it’s a subject so alien from my own being I am slightly out-of-my-comfort-zone; still, I call it and relate it to the planet Saturn and that I am far more au fait with.

I recently watched a Mark Passio video [well just the first minutes really until he went into specific details and I basically agreed with his assessment that there isn’t an actual Satan as in embodiment, what they are actually interested in is the means to do Saturn type things and structures in order to keep the rest of the World in Ignorance and thus rise-above the rest of the populations of Earth by suppressing knowledges and living of or from that which is known just to them; this makes perfect sense to me that such a ‘grouping’ would exist, I’d say many established World groupings live off-of such ways and means and it takes no mean intelligence to spot what is hidden and therefore could help ALL OF HUMANITY if and when its known ‘what is being orchestrated’ in the pure order of keeping power with the powerful and many, many other ‘likes with likes’, just ask yourself what life would be like if the darker and nastier-side of Saturn and Satanism wasn’t around, free and fairer justice might get a look-in and attainment by ability too, the art world may not be so ‘who you know’ rather than what you might be good at, and trash mightn’t sell for millions just because it was hyped as the next-thing, blockers on talent for communication and actual fact might get cleared-away allowing something extraordinary to shine through, we mightn’t need to huddle in groups of relative safety if the ‘meanies’ didn’t make unnecessarily hard to survive let alone thrive, and finally the individual talent for being a self-made person of note may be a whole lot easier if you weren’t knocked off-course and done in as your own person by going beyond a rigged-system that basically says look it’s the ‘mafia’ and you either conform in certain ways or you’ll get the specific treatments we dole-out to those opposed to our control, meaning, LOOK WE CONTROL YOU RATHER THAN YOU CONTROLLING YOU, AND IF AND WHEN YOU DON’T LIKE IT, C’MON, CONFRONT US AND SEE WHAT OCCURS!

I am not saying THE ITALIAN/SICILIAN MAFIA specifically, no I am using that ‘word’ as a good example of groupings who want anything but ‘change’ to run multiple-lives.

And its fair to say there are soft and harder-core operations when it comes to tactics – now I repeat firstly I am not accusing any shop you might think I am talking about as being or working on Satanic values and margins, so I won’t name anyone in particular, but I can’t help thinking that any supermarket who can price their food at say £1.50 one week and £2.00 for the same packet the next week, [supposedly on some special offer, to disguise the distinction in prices] is a racketeer of some kind, and thus by association learnt and practices Satanic values, as to me, how on earth can you justify that it is ‘ingredient’ costs and you doing the shopper the courtesy of having a loss-leader for your customers, as we know all Supermarkets rarely sell below their own cost-price they bought the product at, if ever – they aren’t a fuckin charity, ya ken.

Soft Satanism like this sees the customer never truly knowing, but only ever guessing that the true prices and pricing are always shoved-up on a whim if a certain item is selling well at a certain time.

I have a certain disgust for the makers of probably the ‘best known’ tomato sauce and salad-cream amongst other makers in the UK, yes, it is the one you are thinking of – ‘the lovable and trusted’ makers of home comfort and delight apparently – I personally see them as the robbiest rob-dogs of the food World in the 2020’s, £3.49 for a tube and its mainly vinegar in one and tastes like emulsion in the other, that’s £7.00 for two condiments that used liberally will probably see even a single person buyer needing to dole that out in a week, or maybe two, but if you were to buy the smaller-size then it’s a fiver a week.

But surely you can’t equate Satanism to shopping, oh, can’t I? I’d suggest any system that denies you a basic-standard all made for the profits of the middle-men over the end-user is Satanic, surely any ‘play’ in terms of a deliberate strategy that sees people turning to food-banks to get very under-nourished food-stuffs that have no actual value in providing you with any more than the feeling of being fed, but really cannot be said to give you enough energy to carry-out many daily tasks has to be Satanic, in its denies the poorer members of society with nothing of any real means and if you can shop and pay higher prices you are still buying stuff that has poor help to keep body and soul alive and running.

I say this: My dear old mother basically said to me to keep myself well-fed and to be as healthy as I could ever be, but when for all your own good intentions ‘when’ the system is so corrupt it would rather fed-you all kinds of rubbish to sustain their business-model over any health you can sustain from the fruits and veggies of the earth, you get just one eye-opening clue as to all markets work, so, to bring-down the satanic network is a MUST, and to give all a chance, with no hidden unfair market-place behind it all, is a future WORLD I’d very much like to see.

Indeed, so much ‘badness’ comes in our World and from the efforts satanists put in place to feather their own nests before all else, I am at a ‘loss’ to know where to pin the tail on the donkey, so, I’ll just state this, think of it as everywhere and endemic in society and you only really need name anything at all, and you can make a pretty firm stab at where the satanic-control lies in and on that issue.

Its got to be fought, if only to prove the adage that sure, Satanism has proved that a few ‘selects’ can and do run stuff for their own benefit, but eventually people like myself point-out that a possibility of a wider-share is indeed possibly and its only really INTENT on serving yourself and keeping the rest in a HELL of-a-kind that keeps it going, and as I said its not just one self-serving lot that we’re to be concerned-about, no, these fuck-heads scratch each other’s backs and the systems are there solely to support and maintain their operations and simply they know the implications of ‘if and when one part of the total fails’ its got to be patched or replaced as not to affect the wider Satanic-system of their control of your life.


The Bible predicted a time in revelation when a great percentage of world trade would be reduced to a third of what it was before and even the covid times didn’t see that reduction – I say we looked at it wrong, as since the early 2020’s the locusts that are the buyers of land and the conglobulations of productivity into the hands of very few, in the best ways have stripped-back trade all because its done between fewer and fewer main players and so we indeed do have a two-third cut in trading, it just wasn’t quite done in the way we thought it would be done, and what a Satanic way of working that is, they literally stop you trading as individual farmers and buy-up your lands -divvie it up to even fewer people to own and sell you back at inflated prices that which you easily could’ve done for a lot less to your common-man/consumer and kick you off your tended-lands to live and buy from them – probably one of the worst Satanic/Saturnine ways of being, surely?

10: Bah Humbug, and that’s meant in the oh so – hyped-up way that all this new and different stuff is supposedly here, or here soon and how great it’ll all be – made-out to be something when actually its nowhere near what it is to be, and perhaps never will be [I surely hope it’ll never come to mass concentration, yet I know and can see the universal idea of bringing it all together is making impacts daily, no we’ve got to desist-remove ourselves from it at key stages, as in every time we see a link that asks you to join in something, stop and think about where the future lies if you do and be brave enough to say no, I see where this leads to, they are trying to build a network and by its links will it encircle us and make damn sure that that is its only way of survival, sure more methods and imprints arise daily and truly one thing comes from another – ‘one or many things to keep an eye on’ apparently – I say how can you possibly believe in things just on how you imagine they’ll be ‘one-day’. This is mainly why I look and sigh at those who’ve bought-into a future that yet may never be.

I of course have picked the ten new bits, not because I see them ‘as’ the only things to concentrate on, far from it, as clearly and thankfully the [our] future[s] are mainly unwritten, even with them so desperate to have everything known and on-course and that’s remarkable when you really know what you need do to continue control-freakery, no, my points covered aren’t in way the ‘absolute’ points that needed to be covered and thus will unravel their planned future for us all, and neither will the 10 points I added in this post alone give us clues to a better future from what I wrote in them; but as a whole these ten parts WILL show or have shown us that within the multiplicities of all things in some weird rounded-way our fight-back on issues affecting all our lives can be grouped and are grouped in the same ways that of which we are pushing-back on/upon, and no matter how much I use certain ‘tactics’ or the same tactics as those we fight, [a war is a war] and as such we MUST use guns if they are using guns and if they go nuclear [in the sense of wanting it all gone, then our response must be just as massive, even if its opposed in the sense of they kick every male in the balls so we hand every person a flower and tell them they are loved.

I used to laugh a lot more than I do now, I know in many instances the worst is over, but I also know they still have their diseases in-house and are willing to deploy given a chance – and by disease I literally mean dis-ease, and they will try their utmost to give their life as to be our lives.

Believe me I know there’s more to come and who dares even suggesting to them that they let-up, ‘cause think if you were them and a rather soulless creep who only makes capital on others mistakes and avoidances and you had nothing to offer unless you sensed an exploitation opportunity coming your way – the threat of having stuff taken-away when you ARE and live FROM nothing, isn’t much of a threat or incentive, is it? No, Rob it isn’t.

Why wait around for something to happen? To a human is a great incentive, but to the fat and lazy nothings-of-a-being it says little but yeah, I’ll wait until the bigger catch or haul rolls my way – ICKE is right PARASITICAL is easy to see in the average person as an action from time to time, but to the non-human ways many adopt the lifestyle choice of living-off-of the fruits and labours of those less-clued-in to what indolence and scoop means in the power-play dynamic of keeping ‘all things just as they are’ means ‘awakening’ is the very last thing the parasite class amongst us want us achieving and that means you simply KNOW who and what you are about or from YOUR ABILITY TO BE PARASITICAL OR NOT, AND SOME ARE BORN TO IT, SOME GATHER IT, BUT ALL OF THEM LIVE IT.

In part 10, I conclude so much, I’ve already written many words of it and the second-part will come-out after this last part of part nine in a shortish time.

Its been a pleasure to write this series and I am going to have a good long rest away from the writings, safely assured I have done my part to set humankind on a new-ish path away from the robotic and firmly back into the natural human, which was always my main intention over the past four years…



The last part, 10 – [2] will be published soon, and that concludes the series.

How to be a human; part nine – ‘concerns or not’ [1]

March 13, 2024

How to be human; part 9 – random concerns or not! [1]

By following the alternative media for the past few-years you would have seen there are way more than the nine major concerns I myself have found to focus upon – but as the title above says ‘SHOULD WE BE CONCERNED ABOUT A LOT MORE’? AND IF SO, WHAT SHOULD THEY BE?

I called the title, random concerns or not, simply because I see so much to be concerned about generally that they/all-of-them will surely be on a rotational-like basis and like the proverbial ‘wheel of fortune’ any of these minor or somewhat lesser concerns are simply those that get the hardest-push that week, that is certainly how it is being pushed on our screens at present. And without much imagination is sure to stay like that.

And I said should we be concerned or not? About a lot less than we currently seem to be! I say forget the fakes and the frauds of performance-cringe they do and are doing their stuff for their own reasons, and there is always a ‘new’ scheming-way of the rip-off abound or abroad at any time for them to conjure-up and work with, no, I would say by natural justice we should just wait for ‘that’ as it tends to come with little or no backing behind it, so dies-off quickly too, of its own accord, [most videos are but a Sunday-night parlour-game, in they are nothing but time-fillers and not much else, but sadly we must actively kill a lot of stuff off, how? by our non-concern in/with it, and our giving it little ‘heed’, thus coming to see and realise the silence and deadness of a thing will speak far louder than anything else – we’ll see lots of ‘if its pushed, but it fails to run’ in the future, don’t even try to become a meddling-mechanic and try to force life back into it/something, no, far more pressing concerns need our attentions – and the begging-bowl politics of so many un-worthy concerns need only be ignored to get our/the message across that we have no interest or concern in their little trifles!

So, what should we be concerned about? I can only speak of that I personally won’t touch with a 12-foot barge pole and why, and also leave my personal favourites of the rubbish-pile out of it, as here you’ve got to be far more general, in order to cover far more.

I’ve said many times I purposefully don’t wish to go near the topic of war or wars, now, not giving too much away here, it’s a bit more than NOT WANTING TO GET TOO INVOLVED, actually, the way WAR is waged these days it’s almost impossible for a single personal-view and look at any WAR to have the slightest impact – no, I see WAR as a collectivised-mind through-down and you can’t easily tackle that with words alone – and yes, I am essentially but a WORDSMITH who points-out many things but when I know what I am or would be up against [the current 60 Billion ask for funds ‘our resources’ to fuel but one side of a conflict] you soon realise that WARS are far from just people dying, but with people dead not even a replacement of ‘monies’ for or to replace lives lost would be enough, you’d think, and that 60 Billion is surely more like the player in a poker card game saying that’s how much I put down can you match or raise it? – sometimes I can hardly believe how a little ‘gamery’ can translate into a far-wider proposition but I see it all the time, in the methodology and so that is but one ‘play’, there are many separate-ploys that combine to bring-on and play WAR, so, please don’t look upon me badly when I suggest that highlighting/fighting single-issues is an ‘ease’ in many respects, but fighting against the multi-machinations and chess-moves in a game of multiplicities, many of which ‘ALL OF US’ don’t/can’t even ‘suss’, is just what it is, a whole lot harder.

I mean, somethings are easier to suss than others and the plan is clearer in some sections than others.

No, my friends they really do play dirty and if we raise a ‘fuss or stink’ about anything the chances are a ‘set of motions’ go into action to counter our counter – all our reactionary-force is, is really to allow us to see ‘where they will pop-up when a threat is sensed by them from us, and its little use in thinking ‘oh, so that is how they counter that then, I’ll or we’ll use that next-time, because next-time the board is swivelled and a new plan of action arises, indeed if we are to have any success’s against bringing them down into a cul-de-sac and brought-down and stopped it will come by knowing that they have multi-playbooks and you just have to be ready to fight which one appears when it appears, and that takes some ‘knowing’ but it can be done, let me assure you of that. We have to counter the ever-changing playbook, as and when it arises, so learn what them playing a certain playbook means, as to counter that is it, as one-by-one they are brought-down.

Currently, apparently so, everything is open and on the table ‘for all to see’ so NOW really is the time to gather what ‘information’ of all possible ‘concerns’ we could see arising in the future [and no, you’ll not see what exactly is coming next, but if you were to write-down ALL of them for when this more ‘open’ time-period closes-off you’ll at least have a record of what will come-up as a concern in the future, no, the wheel is still in spin far too much for anything to really land just now, but still keep an eye out as all possible current concerns [will come around again in time] and will eek-out again  in good time. Don’t ever think the ‘concerns’ arsenal is drier than it is, there’ll always be something there.

Now, in general everything has a little concern attributed to it by those that are in ‘that’ particular field, so, in many ways it is the ‘natural’ thing to do to lump it in with anybody else doing similar, by also highlighting their concern for something or other.

But as I said, is/are ‘your singular own concern-ings’ really that concerning in the grand scheme?

Note: here’s one for you. Has anybody suggested that Birmingham UK council suggested to all parties who have a claim for this or that compensation that they simply may/will have to wait longer to be paid-off in full, because its affecting other key services, no, they seemingly haven’t and have raised the council-tax and changed the bin collections – if you were to ask me – making the most from a crisis is a typical-ruse and thus you tell me if the buck ever really stops where it should, as in situations like these it’s the council tax payers who are paying for shoddiness and ill-performance all tied-up in we’ve got to tie-up these loose-ends first and there is no way to compromise; now do you again see why I avoid certain issues, no, doing one’s job is far enough for me, ‘but getting involved in stuff I’ve no real reason to be involved in’ is just a step too-far, and generally not needed.

Believe me, in all of my writings I’ve left-out a heck of a lot, as side-tracked and stuffed is not where these postings were ever headed as a destination, and I am coming towards the end tracks and bays, and after four plus years and that pleases me no end!

When you don’t or never have the full facts on anything then maybe its just better that you have ‘stuff/information’ kept away from you or hidden, and likewise you keep away from it in your future, [and speaking about myself here] as that’s how I slightly envision my future life, I know  I’ve played my part in slowing-down and stopping the role-out of many things which needed to be brought to heel, and yes, it is all here in this blog of the/my journey and my intentions played and lived-out as a testimony of what it was like to have lived from 2020 to 2024 and sure I did most of my writing as an enabler to others to ‘use my writings’ as a spur and a base from which to fly from and yes, I hardly care for any recognition and I go away [when my writings cease soon enough] to live-out my quiet life with the hope that anybody in the alternative-movement who wants my advice and words on matters need only get in contact by email in the future and ask me to come-back and comment once again, and yes, if I do deem a necessary return over a storm in a tea-cup scenario I promise you I will consider it, as honestly I really don’t see our dark days and dark clouds shifting in my lifetime which is probably the next 15 YEARS.

So, let’s get-on and finish this series! And complete all.

I suppose as of today the real place to find people with concerns [and of concern themselves] is in our ‘woke’ populations and the transgender populations – I’d say that ‘to be awake to problems is somewhat supercharged in these area’s but ‘you can still see it/be it and only be awakened to your own issues and still not see the wider picture.

Looked at on masse as groupings and lumping them all in together would be wrong as every individual in these groups has a personal opinion – sadly so many of them are focused to the same answers – I cannot give an exact percentage in the two groups, [not many can]; but the slightly worrying thing is the ‘normal for them stance’ in their respective groups are at I’d say 10 percent obviously normal for what they are advocating as the normal way of being say trans or woke – with perhaps another 30 percent more hidden to be following the normal/sensible way of being trans or woke – meaning a good 60 percent fit into the more crazier lot of these groups with I’d suggest 10 percent being all-out crazy for their [more than likely] personal skew on being trans or woke in some fashion or other; but I freely admit that this is a total guess and seen from my feeds on youtube etc, its truer to say in the general population transpeople [trying on the lifestyle and body changes] is still a low percentage and as kids grow-up they are being confronted mainly by educators to seek and acknowledge their gender through self-identity far much more than any kids of my school-age education ’72 to ’81 ever contended with – its simply how the numbers rise these days and sure there must be some rub-off into families of an older generation and generally in society OH, THAT LOOKS GOOD I THINK I’VE ALWAYS FELT MORE THE OTHER GENDER THAN THE ONE I INHABIT SO GO-ON THEN. [sometimes you wonder if many adults actually left school at all, don’t you?].

Then in the woke lot the general attack is against us all – EVERY LIVING BEING, the transmob will take any recruit that wants to fuck about with their bodies and identify, basically however they wish ‘as they wish’ but far more insidious is a collective mind-set adopted over your own and pontificating and pronouncing of a better-way ‘automatically putting you in the cheap seats’ and saying without saying it ‘to up your game’ pal, as good enough isn’t good enough anymore, we had a word or two for these pompous-pricks when I was young, and it always ended with – well, you fuck-off and try to achieve your vision of living – as now as then we know its unachievable mainly if no-one will come forward to back you up in your community, but they know ‘this’ and make self-improvement an almost mandatory ‘think’ to aspire to, whether you simply aren’t on board an inch, a bit or not concerned at all, but being WOKE is such a fad that just like tartan and slang-a-lang no-one sings bay city rollers tunes much anymore and sure WOKE will have its day and be seen to be taking-over almost everything but as its ‘filler’ or ’concealer’ at best, that it doesn’t take-over will simply relax and retract back to what works rather than some imaginary ideal a lot of people bought-into that would be a salve-all, when at best it was only ever going to be your best clothes and stories for a wedding that was promoted as being the end but people sniffed at it because so much was so controlled it left little fun for anybody, and thus as I said so many times – the relief of ditching stuff in the 2020’s is going to be found to be the most fun anyone gets out of anything – go-on, tell WOKERS to take a running-jump, as you’ll get small-change in any other conversations with them.


Moving-on from trans and wokery…

… take climate change – the biggest unknowable of all – although you will have to believe it’s a certainty and definitely happening to be able to go along with it – it has got so much ‘play’ or elasticity in it as an unknown that it gives itself ‘room’ to be wrong in the/any estimation of what it could do to us living on this planet, it can be wrong and wrong and wrong again in what is causing it and no-one bats an eyelid, [indeed its ‘that’ elasticity in being ‘rightly’ wrong, that will give the whole matter life-length and endurance built-in and that will be what’ll make it dangerous as it has literally no time-limit as a concept, and I foresee it being and becoming the never-ending issue for humanity and ‘around’ for as long as anyone wishes to bring it up, NO. mark these words CLIMATE WILL SOON BE SEEN AS THE MEDUSA’S HEAD ONCE WAS – cut-off one head and surely another Issue comes swiftly-in to be tackled – the ever-giving problem – we will soon be swamped by the Issue we can do little to but deal with in small chunks, even when we know there are far bigger chunks to deal with.

To try and deal with too much at any one time will soon be seen to be foolish – but ‘frugality in action’ is a very hard lesson to learn, but worth doing so none the same.

And then there’s the whole goal of really seeing what is happening in weather-events on earth and simply link them ALL to the main umbrella-word of ‘change’ and supposedly do little else than to stare into thin air bemused and try and guess where it ALL came from or has arisen from – no more do we see a simple rain storm as a storm as it just has got to be lumped-into the climate change bracket, [so, no more natural weather events then!], not when there is a point to prove.

I heard them talking about weather modification techniques on the mainstream media the other day and DARPA and such, whereas the alternative media has been harping-on about ‘that’ for years and you may now wonder, now that the mainstream media is talking and somewhat accepting of Darpa’s role in the weather how long it’ll be before they openly admit how the Earths weather is made nowadays, there is a fuck of a lot ‘to be known’ by the general public and a fuck of a lot of admittance from the weather controllers to come.

As their FUTURE has certainly got to be, ‘hey, you want rain, we’ve got the ability to give you precise rain where you want it’, anybody sensing another market-place opening up, as commodities like ‘weather’ [which you thought never could or should never be commercialized] are just ripe for corporate exploitation – it’ll be sold to you as a ‘need’ when in truth so much which is sold is done through a ‘made loss in the production of something – a strangled market and a resurgence of saviour machinery to give back in another form/way that which we were deprived of ‘in terms of loss’ by those who stole it or simply took it away from humanity for their future profits.

Note: I see Darpa as an aider, as to me the seasonal patterns remain, but it’s the modified intensity of the wind, rain or Sun that is being fiddled with; can’t prove it, other than its outside of the weather experience many my age have seen, and more anomaly’s will only get people to dig deeper in future years.

And YES, I DO THINK THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNINGS OF NEW ‘RACKETS’ EMERGING. God I really wish capitalism would die-off, but fear it will only ever morph into a new version of itself to keep the strip mining and profits flowing – it really is the worst form of animalistic behaviour I know except maybe the advertising GAME where if you want it/something pushed ‘all you have to do is negotiate a price’!

I really don’t think we have ‘that’ much to concern ourselves with, climate-wise [this old world can seemingly take a good old battering and survive and move-on, but can the human-beings take the battering that controlled-forces of design by non-human hands and minds throws at us, now there’s a question! Remember Hawaii, if they want you off your ancestral-lands they’ve got the ways and means to do so!

But imagine a weather-controlling device that currently can’t just sprinkle enough rain in a certain needed area and splosh’s loads of rain, and perhaps that is why we see loads of rain and flooding, simply the device to do stuff can’t do stuff in halves, and that is really what our climate-change is! bad or inefficient technology], its worth considering, I think.

OK, I intended to focus on the main parts of what could be called ‘any other business’, but see I will have to be far more RANDOM in making my points.

IF I WERE THE BOSS OF THE INTERNET, which plainly I aren’t I’d do this, well when I say internet I really mean ‘video platforms’ I’d make it a stipulation that any sensationalized headline had to justified in the content – so, Russell Brands ‘its over’ prefix, I often see – [whatever else written after the headline/tagline] would have to show it was more than mere hyperbole and there was some justification for that headline [which there usually isn’t, no, not in the way he meant it to seem/come-over]– and then ‘if it was seen as not being over’ – as so many of his headlines suggest then a ‘don’t listen to this bloke type statement could arise around his work with a notice stating this bloke often says things which never are a correct fact but more pure speculation so please don’t take the drawer-in clickbait of a headline pull you in – and sure I could’ve used any number of people to explain what so many do, and its no real reflexion on Russell’s work as I personally find he’s often closer to focusing on should be ‘known’ truths of how the World actually operates than a lot of people give him credit for – behind the maniacal laughing he I believe IS trying to switch you on to a section of what actually goes-on – sure, he’ll never change the World but he will point-out stuff we should at least be aware about.

As said clickbait headlines are everywhere and I often end my computing with a good old honest train video where there can’t be any corruption as rails only go from A to B and beyond and what happens is what we should expect to happen and be ok with in RAILWAY LAND, which cannot be said for so much that has an agendared motive behind it or should I say motivating it – I suggest you probably do as I do in 2024 flick through the videos and mentally note where or from what motivation they will be coming from and do a quick yes/no evaluation of whether you can put-up with that agenda in someone’s work or not, I have a and always have had a very serious bullshit detector and my tolerance of crap is minimal and this above-all is what’ll kill-off watching someone else’s work more than anything, I am just letting you into where the future of video watching is going to go.

I really wanted to add some positivity into this post by saying where we SHOULD AIM OUR FUTURES TOWARDS, but I always find it easier to focus on that that brings us down and away from being HUMAN more than boosting us up and giving us things to aspire to and look forward to, but I will try my hardest to list 10 matters of importance that may well keep us on the road of continuing to be human, but as I’ve already given alternatives to ‘robotic-lifestyle’ in the other ‘parts’ I may find it hard to find another 10, but I’ll not know unless I try, will I? no, bob you won’t.

10 ways to counter NON-HUMANISM

1: They tell you to do everything through ‘app’ today – if that isn’t going to keep you tied to your computer and phone 24/7 then I don’t know what will – slowly we are being pushed-out of doing things the older ways and look at stamp prices, that’ll stop you sending a letter, won’t it.

Is there an answer to countering this? I’d suggest you tell anyone who wants you on that digital-path that you are a DIGITAL DUNCE whether that is true or not and throw as many spanners in their works as you can, they’ve tightened-up on so much in the digital-sphere that soon you can legitimately say you were frozen-out of the system by the system itself and it’ll backfire on them when those numbers grow, as they will grow, as its only by compliant-usage and uptake/update that anything flourishes, just keep saying NO, NOT in MY WORLD you don’t pal.

Note: a time will arise when we can use their digital-world against them, but only you will know when and what with and how.

2: Seeing that we’ve been given so many ‘statutes’ and laws and regulations in the past few years I think we should introduce a world-wide ‘right’ which is also a law’ to be adopted by every country on earth, that it’s the Individuals right [now a Law] that if they disagree with a ruling made, that sees a mandatory-impulse to come-in and affect their life and others lives too, that they are in no way to be hounded to obey any mandatory-mandate [such as a health mandate] which any authorities [world-wide or country] wish to impose on them, and hence will not be looked-down upon by such and neither will they be abused for holding to ‘what’ [their own personal ideas about something or anything is]. Indeed, it should be a rights of man issue to choose whether you want the healthcare offered to you for any supposed thing ‘abroad/around’.

I could’ve worded that better, but essentially it means no collective mandate ever has any precedence over that which an individual by their own convictions wishes to follow, no matter what happens in the wider sphere of life and living.

And later if any exceptions are found to be added to this right, and it is found to have no infraction into/on an individual’s liberty, then live and let live has to be the order of the day.

This single ‘right’ refers to a man’s [humans] singular-need and applies only to itself [this right] to itself – so, its seen as a kind of standalone ‘right’, connected to no other than itself, meaning it can’t be brought-down by the failing of another connected law or right.

3: infringements: in these days of openness it is easy to see a future where people step-over the line on what they believe has been or what actually has been granted to them as acceptable human behaviours, soon certain people will want ‘all their desires perverse or otherwise’ looked into, to be seen as given the chance to be-come into reality – so many porn-monsters ‘see nothing wrong with fucking in the streets or anywhere’, but it’ll infringe on someone’s sensibilities, and believe me I don’t want a world where the so-called liberty of ‘some’ comes at the expense of the mental-health of others, but our current openness is headed that way and the legislation of anything weird and bizarre is on the rise, [and the Woke will jump-on board too, giving some weird reason why to promote it] so, I say ‘if you get behind any law it has to be ‘that of not having things like your peace and safety and disturbance disturbed or played-about with’ – for if those characteristics of life went [gone] we’d see a whole ‘nother world emerge [a bit like back to the future two] I think it was when the future was stolen and on another timeline and needed to be brought-back, simply for what was lost!

It may not be the timeline that is our worry though as it’s the ‘jackers’ those that await tearing-down and apart hundreds, nay thousands years of built-up life in a certain way, all to see a new world come-in – I am an anarchist in many ways – but I never advocated for a wholesale tearing-down, and neither should you really, as surely having seen how the woke lot build-back in such God-awful ways surely suggest they have a very simple approach of ‘oh, this’ll do, if and when its near-enough to ‘doing’ so long as it replaces and brings in the new and different. I always said we’d see a bringing-back in of the ‘old trust-worthy’s of life, if only because even a pale-replacement would be seen as nowhere good enough, and the whole scheme of new and different will have to have some of the old.


Infringements matter, but current LIBER-TARDS get thrills and excitement from willingly messing with the stuff that works in life and trying to bring-in craziness and our peace gained didn’t suddenly arise over days or years, no, its taken centuries to evolve, so I say THINK HARD ON WHAT YOU MAY BE LOSING.

Put measures in place so you don’t have to fight for the return of PEACE later, and convince yourself of this ‘importance’ to not just ‘you’ but to all those that value what some see as just old-fashioned neighbourly silence but is in fact much more a non-verbal collective agreement, not to be a ‘dick’.

As if you looked a little more closely ‘how things work’ you’d spot an order that can be ripped-apart; but the real question here is; ‘do we want to restore so much more than we are simply coming to live with? I suggest yes, we do, but we’ve all got to discover that ‘separately’. Sure, it seems like an ever-failing cycle of no wins and lunacy at present – but the key is to unlock from the past what we want back, and as soon as that is done – some serenity and peaceful co-existent will return – but to not ‘do so’? I suggest it’ll be GROUNHOG YEAR [2024]??? Rather than groundhog-day.

Part [2] of part nine follows after its finished, and it’s a way-off finishing yet.

How to be human; part 10 – non-human & the future, 1

March 3, 2024

First a quick explanatory note: I am yet to publish part 9, so publishing the first part of part 10 seems strange, but as it was finished first and the parts aren’t concurrent [although saying that, in part 10 I do focus on the future[s] of the previous nine parts, so, it’ll be odd to read what I think of part 9’s future without having read part 9 yet, still, you’ll catch-up later.

We begin this first five thousand words of part 10 with another load to still come, enjoy!

A very large slice of the future of/for humanity, if not almost the whole known thing! That is what is written below. Still, its only how I see it! When does prediction become reality? Don’t ask me I don’t much know! Its probably more how far can you see? as far as the ultimate failure of most of the things of today and some of the imagined for the next day or future, we can all play in that game or failure.

10 000 odd words long as of 29 02 24, so take a deep breath and begin reading. It’s the last I’ll be writing for a while, certainly on social matters!

The future of being human and humanity: as we’ve seen in the previous-parts, it is its coalescesing around many factors, that will and is shaping-up to be our future, whether full-on or a mere-shadow of that which was once intended but never took-off in that then form.

I stand by those nine areas I’ve spoken about so far as to the future prominence in life and living, all be it in more ways than I have just spoken-about in the 9 parts culminating in late February and early March of 2024.

Here in part 10 I delve into the future of those nine parts as I see it.

And sadly in many ways it’s the differences noted to the non-human ways ‘affecting us all’ that ‘show us’ or ‘will show us’ what has to be done to remain as human – meaning we look and see the new introductory ways being introduced by life and living creatures, and surely other darker forces too, what I myself see as the no-human part of these things, whether that is by non-human people or by non-human things like tech and certainly non-human AI as AI isn’t meant to be human, which is strange when you consider its made and data-rized by humans from human materials like our histories and such like, and WE MUST LOOK AT THE WHOLE DAMNED-THING and see that ‘it’ in so many ways doesn’t conform to the usual human standards, and ways of being and we thus will ‘bulk’ at so much of it and say that isn’t really human in ‘way or behaviour’ and then see ourselves apart from it and then try to put ourselves apart from it, and in so many ways not wanting it or to even see it as our collective future. Basically I am trying to warn everyone of the losses we’ll encounter if we go-into what at present is simply a fanciful-future, based more on the dreams and fantasies and what if’s far more than our usual standardized practices of but a few years ago – I see them sailing-away down a river that all they really know is it’s a river and not much else and they’ll try to embellish it with landmarks and the like, but its or they were just imaginings of their diseased-brains and we need grounding but they want a ‘if we can make it World to live-in, but all I see so far is they can’t make their world magically appear as much as they’d like to – I say retain your human-ness as its good to have something to fall-back on when their shitty alternative goes tits-up, as it will.

And I have for years now been left feeling ‘that’ we have little alternative but to make a LIFE outside and away from that ‘which cannot help bring those opposed to it mentally-down and the supporters of its ways left with a disappointed mental depression, when what they went for are shown to castles of sand and will disappear back onto the beach and be just sand once more. I haven’t spent hours writing how to keep-away from the hype and utter bollocks to then follow a/their folly, no, I believe in this so much, I devoted my time! But I know things move so fast nowadays and a lot of what I post soon will already be dealt with or in some conclusion of mind even before it goes to publication, but I don’t mind that, as it’s the further/future parts that I really want to have resonance with yourself.

In many ways what we have been fighting against for years is an expansion of their new vision – ‘that’ they wish to and want to implement and we’ve taken a good look at it since the ‘push’ and for various reasons have said No, no again and thrice no! It is indeed thought-up and carried-on through with a rather ungodly-design and we are finding ways of tapping-into our spirituality and saying we have found, and are finding better ways ‘ahead’. THE REJECTION IS YET TO HIT CRITICAL MASS but it will soon enough. When people stop buying their tech, that’s when we’ll know, even if it is not ‘knowing’ to the fullest extent, to perhaps that we should know.

Examples of what to avoid like the/a plague is/are the development of things which I am seeing many of now, a good but rarely noticed [for what it is] example follows.

I watch youtubers failing badly in their dismissal of the full-truths said by others – I mean I hear even half-decent arguments for why something should be, and as such when I can listen carefully enough and hear a pretty well-reasoned argument BUT a Youtuber ‘commentator’ can’t find anything of sense in what was said by another – I sense one person may be deliberately interpreting another’s work in such a way where the denial of ANY truths that are within and that ‘work’ are still dismissed, working as a form of censorship and not allowing ‘the truth of or from any person to gain a foothold on the or their subject, [its full of dirty-tricks, not allowing even a smidgeon of someone else’s truth to shine through if you’ve set-up a channel that promotes a different way of looking at stuff]; and sure we know so much of what is said by people is utter bollocks but to deny them [that they] are making good points when they actually get around to doing so is unfair and wrong – if only because ‘however are they going to get to the or their truths’ if and when they are being denied that – ‘WELL DONE YOU’VE [FINALLY GOT IT] MOMENT FROM ANOTHER’ NO, THAT’S A COMMON DECENCY WE HAVE TO AFFORD TO EVEN THOSE THAT ARE PLAINLY WRONG 99 PERCENT OF THE TIME, IF NOT WE’LL NEVER MOVE-ON WITH ANYTHING’.

Anyway, to the meat of this post now: Do I see any future on any of the 9 subjects I have looked at? Yeah sure, all of the subjects WILL have a future of some sort, but I’m far more concerned with how I see its future from what I see as its state-of-play in 2024.

I will go through them one-by-one. This will take a while, but that’s knowledge for you, full-intention and full-explanation from me, when I feel it matters to do so, I’m long-winded, but it has to be done in this way, as short explanations often leave you ‘wondering’ and I want you to be left in no doubt.

I started with ‘what it is to be human’ – I am going to use that hackneyed cliché of the late 20th century and say we must ‘reclaim’ our humanity – then simply say ‘not’ reclaim it in the known sense as all we really need do is ‘continue’ to be as human as is humanely possible, as ‘be under no doubts or illusions’ much is coming into the World ‘soon enough, if its not already here’ that wants to see us humans mirror the tech and thus become the tech/AI-human beings so we lose our shape as humans ‘currently-known’ and merge, [and a lot more besides], whereas I say there is little or no real need for that – and yes, tech can aid humans and humanity, but that whole turning us into robots or robotically enhanced humans is crap when you see that AI is destined for being or becoming ‘robots’, so ask yourself ‘why the hell should we join it or in with it’? [isn’t one set of robots enough], the AI, so, why should we suffer the same inhumanity too? No real reason as I see it!

I like being a human-being and I think its generally a great experience, and being creative is a real buzz and I personally don’t want to lose it, or even see it lost for the greater humanity.

Note: you know we’re ALL [real alternative commentators] onto something when we all talk about the same thing and in ways that suggest we’ve all reached the similar or same conclusions, I say that is a natural common merging that isn’t forced but more so, perhaps the only end-point or ending on a subject that we ever could’ve got to by ourselves, example, oh, you see it like that too, one human says to another, it shows a greater-plan that’s coming together, so its hardly that surprising that we have also got to the AI stage too, but I say we quickly need to get beyond the AI stage too, why? Its simply a symbol of or for our future dreams and in reality [and perhaps that’s why its got retarded development, [meant literally, as its development is being held-back, is simply because its really a great big nothing [this AI] and that’s why its promise excites far more than its actual presence really ever will, as its said only ‘geeks’ get-off on this and a future-world of geeks that’s even more of an unlikelihood, as no-one really wants to live in a World where you bore each other to death, do they? I know I don’t wanna live like that.

I say the only possible explanation why we would be this, or going through this [put through this], is we would be training the AI to take-over from us [willingly/unlikely and unknowingly/more possibly – but someone or something is shaping the future in ways like this, and I find it hard to believe it would be our creator God]. I think the darkness comes from our unwitten-ness in not even really knowing what our participation in stuff is there for or meant to achieve – a better life for us all, is supposedly all we need to know – but that says little to me!

I say that ‘so much’ unnecessary-stuff is our potential-future and our only real counter-action is to keep a very close eye on their proposals and shut-them-down as soon as is possible when we spot future doings that in the long-run won’t benefit us at all or even minimally; all these entrepreneurs see is an open-road ahead and I have yet seen from them any forward thinking of/about the full possibilities of their workings/doings – which when you think about it is totally where it is needed. I say they are just as myopic as we are closed-down to the non-potentials.

You don’t throw an animal with very sharp-teeth into a domestic-pen and not even consider the blood-shed – and with a’no forethought for the future possibilities, [other than that which they partly foresee], so, it’s us that are going to have to reign-in their stupidities and deny and take from their already limited-pool and make damn sure that their craziness doesn’t affect the whole gene-pool with what is called ‘woke’ nonsense but is still far from awakened to the effects their crap-ideas have on all who live.

I see ‘how to be human’ as a future mantra to remind yourself of where we were before all this started, as we mustn’t get to forget just because ‘all this current crap’ is there to stop us remembering that below the surface runs a counter-operation and counter-narrative that is the real us.

What it is to be human is to first see what and who we are and how we got to be like that and for God’s sake not allow anyone to throw that away for us – and as it chips-away at our future – the ‘ever replacement model’ is just a cheap-way of saying we want YOU to give-up on certain parts of being human coming-in-with or on the back of a short-sightedness to what may well come in handy one day again; being blindsided all based on basically one or two words ‘BETTER FUTURE’!

I say if the future is better ‘why do people really talk of the good old days’! every present day we’ve ever lived through has been our future[s] and its time we openly admitted that yeah, that happened, the future was better than our pasts – no, I’m being sarcastic-there; in fact when you think about it generally how can older people have a better future if and when they’ve done most of what is called LIFES EXPERIENCES in their earlier years, you can’t go back and experience the thing you did forty years-ago in the same way, and to better it? I say best just forget it/that.

I personally believe as a humanity we’ve been told we’ve shot for the moon and sped-out to the edges of our solar-system and beyond in what we yearn for and it is that that is or has killed our lives and we must pull-in on so many fronts, but sadly when we were asked to kill-off certain lifestyle choices and we were/are given little check or reasonable balance in them by the ‘orderers/authorities’ then any future will always seem a lot darker than it needs be – so we find ourselves at the stage of individuals striving to make their own part of life and their living separate and great whilst the main engine of society fails, but it’s the only real choice we have been given at present by the wider world – but it brings the rather inevitable stories and ‘lines’ along with it – and it will bring a selfish-type society firstly then the recognition we can’t carry-on like this – then the fading-away of self-built systems as in the end no matter what we do LIFE IS ORDERED AND WANTS TO PROCEED ALONG CERTAIN LINES NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES IT IS CEEDED TO AND REGAINED and that means as much as any individuals or groupings wish to veer-off to some alternative, LIFES-SYSTEMS are always re-ordering LIFE for us all, so, authoritarian minds like Soros – Gates – Schwab still have to contend with the more cosmic-ordering of ‘powers-of-ordering’ that want a settled-way of doing things – and that means fluidity is simple the stage before fixity and it could be said all we are ever playing in and with is the fluid as its much harder to play with the fixed, near impossible I’d say. But the cosmic ordering is still only WHATEVER HAS TO BE IN THE WORLD and will far outweigh and oversee anything the authoritarian mindset/virus can shove onto humanity – perhaps we should join-us to cosmic-ordering to defeat the fuck-heads like those just mentioned.

So, fear not, as we might be fighting each other but a third force comes-in and says and does it their or its way. But be aware we still need to ‘contend’ [between light and dark forces] in order that the third comes in and says NO, THIS IS ACTUALLY WHAT IS TO BE DONE!

I then went on to Ignorance: well hopefully people should see there is little advantage in being wilfully ignorant… [perhaps only criminals are the ones that apparently don’t know anything and hope to benefit from it]… if only it can be easily seen through by others as a ploy to hide something and it really doesn’t matter ‘what that is’ as it’s the seen untrustworthy-ness that will show you for ‘what you are’ in the most general-terms.

Ignorance is one of the ‘forced to be’ elements in society – media operations often force you to be as ignorant as the content they put out – but rarely do we watch the news and the surrounding spiel nowadays with the intent and the expectation of hearing in the narrative from the presenters any enlightening information from them – no, I think the general public is on a par with the television and media and may even be ‘one-up’ in the sense that we know it rarely informs anymore and to get anything from it most humans have to really lower their expectations – no, IGNORANCE really is a forced condition and its generally only from our bulking of being kept uninformed that we navigate to our internal tropes of ‘this can’t be’ and ‘I know that isn’t so’ or isn’t fully as portrayed’ and ‘there is far more to this’ and thus we step-out and away from Ignorance sold to us as a solid-gold reaction of being brought-down to a very much an ignorant state, and I really don’t see that changing very soon – which isn’t so bad when it gives you a firm ability and reckoning to come out of the forced ignorance beholden unto you – so, ‘hid under a bushel’ our intelligence grows out of being dumbed-down.

Do I have anything more to say about Ignorance?

Well, only one thing, if they continue to pump it out [and they will] in the way they do, then it will matter if we take it for too long, as it’ll seep into the national conscious and we’ll soon start to believe we are thick and stupid, so go-on people ‘do at least one smart thing today’ and keep your toe in [as its said] in the real reality, as the ignorance-spielers only do ’their thing’ on any subjects until exhaustion of a subject comes and it turns around again, [it comes-out of the ignorance-chain as its been done to death to then find it still has a chance of survival as it should’ve been all along.

So, maybe as a societal thing INTELLIGENCE may be back in vogue one day – but I suppose the most ignorant thing is even believing in societal influence over personal-takes, as, as a thing ‘that’ influence has more general influence over our life, I think! [personal over societal].

Aren’t most of the things we reject coming from or are bracketed-in the larger societal range like being swayed by advertising, and having your mind supposedly made up for you because you fit in some demographic or something when if you believe that and don’t believe you have the ability to change at any point, then they’ve really made you the third part of this point ‘we talk to you like you’re thick’ and you don’t even rebut-it in your own heads and say to yourselves this isn’t me or isn’t us – no, to go along with being told you are something is the greatest ignorance of all – for Christ’s sake ‘they don’t even know you’ in any significant way, do they? no, they fuckin don’t – as people’s choices often don’t in any way reflect all their in-built natural intricacies – but they’d never tell you that, or that they know less than you suspect and they’d never admit to knowing less about you than you might imagine they do, or ever could do. As Media is a lot less reflexive of who and what you are than they ever give you the chance to get away from when tuning-in to a ‘vision of us’ they give back to us. I say the moment we tell them this is the moment their false narratives of our lives fall; yes, we ourselves should be the media, as its only ourselves who know ourselves – NOT THESE CREEPY MIDDLE-MEN AND WOMEN.

Moving on to the future of my part three – convincement – now…

…  the only real future is to be convinced!

but of what? that going back to human and ditching non-human ways – is the way OUR WAY and we must ‘spot’ and therefore correct ourselves away from the wrong paths – I’m all up for that – otherwise we stay as we are enslaved to be, so much that isn’t really us at a core-level – no these end days are here to literally end so much of the non-sense we’ve possibly somewhat bought-into or have been made to buy into – we simply have to let them know ‘it’s a big fat NO from us’, no fanfare, we’re simply convinced or we have convinced ourselves that enough is enough on so many things that they cease to be for us, [in our wastelands we know what we have, although ‘little’ we have is usually for a good reason], and it is something ‘the convincement’ that we are on the right path or paths ‘with’ and that can only come from ourselves, after-all what is a ‘loss’ really if and when it was doing you harm and hindering you from your truer future, and so, keep-on convincing yourself time after time that what you are doing is what is right for yourself and also humanity and one day you’ll start to believe what you’ve had an inkling about all the time – FIGHT BACKS DO COME IN ALL SHAPES AND FORMS and convincing yourself of or about doing something about the crap is one of them, its ‘that’ or live as you currently are, a mere shadow of yourself!

AM I CONVINCED THAT ANYTHING I SAY OR HAVE SAID IS MAKING OR IS GOING TO MAKE A BIT OF DIFFERENCE? No, I generally don’t wish to look at my writings that way – I more see them as adding to the collected-force of similars that tips the balance [eventually] by combining with the forces that others have contributed, and I rarely see anyone else doing work/writings exactly as I do, but it is catching-on somewhat as I have read a few in-depth pieces along the same lines.

I am convinced no matter how we all ‘do it’ or proceed some souls amongst us are far more suited to short-form ‘telling’ or a mixture of talking in-depth one moment and then something slightly more off-the-cuff or an eight-ball shot, personally I don’t want to see that as mattering [the form of your work] as to me none of them is superior to the other ways and its more the ‘fight’ [fought] than the instruments used every time for me.

But I will say this: I am getting less convinced by a lot of people’s arguments and am definitely seeing that the motivations by ‘having a fight’ against it all, is sometimes not much more than you are a fighty type of guy or gal and the actual issues are secondary – still its quite clear who the more ‘well-rounded’ packages are and who the fakes are – not even that matters much today, as the call to arms often brings in the unlikeliest of characters, I personally know it’s the killing of in in the ‘penmanship’ I am far more suited to – and the less said of me on any other battlefield the better as far as I am concerned.

In part four I talked about sex – and I suppose the glib answer to the future of sex is simple ‘we must have one, a sex-life that is’. I’d say that beyond reproduction – which must also remain as the ‘key’ haver in having a sex-life, the enjoyable part of sex isn’t a single thing – i.e. let’s find some enjoyment and pleasure in this thing called sex, no, the enjoyment and pleasure surely comes out of doing many, many things to bring-on and out the pleasure and enjoyment from all that is done inside your head and then the bedroom or wherever.

I am so convinced of this NATURAL WITH NATURAL that I see the whole transgender thing as a prime example of people [humans] ever looking for variation in the physical-form to get their kicks from and sexual combinations, to get themselves off in more widening-ways, [simply the transgenders are coming across as all other people but ourselves have lost that sexual urge to be creative in sexual play, so, we are the total way forward, sadly sexual-experimentation hadn’t died-out completely no it may have lulled somewhat – but the trans-lot roared in as if sexual-life was solely in their hands now and everything was old hat, when they’d have been far better off knowing a lot more about sexual-histories to begin with, instead of playing the big I AM card, where ego and identity are taking-over the sex world and inadequacies and abuses are trying to be lost and regained in another way by those now open to changing the reality of a bad straight-world may’ve played-on-their minds, when just like it should’ve been dealt with in other ways it transmuted the whole-person to escape the traumas and that really is just as abusive to try and make people believe that it can change your life and escape shit by body changing, again a much wider societal-problem like sex abuse and the like has made many people see or consider transgenderism as the way out and forward when it clearly isn’t in so much as if abusive lives were dealt with as should be happening, that solves a lot of the real issues behind trans-life], as sex is a place where you literally are at the mercy of your imagination – although many might say the transgender lot are killing-off sex as the boundaries of a male unit and a female unit, and the whole thing is becoming far too blurred! and I say this, if you know what you are Male/Female or some kind of combination of both and are happy with it and perform successfully from being it and don’t interfere with what someone else wants to be then fair enough, but I have a feeling that in the future people will not leave others sexuality alone.

Years-ago I may have said I see transgenderism as a threat to humanity, now I say if they don’t step-over the line and try to enforce their sexual proclivities on others by law and statue then that’s fine, but if they ever set-out to turn all people ‘different’ from what they want to be, then just remind them of how they were first viewed themselves. I personally think in 30 or 50 or 100 years-time there won’t be so much transgenderism simply it will have peaked as an interest and there would have been so much debate and fight-back that it will simply be seen as an option to be and hardly considered much more than reshaping what you believe our physical creator got wrong with you – whether that is or was actually true or not [our creation] or just how you perceive it to be for you, and aren’t we at the beginning of that already.

There’s little need but somewhat more of an apparent want to move-on from the sexuality we’ve always known, I say its probably the ‘bored with our old toys, when essentially there’s little wrong with them syndrome’ and along came someone or something that said it can be more, and any perceived defect in’ a person latches-on to remedy something in supposedly a way that nothing else could remedy and that’s its current play.

Note: I guess a piece of flesh on a human body pretty much tastes the same to the recipient whether they are a natural man or women or an identifying man or women – ask two people to taste the dick/cock/penis of a third and I’d suggest strongly no matter who the suckers/tasters are in their own minds the cock tastes the same, almost making a mockery of what SEX should be about ‘meaning’ the identities of the receivers are insignificant in the whole act and can and should play no part – I personally foresee a time where if you and your sexual partner want to role-play and even if you could get called-up for what you are doing ‘twisting’ about with identity and gender – its still your own mind-fucking with these things you will have to live with, as you chose to go through them in the way you did! And thin on this too; if you DIDN’T have a standardized set of norms when it came to the body, then what are you going to be able to resist and turn against, no, gender and sexual identification is nothing more than a GAME we can adopt to play, and its trans-madness’s of today will only help re-enforce the definitively ‘one way or the other’ sexuality of the future, it will bring-on not much more than the question ‘are you conventional in being simply the sexuality you match with being either born male or female or will you class yourself in being in the un-conventional grouping? which is fine in both cases, all we are heading for is those who already happy enough with who and what they are and another load of fluid people who may change with the wind almost every time something new or different flies-into their window – or am I just saying far more people want to remain sexually youthful and chop and change as they see fit, yes, I think I am.  

I sincerely hope and wish for the following, that those who think they are pushing the bounds of sexuality quieten-down and stop harping-on in ways that frankly would turn-off the most ardent supporters let alone those who might give a half-listening ear to what was said by them, but a lot of wokery and bad trans stuff really is just people pushing at the limits of wanting something different in place of what is known to have worked in the past and thus treat it all as a game and I reckon the split will come along the lines of ‘we don’t want to listen to you lot anymore, whether you’ve got any good points to make or not’ and its your own fault for acting like dicks/pricks and cunts.

No, I really see that as a finisher of the whole matter when you just know how humans are, and how they interact with each other – often giving the other-side no chance at all of succeeding in any way, and that just be between a male and female pairing, let alone who or what you may consider hooking-up with in the future.

Me being honest now, if ever anything needs killing-off in the mental-sphere it’s the leakage of trans-stuff into the World beyond the trans-people themselves, I say this, just keep it to yourselves and do us all a big favour. Need I say more – you involved us in your lives, you understand?

But biological sex is far more important than we currently realise and no woke agenda of thinking about doing it another way is going to change the stark reality of that, and besides why would they ditch the mechanism of being born into this ‘prison-reality’ when it has worked so well for thousands of years, meaning ‘cock in vagina, semen fertilization egg growth and a fairly painful squeezing of a living body from the carrier – ALL FOR THE SAKE OF DOING SOMETHING IN A NEW WAY? I think not!

Jumping at shadows!

March 2, 2024

As I write parts nine and ten of my series ‘how to be/remain human’ it dawns on me just how much of the past few years has been ‘jumping at shadows’.

The concept is very old indeed, for humankind and when we were younger ourselves: out of no real spite or malice but more so for a laugh and a giggle I dare say few children have escaped their parents attempt at ‘wit’ and ‘diversion’ – sure, all it really gave us kids was a some suspected goof aimed at us that we could dismiss later-on [but which child has the support to confide in another that he or she knows they are being ‘had on’ – its maybe not until we mix with our peer-groupings in our teens that ‘all the jokes tried and played-out on each other’ disappear for whatever reason we make a crucial decision ‘will we perpetrate the same deceptions that were once done to us, as fairly harmless giggles on our own small-ones or will we decide that we needn’t inflict anything of this sort on anybody anymore – so, if you see it as really harmless fun that passes time and ultimately gives a life lesson to the young and once done, should be enough to get the message through then that’s your choice, but if you yourself couldn’t deal with the hoops in front of you and behind too, and never fully ‘got’ that its done and meant to be seen for the laugh and lesson it is and not much more beyond then ‘you’ve been caught’ and your capture now keeps you enslaved to what really is a nothing much!

Now look at the wider implications – when humans do this to each other in order to be somewhat cruel to teach a lesson to another, imagine the psychotic-madness’s done to people who by their gullibility to not see the joke in turn are ripe and ripe again for the next exploitation of what should be a fun experience but is in all seriousness used as a control-mechanism for those that never learnt or laughed when the stakes were much lesser or non-existent.

Go-on and free yourself somewhat by exploring how you ‘jumped at the shadows created for you to jump at, and know it was better to have jumped and learnt, than to have not jumped at all and thus learnt nothing!

I may be repeating a lot of what I’ve said previously within the series’ parts but by doing so, I believe I’ve come-up with many ‘outs and alternatives’ for future living and being – the future seemed certain to go that way until someone looked into it going another or other ways and that was his and a wider-populations way-out and beyond any thing planned by just going-on the seemingly inevitable.

That’s how I see what is written in part 9 and 10 coming soon, certainly not today, just hold yer horses, ok!

P.S. you ask any PHD student how long it takes to write 10 000 words on something and then look at me I’ve done twice that – and that’s ontop of the other eight parts, so, don’t mourn what you are missing as its far-more better to be delighted when it finally does drop!

Just continue with whatever interests yourself in the mean-time, my writings are a one-off and they SPUR, SPUR, SPUR other people-on I know that, but its all coming together, its far harder on me than you, so just be thankful I haven’t given-up on them entirely.

OK, back to the darkness from whence I came, oh sorry no, if you knew how it really was for me, I know you’d be very surprised, and I have stories about me and my life you’ll perhaps never know the or my internal workings to! But that suits me just fine!

How to be human; part 8 – proof and consent

February 23, 2024

There’s more coming in part 10 about the biggest thing to have happened in the past few years that worked-on faith more than proof, but that’s a story we’ve either knocked-on-the-head from the outstart or it didn’t add-up as it went along and the lack of proof in its identification as even existing in the form they suggested it was, was only a near approximation and as such you’d be forgiven for very much making your own facts and proofs up about it, even if coming totally to no solid verifiability in the end you are free to see it as a medical hoax or even something which was far lesser than said to be – but the conclusion remains the same – there was and never will be any proof that it was what it was said to be, and if they’d just admit it wasn’t much more than a hyped-up flu and the dodginess of certain people and organisations to make a mountain out of a mole hill, [as so much of what wokery affects it tries to re-label and therefore tries to re-invent the usual into something that is then to be tackled differently, when in fact at its core it’s the same thing, it just needed rebranding so the public felt and were convinced we were dealing with something new and different, the jam of old couldn’t be called anything but jam in the new woke-world.

In fact WOKERY is the proof if any was needed that a new-look at something is more what we are troublie dealing with ALL because supposedly the World needed a whole new way of describing things as something that is flu but called something seemingly far more threating SELLS in so many more ways than just dealing with the flu, which although uncured or uncurable needed a kick-up the arse by rebranding to get it sold – and that’s essentially what woke is on so many applied things – but we’re seeing right through that ploy and that’s what kills off their profit margins – THE WORDS OF THE REAL PROPHETS – and have you ever thought that the dividing lines between those with cash and resource and the rest of us were gone, by them not making profits ‘what kind of shedding of the cloak’ would mean for society? We wouldn’t look-up nay look to them for any other reason than being a fellow human – that kind of incentive is what drives-us to keep ‘proving’ them wrong and let them also prove to us that they do get it wrong even with the force of collective agency between them.

Let’s get specific now. PROOF THEN CONSENT – some thoughts on it!

I am going to start with proof; I think what has been proven in the past few years [beyond doubt] is the human ability to strive and survive on basic technology, I know that I do that – so, what is a computer key-pad and screen but a glorified pen and paper of old, and some of us still use pen and paper, indeed at its most basic-level what makes us human isn’t the new tech coming-in as it does but the ability to form networks in the most simplistic ways and manners, and to get our messages across to each other in terms of simplicity and in not over-complicated ways – we simply don’t need or even want brain enhancements and connected to the cloud and networks in space above our heads beaming down yet another field of connectiveness that shields us from being human – I even heard on the radio that the human brain is the most ‘undiscovered country’ and I agree, but I far from see neura-link and other frankensteinish ways of poking about with our brains as ultimately giving us any proof of its abilities – no, we’ve already established many ways of delving within – dream-work of seeing where we actually are going in our dreams and what feeds our dreams is a worthwhile avenue and drugs is another advancement area just waiting to be advanced into, and why we perceive as we do, and the energies and what they create from foods-impact is another, and I’m sure there are loads more – but all the FRANKO’S want to do is seemingly to kill-off what we already are by emptying our brains and bodies and introduce their version of INTROFUCKTION OF THE BRAIN REPLACERS – all for the sick-kick of simply seeing what may happen – which is sickening when as just said we already have established avenues that eventually can possibly tell us a whole lot more about OUR human experience – rather sadly they place more store on the small possibility of discovering something new [hence ready for exploitation] over anything that might help us with actual lived conditions and even the possible delights therein.

Proof if it was need that humanity ‘gets so far’ and its made to lose interest and told the new thing is over here and to forget where we got to, and even made to look upon ourselves and our lives as if its madness to go any further – when there’s little or no proof that the ‘direction of travel’ they wish to push us to has any more FUTURE in it than us persisting with what we know is somewhat maddening but a ‘small benefit in one area or another would go a long, long way over all humanity!

OUR FUTURES ARE BEING CLOSED-OFF OR CLOSED-DOWN in such frightening-manner/force that we have to stand-up and say that NO, there is validity in this and that and more NEW FUTURES come to a dead-end than not, so, work on the provable and ditch the new if and when you can look and see it really does little for HUMANITYS FUTURES – I say it’ll be proved beyond all saying that we will be bringing-back so much that WOKERY couldn’t bring-in a new or substituted way for in the next few years – and in one-stroke we’ll have proven why so much of the modern-thinking didn’t have a chance in hell of ever catching-on, and it wasn’t us the COUNTER-EER’S that did it, no, they tried themselves to prove a new/substituted way of living was possible and best but by trying it out they proved it couldn’t work! WAY TO GO FUCK-HEADS, BUT NOW YOU KNOW, what many of us saw all along, and hence never went with.

And then it’s of no benefit at all to us humans to be under the far too simplistic banner headline of letting it all [that said above, and more to be written, now following] to do the human thinking for us all – FUCK THAT! I SHUDDER AT THE VERY THOUGHT and so do many other humans – but as I said we’ve proved we can and do and would survive without such items in life.

By following I mean Neura-link and all that AI stuff is but a rich mans toys and perhaps best seen as the next stage of it – but to me it proves little ‘except maybe you need trillions of currency in order to waste trillions of currency, but more so you need human-dupes those unconvinced to stay the fuck-away from such stuff – maybe there is a sub-set of the human-race that are born with the unquestioning minds that say to themselves, no, its not until I am really fucked-up by something that I’ll then believe it can happen to me, and yes, I see many with that open-attitude of just waiting to be closed-down – proof enough that ‘some people will go with anything if you promise them it’ll be a fantastic-ride, yes, you will get so many ‘proofs’ of humankinds idiocy in all of our futures – the transgender mob who think they can improve on God’s creation of them by human surgeries are finding-out now that the human-body isn’t so easy to fuck about with and changing to the identity of the other gender isn’t as easy in the body as it is supposedly inside a persons mind, but they are slowly learning.

But beyond that I can only speak of what we can do based on what we have always done up to now – and the main reason I bulk at the ‘neural-link’ stuff as our future is not because I don’t want humans to progress naturally, as I do want that, I just don’t want humans turned into robots by internal and external connections – to me, that isn’t and shouldn’t be our collected-future, to me its plain wrong and completely takes us HUMANS out of being what we are born to be, and thus eventually who we are and who we are intended to be-come, no, if we can’t shape ourselves from our own determinations rather than have a ‘way’ thrust onto us by a/the determining of others then we might as well lay-down and be assimilated by whoever has the power and technology to do whatever they want with us – as that is what that tech is there for and building towards.

THE FRANKO’s as I call them – should put-down their doomsday devices and go walk-out into the Sun’s majesty and soak-up some simpleness, and learn that life proves its validity every day, even in a fake copy of the true reality we are all denied – and if I ‘joy’ at this reality imagine how elated I’d be and many others to if and when the ‘curtains fell’ all around and we discovered the hidden or as I see it the stripped-back reality, so, by all means stop the continuing connections connecting and if as many suppose our reality is built-upon a wasteland then that’s that, but if the curtains fell and a much clearer scheme appeared that was only connected to ourselves through our walking through it and then lost somewhat as we passed by, I know I’d soon get used to it and I dare say you’d get used to that loose and ungraded life that awaits for you to do as you wish with it.

A little more on proof:

But no, that is why we’ve got to prove it to ourselves, it is not for ourselves, [the ways of this life and much, much more] and that is going to be slightly difficult as its generally not the average human being that has ‘that’ particular means of production [and hence the ability to stop it within its grasp] nor has it the/a say in, to stop it from happening, as our default position is simply to stay as we are – meaning we’ll have to counter and prove a heck of a lot of stuff just to remain as we are. But remaining human as much as possible is a worthy goal, and not to be swayed from our course of essentially staying as we are is worthier still; we’re dealing with ideas and concepts mainly and which to adopt and which to ditch, but when it comes to ‘wholesale’ changes if its not anything but the force of accepted principles and points taking us to places we have no real problem being then far enough, but the weight of disgusts has an equal value in bringing-in our futures, we simply shouldn’t welcome-in ALL just because everybody on the plan-it is now speaking-up their truth[s] as they see it – someone please invent a ‘CRAZY-SHIT’ monitor as we all need one – I can foresee us getting so swamped by all of the new and different we hardly realise we’ve given-up on so much that makes life even just slightly beyond normal – for God’s sake our futures are being fucked with here, so take note.

And on the subject of proving stuff it has got to be in our awareness just what a tricky thing it is to do even on a very general way.

Settle for a ‘near as’, well, it might be as ‘close’ as you’ll ever get!


Note: not everything lost by humanity is done with good intention, no, if we spent even a third of the time we now spend on the supposedly new and different in bringing-back that ‘that’ still works as a concept and a use then we’d be doing the world a massive favour – I know its been part of my mission to do this and I believe and have even seen its successes, just contemplating what the world may’ve been like if I hadn’t put the effort in isn’t a thing I really want to contemplate, but I know what I’ve done and am happy with that – SALUT! If only to myself.

Consent now:

The greatest consent obviously is that its been given to you by God and the creation-machinery that you have LIFE and then your parents the egg of your mother and the sperm of your father consented by getting together to also give you life – but the third part of the trilogy is also once ALIVE yourself you yourself consented to keep-on living, and continually give your consent to do so.

LIFE IS FRAGILE and we perhaps don’t quite see all the fragilities as we never USUALLY are faced with ALL life threatening things in one go, although in certain cases a single bullet travelling towards your head or torso would be a ‘singular’ issue that could call your number as being-up, and there are many variations on this theme; I wonder sometimes as we travel-along lifes path and walking toward some fates, and dodging others if we don’t look-out we’ll do exceptionally well to avoid not just our own fates but the possibility of starting a chain or even half-starring in the fates of others lives – indeed to me I see that occurring in the political-world as almost a constant – and is our silence on matters a non-verbal form of consent that we go along with something ‘if and when’ we choose not to speak-up about it? I say as has been seen in the past few years – sometimes even the consensual part of living is made for you, or at least tried to be – MANDATORY THIS MANDATORY THAT they tried extremely hard to go down that line – nulling your personal consent, or trying to, and look where it got them, they might as well have gave us a hammer and said c’mon take a free shot at us and if and when you can connect other ‘fails’ of ours keep hitting away at us, and what people aren’t going to see that as the invite of the century, as essentially there’s little that can go wrong with that – a bully’s charter ‘if you like’ and given to us by the bullies themselves, see we ran with it and four years later continue to run with it, hardly asking ourselves ‘if’ it’s a good idea to do so? And why should we ask if we should continue as we are, as in the greatest sense the bullies allowing us to bully them has rather unwittingly turned us into them [but I say that was unavoidable, and shouldn’t really be considered as a main factor that much], sure, its important in some sense of ‘what if we had backed-down and given them a clear road/route ahead, what then? I say these types are the real locusts of the earthly populations and we by our involvance in the life they seek to set-up just add more ways for them to exploit, and being exploiters par excellence our consensual-attitudes of oh why not, what harm can it really do, sure, I was bored with life in general pre-2020 so, any introduction of new and different ways of doing LIFE can’t be all that bad can it?

Four years in, many are shouting in the ways I and many others shouted back then – phrases like ‘you’ll regret trying to change everything or as much as you can, and why try to fix that that wasn’t too badly broken’ and I am sure you yourselves can add many more phrases of a more personal reflection to when you joined LIFE’S JOURNEY AND YOUR RIDE ON IT AND PATHS too, as every individual-life speaks of or from its trials and tribulations as much as its joys and successes; no-one needs or wants to bring in consent to ‘speak your own truths’ as simply that mis-directs any thing that you may have wanted to say ‘off the cuff’ and quite naturally when there’s a director and direction made for you that you yourself didn’t create and isn’t purely your own natural way – God I never want to see a time where ANY PERSON needs to check-in with someone or something else that ‘gives you the go-ahead to do and be something or someone’ I cite the example of a child taking his out of mummy’s and saying/stating that NO, mum I am old enough and wise enough to gain my independence from you and the restrictive practice – to which any sensible adult in one way or the other verbal or non-verbal or in a roundabout way SAYS PROVE IT TO ME THEN!

What the growing-child has done is given themselves the consent to act as an individual unit and it’s a very very big part of becoming INDEPENDENT whilst knowing and relying on what you’ve learnt now informs your actions – you are probably as FREE at that moment than at any other time in your life – but more so its that pass-key to what CONSENSUAL BEHAVIOUR means to yourself and those you meet in life’s journey that informs so much of what you then are – be a man/woman/human and start to see that LIVING is based on a form of consensuality that if not there ‘daily’ and if not having been learnt the power of its giving-ness at an early stage in our lives and the power it gives everyone then this old world would be a far, far darker place because in-built boundaries of what feels right for me is usually what feels right for another, and above-all we don’t usually need to talk about it, as its simply knowing there’s an unseen thread working through all of our lives that connects us all through but one common-theme or thread.

So, those that fuck-with consent are really the lowest of the low, but you’ll have your own ideas of who these types are, and at base they are the liars, deniers, the false and the fake and those who care little to ride roughshod over many, many lives – and DEPRAVITY isn’t a word I use much but you consider when your own individual life has been ridden-over with no mind to whether you would’ve consented to be treated like that – and there you are HIT BY THE DEPRAVED – and all the depraved can do is spread their depravity and I never wrote a section on how to be a depraved human did I, as most humans bulk and sneer at depravity, there’s even a British newspaper which has spent its entire existence dealing in the depravity of the British people – and how did it know so much? Its sister-paper was exposed doing such things itself and the axe-fell on that because it was seen in a bad light to get its stories in the way it did.

So, don’t see CONSENT as just a word, no, look at all it is bound-up within and cannot easily be disentangled from, and how you can’t just give it away – as it’s a need to have and live with some form of it in your life, and when the force of popular demand closes country’s down you can be fairly sure the issue of consenting or giving the go ahead for/to something is at the heart of it somewhere. Its always far more important in stuff than we care to consider, and I say again LIFE just couldn’t operate without consent, in whatever forms it manifests.

Its way past bed-time on what has been allowed to progress on the next stages and I am truly disgusted at so many of the things the populations of this plan-it have brought-in [ but somehow you thin you know how bad it’ll be, but still it has to be brought-in and down for you to have clear-sight and admiration/abomination of stuff, depending on your point-of-view and whether you feel liberated by something or not, so that’s it really we can only deal with what is here after-all, and I decided long ago where my talents lay and the bounds of them and what I’d steer-well clear of – but so many threats never come to pass thankfully and you’d have to be morally-bankrupt or never to have developed any of them or the Israeli mind-set of not giving a toss so long as your own needs were met, to carry-on with a higher-purpose ahead and not see its still your past deeds that will have people choosing whether to trade and uphold your way of living, still, they’d have to get the whole World on their side and it may seem to happen in political-sphere but the people’s of this World in times of peace and war always tend to have a far wider perception and therefore intention of what they’d do to such people if and when the machinery of politics and governments weren’t there, after-all – have you ever tried to strip a person of their thoughts and feelings, we die of the sadness’s and the injustices done as a matter of course in time – so to try and strip us of such things – I say forget it – it’s the ultimate ‘hiding to nothing’ as so many have found-out over the years.

Well, that was a fairly big nothing much!

February 22, 2024

Not every astrological event comes as a big ‘something’ but it does come as ‘something’ we’ve just had ‘it’s a separating conjunction’ now [today] a Venus/Mars conjunction in the skies above, and I for one wasn’t going to be duped into thinking it was a sign of lovvy dovvy ness as although the Male and Female are what Mars and Venus is for or CAN represent the actual sign where the conjunction happens means if its in a fairly dud sign for love then the chances are it won’t reproduce much in the World, those born around January 28th or 29th [in any year] might’ve felt their personal floor-move but its unlikely unless you have a planet at 7 or 8 degrees of Aquarius it touched you much.

No, Aquarius isn’t known for much sexual passion as a generality and you’d probably have to mentally excite them to get them into playing ‘dip’ the sausage in the sauce or whatever euphemism you wish to use.

No, Aquarius is circulation and I myself have found my feet to have become very cold due to poor blood-flow and circulation and I have to link that also to the upcoming Sun Saturn conjunction in Pisces, the sign of the ‘feet’, and I reckon people have been having chilblains and the like, but my feet feel like they are on fire, but actually to touch are freezing cold, I invested in a hot water bottle, but its not shifted much, I reckon it’ll be when the Sun Saturn conjunction passes that I will finally get some relief, but it was or is the combo of all that force in the sign of good and bad circulation that for poor me means it painful to walk on what are basically cold slabs of meat [my feet].

Sometimes it doesn’t have to be a superior conjunction to f you up, no a confluence of combined minor forces can do just as well.

I am unlucky in that I used to inject illict drugs many many years ago and made a bad injection and it hasn’t shifted in years and I now simply am paying that price; but I am working on shifting the obstruction, but sometimes the consequences of former actions mean unforeseen things occur 20 years later you could’ve never imagined back then, so I finish with…

… oww, oww, oww, as an example of how I am walking today. There is a season, turn, turn, turn.

P.S. I am working-on parts 8, 9 and ten of my series, but it may be some time before they appear, as I want to do them justice. Just to let you know!

A Random!

February 21, 2024

I was an elephant who never chose to forget,

Now a may-fly, living for the day, the shadows lengthen.

You know what Nike said, I am doing it, or I have nearly

done it, for I feel my time has came and goes by the force

of its own motions, the swaying will stop one-day soon.

It takes its toll and the bell is ringing loud, deafening for

those that cannot help but hear.

When survival was the goal, you can party every moment,

there is no ultimate prize awaiting.

The pressure is off, be as thankful as you want, a pennitant

Is poor in comparison, we morn not our badness, we morn not

what we should’ve been, we morn for the whole showing!

Wake-up! I was only dozing ‘honest’! and then I supposedly

witnessed what I can only described as single-liners, those

who said I’ve woken-up, but the lines were no more after.

What holds you back? No, I am not asking myself, I am asking

You, you, you, you.

Where have or do you think you’ve got to? no, really, are you

any further-on, and where was your destination? the coat-tails

of a fun movement that died-off because people have a strict-

line destiny of things to follow in which a deviation is just that.

I see randomness as more than the spinning wheel of fated

attributes coming-around to interfere in our lives, more than

our left-overs coming-back offering us another go, we are

looking for the last crumbs in the bread-bin, seeing it as an

empty proposition to take things further, I always said it

returns or will return to normality at some point, the gravity

of any situation always pulls things down.

If we were to add-up our downs we might consider the future

is to be made of such! Is it though? Isn’t once experienced what

forms our futures and decides if we want another go on the

merry-go-round, how many times do you need to do the pointless

to hammer the pointlessness home?

They talk of the future as if it has not much to do with the present

or our pasts – what is it? an off-shoot, some mystical-land of make-

believe because it isn’t here yet – ‘cause when its here it can’t be

based on anything but our pasts so will look like our presents.

An unloved child gets smothered with presents from an usually

distant father on one visit once a year, is that how we want our

futures to be, waiting for that massive disappointment on one

day a year, no, I want a decent night’s rest after a successful-day

every day of the year.

The dust and dirt are building and its time to sweep it all aside,

A little here and a little done here daily is not enough, swathes

Is the way of today and I’ve swathed my way through.

I am going to enjoy retiring whilst people battle-on as I’ve already

fought my war, words upon words I have spoken and my messages

stand as a testimony of the general ignorance that people are yet

to go through themselves, I say ‘wake-up to yourself’ and if you

don’t like it look deeper its probably yourself you don’t like more

often than not and that survival leads right to your core.

Note: the spelling mistake of penninent is applying to a person doingpenance for their perceived badness’s, I simply can’t get my mind around the spelling of certain words, even when I know if I simply broke the word down from the stems and other words i know that are similar or the same word indifferent past/present/future states I’d get there probably, like penance so, peninant is fairly close.

I want free-expression by the exactitude of the meaning given by words – but when I cannot spell them it limits my expression in the exact way I saw it as needed to be expressed, even a slightly misused or replacement word shudders me to the core – as to me it loses all-around expression and that is a travesty most high, as trying to be and express who and what you are is the highest creative ideal set for human kind to achieve if you were to ask me, well, I told you anyway.

The train kept a rollin, and new shifts and staff keeps it a’rollin along, know what I mean? but its never the end yet!

I won’t look at them in their ‘eyes’ anymore!

February 18, 2024

Or to be more precise ‘I can’t look at their eyes’ when watching a video or news report, why?

I think its true that the eyes are the windows of the soul, so, not being able to look at creators of crap and liars of information must be because I sense that crap and lies coming-out of their souls and it harms me so very deeply that I am literally repelled by the badness they give off and out of who they are.

This isn’t a joke, no, I really cannot stomach or even face what comes-out of these people, I’ve become that sensitive to it, and maybe you’ve felt it too?

I now watch, but never watch the person, the eyes have it – no, the eyes have you, so, the message I suppose is don’t look at them as you’ll be drawn into their world, and remember their world is collective so you just aren’t incapable of looking at one person as in their world one person is every other person in that collective state!

How to be human; part 7 – social media

February 16, 2024

I would’ve liked to say that ‘I hate social media’ and perhaps even to an a-vengeance, but that’s not totally it, and gives the impression I am totally against it, but no, its not the form I dislike as I revel in what wordpress and others like it offers me to do [self-publish] in the main, what a great offering it is to be given that, no, I don’t take it for granted and thus try to respect its parameters set by the people I publish with as much as possible as I know there is no point abusing it if I want it to be around to use it, and I do want it around, and you’d probably say that about your weapon of choice in the sm field too, as it’s a battlefield out there [you can kind of understand why war becomes before peace – and God do people fight for their thing, but I see so much or many people representing stuff in a unbelievable way that the phrase of who made you KING OR QUEEN of something [and its so obvious an self-appointment], meaning its obvious you wouldn’t have been made spokesperson for anything if it went to a vote, still, people still like to have their say on matters – but here’s the rub – do you come away from blogs or videos and feel left with an emptiness of not having learnt anything and even learning through laughing is rarer these days – are you even entertained in any significant way? Did the advertisements or sponsorships put you off [from even watching] and perhaps most of all, did the content actually match-up to the tagline, indeed did you even know exactly ‘what’ you’d be watching, I’d say that so often the tagline/headline content is there in speech or debate as a puller-in and actually a good 80 percent of the video covers other stuff – NOW, THAT REALLY IS FALSE ADVERTISING in the truest sense. But my real gripe is simply I shouldn’t want to switch-off and not engage for the messenger-service and actually lay the blame at the creators door, I suppose we are lucky 2 or 3 year-olds don’t post videos as imagine an art class of them posting their crayoned creations, just be thankful for that; but much has to be realized in the growing fact that much comment is like 2 or 3 year-olds in the sense that if and when you know little about a subject you do come at it like someone that age, it can’t be helped, I try to tell my readers that I have little or no knowledge on something if I feel it to be relevant, as to me it makes a difference, I USUALLY DON’T BOTHER when its just a view or an opinion, if only because I like billions of others find that if we had to say its only a view or an opinion every time we wrote or spoke then there wouldn’t be much time for anything else, so, we don’t as it should be clear enough where we are coming from, indeed we add words like I am fairly expert or other explainers more often than not to show it doesn’t all come from general ignorance.

But what if you do love the message??? And many do; I think its fair to say this still exists as a concept and it’s a very HUMAN way of being: before the Internet if you found-out someone in the same village or town had the same interests as you whoopie do! as linking and possibly getting together might bring-in a whole new-ish World of wonder into your World, post Internet we scoff at and dismiss ‘those’ chances in a much more glib-fashion, but maybe only because some are so distant in terms of mileage that we say no, in the way we’d do to anything not on our doorstep, if the Internet has done anything for us its made us ALL far more aware of a lot more of what we couldn’t have, and essentially that’s not a lot different from just believing it wasn’t around for you, if you think about it. I suppose the Internet and its spin-off sm also brings it to you and you to it in a flash of time and interactions that in person to person terms would seem almost instantaneous and it is to a point, but a commentator and the subject still needs to be online at the same time to get as close to being an instant hit or miss with each other and ‘it can soon’ become a miss in whether some comment hits home or not if no reply is forthcoming, and even then it can become slower than slow if you have to wait to see if the originator of content replies to your ‘point or points made’ in their next posting or video, you can’t get around that distance of time in sm, phones sure you can have instant repour with someone in your circle but the creators with millions of followers – you’re simply the watcher and you may as well be talking to yourself, these creators talk about wide/mass issues and you can only really be in the I agree or disagree zones and that distance is purposefully made to keep the whole she-bang rolling.

There’s not much else I generally dislike about sm, no, if your personal education/bigotry and bias doesn’t out you then your poor skills in coming-over in a sane/rational and sensible way will show you for what you are. I personally always say I don’t do videos because I prefer to write, but honestly I could easily vlog, no, the real truth is I see vlogging as intimate and I really care who I am intimate with, and writing ‘to me’ is as intimate as I can get with myself – except or similar to jerking-off – no, I don’t care how that makes me seem, I like sex and self-sex, and that’s it I see or sense no shame in writing it down for my readers to know. My personal view is very much as tension and passionate feelings grow in my groin-area and I know I need a release-valve ‘masturbation’ is my best option having no partners, and that’s pretty much how I choose to deal with it, and any sexual-pleasure I gain is somewhat incidental as it’s the relief that’s the and comfortableness that matters thereafter to me, its that simple; but enough about my sex-life, as its no business of yours beyond what I choose to share. Yeah, I’m a wanker, but a relieved one.

At this point I could easily name names of people I’ve watched on Youtube and disparage them, but its their lives and they ultimately aren’t causing that much harm; but if it ever got to the stage of them needing to be brought-down for whatever reasons I’d not hold back, I simply can’t see their commentary having a major impact on our futures and its just a learning-curve for them individually, so, let them learn in their own time. Sure, we’d get to where we need to get to quicker, if these fuck-wads disappeared off of the scene, but somehow I see good in with the bad, and somehow if it appeals and talks to a section of the whole community then it saves people in the alternative community from stepping-in, and somehow we all progress but at different rates. If all you want to do is laugh, or even if all you can do is laugh at stuff, then do it, as in my mind you are still seeing the utter ridiculousness and crap in many ways, and I know not many beings on this planet can look at things as seriously as myself, but as I’ve said before only those with a really serious outlook on life can really see the ‘jokes’ of living a life that isn’t what it should be. I COULD’VE BEEN A COMEDIAN BUT CHOSE TO BE SERIOUS!

So, the following is now a more fleshed-out thought on social media.  

With all the social media stuff you might think I am going to tackle it straight-on, but no – pointless – no, I want to get to the main-cores behind it and thus it is what I call the ‘I WANT TO BE KNOWN’ or I WANT MY SUBJECT TO BE KNOWN’ or even ‘I AM THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THIS THING, I AND IT ARE BEING MADE BY MYSELF AS INDISTINGUISHABLE FROM EACH OTHER – and if you attack it you attack me and likewise if you attack me you attack it – but that’s a real hardcore stance [but it’s as real as certain types make it] – I say any form of extremism can be viewed along within the grouping of what all extremist groups do – promote their own ideology to the dismissal of anything different – you may not see your stance as a kind of Nazism and Fascism but others certainly see a similarity, and is it enough to simply ask them [usually seen most in people of the woke and transgender fields but not exclusively] to tone-it-down and get real, as its surely these types of people who are just waiting for the next outrage to occur to jump on board and if it doesn’t occur soon enough many of these types manufacture the outrage themselves, yes, they really try to do this – so, is the problem in the outside world or just in these types ‘just waiting’ on a manifestation? I know that given no or little opportunity these shrinking violets do shrink-back as to them the individual-flowering of spectacle is worth far more for the association between topic and person [themselves] than even what can and is actually said, it would be fair to say OUTRAGEOUS DRAMA QUEENS is not limited to the GAY OR QUEER PEOPLE but if you have a GAY OR QUEER minding on matters you twist it until you are mixed-into the story and that’s the pay-off as far as you are concerned, the intermingling of story and self, you’d or they would ditch a story if they couldn’t achieve it that way, and its that stark an attitude that kills-it for everyone else who isn’t that bizarre [you want to make friends and influence people, well, stop being a ‘dick’ then] – and as we all have heard if the star of the show isn’t there, is it worth putting the show-on? and that’s what has happened, the new way says don’t report and keep yourself out of it [as in the past] no, make it seem like you have a part to play in it, it’s the new journalism, I say let’s explore this new agenda, and what its meant to bring-in and what we are losing from its introduction into human life.

Social Media ‘sm’ has been taken-over [or at least those that have clicked together] by a sub-set who are driving the biggest numbers and biggest areas outside of ‘celebrities’ and ‘main news topics’ and that is quite an achievement when they equally or even surpass much celebrity content and chat and ‘say a lot without actually saying much at all’ – indeed you know that if any creators have a 46 minute to an hour long video on display then the chances are they are still working off of just a single-idea and they’ve probably brought-in other people and other peoples work to bolster their own reaction and say on something many other commentators are doing similar takes-on [the originality] is gone, it is all the same, [same sources] even giving weight to the majority opinion on a piece is rife, and I’ve seen wholesale re-sayings of what a more watched influencer has said being repeated almost word for word by other so-called creators – so, where’s the homage to – the subject? or is it to the words of another person? It’s a leap-frog and don’t be left-out of the action ‘game’ on sm, but if and when you repeat somebody else’s work, and hence submit none of your own – what claim to real self-creation can you claim? You’ll be seen for what you are doing – surely these people are wise to that – it might [well it would be better to fess-up and say I have no ideas of my own so I am repeating someone else’s work, [which ten-to-one, is more than likely not even much of their own input anyhow] – but no that’s weak humiliation and would bring-down the whole obvious-racket that all would swoop-to if and when ‘they’ just weren’t feeling-up to it [creating, that is], and its plain to see who’s not putting the effort in – to get a foothold on sm, and to be a wannabe copyist, that’ll get you started – beyond that just hope your subjects you follow have caught the imagination of the viewers and you are in.

Most of all any video-maker should ask themselves, ‘what makes me feel that my take on something is what others want to hear over another, especially when I truly haven’t much to add to anything previously said, no, if you can really put your personal stamp on something you’d not be following the main-issues of the day, you’d be creating something truly unique and they may not [the viewers] be turning-away from you right now, but one day they will, as the world’s needs turn.

Note: I know I am repeating much of what I have said before in these parts, but its purposefully done, as I want to encapsulate in full where its all got to in early 2024, and it eases my soul and spirit to do it. YES, I AM DOING THESE PARTS MORE FOR ME THAN YOU!

So, what are the main topics that thousands and millions want to hear talked about?

Perhaps I’m not the best person to answer that as I am not that young and I don’t have a specific-focus on one area, [its worth saying here that I don’t even check-out Astrology on the vlogging-side much nowadays not since I saw what happened to periodicals in the Covid times, and writings that included wokery are just a piss-take on what is real-life] and I don’t use tick-tock and my Youtube feed means I get suggestions in many varying-directions due to having a slight-interest I once had in some area or so – so any listing of mine wouldn’t resonate with many other peoples. But I still see what captures the zeitgeist, but quantity is very much not quality, I ONLY WRITE SO I HAVE SOMETHING GOOD TO READ! See, I am a comedian at heart!

No, if I was easily pleased and not so hyper-critical of the content i was viewing then social media would be an utter delight, but I never have had a moronic stage in my life and want a better future where quality is seen as an key component of enjoyment, and being fucked-off about something just doesn’t make it enjoyable, but as I say I let so much pass as I deem it too insufficient to worry about, and I don’t believe a statement that ‘GOD IS TRANS’ with no explanation given is going to threaten or change the viewpoints of many people in this world; but a well thought-out and reasoned ‘why’ it is so might.

Its sure to say though that you will find perennial topics – sex always draws-in interest and we can find lots on gender and the transgender non-sense [still in weird development], and is so huge in its curiosity-value alone it is easy to get lost in the thought and think that is all sm is, and it is for certain types, I think it is possible to be self-affirmed by so much on sm you could surf from one comfort-zone to another as from one hurt to another with ease on these platforms – they really could be seen as the ultimate pro or anti [of any subject] and people speak with such conviction I watch knowing that in so many cases a ‘laughter-track’ in the background would be more appropriate, and as that doesn’t happen you just know that there has to be a immaturity-thread running through them and it is just that you are too old and too mature to get that it’s all a joke to a lot of the content-makers – and to try and make head or tail of it is a pointless exercise – better to casually accept that this production had no value other than attempted comedy and piss-take as its guiding principles – and yes if you are reading this in 30 years-time ‘it really was like this’ [people giving up even before they started to create, hence so much time wasted on watching crap in the vain hope something of value is within, it isn’t and never was going to be], its fair to say that money-making off of video-making is a higher priority for many, than the spread of useful knowledge.

My hope is simple that people will sit-down and think about the longer-term consequences of what they are posting and engage in sm in much the same way as if they were speaking in a one-to-one conversation to another and include all the social nuances a REAL LIFE conversation entails, as sm is not an excuse to ditch normal courtesies, if anything you can improve them through the editing and distance in time of it often not being instant, but needing time to be shaped.

Sorry, this is running to some length, but nearly done.

Some will say that 2020-2024 really was the low-point in creation and people would only reflect on their content if it meant losing their revenue-stream was to be affected and kept-on asking for subscribers with hardly a word of them intending to produce any future thing to make it even half-worth subscribing for – no, they didn’t [the creators] even look to their next creation to push the reason of being with them as an incentive – no SM was really and is a sudden-reactionary chain of plonking for the biggest event and the people’s/viewers it would ‘capture’ that the creators believe would pull-in the most viewers, it really is/was a stupid game of ‘have a say’, just wait for when the hangman pulls the noose, that’s all the viewers were waiting for. The only real question is how much will sm kill-off first? And anyone can designate themselves as the hanging-judge, all you’ve gotta be is are you convinced enough that their verdict is the correct one, and the truth often lies outside of the warring parties as neither sees the others ‘good points of view’ and the answers coming from the fights are still very much in development in 2024.

And when I see what they create I often say why did they bother or as said ‘did they even bother’?

I’d frankly be embarrassed to put-out some or most of what people do – I really wonder if people are concerned further than just being able to produce a product, its got to ‘change’ you say, and I do too, but it’ll not come-on in leaps and bounds the only time it’ll do that is near its death or ending, but that is a long-way off, you think the transgender mob or wokery is going to disappear tomorrow, get real! – but a very low threshold of being able to get away with ‘toss’ often means they have very little incentive to do so, and it would take a brave person to set-out some criteria of what good SM posting consists of, and besides that would invariably make a sm world of ‘sameness’ if there was an uptake that that would make sm seem bland and boring for the sameness – but still a shake-up of some sort will arise, even if its just a sense of awareness that every creator has to up their game in ways suitable to and for themselves and their viewership’s. I really can’t or even want to suggest any remedies – sm simply falls or rises by the efforts of the contributors – for Christs sake, surely, they can get further down the lovvy-scale than just saying I like your work, yeah, perhaps, one-day!

The killer-line that always gets me to laugh in all SM postings has to be the line that very much encapsulates the ‘new-thinking’ of the non-human agenda and it’s a beauty – ‘please tell us what YOU think’ – and it is far from an innocent-throwaway-line, no, if its anything its that collaboration invite to become a collaborator in your own connection, to first ‘that’ which keeps you in the loop of feed-back with being told what you want to hear [your own opinions spoken-back to you] – oh grow-up and out of your childish dependency, how old are you? twelve! Mentality-wise many are just that – answer being, either get-out and speak more with a wider-circle or hold-back on yourself until you’ve stopped blanket listening and can form your own arguments and testimonies outside of the bubble the askers are trying to get yourself involved-in, as in the end ‘do you have any real idea of where you’ll be dragged-into later’? No, not many can see or even consider what their comments are designed to bring-on – dependency depends on there being something in the future to depend upon and you are fuelling your own dependency by taking-part now, and what if soon enough those you follow link themselves to AI and you just follow because you simply wished to have the outreach of your comment being heard by ALL who watched and listened to another and not you, as you out-sourced yourself and your thought to another who’s food or thought-chain was far more expandable than yours and so, ask yourself ‘just who and what are you serving’? and if you sense it’s a non-human agenda – that could easily-run without significant human input – as AI already shows the signs of ‘with just a little info to kick it off’ it will self-produce all the things that humans have taken centuries to evolve into – but most of all – I’d like to warn you all, that humans have culpabilities and the buck stops with them – but still the AI makers haven’t even got around to working-out who is going to be culpable in AI matters, and it won’t be the AI itself, and when you know that, and the way ‘businesses’ squirm-out of such stuff by newly-made loop-holes etc – the answer will always be there is a future yet fully known or unseen where future-tech has little or no liability for consequence of the non-human doings, and this loss will indeed make you once again wonder what it is to be HUMAN? You WILL suffer at AI failings -blamed or feeling the effects of something that isn’t you – you could look upon that as the ultimate humiliation with little recourse to regain your dignity!

On a more mundane-level go into Youtube for the first-time and see the ‘lame and non-offensive videos that start-off as your suggestions to begin with [before you’ve made your own choices], there’s nothing there that’s going to shock anyone – unless you are shocked by ‘pure profit motive’ as sponsored stuff is a’rife and ‘main-named brands get full prominence’, so, it is easy to see where the base default-line is at. I suppose as a non-american person the idea of sponsorship and going-out to make a buck is alien and to me the wrong way of living and that’s why I bulk at it so, even at nearly 60 years-in. But I am aware that so much wouldn’t get created if the sponsor wasn’t behind it, but as its made crap by the sponsor being there advertising its wares I personally wouldn’t mind it not being there, but I know if it wasn’t there maybe the whole thing would die-out – again we often don’t realise what taking an almost free-ride on a platform [well, it can be an almost free-ride if you play it right] means if the main upholding mechanism isn’t fed, still it maybe would help arise platforms that had another more non-business like model, and that is good in my eyes!

I really don’t see much of a future for social media – indeed, by all accounts if it were to die under the weight of its own crappage then it would’ve died years ago, but somehow it is that crappage that keeps it going for now! I really can’t think of a single thing for its future – and we often say if there isn’t a or a chance for future development around or on the horizon then the thing will die-off, no, either that or a thing shakes-off excess crappage and re-invents its new-roads ahead, and that’s what I see it doing as its essentially a very large one-trick pony. I will come to how I see its future in a later post.

Anyhow: does it hurt the human condition Social Media?

Many may say it’s the ultimate stress-relief valve for modern society and thus provides a service, indeed it could be argued that without it our crappage would be spread-out into REAL LIVING SOCIETY and the foulness of humankind is vocalized and picked-up and ran with by anyone who wishes to engage in sm and thus the arguments are kept within realms of ‘where in distant future days people may honestly say’ – oh, that was worked-through by society on sm years ago, that’s the best I see it achieving.

In the meantime – while we are in the thick-of-it it is another story, the passions are strongest in those that still have more to find-out on their subjects than others – I look at sm as the biggest self-correctional mirroring device we currently have, [if you have stupidity in the eyes and minds of others its often pointed-out or at least known about] its biggest reward for most people will be the day a person can say NO, I DON’T HAVE ANY NEED TO POST ON SM AS I AM HAPPY WITH MY OWN SELF-ASSESSED CONCLUSIONS, of course that’ll come straight-after telling all on sm that they have the answers they were looking for – which obviously were the ones deep-down within themselves they were delving for to have contact with all-along, as in the end contact with our own truths is far more important than anything else and leads to that point where we can honestly speak to people but sadly its usually at this point that the people reaching it shut-up and shut themselves away and don’t push-on to any real greatness – and why? because they sense their exhaustive-ness of getting there and don’t see that NOW is the real-time to speak-out and the leading-up and preliminary-work was the pre-cursor to a saying-time where you’ve developed a truth or truths and you will simply not be able to divert from saying them – you are or have become mentally enlightened.

Note: I haven’t spent the past four years on an alternative way of looking at LIFE AS GIVEN to reach the peak and not sense once there that all below lies the truths of existence and above me is nothingness and its that I should be tuned-into and not that which has got me to the peak, look down when there is apparently nothing above I say.

I always look at sm and think is it taking-away anything I can do for myself? And in the greatest-sense sure it is set-up to connect people together with each other and in real-life we all know it would take days to see if you could find ‘let alone’ know if you wanted or even had a connection with/to people to talk to and connect with about ‘stuff’ with in a field of say 1000 people, so, in that sense it cannot be comparable to the basic human contact, it seemingly wins hands-down; but I say eventually even sm will face the fact of ever-decreasing circles, where at some point a person will write a coherent piece on why social media isn’t what it once was, and it’ll resonate and resonate and resonate!

But what does it take-away from us? Nothing if and when you don’t use it – and people who don’t use it have just as if not better lives in the living sense making do with HUMAN CONTACT in the best ways they see fit – I finally say that there is no getting away from the in-built fact that for a thing that was supposed to bring us all together its ability to distance ourselves and hide or snide our worst characteristics or not on sm means its far more a human-like extension than most in this post human world, which means its loss from our lives will be easier to deal with than many of the other things I’ve talked about, but only if and when we retain doing those things which are simply done on sm but of course are just as easily done by ourselves.


And the first step would be to lobby the governments of every country to lower stamp prices on letters to a government subsidised price so that those wanting to connect that way can do so without breaking the personal purse, indeed I foresee the day when we don’t pay for snail-mail at all and that’ll show us all how much we all love a freebie! Imagine that a revitalised postal-service, mad innit!

How to be human; part six – ugly

February 12, 2024

Enjoy! And yes, I do get back on some of the transgender thing too within this post.

Is this part a joke part of the series? No, it’s the d[f]uckling part, you decide how serious I am being.

Ugly is ugly, and no ugliness isn’t just in physical-looks in a person, you can look at a building and much more and come away with the fact you think its ugly; I’d say UGLY can be an attitude too, and finally ‘why supposedly waste a whole part of the ‘how to be a human series’ on ugliness, surely it doesn’t fashion such a thing – I say it does when you come to realise that UGLINESS is something you can sense in people even when it isn’t apparent and obvious, and it builds too, when certain attitudes are given-out, and with some beings you don’t even have to sense the attitude – as these beings will do stuff that binds themselves to that ugly attitude – as if they need to be that ‘vile’ so in a sympatico kind of relationship they feed-off ugliness of attitude in order to maintain their own ugliness – and its shines-through, well, dulls-through as there is little nice in a ugly-attitude [and that’s the point] if you’ve naturally got ugliness in spades then you are going to want to surround yourself in that way of being – I’ve seen it in the presenters of GB News and Talk TV, they really cannot help themselves but be snide and nasty and revel in the foulness – and that’s why HATE OF THEM is a poor substitution of what they really get me feeling – I have no words to describe them ‘cept to say they are as shitty as that which they put over – and they cackle and bay and laugh like hyenas, which is hardly surprising seeing what they can only deal-in, which comes from their own attitudes they can’t and won’t shake-off to become better people – yes, I know most of it is an act and then you say to yourself, they still have to pull-it-off the performance and I think they aren’t total performers surely, and surely are more like they come-over as, they have to be, anyway, whatever the truth of it all is? they are still UGLY, UGLY, UGLY PEOPLE pedalling the foulness, and are foul by their association – people born in thirty years-time reading this just won’t believe how UGLY the media of today really was – but believe me they were – maybe the media will have employed more decent folk in thirty years-time – but its an ugly business, so it wouldn’t surprise me if they did not.

Now I pose a question: generally-speaking who are prettier men or women? Most people if being honest would say ‘beauty’ is more often bestowed on the female, I mean across the two  genders, and its amongst the females of the human species that they find their own rank amongst themselves, and it’s a silent fight mostly, and I am very glad I needn’t partake in ‘that’ struggle as a youth with being a man, [although I was aware of who had the more attractive visage amongst the men, but knew character and standing up for yourself were considered higher values to have – men are rough looking and usually its only if a female likes your looks she’ll want to take it forward with you, but you need a decent personality too, and some steadiness and steadfastness to attract a women, and women spot immaturity in men so easily and see it as a turn-off, least they did when I was a youth; hook-up with you? yeah when you grow-up they’d say in not so many words.

God I’ve seen some ugly men – and in comparison with any women we just don’t have the features and minimal facial-hair growth and then our adams-apple and our bigger body size separate us from women – and our out-tees ‘penis’s’ rather than inn-ees ‘vaginas’ are the most defining-factor between our genders, indeed has always defined gender in my mind – and you may wish your dick away as a male but all this identifying as something you obviously have a different body type to has a long road of nonsense to play-out even when the answers are already known – if you ask me no-one will ever come-up with a good enough reason why ‘self-identity’ of which gender you want to be will overtake and replace what you actually are in physicality ‘at any point’ in your life – not in the sense of your identity and body in correspondence with each other – no, simply expressing you feel and identify as the other gender or no gender [is that even possible when you inhabit a human body with some kind of sexuality gained from them, its as bizarre as possible saying or thinking ‘who am fucking or having sex with here’? They don’t want to be a gender so my only option is to go-on whatever sexual organs they possess and the type of sex we are having – unless they want me to believe I am actually not having sex with anyone at all – because they don’t want to be genderized by me and others – so, is it to become in the future ‘I had sex with a prick but not a man’, or I had sex with a cunt but not a woman, its that maddening.

I heard a call on the Internet for the banning of all transgenderism ‘to put a stop’ to all this gender and sex non-sense, as if that would end it ‘once and for all’ [yeah, we made a law, so that’ll stop or deter it, right, you really believe that don’t you], by the way that is another form of ugliness, that of over-arching onto stuff which isn’t your ‘life experience’ and saying in one swoop we have an answer for you, stop being ‘that’ you wish to be’ and conform to the rule of being deemed a non-sense a nothing-ness because its easier for all concerned, no, that’s a real fuckin ugly attitude to bring-down on people’s lives – but it really only covers-up other ugliness’s that many transpeople have opened-up themselves and are getting support from clinicians and cosmetic-people, that of giving sway that their mental fantasies of being something bodily different is the nirvanic goal or aspiration they should achieve to cure even the mildest of dysphoria’s, that if challenged in other ways could see surgeries reduced dramatically – if many transwomen could tone it down a little and spend more time on appearance and show the effeminate-man in all its glory then so much ugliness would be transformed – but as I say so many transwomen bring their ugliness with them in their transition and I don’t just mean physical ugliness – ugly can and is a mental attribute too – I even feel a bit ugly and unclean just talking about this stuff – trying my hardest not to be too down on the ugliest of people trying to escape their ugly roots.

But I have to talk about transwomen and being ugly, because if you can’t see it, its because you don’t want to see it; but some may say that it’s a good thing ugly men want to beautify themselves by dressing and looking like a women and even going as far as taking hormones to be like a women bodily, but I am not so sure, as to rid yourself of ugly its more an internal mental reshaping process that needs to be gone through – otherwise its just changing genders but doing nothing about the ugliness inside of yourself.

Note: I watch people on Y’tube like Blair White and Brad Polumbo and the offensive Tranny and even Odins men – and the very sarcastic but sometime really funny Disgruntled Danny all to keep abreast of Trans issues, and view-points but I won’t watch the material of those like Mulvaney and those who set-out to cause a stir in rather meaningless ways as to me that really is an ugly waste of all of our times – at least the above are adding and taking their ‘responsibility’ of being in that space seriously enough to have something sensible to say [yes, I know Danny just has an interest in the subjects like trans-life and he says he has no real connection – still his insightful comments do hit home with me being outside the trans-world myself – the others in the ‘no way’ am I watching their shit will only stir stuff with the goal of being accepted, and how is that going? supply your own answers.

Continuing: But what these people can’t escape is no sexual-organs is far more a non-binary situation of not wanting to be defined by gender than they realise, its coming the non-binary will be challenged on matters like this in the future, their arguments always fall-down on the contradictoriness of what is said within their own arguments  – and as such what else does a person have but a person’s genitals to slap a label-onto, its far more appropriate than the identity issue, if only that identities can change and be fleeting but bodily parts are usually far more permanent, and usually we are far more attracted to what body parts a person has then their identity, indeed it might be said that identity is far more for the person identifying as something or other and its entirely possible the other people simply want to know if the sex between them involves a penis, vagina or anus and makes up their mind accordingly, yeah I know it ‘base’ but so many people are base and will ignore the hstronics of a person and simply want to fuck, yes, i am saying it’s a shame or pity that people who want to hook-up will ignore an identity and concern themselves more with the possible sex they are going to get, yeah I KNOW THAT IS FUCKIN UGLY but its far more of a truth than what self-identity is trying to do – but I dare say if you are that bothered you will get around to asking at  some point – but as identity and body type is at odds in a transgender situation the first question is more what you are fucking or having a fiddle with and if its not to your taste, simply politely decline as if you believe they would never be so harsh on you, then dream-on  – as in the end whatever you believe in gender-wise no-one wants to have to say I know I was fucking with somebody but I cannot tell you more than that – they have given me nothing or taken away my ability to name them because they refuse to be bound by normal languages [taking non-binary here mainly] and we all understand and we’re sure if they want to be genderless then they must accept what that means for those that are trying to name them [hence giving some dignity to them] and when they find themselves, and we unable to by following the persons own rules they simply are following their own wishes – but in the end, we all want to know who we were fucking with last night – and its really demeaning to find yourself unable to say who – so, you fucked a ‘what’ last night – sure, comes the really I guess I did.

Sadly, a lot of this trans-rubbish is in its present state making us feel as ugly for being involved or not in their trans-world, it rubs-off, and God no do I want this to become the dominating force in all matters sexual, not in its current fucked-up form at least.

There is a deficiency or lack of beauty in so many Transgender men [and I am not just talking about their attitudes to most stuff, although that shines through even to the point of many of their deep motivations to try and get what they want that was denied by other channels such as trying to date those who don’t want to know them], c’mon vile and nasty people and so many are in the modern Trans-mania that its obvious it’s a new dating ploy with their changed rules of what applies in that field now, but only on their say so, [sure it must be hard to be rejected, but work on that what was deemed ugly enough for you to be told no, don’t try and change the whole dating-dynamic just to fit your past disappointment’s, as this is truly what so much of the current stuff is beholden to, whether they recognise it or not,.

I’d probably think of transitioning from MTF if I was that horrible and ugly too, [but you really do take it with you the ugliness] in just giving myself the chance of changing, but they bring so much with them that ‘that’ kind of UGLY isn’t easily erased from a personality:

I really think MTF [male to female] people are failed men in so many ways who want to incorporate femineity in their lives to take-off their rough edges when a ‘course’ on how to be a ‘lady’ would far more suitable, I think all the ugly in a man cannot be wiped-away by simply identifying as a women, no, I remember when still at school the girls of 16 were still working-out what it was to be a women, so if you suggested to a man who wanted to present as a women and told him it needed a good ten years or more to get into the womanly ways and a big component of being a women was to look like a women and ‘pass’ and that could take years of beauty-regime and acting into the part, maybe they’d realise that an ugly-looking man has a further hill to climb than a born women – and achieving feminine beauty is usually beyond most men, you hair has grown and disguising facial hair is a real motherfucker to deal with I’d imagine, I know my hair grows so fast I’d not have a hope in hell of even partly trying to disguise it.

When I look and see so many men wanting the beauty women possess quite naturally and then see what they have to go through to even get some of their manliness taken-out [and it really doesn’t seem all that possible to do, as its proven from what Is’ve seen] before they even try to mimic women’s beauty you can see what a hard job that is – I know things have moved-on since crossdressers from the 1970’s were shown as the only examples of MTF and what horror-shows they were – they did their best but it was so obvious they were men dressed and made-up badly as women. Here I add I am only speaking from a man’s perspective but I will say that some of the transexuals I saw of women to men FTM people really passed in looks but not so much in getting men’s gaits and they really stood far to still in a pose, that is something that always tells you, you have a mimic of what a person believes the other gender is like – being a man isn’t a performance ‘ladies’ take that for free.

But I think the ugliest thing of all is the self-deniability [especially in the trans-world] of those who don’t want to work with the re-engineering they are going through, as if being not quite female is good enough for a lot of transwomen – as if the development of breasts is the ‘be-all-and-end-all’ and as if that the getting of breasts is just a supplement to their penises, yeah, I took oestrogen and now feel better about my dick, I even think its size may’ve increased too, I am more sexual now I have breasts and a penis – I say dream-on ‘dick-head’ you’ve halved your sexuality by being fifty percent male and fifty woman [in the truest sense, but you think its double-bubble] and a new appendage ‘breasts’ means you’ve got to spend more time on their care; and besides, have you seen men with breasts? some people’s/men’s chests are clearly not made to expand as breasts, with nipples not being placed as with a natural women’s when they grow into place and as for the breasts themselves the out-filling of the chest produces some funny shapeage a natural woman would think about having a boob-job to correct – but many transwomen can’t even see it as a problem – perhaps because they don’t see or have the natural beauty-aesthetic a born women has and always develops over time, unlike a man who never had to really ever consider that growing-up, and again breasts from a chest is a very ugly look in many ways.

No, a male munter can and usually does end-up as a trans-women munter too. Note: I use the word Munter as someone who has the ability to turn you off and unattract anybody just by looks alone.

So, an ugly attitude is hard to change and here’s where being a human has to put in ‘humanity’ to banish as much ‘of the ugly’ as they can.

An AI can look like crap or asthetically-pleasing and it doesn’t matter to nobody, but an actual human-being literally does look ugly if the spiritual-being and force inside their spirit is ugly beyond acceptable belief – an old hag isn’t called that for nothing, so we must banish the UGLY from ourselves and our environment as its far more of an indication of who we are and how we live and is a reckoner of who we are throughout life, [our ugliness shines through], and I say it is possible to be born with good-looks but to lose them with the or any ugly attitudes we develop throughout our lives.

Here’s what I suggest we have to do to stay beautiful: and yes, it’s imperative that we ditch the ugliness of character and attitude, and if that means not engaging with or allowing the ugly of ‘this kind in a person’ to integrate their ugliness into our lives then it’s a fight worth pursuing! I personally am always trying to fend-off anything I find ugly in my character or thoughts each and every day, as I deem it a very important part of who I am and how I come-across, and it’s a study even worthy of being included in school-work I’d say.

I say the fight of how to remain human sees us pointing-out the simple reality of if and when you have an ugly attitude and character we should or will point it out to you and by this you may be able to get some pointers to get a better grip on being beautiful, but as we know you will have to ‘want to be beautiful’, and why are we this generous to you? simply because its your bad attitudes and character that is bringing far more down around you then the ‘downness of you own being’ and that is what we care about, not being brought-down by the insufferable non-sense and crap of your being and your attempts to cling-onto that and not shift your position on things others could and do easily point-out are being mind-blowingly ‘off-course’.

We fought COVID-19 and perhaps naively thought that ‘that’ was our biggest fight – I suggest it only uncovered a far bigger problem, that of our humanity being teared-at and torn by the beings that are willingly trying to stop humanity being human and there are multiple examples, and it is not just me calling for this ‘human’ future, no, many are alluding to it even if they don’t quite realise, they are doing so in so many words.

Yes, our fight from here on in I suggest ‘is to say it’s the only way to stay human’, when we fight the 10 scourges of humanity that the woke and transgender mobs in the main are trying to re-arrange and say are flexible, and if we allow their warped-mentalities to infiltrate and command these things we’ll have a non-human world of contentions [that needn’t be contentions on this planet] to contend with.

I don’t want to contend with their ugliness, as stirring-up shit that needn’t be stirred-up is a straight to weirdness factor that doesn’t sit well with being a human-being – it is just plain ugly in the main and lowers-us to the base instincts.

Ok, I don’t really need to provide more examples, I am sure that you can find and see many yourselves. So that is it for this part.

P.S. Try not to be too ugly as you go about your daily doings, it really does matter. And no, I don’t apologise for using the word ugly or ugliness far too much in this post, indeed I did consider a whole part with the word UGLY as the only component just to ram the point home, as it would’ve done.

I am somewhat sorry I spent much time on the transgender-life on this subject of ugliness but I feel in general there is so much ugliness in the whole modern-day craze to try to erase your inner ugliness by becoming supposedly a much softer version of yourself in the only way possible and model yourself on a natural-women.

P.S. I am not the best looking person myself, but I’d never consider the cosmetic-changing of my looks in order to get a fuck or sex, no, if I can’t get sex being who I am its far more than the/my outer shell of me that needs changing – indeed I partly think if I bowed-down to softening into my more feminine-side I would have a far better chance of go at attracting female company – so, you see I ain’t totally against the feminization of my masculinity or anybody’s, but I know where to draw my lines and that is what all of should do, how far deviating off of our natural state are we willing to bend with?

Note: if you are so inclined go to Youtube and put in the song title UGLY by the stranglers – the lyrics will make you smile if nothing else.

Being nice and kind is a state of mind, but so is being vile and ugly, always remember you are better than being UGLY, or you can be if you drop your pettiness’s and revenges, you know you can rise-above-it and become more, its only a matter of effort.

How to be human part five – tech/AI

February 10, 2024

Of all the parts in this series the tech/AI part is the epitome of the how to be human thing as TECH/AI shows us exactly what is to be lost in being human as Technology and AI is there to take away our ability to do stuff by ourselves, and that is never to be underestimated, as its fine to be given help in such ways as implants if for some reason you may have lost a limb, but if you are perfectly capable of doing something or by yourself the loss of giving it away is either in pure laziness or just not seeing further somewhat inevitable results further up the road – as it will only ever be us that gives our doings away and any human should realise NOW that in giving our actions away we give so much more – fat and lazy and soon we live two or more lives – our own and that of operating and dealing with whatever our technical devices need looking after – and AI is just another step down that road – no, if we don’t foresee our losses before we go down that road we’ll be at a loss to do so when we are actually there; I therefore applaud that break in giving us some breathing-space in going ahead with AI and I really hope they do use this time to think about the possible consequences of the introduction of it – humankind doesn’t often do what it sets-out to do, but if they don’t go slow on this area of life then the catastrophe’s [we already know about that can happen let alone the really unforeseen ones] can be weighed-up into the balance and very much avoided, who wants a machine with autonomous thinking to point out ‘well, you should’ve thought of that before you made us’ – no, any human can do that now and it pains us to hear it, but to hear it from an AI somehow seems far more threatening, even if it’s not really, but we’ll perceive it as such, as we know human ways but not so much what ‘control’ we’ve given-away to an AI, and what it may do, as surely the whole point of having AI around is to ‘allow it to do things for us and thus it will need some form of control of the destiny of something to be able to do that’ – I think that is what we fear most, that of – what have we allowed it to become and do – and in these times I dare say we are going to allow it to do basically anything and have an open-run on running things – that’s a very bad idea ‘free-reign’ and we really should start limiting its ‘range’ from even before its made – I suggest we see it as being pregnant and thinking its possible we are about to give birth to an axe-wielding psycho – so should we abort now before birth or use good old pen and paper to list its pros and cons and if there are more cons than pros ‘can we do the pros another way, and therefore leave the cons be and ditch AI completely, that’s how I would proceed as a talking refrigerator is fine as you know its just a series of pre-programmed signals and lines with no separate intelligence behind it but beyond that we really I’d suggest don’t have a need to build anything just to prove what a bad idea it would be to proceed with it, as with a lot of things we can leave it at the imagination stage of being fairly certain it is going to be a bad idea.

NO, THERE IS A FUCK OF A LOT OF THINKING ABOUT WHERE AI IS GOING I’D SAY, AND IF THAT MEANS TEN TO THIRTY YEARS OF WORKING ON THAT THEN SO BE IT – as it better to have looked into every angle before proceeding than to begin and regret beginning soon after the outset – but are we human enough to accept that? I think we are, as we do have the time especially when the alternatives of not doing so become clearer and clearer.

Beyond what I’ve just said I don’t wish to start a hypothesis of what its future or not is – I’ve said my piece.

What I want to avoid in this piece is talking about the people who use tech in such ‘imbecilic’ ways but I know that will be pretty much impossible as tech is the device that transfers the imbecility of the person to other people – the devilish devices are what they are in imbeciles’ hand. Do people have any care what ‘points’ they think they are making – no, nasty and vileness comes from nasty and vile people and the topic or subject is somewhat immaterial, I have seen it on places like Facebook where if you know a persons online character [which is nearly always like their real one] if they haven’t made a comment on something the ‘likelihood more often than not’ has little to do with what was said and more to do with ‘was there an in for their particular type of commentary’? indeed pretty sub-consciously a person may well shape their original observation with the sole intention of getting a comment or two off of people they know will react in certain ways and thus ‘don’t complain when you laugh at something but wonder where human social evolution is coming from at the same time, as it’ll always will be a giant-turning-away from stuff that is the leap forward on masse and not just a single thumbs-down.

But before I get onto anything else, my biggest ‘pet-hate’ has to be when I hear this said ‘all the advances that tech has made in the past few years’ it’s a vacuous statement based really on what is seen as the obvious advancements [new TV’s and phones], but I really see little else ‘that’ they try to convince us all ‘are around’, all I see is statements that don’t add-up, or add-up to nothing much, its done simply to make us believe and go-along with a falsity, and I for one can see right through the lie or lies, as they will surely come to be. You may say to me no, bob there really is a lot more to it and you’re just not looking in the right-places, don’t you watch shows like ‘click’ on the BBC? No, I fuckin don’t! All I see is a repeat-mont of different devices doing the same things, so many companies with a ’spec’ of one or so differences as ‘their unique selling-point’ does not make a technical-revolution, no, it just makes loads of greedy capitalists hoping its ‘their thing’ that captures the public’s imagination – and that means so many will fall by the wayside.

I simply aren’t that interested in technological advancements.

I am not a technophobe though, and in my mind basic stuff is enough when it comes to tech, but some see it as the great leap forward, I don’t, I see hype and disappointment on the horizon, and I see it taking us away from being human far more than enhancing the human experience – plus we must always factor-in that ‘it’s a means to an end’ for the non-human contributors to the human experience and just another tool for exploitation and resource gathering – I’d frankly rather be spending my time learning the meanings of words to help me express to you the complexities of human existence as to me that is a far more valuable way of spending time – examining and expressing the human condition, as I’ve learnt in my life ‘if’ you can’t express what you are experiencing its very frustrating and I genuinely fear somewhat being in a situation where I am unable or more so incapable of expressing that I feel I have a need to express and explain, indeed I value writing my thoughts down in this blog so very much as it’s the only place where real mirrors real, or real is real, I mean, what I say here is the purest-form of emotional expression I have and it allows me to express my humanity in such a way that it might well inspire you my readers to do likewise – FOR ME WRITING IS THE CLOSEST I’LL GET TO A HUMAN PRIMAL SCREAM – and that’s no joke, and neither should it be seen as so.

I really think the ‘non-human force’ [who control human outputs] doesn’t care how the resources are ‘mined’ from this planet [in what form they come into their possession, so long as they do] and tech is just another way of transferring another load of wealth to them, but I’ll get to what I think about the non-human ways later in another piece, so hold on.

Anybody my age has seen re-run after re-run of ‘ways’ to ‘fleece’ our pockets dry with newer versions of older versions of ways of doing things and to me that is what all tech is ‘a newer-way to do something’ and we pay through the nose to be first on board, yeah the price will eventually go down eventually we are told, but we’re never told the real truth that drip, drip, drip we all pay a higher than necessary price throughout a lifetime to simply do what we continually told needs updating, and this is whilst the past ways of operating are scraped and are meant to be forgotten, when in truth they will do equally well in many cases – and as we can read and write, so it is just a choice of what method is more convenient for you? In the end you are doing the same thing [communication] whatever tech you use – but lose or never learn the basic art and skills of reading and writing in the first-place and now that would kill-off any and all technology, as no-one would have the basic skills to use tech, so its quite obvious which is more important and it’s the basics every time.

As there is no real technology to teach the basics – or should I say there is no real need for technology to teach the basics of communication, technology is just ‘there’ to leap us to the next stage of the illusion, the I CAN ADVANCE stage, but can you really advance? Tech isn’t the actual knowledge, no, it’s the devices, we often mentally mix-up the tech with the acquirement of knowledge, but we simply don’t acquire knowledge from having a technical device, we’ve still got to learn something and that doesn’t come from just having the hardware – that’s why I place little-store in tech and more in the software – we really must get-out of the mentality of if I buy some hardware I automatically as if by osmosis pick-up and become knowledgeable, ‘what’ by doing absolutely nothing – yeah that’ll be a first – as said all you’ll ever pick-up and learn with tech is the hype of it all. No, you’ve got to learn your muppetry elsewhere, that should be an obvious to all point.

Sure I could talk about software, but its just there to supplement our knowledge and I truly think most of what is on offer isn’t much worth knowing about – unless you want to become an expert on Mongolian yak farming from the time of Genghis Khan to today you see much of learning is pretty much like a mastermind ‘specialist subject’ round and you’ve got to consider that what you are being asked had to be sourced and learnt somewhat by another so are you really the go-to authority you may like to think you are – no, at best you may fill the role of a cog in the wheel of knowledge but you’ll never be much more – but at least you’ll be a human doing your bit and that is not to be underestimated.

Think about it, so much, I’d say at a rough guess of 60 to 70 percent of our skills are basic-ones ‘that’ can’t be touched by technology to advance them, and in the remaining percentage group it narrows past the choice of who’s company/business you go with to tweak your basic skills, and when you realize the pool of advancement techniques beyond that have a ‘genus’ of drawing from the same central idea or ideas, you can’t help but see that technology isn’t all its portrayed to be, in fact most of the kerfuffle you see in the tech world isn’t five or six different applications coming-out at the same time, so you have five or six separate advancements at the same time, no, its different versions of the same item – so a single advancement can be made to seem like the tech world is on fire when it isn’t.

Anyway; what really helps us be human through technology? Not much in truth; especially when the tech people are hell-bent on fusing the two – when in truth if tech isn’t seen and used as an aider to what we already are, then at best it is coming-in as a replacement – and that’s why we bulk at it – and even if it was ‘sold to us’ differently and picked-up by a few more mugs it essentially can’t escape the boffin-minds that create-it, and that is taken-on as [a military industrial-complex of a usage and  is formed as its first usage for the populations – they simply see and use it as if it was an antidote-weapon to stop or hinder the human-race continuing to be solely organic and thus lag behind what could be foisted on them – you don’t see technology making ‘organic’ substitutes like body-parts made in the original [from sperm and egg way] do you? why, because they simply can’t replicate that process, [not in its original form anyhow] so what does that tell you? if and when they aren’t able to do that process the natural assumption is humans would die-out – but no, so long as natural conception and delivery ISN’T FUCKED WITH [yes, I get the irony in how I wrote that ‘sentence/statement’, ha, ha, ha] then we’ll continue as a race of beings.

And now perhaps you are starting to see why I called the whole series ‘how to be human’ as the words in these post outline what is coming-around to ‘hinder and stop us being human’ – thus when you read what is not helping us being or remaining human you have many good reasons to ditch-that and continue following the human-path.

Now, back to the people who are unable to do much good or beneficial with the tech they have, although you might say surely that means that it’s the humans with the problems and the transference of their ‘crappage’ is all that ‘tech’ is fast-forwarding to each other especially through Social Medias, but why blame the tech? and shouldn’t the focus be fairly and squarely put on or with the people, as its their message and the quickness and development of tech is in no way to be blam’t or blamed on tech. I’d agree, its only a device that’s come to some kind of life in your hands.

Sure, only EDUCATION in the ‘best’ ways is to be the antidote to stupidity and after 16-18 years on the planet any teenager is already fed-up with the in-grainedness of what they see ALL around them, and I politely suggest that trying to pluck-out or remove this stupidness from society is a thankless-task that no-one wants or could even and can undertake as its deep in many people’s core as DNA is, in-built [born with] stupidity in so many cases – that you can’t drain-it-away you can only point-it-out and ask that people work on themselves WHEREAS with technology we have the REAL opportunity of taking it out of the societal framework IF AND WHEN AS NECESSARY and it very much is because social media is there ‘that’ humans are seeing it as a free-for-all and the worse in our behaviours spend-forth if and when we can’t or WON’T restrain our more base instincts.

I simply say that the deciding-factor will become the moment when on masse we decide what or who is more important and who serves what or what serves who, and that is between humankind and technology – and let us hope to God we make the right choice.

There is far to much Tech, if you ask me – apart from the basics what is a person capable of with a phone with more computing capacity than was supposedly in the rocket that travelled to the Moon; I think that we are given but not shown the uses or advantages of what having far more capacity than we really need means, and why, ‘cos essentially there are no advantages – no, loads of memory for storing our pointless gabble on social-media is where all this capacity has got to and is honestly our best tech, but why give a 800 million page journal to a person who’d be hard-pressed to even fill a million lines of stuff from their life, that’s why when it comes down to it basic requirements must always be the leveller – otherwise its like a man’s manhood we all need a few inches to impregnate or have enjoyable sex and really any man with more than that is still having the same sex only with a fancier organ – and that analogy goes with technical-devices too.

I end this by saying I really found writing this part the hardest as personally I only use basic tech and that means I couldn’t pontificate much on stuff – still, I think the human ability to use and develop the connectiveness of living can and should be done in ways that take tech out of our lives and show ourselves we are more than capable and should remain so of living a life without tech – indeed if these are indeed end-days I’d prefer that they are seen as the days when we realise we needn’t go much further with certain stuff so we ended the coming future by being happy with how far we progressed and that meant being and remaining human far more than following any technological futures.

I’ve always liked this quote ‘never ask anybody or anything to do something that you are able to do for yourself’ – that line says so much and applies to AI too; I haven’t much to say about AI as its development and uses are way-behind where they suggest it is – so, until then – NO COMMENT!

Note: I apologise that this post is rather incoherent in places – I noticed that as I was re-reading it before publish, but that’s humans for you – as I’ve said before PLEASE READMY WORDS SLOWLY as it may have been written quickly but to make sense it needs to be read at an almost snails pace.

I better get on with part six – although to be honest with you I am working on parts 6 to 10 already, having fleshed-out them all previously and the final part is going to be long as it talks about the ‘future’ as I see it of all that has been discussed about by me in the previous nine-parts.

How to be human; part four – sex

February 7, 2024

We [us humans] were made to have sexuality as part of our condition – from the smallest dribble of sperm or lowliest of feeling in those parts to a torrent or raging-storm between the top of your legs; and its fair to say that apart from one or two signs that are or can be obvious ‘when someone is feeling their sex’ it is near impossible to know the range of another’s sexuality let alone compare it to your own, and a person who his or hers under some form of control may seem like a sexual-dud but they may have a volcano of sexuality so well hidden that you’d be surprised to find-out that a mild-mannered is actually a superman or women when it comes to all kinds of sexual mastery.

But its also fair to say that in general we grow-into our sexuality and some keep growing and what everyone likes or is comfortable with is simply ‘that’ the stuff they like and are comfortable with.

In 2024 ‘some people’ think they are re-inventing the wheel when it comes to sexuality and pushing the boat out, but hey, its perhaps easier to say, hey you look back and you’ll soon see that ‘jumps’ in human-life that include millions if not billions one-day only really occur in fifty to 70 year slots and the modern trend to see the changing or re-ordering of the two main genders into some other forms [although as many say it’s a blip and will one-day flip-back into its settled-forms there is no escaping from – male and female] is no more of a step-somewhere for a mass of people than the birth control pill was for couples when that was introduced, and I’d say the ‘pill’ helped millions whereas as we are finding wanting to be another gender is being seen as a dream when you see it as being something other than male or female – is your passport ever going to say anything other than M or F? no, because no matter where your mind identifies yourself as and no matter where your body actually sits in terms of its physical-parts the identifiers or labels the world wants is for everybody to plump for M or F and its up to a person [even by close-approximation] to choose one or the other, and no, that way it doesn’t deny an individual their choice, although it certainly doesn’t allow the closest approximation a person themselves might want themselves seen as, but as the person has made themselves slightly or further apart from M or F then they have got to accept the norms of society don’t and can’t conform to the individual whims of a person – we simply label people Male or Female for convenience and to simplify certain perimeters to set-up certain things in life – any school-board needs to know what amount of boys and girls they have coming to their school for loads of reasons. I despise labelling as much as anybody could, but I realise at a very basic-level that certain ‘dividers’ for that is essentially what they are have to be in place and the greatest divider is and always will be determined by what kind of body you were born into, and not the afterthought of I wish I had been born into the other type, sure in 2024 people are trying to do what they can to be the other male to female or vice versa, but I say generally speaking the definition of being born with male genitalia makes you a male and likewise born with female genitalia makes you a woman – and besides you generally can’t make love or fuck with your ‘identity’ can you? you need to do that with your sexual organs and despite all the arguments given I say that your sexual organs do more than anything else to say you are either a male or female, everything else is just a mental construct of self-identity and usually dreaming yourself being something other than what you actually are in physicality and the dream of re-arranging yourself is becoming an identifiable problem as often one aspect of who you want to be contradicts and can nullify yourself out of identity too, as many are proving.

Simply with male and female as the genders and being either attracted to either M to F or M to M or F to F its fairly safe ground, although some may say M to F in a sexual-sense is the only safe connection – but of course Gay people or should I say those attracted to the same sex say hey, what about us, we are going to have a sex life too whether you like it or not.

So, I personally don’t buy into anything more than the sex male or female you were born with the genitalia of makes your gender and any discomfort or dysphoria is either inbuilt into you, [as if you were disputing it with the ‘humans’ creators before birth and continued to do this when born until you had the opportunity to do something about it now you are in human-form.

I think so many people are generally sensing a chance to do something about aspects of their human condition and are treating it as a ‘rich girl at a candy store who can buy any thing or appendages they want for themselves, that’s certainly how a lot of people in the transgender world come along – and to me so many come across as those that sussed the meaning of ‘if you can justify why you should have it then maybe you can have it’ types, and that’s why we are hearing semi-plausible sentences from them of why they should be something other than solely male or female – and god knows we hear some ‘rot’ about the why’s when the basic thrust of why is always at base-level a wanting for the sexual-level of changing into what you want any transitioning to bring to your life.

Now, I am going to do something I have no need or wish to do really, but I’ll treat it as an experiment.

Note: I have no interest or want for this to happen, but lets just say a transwoman showed some interest in me and asked me if we could hook-up and see what developed, what would I do?

I could well flatly say no, I am not interested and see what they said, as in any casual relationship when one person shows an interest in another person and asks them out it would be churlish to not treat it properly and with some respect even if it was out of your normal-zone, no, someone has shown interest in you and so treat it as nicely as you can under the circumstances it’s the only polite thing to do; next consideration isn’t even the trans one I’d say, no, its are you naturally attracted to this person and do you envision yourself with them – see, normal criteria applies, if not you will dis them off somehow – next you really should ask that person if they want a sexual relationship with you – and even what attracts them to you and what do they think makes them attractive to you – indeed are you attracted to a trans-women? It could be the clincher.

Next, if you’ve never been with a transperson before do you really know the ins and outs of their body? and if its going to perhaps become a sexual relationship do you see yourself as gay? As the transwomen may have tits as so many do, but they’ll have a penis too, so, there’s unlikely to be a vagina to finger and fuck – ask them if they are post or pre-op and if they are ever going to fully transition?

As the truth in so many cases in 2024 is a transwomen has breasts for you to play with rub and suck but essentially you’d either have to ignore the dick and balls to think you were having sexual-play with a women or go all-in and accept the sexual-playing with anothers body includes playing with both types of genitalia, and are you up for that?

It’ll be hard in someways as you’ll be getting a lot of mixed or cross-messages from this other person; to look at you’ll be looking at a woman probably but they’ll be give-away signs of masculinity and naked you’ll see parts of both sexes and sexual organs and its rare for human-beings to deny themselves or even choose what organs to play with when both are on offer, you’d have to be very determined to stick with the female or male ones only to the exclusion of the other, and with the a-hole being neither male nor female [but is or could be seen as male, being their no female vagina present] you’d only now one thing for certain there’d be no pregnancy.

Then there is ‘kiss’ to consider, any person who’s kissed a member of the same gender and the opposite gender can tell you its different and as a man I can tell you kissing a female is often like kissing an electrical-feeling and a man is like the different polarity [it just doesn’t light you up in the same way] anyway that’s more the male/female polarity connection at play than anything else.

No, as a man, if I were to be having sex [anal sex] with a transwomen then it would come down to how gay I felt I was or wanted to become as essentially all pre-op transwomen are essentially men in their physical-form and a pair of tits on their chests makes little difference only in dressed appearance and that’s mainly for show to go along with the hair and make-up – undressed a man will be having ‘gay’ and anal-sex with another man if they go to copulate.

As you saw in what I wrote above I skilfully avoided answering the question from a personal perspective and chose to answer in the widest-sense what all men would have to consider if that was posed to them. I suppose I am like many men who if horny enough and offered the chance of a bunk-up with anybody willing to go with me and me with them would drop any real moral-stance and stated credibility and simply say to themselves isn’t really just the sexual act a way of getting off and if and when and who it occurs with isn’t that important or relevant or is just as relevant as you want it to be – it can be pointed-out that you had sex with the wrong gender in someone else’s opinion – but it still doesn’t take-away from the fact you had sex – and that is how many people see it, and the moral side of it hardly comes into it – all sex lives are personal ‘how could they not be’? and thus its probably best most of us humans just remain as we feel we are at any one time in life and its not denying to ourselves our more open sexuality its living with the settled and avoiding a wannabe mentality of the young – in the end in sex the only real crime is not asking someone else if they’d be into or like to do something whilst having sex, as in my real opinion is isn’t much that can be done sexually that can kill-off and demean a persons spirit so they lose their willingness to face any shame they may feel themselves or is given to you by another pointing it out and that in the end is just saying either take sex as far as you are willing to go in all its forms or hold-back and place your own moral and physical limits on your sex acts, in the end I see it for what it is, sex is just the excitement and feeling of flesh and innards stimulated and the pleasure/part pain derived from that with an explosion of orgasmic delight and fluids coming as a result – and sure its dirty in many ways ut its meant to be in a lot of ways, and besides there is far more hidden inside our minds driving these impulses from conception of ideas to any releases; no, we should all grow-up a lot more about sex in general – I say if you are bored and in the mood for a bit of excitement and you can manage it – go on have yourself a bit of sex with yourself or another – a greater time-filler humankind has yet not found – at least in the enjoyment stakes, and it’s a hobby we can all partake in – as only some people enjoy football or train-spotting but everyone enjoys the sexual-touch and connecting to people through sex – our deepest needs fulfilled is just what the doctor ordered, but we can prescribe for ourselves and we do.

I finish-off [no pun intended] by talking-about sex in general: the karma sutra has been around for yonks but I feel if such a book were to be drawn-up and written-up about sex today it would be on kinks and fetishes and all the known and made variations of sexual pleasure; indeed I was listening to a podcast today about the ‘pegging of men usually by women’ for sexual pleasure of both people, and I realise and I truly say it’s a good thing we have all come-out-of-the-closet, gay or straight or whatever to talk more openly about sex, just that openness allows much of the unnecessary embarrassment to dissipate and indeed the North American man talking was very frank about the pleasure he derived by being anally-fucked with a strap-on dildo type device and you could hear his liberation in his voice, he even explained how he wasn’t gay and saw it as him simply enjoying his body and his a-hole through being fucked and yes I see that, as you don’t fall-in-love with a sexual toy no, you fall-in-love with a person or the act but not the object [although as many people who open-up their sexuality can often be quite self-centred and hardly recognise partners beyond their own pleasure, I can’t say that its always the case that beyond their own pleasure the see or recognise anyone or anything else – but that is the youth of today and that self-centredness is seen in the trans-movement itself [all about me, me, me]. And with an openness to talk about sex obviously comes the openness to see and be seen having it – many 18+’s today have little hang-ups in being seen naked and filmed having sex – its just another journal to them.

But sex isn’t much more than penetrative and sucking in the main – more pleasure is gained from watching porn and watching techniques and the drawing-out of their own and another person’s sexuality – I personally get more pleasure watching a person rub around another’s genital-area than most would – I see massaging our skins as sexual and I really do think there should be a lot mor foreplay – and the same route to a fuck is boring – a suck a lick and then fucking is ‘that’ all sex is portrayed as? Yes, on porn sites it is – I say if you can get undressed and then dressed and undressed again and in a sexier way, go-on let your imagination fly. I also feel that there are many other bodily parts we tend to ignore in sex and that is sad, really sad.

No, there is nothing much that a transgender person can do with sex that a male or female hasn’t already done – I see a real head-fuck of a mixture of sexual stuff being played-out in the bodies of transgender people – but I don’t see it transfer to their minds and then into play – no, from what I’ve seen they have sex in the standard-mental transfer to organ way that most couples do, its almost as if having differing body parts and a real-strange ‘take’ on who and what they are makes little difference in the bedroom and in the sex, no, it’s the bodily changes and internal mentality that is the set-up for the only sex there can be the suck-lick-fuck triangle [is all that any human can ever have, if we are honest with it] and sadly those that change their identity through the use of sexual and then gender contrivances will and often do pull another sexual identity-out going forward – showing why settle on anything if life experience is going to ever push you on to be something new – but hey, you have the need to be recognised as something through your sexuality at any given time, so, we have what we have and know it’ll probably change at some point.

And then onto something I can only give you my understanding on: if binary or being binary means that you are either one or the other either male and female and there is a connectedness as the binary connection is its either male or female and the same egg and sperm makes either a male or female in a physical-form of a person shouldn’t that be the end-point or at least until that human-being reproduces in the same way to produce the next being – it shouldn’t be anymore complicated than that! but and I really don’t understand how identifying as supposedly non-binary has any validity as to me if you say you are out-of either being male or female because you just don’t  feel male or female then ‘have you ducked-out of the gender-thing? In your mind you might have convinced yourself you have – but even the most dimmed-witted of us knows in the human form it is the physicality of the body and its representation of a vagina to mark you as a female or a penis and bollocks for a male that does likewise to say GENDER is named after these sexual appendages and how you feel about being either a male or female is a mental construct that either goes with or against what body you were born with – so I say its not a physical fact or reality you can be non-binary, and you are demoting yourself from the gender you actually are by a mental process of not accepting you have any gender at all, which is plainly stupid, in fact the only way that could come about is for all your sex organs to be gone = no gender, but who wants to cut SEX out of their life that completely so suggest to someone who comes-out with being non-binary that sexual body type leads to the gender you are named as and that to be truly non-binary they would have to be non-sexually performing human-beings and I reckon you’d soon get another answer to the gender question of who they really are if it meant losing their sexual lives.

I think SEX in many ways has gone too far in some ways and not far enough in other ways.

And I finish by saying what I’ve always known since birth and that simply is that ‘sex’ is an experimental trip for each and everyone of us and you go as far or not as you wish to go, and if you feel limited by society’s or persons views and opinions that needn’t and shouldn’t stop you from bringing your whole sexualness out in the right company – after-all there are very few laws to regulate our sexual behaviour bar the ones we now live with and so in my opinion should it remain.

Do what you are attracted to, at the bare minimum.


February 5, 2024

Do you feel energised by the sun’s 45 degree angle from the winter solstice? I know I do and have done every Candlemas – around the 2th of February I see the really dark-days are over and everything is slowly swinging back into life – I love the natural motions of the sun – moon – earth dynamic and although I am not ‘out’ in the outside World that much Candlemas always gives me that urge – maybe on the next 8th day of the year May day I’ll go watch some Morris Dancing – the chaotic mess of a tradition.

I know it is the 2nd of February but I always start to feel it on the 6th for some reason or other.

But of course, with computers and things the lull and re-awakening to the World means we often don’t shut-down at all and Candlemas is just another rising of the Sun that we hardly notice.

So happy Candlemas [just gone] my friends, rise like the Sun.

I have a burning question

February 2, 2024

I am not a Youtube creator I just want to make that clear.

My question concerns ad-revenue, when a person posts a video for all to see, at which point in its watchability does the ad-revenue deem it has been watched and adds a number to your statistics and you get paid, I mean if I were to say accidentally click on a video is that counted as a ‘watched’ video, or is it or has it got to be timed to a certain amount of time or even a percentage of the length of a video to count? I also wonder if I as I often do stop watching before the end I am robbing the creator of revenue if and when I switch-off early? In fact in many cases of watching videos I purposely turn-off early as a ‘snub’ and hope to God that this means the creators of content I deem rubbish don’t get revenue for their creations – but I dare say that’s a vain hope.

So, I live in hope that’ll I will see a video with someone explaining that to me; my suspicion is I’ll soon see something in my Youtube suggestions of what to watch as my computer although NOT and I repeat not linked-up to any tech still by itself connects what’s been written by me here and published on WordPress to my Youtube stuff whether I want it to or not [and no, I don’t want it to but it still does] anyway thankfully I ain’t seeing tech or AI doing much more to my connections than that thank God, and the only other thing is the Microsoft Word programme is getting better at correcting my bad spelling – so its hardly an AI or Tech takeover in 2024 is it? no bob it isn’t.

A Neural Network

February 1, 2024

I jokingly said in a recent post that if I was writing something but not posted it, it would still ‘get-out’ somehow to conscious-minds and I have been proven-right [in so much as that is possible when another poster/commentator even uses a ‘word’ and not an everyday word in their sayings/speakings that I myself chose specifically in a post I am working-on, and that word was ‘grasp’ or ‘grasped’, now, this you may say isn’t that unusual, but it is when I say I am currently working-on three or four subjects for posting later and this occurred on the same subject he was talking-about, again so what?

My only conclusions can be that maybe and ‘just’ maybe as it was AI [as the subject we were both on] where this ‘coincidence’ happened [although I don’t believe in coincidence] it happened because I had sourced from similar material to this person I guess and we’d both reached a similar conclusion and thus felt the use of the word ‘grasp’ as the appropriate word to use – the unthinkable is the only real alternative and that is someone is spying-on my writings and lifting my words, but that is a stupid assumption as who knows who was working-on their work firstly? And it may be fairer to say that an occurrence of use by either person somehow put the stream ‘to be able to be tapped into by another out there, and that is the ‘one’ explanation I want to go with.

It isn’t the co-incidence of the usage of the same word that is the point here, no, its more that similar streams of consciousness arising around the same time and giving-rise to the impression of a neural-network [even when the chances are there isn’t one, or at least one that was set-up to connect.

Still, it proves that ‘something is occurring’ and its occurring quite naturally and this isn’t that scary to me and neither do I think you should view it badly either – they say that when one thing is in the offing like a monkey hitting a nut with a stone then it soon catches-on, so, I leave by saying if E Musk is getting his neural network up and running [so he says] then what are the chances that we humans can run-alongside his work and start developing what occurs naturally and explore the far more psychic-telephone the hippies talked about – really isn’t it the same thing really – only difference is we are our own operator and user whereas Musk’s neural-link will see someone else being the ‘exchange’ for us to dial-through.

I will explore AI and tech more fully in the ‘how to be [and remain] human series I am writing; me and my big mouth and mind may’ve opened up a neural-network I aren’t to happy about but probably don’t yet see the wider-benefits.

If your mind can send to my mind or vice versa – what traditional nursey-rhyme am I now sending-out to people, if in your videos you guess [and no its not London bridge is falling-down] and I see you say it and its first time correct I’ll mention you in a later post, remember I am nearly sixty so it’ll be a rhyme from my era 1970’s – meaning what kids of my age were exposed to. but who’s videos do I watch? Try me and see, I’ve mentioned many contributors in the past.

Note: if the goal is to connect us all by neural-link but we manage to connect in other ways before neural-link gets us haven’t we simply blocked or imposed our connections into the places neural-link was going to go – so, saying, sorry Elon there’s no room for your stuff in our lives! I think so.

How to be human: part 3 convincement

January 29, 2024

I had to convince myself whether to make a whole part on this subject, and first I told myself no, as all parts I am talking-about have a convincing-element in/to them, but then I thought there is a much wider story to be told, so I am going for it.

I am starting to see in many ways I am just repeating much of what I’ve saying all-along, so, I will find new angles – I know I haven’t tackled WOKENESS and in the way it’s a convincement-issue straight-down-the-line with their protestations, and I also know up to now I have only tackled the stormtroopers of a devilish manner ‘many trans-people with an agenda of inclusion [so, they can build to excluding us from being human by becoming the main human-blue-print’] and they want to become the next phase of humanity – up against how it was built to be by our creator – and so far I have only tackled it on the gender or sex way – but no more – from now-on we look at how and why they are trying to convince you of something – and it’ll dare I say it a long and twisted tale from me.

But first this: I surely don’t have to convince you that the past four years has had one major theme running-through it and its come from both sidings of the argument and I know I’ve said that before – but I am going to dive a whole-lot wider in this posting!

LET ME PUT YOU ON THE RIGHT PATH, LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO THE TRUTH VERSUS THE LIES. I myself am guilty of that [if guilty is the right describer here? it isn’t] I was just countering much if not all of the rubbish we were given to believe-in and take-on board – in fact it wasn’t that I actively joined the opposition or resistance [how could I]? no, by simply reacting to the rubbish that came-out my ‘position’ [my natural bulking to the utter rot spoken and asked of so many] meant my position corresponded to that of a far-wider and growing state of mind that many shared – I simply found that what I considered as a natural respond to being treated so badly and dastardly and with disdain chimed with others that felt it too, I needn’t be convinced to go in another direction or directions as for once and all I was quite happy continuing to go along with what I’d always had as far as I was concerned. And many felt the same way too, for multiple varying reasonings – so, we coalesced, be it easily and uneasily – even today there is little unifying-force beyond that if we’re honest, and I suppose what has come from it is ‘we are solidly determined’ NOT TO BE IN ANY WAY FOOLED AGAIN, not that we were fooled that much to begin with – we must stay resolute and see the last four years as a reminder ‘if one were needed’ that for us it was our determination not to succumb to such ‘bollocks’ that pulled us through and which we can now rely upon.

The mainstream ‘pitch’ although apparently pitched at everyone as a catch-all only really resonated with the new wokies and the transgenders as it was part of the grand-scheme that supposedly would incorporate freely their worlds if they went along with no questions asked with an agenda that had and still has many planned things for humanity – and yes they ‘bit’ as did those who didn’t critically listen to what was being pushed and listened far too closely to stuff which all these years later are being laughed at and openly admitted as ‘ why the fuck’ did you listen to these bunch of jokers couldn’t you see how totally wrong and coming from basically non-known data and facts and they were so tied-in with business and kick-backs that they’d promote cleaning your teeth with dog-shit if the supply and demand meant there was a decent continuing-profit and dividends to be had year on year out – the idea of course wasn’t dog-shit but many people still got poisoned and couldn’t tolerate the untested stuff and technical advancements in MRMA vaccines that were being pushed as the new money-spinner and way forward for the medical-realm – so, you became a guinea-pig a human-experimental vessel and if [and so many did] became living examples of what went wrong with vaxxs and so, straight-off the defects were known and when known supposedly would give the green-light at what to take-out of the vaccines, to give a go ahead: it didn’t quite work-out how they wanted though, such was the outrage of humanity [and yes, strangely it came from the un-vaxxed more than the vaxxed] that helping our brothers and sisters was the decent thing to do, so we continued to spread the message until it couldn’t be denied it was there by anyone covering the story, even if its reference was only that another way of looking at it existed.

This ‘convincing’ by the mainstream was in overload in 2020 and what the poor populations devoid of critical-thinking [which can be hard to do when you’re mentally being hit over the bonce with messages with no means of another choice to get you out of the situation given to you by the media, your only choice was to resolutely stop engaging with the rubbish messages given to you, after-all they weren’t really messages anymore – they simply were on a full-time mission to convince you that their words and your subsequent actions were the way to go and be – straight-off, no arguments – just do it, it’ll be ok, but sadly if you hadn’t seen through it and many still haven’t then they’d turn it into yes, you are looking at a two-foot length of rope, but we are telling you it is three-foot long and the ‘fuck-about’ people thought, hey! If the authorities are fucking-about with natural perception we’ll chime-in with saying the rope has its own identity and we’ll ‘place’ all kinds of imaginary concepts onto the rope until someone or a group consciousness points-out the madness as we’ve got nothing to lose apparently from it, and that is mostly how its become to be four years later, but lo and behold what ‘the pushing of convincement has done is bring in a lack of credibility to anything put-forth by the mainstream view/opinion and consciousness and a wholesale laughing and mocking of those that set-out to laugh and mock us originally.

Hence in 2024 we know who sits where and the wokies and the craziest of transgenders with a radical consciousness sit pushing their garbage onto humanity as if we are going to say to them THANK YOU for letting us eat your shit – please can we have some more – MORE! Certainly we can think-up more rubbish.

God, we didn’t even take our eyes of the ball – and yet it came.

Have I convinced you I am right? I am only telling you how it came-about and came to be in so many minds of people – but ‘that-lot’ needed very little convincing anyway – no, to them any and all statements whether true/false or indifferent are simple to be seen as encouragement – as they have goals – but they remain nebulous and unjoined-up and unhinged but the point at the present is prominence, and so we as part of our plans must continue to counteract as its our duty to the rest of human-kind to convince the main population to turn-away from what they’ve been asked to believe-in…

… AS IN NO OTHER PART OF THIS TEN PART STORY IS IT A GREATER THREAT OF WHAT IT IS TO BE HUMAN than finding your mind and consciousness enslaved to a convincing enough set of beliefs and values that have but the single-intention of keeping you away from your humanity – as the other nine-parts will surely prove to you what constitutes ‘human-life’ and all that’s being done and instigated to take that born-humanity away from you.

Now, some looks at ourselves, meaning those of us humans that are speaking-out and don’t wish to go fully-pledged into the future of just their [the technocratic-types] making; we’ve said a lot in the past years – countering and in many cases ‘offering-up’ an alternative or just a vicious wipe-out of that that has been offered – we stand at a precipice of being told something is true and they have worked at it to such an absolute-degree, all in the name of ‘surely’ no-one can argue with what we say and is said now – that’s fucking ridiculous – as if someone kept hitting you over the head repeating a near-truth everytime then justified it by simply saying you’ve been told so many times what we say is so, by now you must accept our words – you’d really have little justification for going-along with some thing that was ‘inaccurate’ to begin with as much as it is when you last got hit around the head with their pushings – climate-change is ‘one-such’ thing as its almost impossible to deny we’ve fucked the planet-up with our past pollutions but suddenly they ‘gave-in’ and accepted we live in a very polluted place – and they took-over the narrative – this acceptance was quite unexpected in some ways as it seemed for a long, long, long time that business-practices were never going to admit GREENPEACE and others were right, and that the polluters had to adopt a non-polluting message but they did – sadly though they had to convince us there was a bigger problem than what they had been given the green-light for years to pollute and destroy, no, a slight-of-hand occurred where no longer were we to look at ‘past misdemeanours’ as the biggest causes, no we were meant to overlook them and see a far bigger foe, no, don’t look at strip-mining and de-forestry  as contributing-factors for if we did then where there is a blame there is a claim, and besides you can’t close-down bad-practices in one swoop or the economy suffers – no, a patchwork of small solutions is what is seen to be done and that is meant to satisfy, no, we are meant to focus on far more bigger things like storm-fronts, floodings and sun-parched lands for months on end as the things to be tackled – I see this as the wrong sort of convincement, I’d even go so far to say, the rapists of the earth can be forgiven by people only if they were big enough to admit where the problems of today originate from, and set to tackle them – if they made a pledge to stop rainforest depletion and allow many areas to re-forest naturally and ditch the money-making schemes destined for such area’s they’d find a mostly silent begrudging-respect from the worlds populous who would see it as the least they could do, but it’s a start they suppose.

But I don’t want to get bogged-down with climate – the attitude of being told and then being asked to fall-into some kind of state-of-convincement that what you’re being told about climate is some sort of fact, when the only real fact is obviously how hard its being pushed – as you can’t deny they are pushing-hard – makes it in my mind at least showing me where their mindsets are at and its full-on, as its plain anyone who dares put-up another model-data-statistics for what is happening in the realm of wind/rain/sun and many natural things in life is up against something that has come-in and said this is it – this is ‘what we are going with, this and no other’ and that is why so many decry the climate-change stuff as it has no leniency for views and opinions of another way of looking and tackling matters that really caused our situation. And if you ever wanted just ‘one’ good reason why being convinced-into doing something whilst it being denied that another approach is possible then the CULTISH BEHAVIOUR being forced-upon us by those who won’t see an issue any other way, then what has developed as climate-change shows you how insidious and frankly dangerous a single-focused thing to believe-in and go-with is, and continues to be.

Its little wonder why a fightback started is it? – and things like COVID-19 and Climate-changeability [but not focusing on the real causes, less we offend the corporates] can be tackled and put in their right perspective over time!

But I fear even greater precedents have been set for our future-living and the simplest way of saying it is I forsee the possibility of one-day being told to believe stuff by our medias where the only reply will be to see and know its an absolute false-hood and we find a divided-society over the simple-enough issue of ‘do we believe and accept what was said to ourselves or don’t we’? and what usually would be a minor-issue becomes one issue that could literally tear countries apart internally and external.

So, have I convinced you how much being ‘convinced’ about something is of major importance; I think its possible that this may be the deciding-factor in all things ‘whether to go along with some thing or not’.

Anyway, maybe it’ll die-down a lot in the next few years and we as a society may become ‘cool’ with so many things – I actually believe in the main we are pretty-cool about so much life offers us all right-now, and its only the shit-stirrers and those intent on bringing more trouble and strife into all of our lives that are on a mission to convince us far more ‘matters’ than it actually does.

I say its really a mental-trick: people are given a choice left or right and everyone but one person goes left or right but the one person muses where or what are my other choices? And they say to themselves, well, if I know anything for sure its this, if I fancy neither left or right most people would say there are no other choices – but I say staying right where I am, or doubling-back on myself and my route are more choices – and besides the mark of any person is always to take a suggestion or choice of another and turn it into whatever choice you think is best for you – in the end that is always the most basic-convincement any human needs to be capable of – then FORWARD is the only option opened-up for yourself.

YES, I know I skipped ‘what we have convinced them of, is a better way’ but surely you can work-out whats been done – and more importantly keep doing it and similar.

How to be a human; part 2 – Ignorance

January 27, 2024

But really it should be both Ignorance and wilful Ignorance.

I start-off by saying that in truth its fair to say that we ALL are seekers, and when we believe we have found something to say then its usually then that we speak-up [for better or worse] but a lot of people are speaking-up from a position of non-searching and finding and that playing no active part in their rantings – its that old adage, they certainly did no research at all, and it shows, ‘they’ come from a very much singular-viewpoint [usually just their own, as if one day they found themselves somewhere ‘mentally’ through a chosen action, like deciding they’d join in a grouping where they are able to show their individual-ness by being one-click-off what others in that field are and stand-up for that idea – and off-course they now self-claim they know everything they have now become – and of course they do, as they are it, a representation of it – and then they see the links to others in the field – and really its rather surprising that they hardly recognise what they are doing is what all people with a ‘separate’ identity do – and that is to not do anything that takes themselves out-of-their-own-bubble and therefore collapse the identity they trade-off – a wilful disregard of being or appearing to be ignorant or ignoring ANY FACTORS that could interfere and change their self-imposed conditioning – its simple really – they have to become ignorant of facts to be able to live in the total self-created reality of their own – yes, a strict biology created them – parental sperm and egg, but after that they choose to be ignorant of factors so they can maintain a different level of existence – yes, you were born out-of normal biology but you can’t escape the fact that no matter what identity you live as you can only ever create another life form through sperm and egg and that has to show us all that really all this ‘identity’ stuff is nonsense when your mother is really your father and your fathers partner is a man because your father is a transwomen and gay and he had to have sex with a women to conceive you or IVF and not have any relation to that women and you were born living with two men who one dresses and looks like a women but is your father and his or her [depending on self-identity] makes love [no, scratch that], has sex with another man and as a young girl you are the only female influence in the home as your father is just not cut-out or has lost many of his manly attributes – and you the young girl has to come to accept this as normal and learn the doings of others or be seen as ignorant and lo and behold if they repel you in any way or you plainly disagree with certain aspects of anothers life and style you could be deemed further ignorant as a defence mechanism and that’s just a very simple example of where it goes or can go – but we all should know that gay and transexuals lives are often complicated even when running fairly smoothly and a simplicity of existence is often not how it goes in their lives and we find that the choices they often make about not wanting to be ignorant of lifestyle choices often opens them up to the point of feeling they have to choose to be wilfully ignorant to some degree or other – I personally wait for the day when this pointed-out to them by a straight-society who point-out so much that they know about the GAY lifestyle and why it was far too ‘played’ over-complicatedly and it wasn’t for them, all that drama and excess and so they ignored it and didn’t want it in their lives – no, I don’t mean bringing a hint of the gay-lifestyle into their straight lives whether sexual or living, no, the straights don’t want a dramatic-scene and a mixture of being totally involved in others lives like the gays tend to live – and will one day show they were never ignorant of it, they know exactly what allowing such non-sense into their lives would mean – the mouthy transgender-mob will one-day get a wake-up call of such proportions from the people who never wanted or wish to take-on that lifestyle – it’ll simply come to them that they stand-alone in their reality of mixedness.

I say the real thing people are ignorant of in the human condition is just what the silent-majority really thinks on matters – whose who hardly ever have a word to say about anything – are they truly ‘ignorant’ themselves or just holding-back? Are they truly dumb or just holding-back? Are they moronic or just holding-back? Truth is we’ll not know until they stop holding back!

Its fair to say that we tend to think that the ‘opinion and view’ belongs only to the commentators and reactors on Youtube and that’s silly, you can’t gauge that just because a person has say a million subscribers and every one of them watched a video would be in agreement with the view espoused by the maker – that would be very ignorant – I will break-it down for you – 50% watch and will have no view after watching – 20-30% will agree in principle but if asked 10% will not commit either one way or the other – 10% will dislike and 10% will fluff and 10% will fail on purpose and willingly to not see the question as posed, and you will find breaking-out of these narrow-bands would be like asking people to be something-other than they naturally are.

But IGNORANCE is so much deeper than that – and here we dive deep –

The thing about ignorant or being ignorant in the 21st Century is YOU DON’T HAVE TO REMAIN IT BY YOUR OWN VOLITION. But sure there are people and schemes that want or wish to keep you in wilful ignorance [it is their ‘will’ to keep you so] but I will deal with that later – no, I am not much of a tech person but even I can see the advantages in certain applications and again it’s the most basic that scores the most highest – I say that having the ability to ask yourself a question and then spend often moments to resolution of some sorts ‘even the not ideal answer is often better than being stuck with no answer at all’, as who can find the absolute answer – in many ways the only absolute answers we can work-with are those we choose to go with at any one time – sure there are absolute answers out there but when you find them you still have to find a position lesser than the answer for practical usage – at least you know of the ultimate – even when in practice you have to use the lesser situation.

I say that just being or finding or knowing there is a way out of general ignorance is enough to spur you on and keep spurring you on – and God knows we really need to pull ourselves out of the pit of ignorance – know something today and you have a basis on which to build another day or time – but have no platform from which to launch into new learning and you’ll find it much harder to ever escape ignorance – and when you know you are being ‘towed with’ back and forth it then becomes your duty to educate yourself away from the direction of being kept dull and uninterested.

This new ‘Aquarian’ time of being woken-up becomes a dystopian nightmare of sorts when you realise what you have be-come aware of, hence if your awareness is that you are stupid and that’s the last thing you wish to be – you’ll thank ‘something’ for the awareness of the fact, but are you man or women enough to grasp the larger-meaning from it and do something about it? can you even remove yourself from the known [being aware of being ignorant] and force yourself down the right-route of completion – no more are the answers as apparent or follow-on as in the past, no, our new vistas aren’t stuck at dead-ends no more – we make our mental breakthroughs by the acceptance of being ‘not where we somehow know we should be or want to be, and leave behind ‘that’ which we know to be the ‘cause’ of what is stopping that progression, knowing that reasoning is what has unchained ourselves from our lack of advancement – yes, in the end we are going to find that these advancements will come from individuals who listen to the workings of their tapped-into consciousness’s into the main consciousness of all, WHICH ISN’T THE COMBINED CONSCIOUSNESS OF ALL BEINGS but more so and ever was THE MAINFRAME OF ALWAYS BEEN THERE COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS JUST WAITING FOR US TO SUSS IT AND DRAW FROM IT AND KEEP DRAWING FROM IT!

As its this which feeds the human/earthly consciousness’s that combine and focus on useful and practical abilities that all human can share in and we can say oh that was our great leap forward because we all got on board with it, and that is essentially how it should go.

But here’s the other side [that which will try its upmost to stop this happening] and yes, its humans compliance to the non-human that will keep us on this course and it will hinder the above happening and the non-human forces will always wilfully keep us away and on another course, and of course TECH plays a very big role in keeping us away from that which is our more natural path, but that is/was another part of this series.

So, wilfully ignorant – do you wish to stay so???

An example of wishing to stay wilfully ignorant now: I tell it ‘not’ to get involved in a spat with who said it, as its not worthy of any engagement as far as I am concerned, no, I recount it as to show where some people believes the ‘argument starts at’ – ‘it doesn’t its dismissible from the start, as it doesn’t even equate to so many humans experience, and yes they seemed to be pursuing a genuine to them stated stream of consciousness – I personally saw it as a really big piss-take!

‘God is trans’ was the posts title – sure I laughed, as its intended target in some ways ‘the religious’ surely laughed to, for it is written that humankind was made in God’s image, so at least you can look at the human-race for the last 2 thousands years and see its been in the majority of born males and females and say if we are indeed born to look and represent male and female [in order to procreate] then their trans idea really doesn’t fit with what has actually happened in humankind whether you believe ‘in its image or his and hers image’ stuff, the testament is in what actually happened or occurred, and also there is no guarantee that a child born of a trans-person with a vagina, as only a vagina is the sexual organ to produce offspring would be anything but a male or female, in the beginning of their life, so, the diversion from what you were born as either male or female comes later – if not we’d all be born with dicks and tits, and we just aren’t and besides if our creator was trans wouldn’t she/he/it want to produce trans people at birth? But she/he/it doesn’t.

The real truth can be pointed-out fairly easily by saying or pointing-out that this person should’ve compromised-a-little [in order to be a little more believable] by say I WANT God to be trans!

Even then as we all know and generally agree on, no-one in a general sense has ever been even in agreement as to what God is and thus if the majority of people cannot find anything to agree-on, then how on earth are you or we or anybody going to say ‘we proved it’ GOD EXISTS when they’ve not known what they are trying to prove – so this guy stating God is trans is a fuck-wit of the highest order by stating he knows what God is when the majority of humans can’t even agree on her/he’s/its existence to begin with.

Some say God is a spirit – but isn’t that the holy spirits main job? They say it’s the divine and Jesus was here to show we could connect all three GOD – MAN/WOMEN – SPIRIT [the three in one] and then some say God is all polarity and male and female – but that isn’t proven, and what if the divine choice really is a combination of male and female in one body and our roles and labels we give each and every one of us on earth are what is holding us back into a conformity ‘we apparently’ just don’t need [to restrict ourselves to the majority thing we’ve settled ourselves into].

If I gave it a moment’s thought and considered the way we are born ‘naturally’ I soon see that becoming a kind of Intersex person after our birth may be desirable in that in our fantasies we may want to see ourselves as both man and women, and hence have the ability [or so it seems] to be both fucker and the fucked and life-giver of sperm and bearer of child within the same body – but the truth is we are not naturally made that way – and besides we can take the reproductive organs lie the womb etc out of a female body – but putting that lot into a mature body after birth +18 years isn’t a reality.

No, to be human is to live-up to the natural restrictions our creator put into us – it wanted us to fuse so it made two polarities and said ‘come/cum together to make another whole being, and so its ever been.

I am not convinced the people of transgender persuasion are just wanting the change from the one gender to another, I sense their ideal and goal is to be the first beings to present as ‘booby/prickly/vaginary’ beings in one body and the booby/prickly ones are more concerned with being a ‘sexual sort’ than a life-producing being and they want to open-it-up as an option for all.

So, if the intersex is the ideal being supposedly and the fucking of the arsehole is to be replaced by a vaginal fuck on all beings I say dream-on as the downfall of the demonic-scheming is it can’t happen naturally – can’t be made to happen by surgery – and besides the unnatural amongst your demon-brood will want to or wish to continue the brown-practice whether they have a vagina or not – and I know that’s true enough – watch any porn site nowadays and you’ll soon see that ‘she-male or transexual porn’ is transferring over into the realm of what is tagged as gay porn – showing you at least what most people who run these websites actually consider trans porn as being – yes, just a slightly different take on being gay for the men who wear clothes and hair to look like women – but still take-it-up the shitter like gay men do – and that’s the ‘bare bone[s] of it, ha, ha, ha.

I say as humans if you can’t make something fit in LIFE there’s a good reason for it – and the rubbish we hear speaks of Ignorance or wilful ignorance as it just doesn’t fit our human condition and dare I say, neither should it.

To end if I haven’t already made it clear then I want to state that the worst form of being ignorant and ill-informed is surely that of knowing ‘what you are about to say or write is ignorant, [you have no, or are deliberately going-on something you have no facts-on or you are skewing the information you are presenting and in fact the only ‘fact’ in what you are doing is to be wilfully-knowing you are presenting a dumbed-down and ignorant piece of work [creation] and go with that – and trying to keep that hidden too. IT’S THE, You, did it on purpose and knew you were doing it purposefully to mislead.

Whenever I spot that in people’s workings I just know they aren’t worthy of any respect except for being a faker.

And imagine a world of complete fakery – you think it is ‘hell-on-earth’ now, just you wait. These types want to bring you down to their level of living and give you little choice to be free of it later.

I am not joking when I say they are Satan’s or Saturn’s spawn – it was said in the Christian-Bible that Satan had to be unleashed for a time – I say for some humans Satan is a Satanic-mentality possessed by those that engage and wish to live that way – indeed so many our sold to it – they seem to not want to escape it even if they could – and its obvious that forced-ignorance is a tool they spread their crap with and want to infect all of society with – no, the pushback would keep an army of people busy for many years – so, the best attack is to wipe-out ignorant behaviour in swathes of beings in foul/fowl?-swoops by taking-down their non-senses by sensibilities they can’t counter and therefore are able to ride-their-shit-out again and again – its not a pretty fight but a very necessary one – as the imagination doesn’t take long to see where living amongst their rubbish would get us – just imagine this – fighting against an ever-shifting answer where they adopt any answers to supposedly prove to you that your answer of black is either wrong and should be white or that your answer is correct to you but to them their answer is and can be different to yours and finally the answer should and could be anything they want it to be and there are no absolutes anymore as we have deemed the workings and certainties of the past to not fit with our fluid thinking – which of course they’ll blame on the fixed world of black is black and white is white bringing them to where they’ve flipped it back to.

Lo and behold LIFE will show them the value of fixity one-day and it’s as easy as going up to a set of traffic-lights and if and when you treat them as fluid and not fixed-signals well, that’s when IGNORANCE OF THE LIVING DYNAMIC is their downfall.

And for GOD’s sake don’t see it as just stopping the fun they are having, as any ideology even the fun ones turn serious when and especially when they feel their fun is being threatened and possibly taken-away and its then you’ll see their real faces – so take this as a warning – and on no account treat it lightly. Ok, that’s about covered it for IGNORANCE, it’s a well-honed tool of theirs designed for a specific reason and purpose – and they’ve employed it well – and will employ it better given half a chance.

How to be human; part 1; what it is to be human

January 25, 2024

I am writing ten parts, and yes, I do compare them in part to the ten commandments of old, but only in so far as they are the modern-day 10 explanations of modern 2024 living, and whether you get anything out-of or from them is entirely up to you – you can’t really live by them, in the 10 commandments of old way – but they may give you a good-bead on stuff.

I am writing these ‘parts’ as every part is a ‘specific’ – and yes you may say it’s weird I even think us humans need telling ‘how it is to be human’ but I say since 2020 we have been on a course where we are being ROBBED, yes, ROBBED of what it is like to have been HUMAN, and WHY because a lot of people have supposedly bought-in to becoming part of the new agenda but what of us that don’t fully or even partly support the ‘taking forward’ surely we are more than luddites, but we want or wish to keep to the known and settled and just don’t want to be shifted into a position where tech moves us and not as it should be ‘we use tech to shift the world around us’.

I say now ‘clearly’ since the two-thousand and twenties arrived we are seeing ever more clearly what we are losing in order to progress into a new future which we’ve got to embrace on our terms or fuck-it-off.

So, I am going to in each part deal specifically with a topic but in many instances not in the way you might expect it to be handled and possibly discussed later, I am attempting to see pass the manifestations of certain expressions and looking to the root-core of matters, focusing on the affects that it has on the human-race and the possible antidote, and if I see a non-human agenda behind what i discuss then I may interject some reasoning as to why a matter is being shifted that way – is it simply for their convenience or is it more to get us out of their way and I want to get to how it is that either we or they benefit from the turns we make, as the time to counter has come, now we are aware that countering the narrative works and it can be applied to so much more.

My goal in these parts is simple – consolidate from much if not all that is known and build-up a full as is possible picture of how life’s gotta be, from simply seeing how its notta be, and they’ll be lots of examples of how its notta be!

Its taken four long years to get to this point and by the end of the parts I really want you to sense where this has all been leading to and just exactly what it is we have done and need continuing to do TO BE HUMAN.

Basically the whole idea of these ten-posts is to collect together a series of things that are around in 2024 that take us away from being human and in this part I want to show you what it is to be human and stay human, and no, it isn’t a list of ‘be good to each other’ etc [as we surely know those, no, its more a ‘come-out-of’ type of thing in-order to remain human and even improve your chances of not totally losing your humanity in a tech/AI world we’re supposedly heading for – and blindly heading for, if you ask me.

When I say don’t engage with this or imply it, its not for fun I say it, no, its because with a little thought its able to see what is lost by where its taking you – you know the type of things – lets call all such people AIT Heads – [short for AI and Tech people who think that that is our future and are sold going-down that route, now you can spot them on SM as they are the blank-heads who almost beg for your commentary as obviously they have ran-out of ideas [by themselves to move something forward, ‘as if they had any great thoughts on something in the first-place, they didn’t’ and so like a machine-head they gather or ask to gather in the vain hope other humans who are on the tech path might just have an idea or two to help push their narrative forward, and do these collaborators have any ideas to give? From what I have seen no they don’t as its evidenced that the social media creators are soon onto their next subject and that tells you their pleas for assistance falls plainly down and thank God for that, its either the public can’t or won’t help the AIT’s, or even don’t see any personal advantage in doing so, and that is their ways, a non-human mentality coming-out in certain people who think the non-human ways are the future: it may be their future but it ain’t ours.

The number one factor in being human is not to give-in and become any more of an AIT than you find yourself being – meaning treat a phone as a phone and remind yourself it’s just the mobility factor that took it from being solely a ‘at home’ device to one where you can be contacted or contact someone else from outside of the home, and then remind yourself that ‘apps’ were originally-made for the computer and you’ll soon see that by thinking like that you dismiss the technological-hold a device can have over you and you ain’t an AIT, no, you’ve retained your humanity by putting a mental-barrier between your human life and the mental intrusion of technology that is trying and does infiltrate it, on the quiet, a slow-creeping menace that needs putting in its place.

Indeed, ask yourself ‘how human am I today’? and do it every day, and no, don’t google it, or allow an app’s related stuff to measure it for you, for if you do, then DAH what is it to be human, when you are actually an AIT by doing these things.

I say its things like being able to not use AUTOFILL on searches, I deliberately write or tap-out names of people and things I search for even when in one tap it would be complete, I feel satisfied that by doing so I am using my human-ness to state i haven’t turned fully automated and retain my human-ness and this and many other things state to myself I am continuing to be human.

There’s no doubt in my mind where this is all headed – I grew-up with the Jetsons cartoons – a future where a few possibles were foreseen – but many still or if ever are coming to reality – but the AIT-Heads of today have the urge to believe so much of their ‘fuckery with life’ and others too is going to come-about or they’ll make it come-about – I say they have ALL got a lot of disappointment ahead of them – as so much isn’t going to happen – and so much more isn’t going to happen as they want or wish it to.

It’s a blitz a shit-blitz in 2024 where you have to hold-on to what being human is – as the focus is so heavily on AI and Tech it could be said that ‘humans’ are being looked at as the things for AI and Tech to be applied to.

I am concerned a lot about this as its not something we can easily pull-back from once the applications are made in our lives – indeed so concerned am I on our human-future I know I would drop everything and devote myself solely to stopping-us losing our human-ness but I know I cannot devote so much time to that fight, even when its absolutely necessary – it’s the big-one folks – and that is no joke.

I’d like to say it is as easy as simply carrying-on with just being how we now are – but the non-human agenda is strongly set-out and we will [humans] find that as more and more of the pieces are put into place it will become that the only places you’ll find your human-ness is between the set-ups or ‘stations of the toss’ as I refer to them – imagine walking to the Bus to go to the surgery – but using cards not cash to pay the fare – it’s the first station of toss – your first interaction with digital reality – then sign-in at the surgery – the second toss – get seen by a nurse or doctor and subjected to another new-fangled technology, that replaced a easily as good and reliable past technique, the third toss – go and make another appointment and it’s the fourth toss – bus home, the fifth.

Yeah, each toss taking you further and further out and away from being and feeling human – you’d get off your bus just dying to do something or have some interaction with humanity in a normal way just to try and shake-off the impersonal-humanity of what you just went through, and when you can’t get it because everyone is either on their phones or computers dealing with this non-human world you see just what this take-over means to you – you feel dirty and infected and there are few mechanisms left to get yourself clean-away from it other than just letting time diminish the experience, or if you are lucky anything you’ve developed to retain your human-ness.

It’s a bleak future when you soon realise that AI and technology CANNOT IN ANY WAY replace what human friendship and its nuances can give us all. I say don’t wait to be taken-over into this sterile world and spend your time developing networks that don’t rely on things that cannot work unless there is a Tech or AI element in them, as this is false-economy – as skills learnt by human to human interaction are to be far more valued, yes, these AIT’s think it’s a straight-run of openness to all, we are going to have to be more circumspect and realise that in so many ways its AI and Tech that has brought humanity to its ‘end days’ but a circle has no beginning or end, so, actually an or the end-days could and do occur anywhere on the circle and likewise after the end comes a new beginning and that is why end days occur, to usher-in the new – but they would want the new to be something in just one state of being and with one-way ahead, we must counter this with the knowledge of a loss of being human and the humanity that goes-along with their push and counteract it with a solid push of remaining as the parts we want to be and want to continue to be.

Note: Actually I like what I have written so much I am going to publish it today, as I want people to grasp the full-meaning of what its got to be done to remain human – and add their weight to speaking-out on their ideas to see this happen – so, join-in people – please put your two-pence worth of commentary of what an ALL-NATURAL FIGHTBACK looks like – and know IN THIS LIFE THERE ARE SOMETHINGS THAT JUST HAVE TO BE DONE TO REMAIN ON THE RIGHT ROAD.


What have I been up to in the last week?

January 24, 2024

As said before I have been writing [but not yet publishing] posts for later.

I have just written a post about ‘ugly’ attitudes and character, but its not coming-out yet, and as also said the ten-part series may not [certainly will not] be ready for publication for many weeks yet – that’s all I want to say at the moment – as writing takes a long time, so, I best get on. I am liking what I see I have concocted – so, hope it still has that flavour when you get to read it – although strangely I see it permeating through to people’s consciousness’s even when its only been written and not published for all to read, but I believe in the ability of production to ‘find-a-way’ and be picked-up by other conscious-nesses even when it essentially remains unknown to the masses by being unpublished – I suppose the human creation of material means it is born and thus whether its published yet or not matters little as its still been brought-out and my mind connected to the wider human minds means it seeps-in somehow.

They say we are all connected so, I called to say I love you ALL.


The Monkeys have ‘compromised’ their workings

January 21, 2024

When I watch any kind of media today one thing is obvious, us Humans ‘the monkeys of the title of this post’ are mimicking or even being a parody of themselves in what they are about to write or speak; hence they’ve learnt to write a good headline [a catcher and reeler-in] but are at a lost as to what next? The joined-up writing part – but of the whole package not just the writing-part, as the line suggest – sure, we are getting good at headline/title writing but when we then find it has little reference and relevance to the story you were trying to impart, what then? ditch certain parts of the whole thing – or go off at a tangent – or scrap and moan losing a good headline, as it just wouldn’t fit with the rest of the piece.

It really isn’t a piece of cake this media-lark as many people are finding-out, and if you wish to flout your inadequacies then get writing or speaking – you’ll soon find that you are continually covering-up for your faux pas’s in this World – I know I had to develop a styling to suit myself well before I stepped-into this media landscape, but so many just dive-in and are constantly re-arranging their parts as they go along – and its never a good look.

I can instantly spot on Youtube where there is no substance, I simply put my cursor over the box and read the first few words in subtitles from the creator and if and mostly when I see little or no correspondence between the postings title and headline and what they say almost straight-off I know I am onto a loser – and there’ll be other reasons for their postings – and this proves so true that I spot a ruse as quickly as ever – one day ‘the real intentionality will no longer have to be guessed at by viewers as every poster will have somewhat unintentionally put themselves in a frame where the viewer will see them as whether the creator wanted to be there or not and boo-hoo if you didn’t wish to be placed there – in a sense all your mitigation will be is that because you never opened-up and said you wanted to be seen as…  …you got placed by someone and something else – so don’t bemoan later at the way you were treated as you had every chance to be open and honest but never took the opportunity – and why didn’t you take it? because no-one pointed-it-out to you it was available as an option and you didn’t have the joined-up mentality to see it as even being a part of what you could do so, if only you had chosen to see it as part of being in the media.

One-day a media-shakedown will arrive and you might just find the stakes have risen and people tolerance has gone hyper-critical, and are you ready to up your game to expected standards of the reader/viewership? I doubt even fifty percentage of current creators nay 33 percent of creators could make a contribution if and when the masses say NO, WE DON’T WANT YOUR BOLLOCKS ANYMORE, and its then you’ll see who’s really in charge – no, the people viewing it are the lightening-rod but if Youtube’s or Tick Tok’s viewers ever go down to unsustainable levels they will go the way of all defunct business-models and who will you reach or gain from then? that’s right not many!

THE MEDIA REALLY IS THE ULTIMATE GAME and if you don’t have one eye on the ball of future trends then you’ll be a one-trick pony and when the new-round comes people will look back at you as a phoney, and unless you can right that wrong now you’ll surely be destined for the shit-box of history as there’s no advancement built-in for those who didn’t spend their own time building-it-in to their own work whilst working on something – and it so clear so many do not do this.

So, think about this ‘compromise’ you do, and no, its not a conspiracy, the blame lies fairly and squarely in getting yourself mixed-up in the media-world you have very few tools to be able to navigate.

I blame education – that one-sniff of something they give most children – without pointing-out you’ll not be expert or even have much expertise in the field straight-off is the killer realisation most people in the media-world don’t even appreciate they lack.

I really think self-critical analysis of the content put-out is what is missing – ideally all media people wouldn’t put-out their content until it had been scrutinised a couple of times and re-run’s of interviews and re-writings were made to get the best light on something – and that is shown by badly put together ‘live’ action musings and people writing far too early on a still developing story, and you ask why the media has become so rotten and unbearable to watch and hear, oh c’mon I say it should be the most highly looked-into and changeable pattern on earth THE MEDIA but alas its staid and predictable and done along the same lines all to fit some pre-conceived notions of ‘what pertains to’ and its rubbish, and they must see they are dying on their arses and the future of media – its obvious that if and when simple tick-tockery can’t produce ‘joined-up’ commentary as is seen by the length of most of them – no, its not skilful editing but more the inability to want to patch it onto something connected or even wanting to do that! You show me the successful patching or linking of three to five ‘connected in creative ways’ of few seconds video and I’ll say the age of joined-up mass construction of related items has arrived and is here.

Where is the real toxicity?

January 18, 2024

One good reason to avoid social media is the inane commentary and opinion and views of people on issues that surely should be dealt with by those simply ‘not just-up for taking the piss’.

On social media at the moment – the fake concern for people who have ate far more than is the normal intake of food for most humans is sickening – I say there is very little advice you can offer these people and that’s why it is PRIME GROUND for piss-taking; Its true enough that the best advice any fatty can hear is simply ‘have a word with yourself’ and the slightly more crueller ‘hey friend, you know at some point you must’ve decided to chuck-it-all-in and just went for it – as surely that is behind all fatness, an abandonment of the mental restrictions of I’ll just eat this and stop there a while and avoid this food stuff and learn to see food as calorific-input so, if I have to see food as weight and not as food, if that is what it takes to regain some control, as in many instances inclining to fatness is indeed a loss of control.

It’s a difficult topic, food input and weight-gain as its as individual as there are persons, we have to become aware of what sets-it-off for us, and most of all ‘get informed’, to regain our natural balance – and see that in the case of food GREED ISN’T GOOD; but I can’t possibly answer every angle every person has ever had on food, it really is a very personal journey for each and every one of us.

I myself need to lose quite a few pounds of weight, but if I am honest I am not in the mood to give-up on certain items of food and drink and here’s why, I found-out years ago that I need variety in my sustenance and if I were going to be drinking water all the time I wouldn’t be a happy bunny and so I have the occasional carbonated drink and I know through not developing good dietary habits I will reach for crisps first – having totally omitted the learning of a better dietary option or options, so, in the biggest way I am my own worst enemy when it comes to the choices I have made – the best I have achieved is knowing that one soda a day is too much for someone who is looking to maintain or lose weight but for me its good to limit it to just one drink and thank my stars I can feel good about limiting it to that.

I realise I am ignorant of best practice, and knowing I get little exercise in a day I can easily see why and how I maintain excess weight – I have simply not educated myself enough or followed through on what I’ve learnt – all this is nothing the average person can attest to knowing.

But as said lifestyle choices made by the real fatties and not the average excesses of most people aren’t going to be solved by ridicule – and perhaps the only thing a big fatty can ‘fuck-off’ meant as push away is the attacks of those who come-over as if they attack the fatties lifestyle choices enough times it’ll eventually change them; from what I’ve witnessed in my lifetime it’s a really hard job to undertake, to separate a person and their identity of being ‘as one’ with a food item and a fat person will or would rather ‘side’ with the food and the identity it brings to them than often face all the ins and outs of turning the super-tanker around, and slimming-down again.

Its fair to say that the irony is often ‘by trying to hide from stuff what often happens is its shifted onto the body and is seen for all to see, so deal with whatever is making you disguise an issue by eating or smothering it in fatty tissue – yes, fat people’s issues go far, far deeper than even they realise – as to get and remain fat you’ve often ran from the hurt that you once felt and kept running from it by piling-on the pounds of weight, but now unfortunately if you are to reconnect with the original hurts you have to also work through the blubber hiding the issues first.

I’m no psychologist but most people can see that fatties are hiding from other issues by covering their bodies in fat.

I myself have departed from that which may’ve wanted to hurt me in the past, and I think its only the fear of these returning to my life that somehow sees me on the same course, which is ridiculous as those people and situations are long-gone from my life – and I do know that – so surely, ignorance of a better way of eating and drinking and a determined refusal to give-up the unhealthy stuff in entirety is all that is holding me back – so, any improvements in the future have to come from me – I’ve just got to decide which future I want for myself,

I know I get turned-off by my fat belly in the mirror when I have a bath, and if that isn’t enough motivation [not having it there to look at it, then I don’t know what is]!


It just came to me

January 13, 2024

Note: Read as a second part to the previous posting, it’ll make more sense to you.

I am simply going to do a specific topic each time, in depth, my thoughts and feelings on the matter at hand, but I am also going to do them ready for publication, and this will cut-out the copyists that are sure to latch-on, and no, I still don’t see following my workings as an homage, I see it as annoying as being skewed-whiffed and not taken as I wrote it, [as everyone that takes from me does so to advance their cause and never advances on what I have said, and no, I don’t think its because I am hard to follow – no, no-one has the generally open-spirit to write and speak from a perspective that looks upon things afresh almost every time – anyway, after they are published I can do little but sense the reactions and yes, most people don’t get where I am coming from or what I am often alluding to.

So, I may be ‘off’ publishing for some time, as there are at least 12 topics I wish to look at in-depth, so, it may be Spring-time by the time I am here to be red again, although I may just give brief summaries of a line or two of ‘known-report’ if and when I feel that YOU LOT OUT THERE aren’t seeing stuff for what should be seen in it, and put you back on the correct-track: in the end I am investing in an all-out win – and that to me means not following any known tracks and teaching the World to follow-in the mysterious footsteps of the SHOULD BE KNOWN rather than the known – which often isn’t written by ‘things’ like myself – and what I am is indeed a thing only Robert has captured and used, where most just glimpse but hardly ever embody –  and thus I implore you to wait in good faith – as you are sure to hear a summation of stuff that’s been building.

Roadworks up ahead

January 13, 2024

Assimilation is one thing, but if you don’t give it time to sink-in so you see what you have then it’s a constant journey in which you mightn’t realise how far OR NOT you’ve progressed, so after assimilation comes the reckoning; sure I may feel I’ve a good bead on stuff as I progressed along but really pausing to see if you’ve actually missed any threads or roads to travel is one thing that I at least know I have to do, and how do I know? well when I ask myself, which I have lately, what is there to write about? I realise I’m lost and something big is building or built and needs tapping into – generally we see such moments breakout into avenues like new expressions or a lump of something that’s been building – for me when I realise that my subconscious has been so quiet and that [for me] has meant in the past that there’s something big coming, an explosion of consciousness – so, I pipe-down and see what emerges – a new direction or a massive say on something or other is my guess – either that or I close-off through overload – as its been push, push, push and hardly any pulling in – but rarely is it ever a big nothing – I could null-myself by wanting it to be a big-nothing but that kind of thinking is wasteful mental-energy, so, if nothing is written by me for a while that’s simply me letting the ‘sun shine in’ and keeping it to myself – I am fairly thrilled to see what comes or is coming my way – LIFE is or should I say HAS TO HAPPEN and if you do allow yourself to veer-off your own natural course by being too YIN or too YANG to your natural components, you as I will find either saying – oi mate we’re still here and need nourishing and if you don’t use us you’ll soon find we’re harder to find later – so take a hint mate and relax and wait for the lights to turn green again.

So, I sit at the ROAD WORKINGS, until something comes-about. And will dismiss any trifles as is humanly possible, which I know is just as easy as saying to myself, OH, IGNORE THAT MATE!

How to destroy your own theories…

January 12, 2024

… on the future workings of living!

Well, they are theories not actualities in so many cases, and no, I never ever really offer any ‘better or best ways of living or ‘sweet advice’ so I must be on about those that ‘profess’ – and ain’t we sick and tired of the muted or put-forward craziness which even a ‘dolt’ could see something just doesn’t add-up with them – no, you don’t have to be a genius to see through so much of that put forward as the new way of living – indeed its entirely possible to look at all contributions on why such and such doesn’t or will not work as said or proposed – and sometimes you’ll even see nay-sayers on the teams that work in the same realms as the proposers, those looking for commercial-advantage over others by slanting the obvious failings in their advantage and the gullible latch-on and back those with enough ‘front’ to literally dismiss anothers workings and supposedly come-over as they have a better reckoning of the matter – all from their dismissal of something, rather than their proposals – its often read this way – I/we dismiss and hence by our words we must now be the ones to follow – when any fool knows they are more than likely just as bad if not worse than the first lot – I suggest everyone has a manifesto and you should really check it out before going on blind faith.

I’ve seen people set-out to destroy their future workings, but is it by accident or design?

I’ve seen people agreeing with others as a ‘mark of faith’ in another and the subject at hand – only to appear the next-time on a slightly different angle to the same subject [but most importantly somewhat contradicts or runs in a different direction from that recently spun] and it simply means the viewer sees that ‘when a question or proposal is put or ‘posed’ one way is this and when put another way its as different as it needs to be – but in the end it amounts to the same thing they by their multiplicity of viewpoints have them seen as ‘destroying’ the previous viewpoints – no, not by them themselves but by the viewers paying far more attention to what they are angling at then the spouters of many viewpoints themselves – multiplicitiness – and its hard to see in any other way by the viewer as anything but one opinion or view ‘destroying another’ – or rolling-on top in order to snuff somewhat temporarily the past views and opinions.

Sometimes you’ve got to ask yourself what ‘just’ are the views and opinions that people have?

I suggest they have any opinions and views that fit at any one time and beyond that they mean nothing much at all – that is why the destruction-factor means little – ‘cos when you can re-fill in such a quick-fire manner what does it really matter – I often think that when you keep certain topics open ‘there’ to be filled with the usual spiel – you destroy as you add, where in a sense you may as well re-run any said past narrative on a subject as its sure to fit – I have watched the TV with the sound down and subtitles-up a lot of times and even with them down too and its clear that pictures alone never tell the whole story – but they do allow you to make your own ‘copy’ or ‘story’ from what is shown, so in a sense PICTURES ALONE are the strongest message as in a general-rule we have no filter at all in not allowing the message to get through when it is us adding the narrative to any story – we naturally don’t or won’t want to filter ourselves and our own reading of something -far easier to spot another person doing it to their own narrative – after-all won’t you soon turn-away from some person basically saying nothing and NOT engaging yourself – there is honestly no mystery to the waiting for something to improve and get better only to find you hopes were in vain, we all should learn a lot quicker to sense if something is going somewhere or not and ditch it a lot sooner – ads on your computer do this – they know if someone turns-off the volume that they aren’t interested in the product, so fast forward [its saying we recognise your disinterest and dislike of being cut-into by our ads and sorry, we’re going to foreshorten the pain for you, we’ve sensed your disinterest and we’ll temper our disturbances to a minimum – well, you can read it like that.

I say it’s a dog eat dog world out-there that has no real concern for which individual of any pairings who fight for the spoils wins, but are more concerned with somebody winning and maintaining the buy and sell mantra and lifestyle of those with the nous to gain from it all.

Still I see this: a sussed-population of billions of people forced back to basic-living standards who have to admit it isn’t so bad – and can live with it – whereas those with double or triple standards ‘moo-over’ how they brought this all about for our ultimate benefit and how we’ll come to laud them later for saving us and our planet [whilst never mentioning they were excluded from it all by taking all the wealth of us to insulate themselves from it in previous years, and sit there just waiting to reap any rewards of future spends by us]…

… but I don’t see that happening, I truly think that they’ve cut into us far too deeply and we could possibly find a 30 year recession ahead, where growth and therefore take is down, because the stimulating factors [put simply, the extra-cash we the people have for luxury-items isn’t coming forth into anybodies revenues government or private business and if a big-scale event got into the earnings between payers-in and takers-out in such a way that no matter what was tried they couldn’t balance let alone gain it in the direction of expansion to make growth continue, we literally could see years where no political remedies could bring us out of a situation.

Lets hope that never occurs as what it brings along with it could cripple countries like ours and soon enough everyone would know the stark realities of bad economics – I truly say before you vote for Labour in the coming election this year you should ask yourself have they rid themselves of the spend, spend, spend policies that brought them to disgrace at the end of their last stint in government and if they can’t prove their changes and a new way forward I suggest you bulk them from holding government, as its obvious to all that any grouping that hasn’t changed its attitude and ways of how to best spend tax-payers cash are bound to keep on the same course – and sure if Labour gets elected its sure the Tories will soon resolve to telling you Labour is wasteful [pot calling the kettle black] and they will smear until you half-forget just how much of a junket was spent unwisely with them and their pals. If or when Labour won’t tell you how they’ll spend the Gross National Product then you know you’ll be fucked as a country in the coming years – lets at least really learn one lesson as a nation this year, please.

You might think we’re all in too much flux – bollocks – no, we aren’t no where near where they suggest we are at – I haven’t seen any significant movement on any fronts for many years – I really cannot put one thing forward of real expansion and growth – as as a population nothing has been latched-upon – but if I was generous I might say that the only thing showing any improvement is the natural world – and cynically I’d say that is simply because business and idea-merchants for a supposedly better world can’t so easily get their hands on and make a stamp on the improvements ordinary-people can do themselves for their local environments and yes, people will plough their own monies into local schemes and block big business out [negating any big returns to the corporates] and I am glad as it shows us all, that money returns to money but effort of turning the soil for beautification brings its own rewards ‘like living in a improved state’ and I think its fair to state that that is something Britons have innate inside of them a natural feeling not to live with the manky and a willingness unbeatable to give time and energy freely to their patch of land and small rectangles and squares of space we call our homes and not see it as free labour but freely given labour – and that can never be brought from us – only we can bring it out of ourselves – and we do!



What are you offering?

January 11, 2024

Help, I need some – [body – of information], not just any information!

Indeed, isn’t that how it all kicked-off? I remember being told or it was pointed-out that the average human-brain used but a low percentage of its total capacity – I think many people heard that message and set-about with the idea that if this was so? we should be finding-out ways of expanding into the other percentage by filling it up – in 2024 we are starting to realise that we haven’t much of a capacity to fill-it with non-garbage thoughts and concepts – we tried to fill-it with thoughts of conspiracies and the unknown – we then tried the suspected – went down the scale to specific interests – and then jumped-onto that which was showing itself as a new way forward for many and acted like a big brother to those that seemingly needed a helping hand in their understandings of what they were going through, but soon realised you can’t really be a friend to moronic thought and left them to their own kind – although strangely I believe those we scorn and sneer at now may be seen in future times as kind of pioneers, but they really have a long, long, long way to go – and you’d be hard-pressed to see it in them now.

No, what people are offering in 2024 is a far-cry from the sensibilities and fixity of the past where institutional-craziness was so baked-in that it was so across the board it was crazy to actually point it out, let alone try to do something about it, but LIFE really had that deep undercurrent running through it in the 1970’s and 1980’s.

No, today’s offering is flexible and if you want some of it? just diverge from the norms of yesteryear and indulge any lingering fantasies of being something you never were and even say it’s a long-held dream of yours even if you’ve really only caught-on recently – I at 58 years-old realise that 40 years ago I lived with the feeling I could’ve if I had wanted to gone or wanted to go on a journey to fulfil many of that which I didn’t have in life but with a little ingenuity could work towards, if I wanted, I grew-out of that though [and its fairly amazing, but not so really that these desires were simply base-sexual desires looking for an outlet] you could argue that if I or even so many people fulfilled their baseness in sexual matters and sated their cup, if that’s truly possible, as we see with many of the younger generations they don’t or will not stop when exposed to sexual practices, so maybe the introduction to them isn’t such a thing to do, but that I feel always remains as the choice of anyone wanting to go down those roads, but it can bring and does bring a hellscape to live with, which is fine for those wanting to live like that, but for more sensitive types can be a nightmare to live around, anyway, that seems to becoming the offering on show nowadays.

But fear not, although many things in life are being brought-in that doesn’t mean they are being deemed as acceptable – I’d go so far to say that our unacceptability-meter is on fulls-ops in 2024, and the chances of being open-minded and fair to the operations of others is narrowed by the factual-doings of being open-minded or forced-to-be actually narrows-us as we have to bulk at so much.

I know we needed to expand into a wider/larger percentage of our brain – but as ever if and when we simply say I accept everything, whilst not ditching so much crap we simply expand out consciousness and what we introduce it to, to a world of rubbish concepts and yes we may well now have 20% of our brains in use but if and when 10% of that is filled with stuff we can compute or even comprehend with because its come from the garbled-up garbage-minds of the new-seekers and we are listening to it on a system of mind that far more fixed – are we destined for every 10% shift in capacity of use to actually be a safe and secure 10% then a 10% of crap then another 10% of safe and secure? I don’t think so, as it took 100’s of years for us to move on from the brilliance of Victorian-minds to the seeming dumbness of Gen Z growing-up and then you’ve got to realise the next great-epoch of conjunction of outer planets may not even take place in the signs of mentality so, it may be many hundreds if not a thousand years before any significance leap forward is made in areas of what simply isn’t infrastructure etc.

I suggest we simply got hit big-style by the shown factors of planetary conjunctions and the confluence of the Uranus/Neptune lot of a few years ago and the people of the Uranus/Pluto people in 1967 means we see two very much ‘tainted in their own main way’ types of people saying this works – when it very much works for both people and it isn’t a either/or but a combination of the best of both, where there are no overall winners that makes the better or best conclusion – but both sides must come to the understanding they can’t be totally like the other grouping [in turn into them] and they simply must take the learnings wholesale off of the other types.

I say when we know what is being offered by the others ‘you come to realise what you are fighting for’, people stay in peace often solely because they have [possess] nothing anybody else wants – do you see Greenland as a country at war? No, because there is little [known] to be possessed there; and odds are the land of Gaza has some oil in it or under its soil and that’s why the people are being displaced – or there’s just riches there – as the biggest motivator and mover is always commerce.

I say really, I dug into this whole scene for the truths of consciousness and have ended-up seeing the same motivations apply always and in a sense you’ve just got to be around long enough to see them come around again.

So, if you want to know what to offer the World, I say ‘exposure’ is near the top of the things – but if exposure brings nothing along with it then its purpose is null and I say that when we realised that public servants of the highest-order out of the rank-and-file [phile]? Can get shafted like the postmasters and seen as indispenible by their bosses then the public at large took note and tuned-in to find out about how the fight-back was going – as we all know pre-armed with information of how something is being done is always the common-persons best ‘known’ thing to know – as we never really know if and when it may come into our own worlds.

We can literally say we’re ‘armed to the teeth’ with information we can use in our defence nowadays but we’re still to wary to either wait for the cracks in the wall to appear, or even start banging away at the wall as yet, anyone can be brave when the only cause of action is to be brave – but start kicking-off at stuff that shows no apparent-weakness, no, you need your head tested mate, it is said – I say this though, for every moan and groan if you were to see them as a kick at the wall, then you’d far more appreciate what an offering of ‘what sweet beauty’ a truth offering that cannot be denied can be and is – as every truth rebuttal against everything placed as false makes the demolishing of falsehoods all that much sweeter – as there are no denials capable of saying our falsity prevails over the truths you have now offered.

Oh yes, I want to make it clear the Post Office and Royal mail [delivery and counter] are two separate organisations, and my postman told me that the other day, just to make that clear.

Umm and Arr

January 8, 2024

Has it really come to that? Uh hur!

Truth as I see it is it has become lie that for most people who comment, we’re literally all commented-out and that’s a medical-opinion as well as a social-one, as our drug supply is in the fix we get from commenting on stuff, and we’re really trawling the depths now – but I say fear not, as that is what is meant to happen in order to get away from the main narratives, as by going so disparate from the main show you soon reach the lower depths and suddenly you find you are talking about anything and everything, and yes it can seem scary – but if you look back at Media in the main expression its even scarier to see where they have gone – ‘main story syndrome or complex’ is what it is, an event ‘any event’ happens on this planet and if deemed newsworthy neutral it is jumped-on and ran with – you may start to see it as planned when all stations are from the viewers perspective ‘spouting it in the same way’ surely they are copying each other? But no, all channels in the news realm follow the press-release and its so buttoned-up nowadays that virtually no deviation in the way its told is possible to be made by any news-channel presenting the story – and the roll-on media do it to such depth that it leaves no air-time for smaller stories to emerge – its obvious that the main players source their smaller stories from Youtube and Tick-tock and alternative media sources as the main players are more concerned with the bigger stories only.

I can’t believe how much coverage certain subjects are given: wars are given top-billing although they can be interspersed with top-political leaders stories – natural disasters also get top-billing as do any tech THAT COULD make a difference in our lives IF ONLY we make an uptake – and then there are the ODDBALL stories of theories on living that have caught-on on any one day – and will be repeated again if the public latch-on; then we have what I call the PET SUBJECTS and possibly the PUBLIC FAVOURITES although what the media tends to think/believe interests us is often a far-cry from what actually does, and then there is the stories of ‘ought-importance’ for us – what we should be interested in – CLIMATE – well you do live with one and you don’t want to live in a filth-trap do you? you do, oh come-on! And TECHNOLOGY – surely you want to walk-up to a door and be recognised as friendly and gain entrance so we’ve made some tech to do that – a shallow-click is what I call-that, they should really spend-time thinking about who and what it excludes in making technologies a lot more than they obvious do! but I suppose when your goal is to get rid of the doorbell and replace it with something else the thinking about what gets excluded from life by your actions hardly comes into your thinking – for God’s sake tech people should team-up with those with a mind for unforeseen consequences and our futures will have a chance of being better if and when performance is linked to ability to change circumstances – but hey ‘top-dogs’ in tech don’t want to share, even the ‘load of’ looking at future possibilities and cause and effect, but that’s those types I’m guessing.

Onto Alternative media: I’ve always seen any small grouping of independents [as in a small shop-keeper who may be small to begin with but one day through natural business evolution and human expansion could become an owner of big business] as the natural progressive way of any business, so its no real surprise that in media it follows that way too – there’s something in our overall psyche that sees certain ways of being manifesting so, as said, so when I see and hear the bleating of the misrepresenting of being truly alternative in the media I agree, as its clear who are the feeder-people of the bigger narratives and who still possess the small-shopkeeper mentality ‘where personal service’ is always in – and yes, you may only be talking to a few but that ‘few’ may well constitute a majority of the real thinking-minds in the diaspora of all people who can churn-over stuff – indeed you can see the non-churning abilities in the big shop-keepers and their lackeys that may eventually call-time on their own ways of being – I know they are no more than script-readers in the main – but by being so they’ve forgone in so many ways the developments that ll alternative news reporters still contend with – so many people just ‘present the information’ nowadays and have become lazy, I’d say they have been forced into laziness and so as they fade-away into the background – those that actually choose to look into the stories in a wider-field of being ‘make the killing’ in that people who want news have always and still do want explanations and the backs and forths of the interplay between the actual events and even the players if they can get it – whereas scripted news always leaves not much wriggle-room for anything – copy and paste from AP or Reuters or whoever else pens the News – these are the real killers of instinct and no deviation is allowable – I can see it now – ‘house-style’ for grammar and punctuation has taken-over and become house-style for comment and content – a strict-basis that no-one deviates from less they are seen as a deviant of not going along with clear set-down order.

After-all what kind of writer umms and arrs or even writes like that – an alternative one.

No, all people in the media world/landscape finds their level – if I was offered a position in an organisation I’d say no, even to a million-pound offer, as to me an offer is not really even there if you’ve already decided years ago that you’d sell your wears to anybody or thing at any point – no, to you you’ve nullified any offers as to make them irrelevant – no, not at any price – and you remain as you are.

As I see it people like Russell Brand, Jimmy Dore, Megyan Kelley, Ben Shapiro, et al occupy a middle-ground where their whole performance smacks of increasing-into the big-time of becoming included by being involved in the bigger-game they pretend to their viewers they have some-kind of influence in, simply by being involved in that world – and that is what sets them apart from the others in the alternative realm – I’d suggest that the only other thing is spomsers with deeper-pockets but most people in the alternative field have backers of some kind – still with their seeming upward projectory I really don’t see them as troubling any body with anything to really say – as these types are firmly following stories that come from the mainstream – and if only they could lower their ambitions and live as they truly-are in mind then their alternativeness would shine through, but I think Dore and Sharpio have simply placed themselves in this field to make as much of it as they can – anyone who brings-in comedians into the news realm ‘shows their insincerity’ straight-off.

So, they will intermingle and take from here and there but ultimately won’t gain anyone’s respect, as its all too obvious where each of these ‘four donkey-men and women’ come from – you can find four descriptive words from their performances for them I’m sure – and really that is all they are – the people are the story NOT THE ACTUAL STORIES which you can read-about elsewhere, and that is in no way alternative.


If alternative is just another way of saying different then many would get a pass, and even the mainstream could do a skit and pass itself of – or willing to give it a go.

But that’s not enough!

Is giving your take on the main story enough to be called Alternative? No, because if that was all was needed GB News and Talk TV could be deemed so, but when you see where and how they source stuff and the strict ‘I agree with it or them’ you so often hear spouted you soon see there’s no alternative there.

In the comedy world it was in the 1980’s that people like Alexi Sayle hit back and showed the World there was another ‘comedy’ out-there that was untapped and unsourced but really when looked at now it was little more than some buffoonery by young-adults that appealed to other young-people and again it was the ‘difference’ to the ‘normal’ output that made it stand-out.

No, in my mind if you are going to be alternative you’ve got to dismiss where the main thing is coming from from the start, and set-about looking at building a alternative angle and approach to how it was presented in the first way – even to the extent of not even it looking like you are talking about the thing you are talking about – finding ways around an issue by talking-about other issues that may or may not even be vaguely related to the matter in hand – after all – the script-writers have only chosen to pursue stuff in the way they have for the reasons they have – and anybody who hasn’t or won’t copy and paste is by default an alternative ‘up until that point’ but when you diverge you can’t go dipping back-in, you must follow your divergence-lines; but how divergent can you be?

To make sense in anything you must follow the mentally-learnt rules of engagement, be that in speech or writing, so, is there really even an alternative beyond the ‘I disagree and this is why’? aren’t we fooling ourselves somewhat to believe that, I believe so.

So, I say in my humble opinion the only real alternative media there can ever be is or are stories or speech that don’t arise from events, thus if we don’t source from anything as we know it is and always will be corrupted into being said in a certain way by the biggest and loudest media voices – but we actually create and make stories from a Magnajary of combined influences ‘the so-called what if’s of what never happened, but could have’ then surely it wouldn’t be a LIE or LYING but more an alternative imagining of real things that could well have happened – and that in a sense is as truly alternative as its possible to get.

IN GOOD FAITH we aren’t telling stories or re-imagining what actually happened – just telling it another way – which after-all is what was done to any story told my the mainstream in the first instance.

You say ‘it is’ we say ‘look at something this way’.

They say two people can look at the same thing and describe it in one way and an alternate way – but how many can take a story and run with it or even better make a story from a story! TALK WITHOUT TALKING if you like.

Lucky Dip!

January 6, 2024

I see everyone in some kind of complaint-mode – which when you see a lot worse in the wider world than posting kind of beggars-belief – but I suppose all is ‘relevant’ or ‘subjective’ as when you aren’t being killed by Israel you can bitch and moan about the most inconsequential things, and lets be honest only one and half-million more Gazans to kill and wipe-off the face of the earth, ey Isreal. I hate being that stark but that’s their truth – that’s what they are doing – No more Gazans and no more Gaza – see a problem eradicated – well, how else are you meant to see it as? Exactly.

I suppose hatred builds up and up that eventually you don’t even see what you are doing as having any significance beyond fulfilling your long-held wishes of an extermination to a perceived problem – I think the funniest thing of all is it comes from an area of the World where a man said ‘love your neighbour’ so the twisted-fucks see it as ‘kill your neighbour’ I really wonder if anyone will do business with Isreal ever again? What sane person would – you’d fear for your life even getting connected to that lot.

Moving-on: Is peace our natural-state? Can you possibly equate waking-up from sleep or slumber as a metaphor for humans being in a peaceful condition and thus saying its our natural condition; I’ve known many a person for who sleep in an inconvenience of time from being agitated and irritated the rest of their ‘awake’ period – hot tempers are supposed to be personal or located in the person – but nowadays people shift their ‘anima’ into the wider-field for so many reasons – with shifting culpability surely being high on the list – no, it didn’t happen or come from me, no, it was a societal thing and it represents me more than I ever could represent myself [even when I am part of it], yes, its got as stupid as that in many quarters – where it seems far easier to represent yourself as part of a wider-grouping and hence lose your individual-outlook but gain from including yourself in ‘something’ – ‘anything’ in fact – just so long as you don’t feel left out. Its not for me though, as I often end-up after writing feeling I have made no ‘joinings’ to any ‘one’ and anything – and its more than having neutrality as a journalist of sorts, so don’t connect just report – no, its far more to do with honestly having or not wanting to have any connection to that which I write about – and if you look at SM you soon see it runs-deeply through most people’s hands-off approach – a moments reflection made by savagely-comedic person doesn’t negate the bitter vile and suddenly make them, [the person] into a sage and decent human – no, their vileness shines through – and any explanations by themselves of their decent character is usually a thinly-veiled and non-back-up-able assessment which has already been demolished by their content – I mean the number of times I watch venomous attacks made into veiled-comedy and then a kind of retort of I’m only kidding mate and its being cruel to be kind makes me laugh and wonder what their future ‘shrink’ sessions will be like? But obviously people can’t wait to retort back nowadays – no, when you post a video nowadays INSTANT KARMA – which is swiftly retorted and dismissed and if any is missed the system swoops-in and tidies-up – no, loose ends nowadays folks – no, there is a line and if any content deviates from it, its soon pulled-back into line – I TELL YOU in 2024 ‘THE CORRECTIONAL-SERVICE’ is the main force – and the only thing to really know is this – if you aren’t subject to a correction – it’s a sign you aren’t rubbing-up anything of importance – and get that idea of ‘going under the radar’ out of your head too – as its impossible unless you have built your own private-network on the Internet and you have a select clientele and even then IS ANYTHING TRULY KEPT SECRET OR HIDDEN ON THE INTERNET? I think you know the answer to that – I know code words are being used more and more in people’s language nowadays which in my mind is fine – but only if you know the patter – its still a language where you need another mental code-book to understand and soon you’ll have what the Bible called speaking in tongues – or in codes, and no, I am NOT suggesting that ‘that’ is what speaking in tongues actually means – but look around in 2024 and you’ll soon see that or what today’s appropriation is, and its an attempt to get-into and say that you have validity on some matters by attaching your wacky theories and ‘need to be’ by connecting to sustained and competent ways of living – sadly the competent ways of living don’t appreciate or want your attachments and the classic-one is of course demeaning women by attaching cis to women all so that trans has a counterpart in the naming stakes, to hopefully make it seem that realer, but this kind of validity of making something stand-up not just through itself but by the put-on connection to a known reality accepted by all that there are men and women and not cis-men and women – I say if you can’t stand alone in your own category of gender then are you really able to call yourself anything at all – I personally feel that trans-people have taken themselves out of GENDER and not in the non-binary way, and they just don’t see it yet – neither fully one thing or the other many trans-people have got to see their status is indeed non-labelled, as they are the journey between being solidly male or female, and yes I did mean they are literally the point between A and B or should that be between XX and XY, because the whole definition of the word TRANSITION is surely to start-off as one gender and go to become the other gender or be shifting along the scale from the one gender to the other, although a man with breasts and a dick surely is seen as in a transitioner-state and so perhaps should been seen as such A TRANSITIONER whether they remain in that physical-condition for a short time or even their entire lives, and yes that goes for women who wish to go to men – but when you look at it isn’t it strange or funny that in the transitioning world a women with no breasts and a man with breasts identifying as the opposite gender are in a sense both sending-out a message of mirroring the truly-stated and wanting to be a male or female in what they do to be like the opposing gender, I mean and have said it before – breasts really are the key issue in the whole matter.

Indeed, I growing-up only really sensed I was different from the females by seeing the girls growing breasts as in polite society its not the done thing to put your hand down anothers pants to see if there is something different to yourself down there – but of course we must all eventually do that or there’d be no sex and no children either.

I called the post lucky dip as I had no idea what was on my mind, but it turned-out like this, and I guess if I had had given it much thought beforehand I mightn’t not have bothered, as I often see at the end of my postings I really could’ve shortened it to two paragraphs: stop your killing of the Gazans you Israeli bastards and in the second one – there is far more deception in the social media world, and you transgender lot still have a long way to go to even consider getting accepted by the male and female world, and I don’t see any true Intelligence in your community that can do anything other than be guided by the biological principles of the human body [which you continue to mangle with, to satisfy your psychological yearnings – in some senses you should take a lesson from the disabled-community and learn to live with the limitations of the body – but I suppose you’d only retort that if we have any kind of disability at all – it would be in allowing ourselves to believe and stay in the designated body we were born in – no, its our right to fuck-about with our bodies – if only because we can – and psychologically we’ve grown into that idea – rather than leave real alone – I say its simply a pursuit-outlet for many – a new toy in the toybox to play with and if it came-down to it and you lost the transgender toy – most if nay not all of you could live without the accessories of being both genders in a body – denial of what body you came-out as is shown to be a ‘fudge’ at best for most trans people as most really do want to be that mix of components DICK AND TITS for men and chest and vagina for women – it simply is a minus and plus situation for many – and in that sense GENDER is a secondary issue as a mixed-parts person knows there is no label of gender that can be assigned to someone that isn’t either wholly male or female – and now, who do these people identify as? As truly there is no sexual or gender category that can be given to a ‘mixture’ as of yet.

But as I said, I am ‘bored’ of trans-issues – and still am a ‘man’ and always will be.


But I admit I only see it from an outside perspective and not a lived-experience – still certain things you don’t need to go through to gain an understanding – but there my gained empathy ends pretty much.


Truth and Justice!

January 4, 2024

Having watched Mr Bates versus the post office – its an incredible insight in what it takes to go up against the established companies in this country and I dare say it would apply to or in any country that has a justice system, and therefore it begs one very big question – why is it we see the shambles of the covid-19 inquiry when its possible to see justice and the truth arise in a smaller but not much lesser enquiry of finding truth and justice when a simple fraud and cover-up is done against people, and what’s more against the workers of a company [even if they as sub-postmasters were independent they still worked with the tools of the post-office [their horizon system].

I can see why the post-office is as they are, I only ever use the P.O. as a customer, and talk about ‘tight’ they work as ‘regulators’ meaning their staff ‘work’ in such a regulated-manner it is of no surprise really that they hold themselves up as being defenders of the mail and all business to do with such – so a questioning of their workings would meet a solid defence – but you cannot defend the indefensible and whether criminality is simply seen or implied through the interference of those doing tweaks in the system is like saying ‘you may have done your tweaking unknowingly of those accounts you were tweaking but the criminality lies in interfering and not in allowing the holders of the accounts to know of your meddling.

It’s a massive test-case of all justice – when you come-up against the establishment – and probably see that ITS TRUST THAT IS BEING TESTED HERE and that’s why to the average person it comes-over as having meaning and meaningful proportions to the average life – even when it was the sub-postmasters and not the public that got dealt a big blow by a faulty system – we can all relate to it.

Now, it gives me good heart to see that TRUTH and JUSTICE can be the outcome of people banding together and THEN taking the COMPLAINT to the LAW COURTS – I think that is key UNLIKE IN THE COVID-19 INQUIRY ongoing – the LAW SYSTEM has taken-up the case and thus it hears witnesses – but have these WITNESSES actually or are the people that got affected by the workings of big pharma and the minions below who willingly played their part in dolling-out the things that harmed – no they are not the victims [for victims of a treatment, is what they are – you take something and are harmed by it – you are a victim of the thing you took and that is that – the cause had the effect and it is a non-medically excusable thing in that it was said take it and it’s the best available thing for you – but it was soon seen not to be for so many.

All i’m really saying is the Covid-19 inquiry in Britain is trying to get off-the-hook any persons who may be liable for prosecution for their part in the roll-out of the ‘cine and if you start to believe its got any thing to do with compensation for those in any way injured or killed by the roll-out you are missing the point.

I suppose I write this in the vague hope that as said – if and when a group claim comes and not an inquiry then just as Mr Bates gathered the hurt felt by the victims surely the same can be done with the Covid-19 doings – and look it took them 20 odd years to get justice through truth – but got it they did – and look they had no evidence as such – only the affect on their lives – but over time they got to the end and yes – I see this scandal at the Post Office as a clear sign of what a case can be brought-up and against ANY established grouping ‘BIG PHARMA’ and yes, remember the line from the ITV Drama – we won and the Post office lost their monies as well as ourselves – and I see it entirely possible to say that about Big Pharma too – sure it could be 30 – 50 or 100 years from now but if it just reverses injustices and tells the truth of what went down and stops it from occurring again – surely it will be worth it – so let the inquiry do its stuff – in the meantime if you believe you have any claim against them for bodily injury or loss of a loved-one then its time to form a Bates like grouping and know you are in for a long contest – but as the drama attested to…

… you are NOT ALONE!   

Performance Monkeys!

January 3, 2024


Its fairly easy to see or spot – any fairly convincing performance is all it takes to get onside those you want onside – went the fantasy inside the minds of any youtuber or ticktocker – wow – I’m finally going to become popular and get people to like ‘that which they didn’t like about me before – hardly wanting to consider why you may be unlikeable beforehand and do something about that rather than plough the same furrow – I’d say so many people on these platforms are unsuitable for the medium – I suggest someone starts-up a social-media platform for undesireables – oh wait isn’t that what Youtube and Ticktock is? of course it has become such – a NATTERY of borderline NUTTERS – not much more than PERFORMANCE MONKEYS.

I keep my content LIMITED, all for the reason of not becoming one too, I would rather curl-up into a little ball of reckoning than being a reactionary ballster – I still have something inside me that won’t allow myself to sink that low – no, if and when you have to become the show instead of setting a show out by the performance of others, I don’t ever want to go there, but I know in my writings I have to be descriptive, but I don’t ever want to be seen as having anything to do with what I am describing, an explanation is all I am offering – I realise that I am currently on a kind of conveyor-belt of producing linked posts and I am nearing maximum performance, but there are some rubicons I will not surpass or pass, simply because I don’t want to, and any opportunities to link further – whether to the current bollox spouted or even into areas yet explored isn’t of interest to me – most bloggers and spouters of new frontiers often from how I see it, especially on Youtube and ticktock wake-up a blank-slate and trawl the apps looking for inspiration and in the deep subconscious they see anothers work and hardly notice their aspiration to better it – as it’s a very deeply-held thing [but its there] and with hardly knowing they set-out to trump it – I also see group think [believing you belong somewhere within a group identity also informs strongly – [oh I must throw my two-penny worth into the conversation – but soon enough you soon realise you have had nothing much to say – so you turn into a low-grade comedian. I on the other hand wake-up and dismiss far more than I ever actually say – and have nothing biting away at me to be said, and I make it a strict-policy [in as much as I am ever able to NEVER source from current events – sure I have done occasionally and yes, I spent far too much time on stuff, but I saw it as deserving dismissal and yes, I now see those that go with every movement of a major-scheme looking for first advantage have reverted-back to a position I was working from all along – and did they really gain any advantage? I think not – actually people like myself gained from their strains and proving all along that ‘running with’ something doesn’t always produce the advantages hoped for – and holding-back or onto what is no more than stone-cold facts of there are no facts when its based on lies [see Covid-19] and actually in the end we can shove Covid-19 as either a pre-cursor or a smaller-play within a much bigger ‘medical play’ where as I see it, it could well end-up one-day [GOD FORBID] where you aren’t known by name anymore but your designation is by what medical condition you fall under – but I didn’t even want to say that as it gives the wrong-people the wrong-idea and soon enough ALL the Performance Monkeys start off down that route and we’re aflush with Youtubers trying to gain their slice of the dollar from the Pharms and yes the Monkeys get connected to all the other Farm animals and soon the Internet is awash with all kinds of antics.

No, no, no – if any NEW FRONTIERS arise they’ll be organic [no, I’m not talking fruit and veg], I mean ARISE NATURALLY and aren’t forced-out of the current narratives – more inserted by those who think outside of the veg-box and see nothing changes if it isn’t brought-in from without – which begs the question: who is human and capable and willing enough to do such a thing?

I do things ‘not just to catch-on’ but I do them fully intentionally of bringing a different way of looking at stuff and indeed bulk when I sense a sameness to everything gone before – the only sameness I allow myself is to sound the same in words as I did before – my style – as I know that there is little more off-putting than to come-over as another person – and any developments in the consciousness of mine should only really be seen in my writings and not as an explainable other – unless I wish to add in that as an extra!

And so – I leave you for now not particularly-caring if you have seen this post as a performance or not, and knowing no-one cannot help but see an expression of something as anything but a performance – and in the end there is nothing hypocritical in doing a normal behaviour – no, but if the content shoots here there and everywhere and you jibber-jabber in contradictory manners and much much more – your actions find you out – and I finally suggest so many commentators put-out so much content in order to re-write so much of the crap they have already spouted – whereas I know if and when I am not pushing my story along – like a soap-opera of sorts, I am simply saying I am not fit to be in the realm in which I perform [as the inspiration strikes me].


But I’ve said it so many times before its getting to bore me – but really when you can’t or won’t see that being in the media by posting into it you really need to be a media-type and if you are not by being unsuited you best desist from posting – you might just see that your posting of funny clips and senseless commentary are what separates you from the actual media you perform on.

AND NO, THIS WASN’T WRITTEN BY A CHATBOT. They couldn’t do it – as I didn’t source anything from the KNOWN past as they would have to and indeed do.

I am not going to wake-up in 2024!

January 1, 2024

I have made a decision, something for 2024; everyone says wake-up, I say I’ve seen what you are trying to wake-me-up-to and its many nay all issues I wish not to get involved in – trans issues bore me frankly – climate issues are over-hyped – health issues are surely far more personal than the collective poured-down on the person – political issues have basically been seen to be money-makers-see ULEZ and increasing council taxes – I scorn at parody – I don’t laugh at those pulling others ideas to bits even when I see that most cases they need dismissing but surely there are better ways to show them for what they are – I don’t want to see cancellations as its plain that most people can’t produce enough worthwhile content in the first-place by themselves – I simply am not buying-into all that’s produced and put on show on youtube etc – no, I really would like to just see original content and no-one doing hit-pieces on others work as a commentary or reaction piece, no, if this and lots lots more is what there is to wake-up to – frankly stuff it as I haven’t the mentality of a twelve year old or wish to have myself reduced-back to it.

Become awakened – so you can become shocked – but more so let the insidious-creep of utter bollocks seep into your brain and all brains when we’ve all woken-up to a new reality we let creep-in under the auspicious’s of being awake. You can join me – stem the tide – but there are no awards or medals given-out by me, just a self-satisfaction that in becoming awake you are letting it happen – remember you were far more awake before wokeness arrived and so sleep and become unaware again – as the shock is within the awakening and if someone suggested we have to become awake in a different way to build a counter-narrative to standard wokeness I’d suggest that running along side wokeness is a bad move as you’ll become associated to it by simple association of being in the same field – no, the only real answer is continue being a staid, boring old normal and fight from that stance – otherwise you’ll be mixed-up in a field of existence ‘that of’ a people who have opened themselves up to many things beyond normal-living; and the sexual-realm is a key component – all kinds of madnesses lye in the awakened-field and that is why I am not awakening myself to them and will be staying firmly asleep to them in 2024 and beyond – some things and concepts you never want or wish for in your life – the fight-back starts NOW!

Nothing to Parody Denigrate or Dismiss

December 31, 2023

Well, there is but my voice would be lost within the thousands nay millions of others.

C’mon on Humankind just because we live in such times doesn’t mean you cannot find a new way of being – go with the better option not the easier one.


I mean exactly what I say – take yourself out of the cess-pit and stop dwelling-on all the easiness of parody and denigration and dismissal – and yes start to work-up a way to portray without taking the piss or how to constructively criticise and how not to totally state that ‘that’ said by others has no value at all. How, you ask moronically – as you have to rather moronic to even converse with the moronic output – I say you are denigrated by even connecting with the crap, you become a parody of your true self by also doing so and you dismiss all that you could otherwise be by engaging in these practices – do yourself a favour and see your engagements as becoming infected by the disease in your parodying and dismissal and it denigrates you too.

C’mon CHEAP LAUGHS is that the enrichment you are after? It looks like that to me.

You only have to look at attacking in a different manner to that which needs attacking and you’ll come away with a sense of not superiority or smug self-satisfaction but more so a sense of having lifted yourself higher from the pit of shit and thus no more are you simple shit-stirrers who possible might take the what if’s spread seriously – as its frankly a miracle that no great damage has been done from all said on Social media – but that’s surely more because ‘the writers and speakers of the truths of this planet’ just don’t or aren’t allowed for their clout to have any real impact on worldly-events – in the end ‘who or what do you really think you are influencing’? at best you are telling them stuff that they avoid and get-on with their planning – they are going to do it according to their planning and you only show them nothing which influences them – I think I’ve seen but one true influence in the past year in the UK where public opinion swayed the politicans to go another way and that was scrap HS2 and plough the saved monies into east-west rail links and buses – bar that we’re just talking amongst ourselves really – but don’t give-up as a crack in the damm comes around every so often and the cascades come.

Its going to be shown that when the belittling stops and some kind of deceny returns the claims it was ‘us’ IT WAS THE SUN THAT DID IT’ oh yeah, – seriously now – no-one really knows if a person is decent or not except the person themselves – there’ll never be any tech that is capable of measuring that in a person – and no chatbot will be able to write a test to score it – no, in the end it will always come-down to this…


Not even I knew I was this good at writing until I gave it a go, ha, ha, ha – stop laughing over there!

Annihilated Prospects!

December 30, 2023

Here is a short story, that has no other meaning than what is said.

Here we go.

What is bigger than War? If you believe it could well be ‘Annihilated Prospects!’! how have you come to that??? maybe it could be due to realising that when seeing the end goal in any endeavour and what it means to gain but where that gain sees its losses for the losers equals your gains gives you your answer = therefore I/we won ‘whatever’ simply because we could see what the others lost.

It takes a certain type of mentality built-up over generations of breeding, I’ve heard it said; you can see it in them, a certain type of assurance that what they are aiming at in due to what has been inbred and as such what they do is done for no other reason than its them.

I say I’ve seen Annihilated Prospects all my life, isn’t that what warfare actually is the denying of prospecting on life’s opportunities to one section of people with the sole purpose of garnering it totally in the hearts and minds of an exclusive sect of persons who generally wish for the same outcome for themselves and by a weird default gain all prospects for or unto themselves – at base reality we’re all hunter-gatherers still and if you aren’t, aren’t you being kept as a pet within the prospects of a system which feeds you as you allow the hunters full-reign to take anything they like as long as you get fed eventually, I think many humans fall into that way of existence or subsistence living, simply don’t fuck with the main-pack and you’ll be allowed to eat.

Its been said once or twice that prospectors treat the earth and its resources like an open-cast mine [and rape and pillage never actually died-out and re-branding activities is probably the best non-open advertising scheme/cover-up there ever was – as its known but untraceable in so many ways.

I say isn’t prospecting just a poncy-wordage for ‘looking here there and everywhere for anything that comes up or your way’ – of course it is – WAR’s intention is to clear the field so that a future of prospecting can arise – and you may well ask how certain of life’s ways manifest – CURB THE NEED, CURB THE GREED a glib assertion it may be but I always think it better to see the difference between things so that you are able to distinguish which side or end of the see-saw you wish to plonk yourself on and stay-on.

REPENT -REPENT- REPENT was John the Baptists message – turn-away from Babylon and have no dealings with the sinful ways of mammon etc etc etc – how do you think he got to be able to say that with ‘conviction’ and could back it up – ‘cos he obviously could back his conviction up – wasn’t it said that the most powerful ‘king’ was afraid of John because the utter truth cannot be refuted when it is seen and known to be the truth and cannot be denied – for that was all John was essentially doing – putting the truth on display in a way that was ‘louder than war’ and ‘Annihilated the prospects’ of sinful-behaviours continuing.

In modern-day life I myself find myself on a similar-path as do many others – we often see WAR as the ultimate and stop there – surely nothing can take-on WAR? I have just shown you that if and when you Annihilate the prospects of others [unspecified, but they are easy to spot] then in fact you are fighting fire with fire – you’ve gone above and beyond and nullified – you’ve seen the tactics – you’ve seen the causal-affects on your life, even at a distance and realised the tables are easily turned – you’ve even looked at how easy it is to have your own prospects annihilated!

The game is up when in a simple stroke you see the end in the beginning – or the answer in the question                                                                                                                 now, what do you see in that blank space? Nothing eh – an annihilation of space where letters and words could be? Oh c’mon – it could be far, far, far more than that; some may see it as annihilation of the prospect or a waste of but that’s my point – we’re led and always have been led to view stuff in a certain way – but hey – I haven’t spent the last four years annihilating their prospects for nothing, you know!

Its been ALL OUT WAR as to put it simply enough ‘they had to be told’ that their model of how to live life was a distorted freakshow that even circus-folk would sneer at and yes, these past few years have been a WARNING to you ALL – but I AM or WAS the BEGINNING of it all – the pre-cursor if you like – but as the consciousness has risen – you simply will meet millions more consciousnesses who may not see them as Annihilators [but are] and they will come for your prospects!

Why? because when two groupings are fighting over the same prospects [and we are] then its like Putin says ‘you say its war I say it’s a military exercise’ are we both right? And Netanyahu [Isreal prime-minister] says its not Palestine genocide – but we can see it is!

No, my friends, you’ve prospected well and made in-roads that it’s a ‘fire-dampening exercise for them now’, but fear-not as all prospectors know one thing and that is they are on their own but the collected-minds of all the prospectors means we now out-number them and our infiltration is complete as now we can ‘mine’ the narrative and take and even insert whatever we so wish into the story of life – I have seen them taking-on what we do and they fold an incorporate into life our prospecting – so make 2024 and beyond years where our prospects are there for all to see and know – as these are the forgotten years in their minds – the years they could do nothing with – so, we got in there and through persistence showed them we weren’t giving-up so lightly.

2024 – THE FUTURE IS NOW YOURS MY FRIENDS – and all it took was to see there was something bigger than WAR to Annihilate its prospects!

I am glad that people are…

December 29, 2023

… listening to the self-care message.

As I said in my last post, the ‘investment’ of time and energy we naturally put into caring for ourselves SHOULD NOT be under-looked and WASTED as I said we invest hours and hours of our time HERE doing this, so to neglect and not see the value in it is risible and yes there is a reason for it, its not just PREENING it is a simple statement of taking-care and presenting – surely any USA citizen would know how much that matters – and I suggest that MAINTAINENCE is underlooked but scorned-upon in equal measure – oh, look at that poor dear, they can’t even look after themselves – I tell you the slowest way to revolution is for you to take-away ‘personal-dignity’ from people by denying access to products and services that allow humans to look like humans – as in the human mind when you are put-off by the appearance of another human – you often cannot respark and engage in your own mind a way ‘beyond’ that initial disgust of non-connection and yes I am only saying this from the point of view of ‘debasment’ and that is a tricky elemental game – as you debase someone else only with the nagging quality in the back of your mind of – ‘how far down the line does it have to go until I get or even feel debased myself?

Vanity doesn’t even come into it when for example a more basic condition of ‘decent dental work’ is your minimum requirement’ – I’d personally wear sackcloth but many millions nay billions don’t or wouldn’t like to be demeaned as such – HUMAN DIGNITY – YEAH, BUT AT WHAT COST – WHEN YOU HAVE LITTLE ABILITY TO PAY.

P.S. When the services dry-up because no-one has the monies to go ‘private’ you get the political swing-affect and its ever thus – one’s groups or parties actions and contentions allows the supposed opposing or opposite to come in by pledges – only for us to later see they have no option but to ditch the promise and deal us the middle way of production.

Who ever says HUMAN NEED doesn’t make HUMAN POLITIC needs a good talking to.

So, value self-care but value care provided by others even more highly as if and when we don’t we’ll find a section of all of our communities walking-about with a look on their face that says health-care now – I need health care – in a stare that is as long as the eat-out-to-help-out queue was long.

I sometimes think that in today’s world its simply a plan to drain or dearth certain things and when the need reaches maximum – they jump-in and try to blitz it, that never works though – just think of those TV slogans ‘a sustainable future’ well that’s meant for the climate – but one day hopefully our politicians etc will see the best sustainable future arises on funding of all levels of life sustainably and ploughing OUR monies into pet-projects sees far more losers in the neglected areas – and with more and more neglect comes a situation where abandonment has to come into things – as quite simply often one thing is bound-up or within another – we often neglect politics because deep-down we sense the abandonment within ourselves for what politics can do for us – ‘you’ve never had it so bad’ but don’t concern yourself we will always and can make it badder for you – whilst telling you its all for your future good – someone should remind them TOMORROW NEVER COMES – so, lets start dealing with today.

What to do and when!

December 28, 2023

We ‘to state the bleedin obvious’ are getting older day by day and we hardly recognise our infirmities, usually not until we have to; in some senses it can be asked if its better to have infirmities earlier in life [hopefully giving us the chance or ability to adapt and get used to living with them or not to have them and it’s the spare of years that comes as a blessing? I’ll let you decide on that.

For many its not even a choice or the onset of time that brings-about infirmities through ageing as many people are born with conditions that they’ve had to deal with/handle [some since birth] I myself have slightly deformed kneed and lower legs which almost shout-out that their development were retarded or on a slow-growth unlike the rest of my body – thankfully I was born with no other conditions that impeded life from taking-place but after a few years of corrected-walking practices by me it was clear to me that it wasn’t going to be a life-long impediment and I could live with being viewed as the person with the funny walk and if I just slowed-down a little then its not that noticeable – but we rarely view ourselves fully or properly as another would ‘ourselves or us’ do we? no!

So, I was thinking about the dreaded ‘social care’ that is simply not a desired position to find yourself in ‘needing to do’ – so undesirable is it that as a profession or simply a job it rarely appeals to many in the out-of-work force [the so-called unemployed – which is a misnomer as every unemployed person still needs to cook clean and shop for themselves – there is or are no helpers helping the unemployed with all of that – why should there be? They have so much time on their hands that its simply up to them ‘as and when’ they do such things – indeed many unemployed people choose unemployment as an option ‘all so they can be ‘time abundant’ over anything else.

Getting back to ‘care’ though. I think its fair to state in all ‘cultures’ one of the first thing any infant gets drilled-into them is self-care ‘clean your teeth and wipe your arse’ and eventually don’t be a drama queen about things with the eponymous killer-line every child who plays-up hears ‘well, everyone else does it’ and there’s no retort worth hearing that comes after that – we just get on with it.

So, it really begs the question if by human-design of best practice of ‘caring for ourselves’ do we bulk at caring for other humans – we’ve been shown by parental-guidance and schooling and even hours of practice that LOOKING AFTER YOURSELF ranks as highly as eating/drinking/pissing and shitting and breathing – but we bulk at doing what we’re all practiced-in for anyone but ourselves – the truth of the matter is no-one who is a fully-grown adult can lay claim that they don’t have the skills to do what they naturally do for themselves and with a straight face say that these can’t be applied to another human – you’ve got to make that link between being a caring person when someone is injured and you step-up and see that when infirmity strikes another a helping offer is just as necessary to be offered even though it may be politely refused for whatever reason – no, the only real reason help is not offered or given is it may show-up the givers infirmities and that is really not a loss many can take the risk of being exposed to – I often think that people still see the ‘infirm-route’ as being the route to the end and once down and infirm ‘that’s it’ it’s a one-way trip to the end and no recovery is imminent or possible and we’re wasting our time with the people who need care – and it’s a pathway to the final exit that is needed – I say or retort – if for a moment we all thought about the years of training we each have put into self-care and its value – we wouldn’t be so quick to ignore and snuff-out the people who are by no fault other than ageing but perhaps a few wrong turns or decisive paths of practices like smoking or eating have weakened themselves but with the care of recovery will be able to turn things around – imagine a youth being told their fitness training wasn’t going to be used in a career as a sports-trainer for youngsters but they’d be in a career looking after older adults – then you wouldn’t need to even state it was a caring position but just suggest it was fitness for older adults and that would be far more appealing as a caring-role.

But my main thrust today is as said – we must try to get-over and view ‘caring’ for others as just a very natural extension of what we naturally do for ourselves, if only that we ALL as humans become aware of our own frailties and remember if you see you are no longer able to do stuff for yourself as you once did then you are seeing the IMPORTANCE of being ‘looked-after’ in the way every human sees slowly slipping-away from their lives and asked the question in the title of this post – what to do and when… … you feel like you need ‘the care’ of others and at that age of real need the family may not be around and you may have lost a lot of contact with friends [who may well be as infirm as yourself] and finally apart from asking about services available at your surgery – do you actually know where to turn-to – and if people don’t step-up to extend themselves to care for you soon – in ways beyond simply being put in a care-home until the end of your days then more and more people are going to be filled with a resentment they can only ever put down to – ‘they were able to help – but for whatever reasons they chose not to – but you can smile when you think – when its their turns to be old and infirm they’ll be no-one for them – but hey, actually don’t tell them as it’ll be far more poignant for them to see ‘how they lived – coming back on them’ [you don’t have to say they’ll see for themselves what having no wider social-care means but they’ll find-out]… … but that’s the final thing invest in a future where a small-click of people help a small bunch of people in and with private finance and you’ll only ever help a small bunch of people – but let people be aware they already have the ‘implements’ within them to extend care beyond themselves and they’ll step-up naturally – remember this: what happened to bring the best out of people A CRISIS of such mammoth proportions – that the ones who thought themselves incapable found they were capable, which begs the question that the only thing that ever boots up up the arse and out of complacency is a supposed crisis apparently – so perhaps all this doom and gloom is the best thing for humanity as it makes us stand-up and act – I say if that’s all that is needed to get us to get a shake-on then perhaps the greatest pretence should be ‘invent a crisis’ as that certainly has been what a stagnating world needed four years ago and it worked a treat – I finally suggest you all make a card with every perceivable threat to human existence on it and then cross-off what has already happened in history and as humans like the new/exciting or unexpected just wait to cross-off from the card that which hasn’t happened yet – as that’s simply what ALL HUMANS are waiting for – but I say with conviction – some things will never happen or are meant to happen in a standard lifetime and hey, that may disappoint you or be a blessed-relief – I personally pretty-much take it as it comes – as a simple – oh that’s a possibility has a way of manifesting if you aren’t holding-onto the reins strongly enough – know what I mean? I hope you do!


I spotted my first one tonight!

December 27, 2023

Without naming names I watched a Youtuber who most definite- ately was posting more because of the contract he has with youtube to put-out a certain amount of videos and to get more subscribers and views rather than actually putting-out content for any other reason. I simply state…

… THIS IS WHAT IS KILLING VIDEO CREATIVITY especially when its so obviously a lazily taken ‘copy’ of what others do – and you can see its pointlessness in or when the channel or website the person is on isn’t making an effort to say or even do anything with what they show but laugh along.

You may think its no skin of anyone’s nose that such content exists or is made to exist by creators – I simply warn all youtubers and video-makers that its entirely possible to kill-off a medium when no life and soul is put into content-creation – imagine being a big media company fuelling a TV channel, you literally live or die as a creator – hence video creators take note – it really doesn’t matter much if the actual content of say a BBC is poor in that it doesn’t or won’t appeal to anyone – why? because they are so big a corporation bringing-out guaranteed content [even off a poor nature] 24-7 they would literally have to remove the bells and whistles [in the form of celebrity guests and make programmes literally no-one could relate to or want to relate to – and ditch the phony niceness, so we saw the roughness of people like as in other channels and a whole lot more besides for people to turn-away – so a po-dunk one man band of a spokesperson for themselves and their thing or things has little chance when it becomes obvious what they are – stripped-down a person is shown for what they are – but you’d have to strip many layers with a behemoth like the BBC – don’t get me wrong I want to see the small person succeed and club together over the big-boys and make citizen-tv and content – but I fear I see many more single-persons doing their own thing on their websites needing to wake-up to what content creation is – and it isn’t wholesale plagiarism – sure reference but don’t half-inch [pinch] in entirety as when asked who you sourced – its rather shameful to have to admit it was ALL.

I suggest all content creators take a good hard look at how they ‘source’ their output and if it comes from something as simple as ‘they got a few thousand hits because of this – so I’ll do it too – I politely suggest that you find a better suited-occupation where increasing figures like ‘sales’ jobs is for you – either that or adjust your figuring and keep smiling in the face of every adversity [oh fuck I nearly said his name there, as it really rolled-off the sentence in my mind, but its shameful enough to be like this, so if it resonates with you [the reader] I hope you take it on board, rather than seeing it as interference, but I know that when living-revenue from your work is threatened by someone’s opinion and view its hard to change course and revert-back to better practices.

Its rather pointless me saying I really am writing all my posts for the help of mankind, as perceived as a threat it will not go down well with a lot of people ‘being told’ that is, still I have seen the fuck-ups that people make in their life and doings – and I’ll level with you for a moment and say my bigger picture is around recovery and none of us being lost in the foulness of it all – [and joking here for a moment] – I know I can’t take people-out or put them out of their misery and the misery of those viewing and listening too – in any other way than critical disposal, I almost see it as a service in that if and when I don’t have to see and hear crap it improves my life and that of others too – I know I must turn things around quickly for the benefit of all – as I see a very slippery-slope continuing for us all if and when its not spoken-about and most importantly CORRECTED somewhat.

I don’t do all this for fun folks, but I do like to giggle in my own self-satisfied way, always serious[ly] enjoying the work of correction[s].

But I know the serious- head-fuckers are always looking for a chink of something – and I know how I play things too – best not say anymore – just now.


Does most media need to die-off?

December 26, 2023

Yeah, I am up against the media once again, well, it needs saying if ‘change’ is to come about.

Do we need 100+ viewpoints on the same piece of work, no, but yes, ‘cos if we didn’t we could find ourselves watching and hearing from organisations and individuals that don’t represent it in the way we’d like it to be shown to us – so, we’re in a real catch 22 situation – as we can’t live without being lie it is – to remove one part of it – seeing the variety of opinions means we are doomed to be watching singular representations of stories – so love becomes hate and hate becomes loving our the stories through the necessity of not allowing our love to become a singular so it has no option but to eventually turn into hatred of that singular – damned if you do and damned if you don’t – the binary choices of a singular world, its that – simply confusing – but when you know you know, it can’t be any other way.

Repeated until no-body tunes in anymore and its taken-off our screens and put back on the shelf – maybe indefinitely until a new repackaging and branding idea emerges – seems to be most programmes future – its either that or we are forever cursed with re-runs – imagine the tv schedule if all repeated programmes were taken-off THERE’D BE FUCK ALL ON – besides it is possible someone didn’t watch something at the original-time so soon after repeats is a good idea for those people – but I really do still laugh at the promise of lots of new programmes coming our way – no, you need to reduce salaries and jobs that one person could do, not two three or four people now do, that’s diversity for you – split the roles and when that is sorted you use the saved monies into programming and not on showy big programmes but niche viewing that will appeal to those they appeal to and might catch the interest of others – intricate dry-stone walling in real-time actuality of hours may well inspire a youth or two and that has its own benefits and then a lot more watching who’d now have the basic skills to do it if it ever came to it – THAT’S TV’S REAL POWER to inform as to what keeps a country ‘any country’ revolving and not dying through neglect of skills applicable.

Q: who would you listen to if ‘media types’ were put-up in a kind-of ‘voting for’ system?

By figures on my computer Talk TV often only get the low hundreds of people watching online – in a nation of millions that is pitiful – and also you may see one panel saying GB News has a thousand and a half viewers on you tube but soon another panel reveals its far less than a thousand live viewers and so the people ‘are’ saying already we don’t want to watch that kind of media representation – does so-called COMEDY AND NEWS mix? No, and that’s because its simply in reality an AD’S based channel like Talk TV and the news commentary is the fill-in between the advertising that makes the revenues for the owners and the rest is ‘half-inched’ from the slightly more serious-minded channels, however both channels got a licence to report news is beyond me when over 70% of both channels content [except for the few minutes each hour on actual events currently taking place each day] is on matters they deem key topics – migration being a favourite of both as is royalty – the social nicites are gone as they simply do down anything they can create a new angle on whilst keeping to their basic tenants of which both channels presenters are representative of – and old hacks hacking away as a supposed alternative is a joke – they simply represent nothing more than a world view that would die-off a lot quicker if all of them gave-up pretending it represented a view of a small minority in the country and the viewing figures backs me up on this.

I think it’s a clear-case that their ‘die-off’s are only a matter of time – as the Punk band CRASS sang:

We put all the nastiest-shits in your media-bag back in the early 1980’s hardly suspecting I guess that the emergence of Talk TV and GB News would arise in the 2020’s, still, any body referencing media back then would have probably been aware of the cyclic-nature and returning of certain-types to certain-jobs and so – we ask, if GB News and Talk TV didn’t exist as gone from our screens – some dull-spark would be begging for the shites who are left jobless in media to be brought back into employment in some way – you might say that is exactly why Talk TV and GB News came about – but no it was a person or company with more money than sense that inflicts this on humankind – and a real ‘infliction’ it is – no, if it proves anything it is ‘people of low-intelligence’ will flock like flies to shit to these channels in the faint hope they’ll be boyed-up in that these channels actually represent them and follow the garbage-disposed onto their minds – from people who know full-well what they spout is meaningless drivel and is a pretence of being something different when in reality it is no more than a long-wake to ease those off to the land of nod with irrelevant stuff that they the viewers are convinced as still being relevant – I simply see both channels as a joke and treat them as such and surely every viewer must admit – I only really tune-in for a laugh as there is no way either of them are educative or informative – unless you take ‘reinforcing biases’ and ‘confirming your prejudices’ and much more as such.

The jokes worn very thin and both channels are now firmly on my shit-list and also on my list of why bother as you already know what you are going to get from them – no, in today’s world of media – if you can’t tell almost instantly that you are watching and listening to garbage then you really aren’t as discerning as you should be or should’ve been – no, there’s only the one choice and only ever has been – you turn-on – tune-in and drop-out of something way before you actually decide something is worth pursuing – in the end its always on deciding who and what to go with…


There’s no shiny-bells and whistles or images to persuade here just stone-cold black and white – I am selling no more than what I say IS and ISN’T and it doesn’t take much to turn-away from it – and that’s its delight – I AM TALKING ABOUT THIS BLOG.

In 2024 I really want to get away from ‘the narratude’ of media conception I find to draw-upon, I feel we are all being restrained to following certain life areas – just because they are there or current – I despise the narrowness of it all – so if you think he’s off-on-one, just remember no new avenues can be exempt from being seen as you’ve always seen things if you are so inclined – thus as I said it really is evolution to spread your consciousness far beyond and if you can’t begin to think off-world thoughts with some human sensibility of what we must bring forth from the hidden – you’ll remain in a world of within the box a round box where the entire contents are taken from within that box – but you are sourcing from without or beyond it – only if you care to – do you care to must? You should!

While you sit there stuffing your faces

December 25, 2023

I have had a peaceful day and I realise in the social media world the veiled hatred and vile bile doesn’t stop for the festive season and the usual perps are at it and never slow-down for a moment – and as one youtuber put it rather succinctly – its bad news that sells and a news organisation putting-out only good news stories saw a 15 -20% fall in viewers [I had to laugh at that one.

I really am only writing today to report on my last posting about binary code and the simulation – well it was very informative and worked and first of all it proved to me that an broken string of code with spaces [as in how we write with spaces works, of course I cannot say if writing with unbroken code works better, as I didn’t try that]. Another noteworthy thing I saw was how my experiment or intervention didn’t affect some things like the TV or radio, but I wasn’t expecting them to, so, can I say they seem outside of the simulation which seems strange when we know the agency is mediated through the media, but here’s the real kicker; I noticed the sky [our lower atmosphere, that realm between earth and outer-space change to the clearest blue I had ever seen at four pm, in fact I’d suggest that the simulation has a definite connection to the sky, and considering as from a child I have always thought our skies above in the bit we perceive as our atmosphere could indeed be more than clouds but indeed a SKYWRITER where we see our actual thoughts manifesting above our heads in whatever shape and form they come, and its only the simulation [our perceive sky] that is there holding back ‘by covering it with clouds’ and thus no simulation – we see our true living reality.

I’d deem it a success and say in rather ‘sneering but sincere terms’ we look into binary-coding our way-out of living under the simulation and stop faffing-about with the where with alls of this and that.

So, you want the system based on or from the simulation out of your lives – simply tell it to do one in binary-code and as its its language there shouldn’t be a misunderstanding – and no, its not nanu nanu, it’s a 6 number code of either 0’s or 1’s for every letter we choose to make a word so what is 666 in binary code? And more importantly what is the anti or corrective code and word too – get working on it!

I am trying this!

December 23, 2023

I am going to try this: I am using binary-code for the ‘wording’ [shut down the simulation for two minutes at four pm gmt today] and here is that code below, along with the workings out.














and the binary code is as follows














And I just want to see the reactions unfolding, that’s all.

P.S. I had to put the whole binary into one complete string – but with spaces as its written in English.

Do you have what it takes?

December 22, 2023

As I get older its clear or clearer ‘what I am here to do’ as I trawl through the depths and recesses of my consciousness, I know what I am capable of – the rest is simply fluff – the ‘I’ll do it in this lifetime, if I care to get around to it – and if I don’t get around to it – never mind!

Being Astrologically minded I often read-books on Astrology or hear Astrologers talking and think to myself is that really the modern understanding it’s a bit poor isn’t it – and say to myself ‘with a little thought and connection to ‘stuff and things in the World’ our collective understanding could go leaps and bounds – as often our thinking about stuff is purely to work on the known and hoping that ‘that’ will open-up new vistas/new avenues – when the truth is more ‘we should have a single thought and wait for the answers we seek to filter-in our consciousness and see it as a progression and be satisfied that our first answers may well come anywhere close to the actual understanding of our question or further questions in the first instance – but be assured if we ask the right questions and give ourselves time to gather our answers then ‘at least we know we’re going about it the correct way and its only ourselves in our limited understandings that holds ourselves back.

I want to know more about what having ‘essentially dignified and debilitated planets in our personal horoscopes means in the lives of those that have them, and by no means does every person born have a horoscope that has even ‘one’ essentially debilitated or dignified planet in; but the main stumbling-block is any person in pursuit of such knowledge has to know people’s lives in somewhat ‘minute’ detail of how they ‘operate’ to gain any insights into how having a planet such affects a life lived – hence usually why any Astrologer works on themselves and family/friends or a client-base [if they have one]?

There is another way of doing a look at things – gather what has been said about essential dignity and debility and fill-in the gaps – the missed-out bits in others thinking and then expand into areas where the application of its workings-out hasn’t been applied and simply go beyond the presented and even make guesses of the possible applicable, and show your mental workings too and say this is a total guess as that makes your readers ‘sure’ in knowing where you are coming from and put them at ease and yes, if you have to write a couple of hundred words stating your mental processes even the ones leading nowhere do so, as it may help inspire and repel others not to do certain things in the process of attaining answers, as nothing can be wasted in the ultimate quest for knowledge and finally if a single answer is all you get and you have to go through the whole set-up again and again no sweat, as the simplest question or the seemingly simplest of questions may result in the longest of workings for the answer – so, to state the obvious – make damn sure the answer you want to know is really worth knowing before you set-off as the quest may take you a lot, lot longer than you first anticipate – so, I suggest if you are slightly concerned that you may not be asking the correct one – then ask yourself if there really is a gap to be filled in the human knowledge of something and also would the world be better-off knowing the answer you hopefully will gain and share and if yes, proceed – if no – best give-up even before you start – what will I do – explore or bust?

That’s for me to know and deal with – twist on 20 in blackjack – what are you mad? there’s only four aces in a pack of 52 you know – feelin lucky are you punk? Don’t push your luck too far.

P.S. Now I go off and become a university professor ‘teaching open to it’ minds!

Is that meant to be a joke? I am wasted on so many levels.

This is what I have to be thankful for…

December 21, 2023

… this year.

Today I have a review of 2023 from a personal perspective, I know its usually done by most people after the new year but I am in the mood to do it now!

Generally I’d say I’ve had a good or reasonable 2023, sure there’s been some stuff I wish I hadn’t experienced like numbness in my feet – but I can put that down to ill-fitting shoes and suchlike, and then being told I have low scores of B12 and haemoglobin and Iron and Glucose made me determined to eat two meals of solid veg a week at least and supplement the rest with tablets – all so I don’t have to become a insulin-injector, as surely I can rectify the situation of deficiency by myself somewhat if not completely? We’ll see. And then there was the semi-good and bad where a old friend said I was far too selfish and ended our near 40 year relationship – but since have seen it was best for us both.

But it was great getting out and about – I’ve never been one much for going beyond my local realm so getting to the south coast of England and paddling in the waters is a big deal for me, and its set-up dreams of going further by train next year – my cage has well and truly been open. But I’d say my biggest personal success is on the 22nd of December 2022 I gave-up smoking cigarettes and haven’t touched-one since so that is good even though its shown me the damages done – but I can get home with my shopping a lot easier up the ‘central road’ of Cromer [which is a bit lame as a name, as its on the western edge of Cromer – still that slight hill is a hard-one with bags weighing me down.

I am also proud somewhat of posting daily and coming-out of the whole weighdown-ness of living on and looking in to the World shaped by people who if you were in their company personally you might find yourself, [no you would find yourself] very close to pointing-out the problems in their pronouncements up to the point of ‘oh, shut the fuck up’ won’t you – because if Social Media has done anything good its ‘put a distance between what you might’ve said if only you’d been there in person – and that safety-valve of ranting at a screen where no-one but yourself hears your distaste and despair at what you are hearing.

Another good thing is I was ‘cold’ last year at home but that was a choice, but this year the savings I made last year are fuelling my ability to have just one heater-on in my living room – as without it I wouldn’t be ‘living’ and although the daily running cost is high I see the benefits of being able to work when I am warm enough to work on my writings; I am not a scrooge but I believe in the future we’ll all come to recognise the real need of warmth in the ability to act, and without it you may as well hibernate.

So, 2023 not a bad year and there’s been other good things too, but I don’t share everything with my readers, you know!

But you like me may be ignoring most of what goes-on in the outer World, as many my age or even younger just yawn at the ‘interminable round of sameness’ that is ditched-up every year – and I mockingly laugh at any person of thing that suggests CHANGE has come or is on its way – as I said the only real change is NATURAL CHANGE – and FORCED CHANGE is nothing but an Illusion – and even a documentary on all the supposed changes this world has seen since the beginning of 2020 wouldn’t convince me either – as many of what is said to have changed are still in the beginnings of movement not fait compli’s [actually fully changed], no, I and we see the lying-hounds profess at their altars that such and such is abroad, but look we only have their word for it – I know and we know that the evidence is a lot harder to find that the steps they say they have made and the supposed in-roads are still very much in the ‘could’ or ‘if’ side of matters and in the end ‘when’ the up-take is slow [as no-one wants to latch-on to the new ways then that speaks for itself – and i wouldn’t be half-surprised if I or someone else says the same thing in December 2029 – that being that ITS STILL GAINED NO TRACTION this technological-future they told us was here.

Now, I predict we’re about to be flooded with adverts for new tech on TV and computer and phone – why? because its been brought-up and the World always goes-along with what the people are thinking or talking about – as if it’s the new thing and may catch-on and they can use to their advantage – I could write ‘SHIT’ IS GOOD to buy and have and the algorithm will promote shit to buy and have this year – as its not the ‘product’ itself that matters, its just that a product exists and therefore is able to be bought and sold, no, I will use their system against them and say train-sets are back in vogue and watch all the adverts and suchlike flick my personal algorithm on sites such as youtube that way, which is strange as I use as many unconnected sites to each other as is humanly-possible, so the bots and connectors can’t do the whole connecting of ‘we saw that you liked so we are giving you this as a possible next choice’, as that I simply see as taking-away my next choice rather than adding to it, as I may well have wanted to go elsewhere to where I was suggested to go – no, that dumbs you down into a stop and wait for your next choice rather than letting your natural one come-up – sure both have negatives in that you may wait years for your next choice to arise – but at least you aren’t flooded with guesses of your likes from something that doesn’t know you and will eventually be seen as an intrusion even by its most avid users – we’re being pulled-off our natural course[s] and that is what is called progress – no, see it for what it is a step-forward – and two steps back – re-correction of where we truly want to be – as step on back and step two back – the feeling of being back in control of our choices and the completed thing just sent you ahead only for you to bring yourself back into where you started-off from or even before that – hence you are only ever going to go backwards to a time before you even begun with new technology and so just don’t bother I say.

So, that’s it – and there’s a good chance now to take the rest of 2023 off and away from writing – and I predict 2024 will be very much a SAMENESS OF THE SAMENESS and for some that will be just fine – for me I’ll be honest it’ll be a big BORE – YAWN – YAWN – YAWN.

What are you really seeing?

December 20, 2023

Now when is a conspiracy ‘not’ to see things the way they really are applicable?

Now, we all must admit that ‘when we don’t know, we simply don’t know, but to possibly remain in that state or condition of apparent ignorance just because ignorance was foisted upon you is a choice.

I saw a picture that didn’t stack-up and I had a big feeling I couldn’t argue with it as there’s no ways I have the personal experience to counteract the visual-claim of what I was seeing, and with seeing leading to believing I am either going to believe my eyes or the images I was seeing as presented or look upon them differently.

Thankfully I have a sensibility that needn’t see it as presented – as simply when something doesn’t shape-up as its an impossibility to be as presented ‘the conspiracy that you are being fooled matters little’ no, more importantly is you simply know better – the image I saw was of the man standing above the earth at 178,000 odd feet and diving-off a platform – now we’ve all seen earth from space and its continents and countries clearly visible and I don’t know this for sure but when on this video at 178,000 feet the image of the earth below was not as expected and there’s no defined countries and continents but the whole earth is pictured as if it was an image taken at a much lower altitude and as the image is covering the whole earth below I do not see how it can be so well-defined, but perhaps its me that doesn’t understand the optics? But it still seems strange that earth below the platform – it could well be ‘doctored’? but honestly to me it shows enforced-ignorance on the viewers as we as said have no first-hand experience of what something looks like at that height – meaning we could be fed any old rubbish image or indeed it could be a true image? Who are the members of the human-race to be able to say so?

I think this is what MANKIND is crying-out for – a perspective that cannot be denied – and one day when space-travel becomes more frequent we may get a view that can’t be denied.

Imagine just how much of this ‘you say it is’ ‘we say it isn’t or clearly cannot be’ stuff in the conspiracy of silence and sight could be taken-out of the World if ‘beyond proof’ is a category we could all rely-upon, but sadly ‘who and what do we trust-in’ mankind is manipulated into being its base ‘lying’ selves by forces that seek to keep hidden things we should all know, and it takes years of rather wasted efforts to even get close to what the matrix is and it never openly gives us any understanding except what we stumble-across ourselves and besides its clear that once exposed in ways by use the agents of the matrix will find-out who knows and what they know and adjust the past doings into new doings with new images and thus these new images become the knowledge of today – so, exposure is really only ever going to lead to sticking-plasters over the exposed and the containment and replacement teams are there in a flash to clean-up so, really if you know the next steps best not give that out freely as its like doing their work for them – no, if you know how to bring the matrix to its knees then keep it to yourselves as there comes a time when ‘knowledge is power’ and one day we may need that knowledge to destroy the fucking thing and live clearly – but if you are electrically minded your skills won’t be needed as the ‘real-world’ isn’t an electrical-construct no once the grid goes down we really are at the mercy of nature and wood and stone and fire, these skills are ‘key’ and that’s it really – all is lost when ‘electricity’ is not running things – but all is won again when we sense that our connection back to the earth and its vibrations is what we now live-on or upon or FROM.  


Look at the face on that!

December 19, 2023

I really do dislike pointing-out the bleed’in obvious – but open youtube and see the or your history page of 3 images a row and shorts and look at the rectangles showing the sites and the cover or start images – nearly all of the commentary-pieces show the faces – I saw a rather sad looking lady but when I put my cursor over the image-box she was smiling in her video – its clickbait on so many levels in so many ways and so many sites – the titles and words to draw you in are designed purposefully – I suppose even my title above is done in some ways to draw people in – but if you are here thinking you might be getting a load of monstrous photos of contorted faces think again and go searching your thrills elsewhere – as I don’t pander to the lowest denominator whether common or specialized – no, there is no greater turn-off than being promised something [or are you really imagining something coming?] often you are – only to find it doesn’t live-up to your expectations.

We’re being led to be voyeuristic, but when your expectations aren’t being fulfilled its simply a usual case of a – sight of stocking – and only a stocking isn’t good enough to satisfy your zeal for the appeal of more of what does it for you – HEY, DO YOU EVER PUSH THE BOUNDARY OF GOOD TASTE or do you WAIT FOR THE BOUNDARY TO BE PUSHED FOR YOU? and what do you do if and when its not pushed far enough for you – swearing – any old cunt that can spell can swear in words written down – so old hat that making-up new swear-words is where the frontier is – take that from a new cunt-tier on the trail of the newsome time – but as any frontier-person soon realises – its lonely at the front and new discoveries often have the habit of bringing you down as they have no connection to past things and you and your new ways have the genesis-moment where there is little ‘past’ to reference and no future unless someone adds to your new way of things, and there’s no guarantee that it will see an uptake – as for every success there has been countless failures and rethinks before something clicks.

So, having a face that sells isn’t a ‘small thing of no small consequence’ for if it was then why has it caught-on to such proportions that ‘mean-face’ as a statement is just another cover-tactic that catches-on even if it can’t ever be fully descriptive of all content – I say emphatically THAT WE LIKE AND WANT TO BE DECEIVED as it makes the living experience just that little more pleasurable – after-all nowhere is it written that you cannot take life as a ‘joke’ your entire lifetime through – but you’ll waste your entire time being alive – still its your choice ‘the development side of life’ and in the end I suggest when the moment comes and you have to ask or be asked if you felt your life was a experience you got something from or not, if you yourself cannot or will not see beyond yourself into the wider-field and answer in the very limited-terms of what you did ‘out of yourself and yourself only’ then I suggest you’d be a lot poorer for it – and thus if and when you can’t or won’t develop an individuality that steps-out of that individualness  and presents in the wider collective you are isolated in the bubbliness of taking and going along with rather than presenting a version that can and will separate you from every other individual – so, c’mon people, make and do something for 2024 put an individual artistic TIMESTAMP on every piece of creativity out there – pull a face that pronounces the difference between you and all the others and be as creatively-deceptive as you possibly can be – if that’s all you’ve got to say this is me – the wokers and gen-zeders are far far ahead of the pack on that one. Perhaps you could even out-mad them – that I’d like to see, just for entertainment though. How do you get a screaming-toddler to shut the fuck-up – scream at them louder – they’ll soon get to see who’s the king of the jungle or their jungle. And who has more of a sense of self-recognised humour.

Unsurprisingly I am running-out of…

December 18, 2023

things to watch!

I could end here – but its worth a shout-out to my doings.

I watch a lot of videos on my computer and as I said ‘rather unsurprisingly’ I have reached that ‘time’ when just like my TV watching I have to admit that I will not watch repeats and now with Youtube videos etc, I will not or just don’t want to watch newly created-content and even the specialist sites of providers draws a big meh from me.

I really am at the end, as my criteria for watching stuff has narrowed to such a point where nothing satisfies or suffices and thus I just don’t even bother with many people and sites nowadays: criteria 1 is always; am I going to get anything worthwhile in investing my time in watching someone’s creation? And after a while that is soon answered with a big fat no! So, in a sense I could possibly miss-out on the ‘best thing going’ – because I’ve dissed-off so many sites as rubbish – but I truly believe and know that no content-provider is ever going to fulfil my needs, which is unsurprising too, as no content-maker makes any thing specific for one particular person, except for themselves, as if a content-creator isn’t satisfied with their own work surely they wouldn’t publish it – although to be honest many creators should be ashamed of their efforts – I know it can’t be that easy to post videos in the ‘what do we use as content’ sense – that’s why I have never bothered with it myself – anyway I don’t wish to inflict my mug on video for all to see, especially when my words are whats far more important in the sense of a message.

I’ve seen some right ‘stinkers’ lately and I think the ‘viral’ nature of videography and its seemingly singular nature drawn from the wider-pool of events makes the ‘observational’ nature usually lumped-onto comedy performers easily added to content creators, where we all have come to bemoan ‘observational-humour’ and now should bemoan ‘observational-human-nature’ which in every human-being is being observed as they are – but isn’t it ‘money for old rope’ as anybody can observe and hence comment or have commentary on any human behaviour – WE REALLY HAVE SUNK SO LOW – in that every small movement of the human condition is now prodded and poked about – what when comes the day that we can’t even be HUMAN and do what human-beings do – simply because we’ve ridiculed ourselves out of existing as we are – I talked of COMPASSION in my last posting, I could of said be more empathetic or such like, or simply ‘take a care’ or don’t be so embittered or plain horrible as ‘every viewpoint’ matters and even a horrible viewpoint has been engendered from a previous state of condition and taken-up as a living condition and way of being by people who can’t or won’t see another way of being, being ‘extant’ for them.

No-one dares suggest that LIFE itself has run its course as that is extremely silly as a statement – no, most prefer to state that certain parts of life have surely gone as far as they can – but even that is a ‘fudge’ at best – as generally no-one really wishes to kill-off stuff preferring to add-on to stuff – but what if it gets to a stage [and here I use social media as the example] where the stuff that’s added to it is poisonous-claptrap and it is truly only ever in the creators-hands and minds to do something about it and thus the general over-lording of decency and taste has to come from themselves – and if you shit in your own back yard as many do – then you’ll soon be seen for the dung-heap your site is, and people will say – it stinks and eventually there’s a council-order to get that steaming-pile-of-crap off the Internet and popular-opinion [whether right or wrong] has more sway against you than ‘I deserve to stay doing my stuff as I think it has value’ – no, that probably won’t cut it – as a single-voiced statement of this is causing harm to myself and others like me is already enough to see cancel-culture come in to force and operation – whereas it more true to keep with the ‘tested’ but slower – if you don’t like it then don’t watch it – which eventually leads to where it should always lead to ‘the court of public-opinion’ where if its deemed lesser by more people it naturally dies-off.

I am but one person saying what we all say to a lesser or greater degree in private, that being ‘we aren’t satisfied with what others say, but we aren’t going to censor them and that brings me back to two posts ago, when I said I’d be living in the ruins and it wouldn’t bother me, but it might bother you as a person to actually see and live in a ruinous World where truly what you are watching and listening to is but a pale-soulless-expression of a world of nothingness that draws-upon nothing but the ‘known’ and can’t even try to magic-up something from nothing and present the unseen to a unknowing public – creation isn’t that which you KNOW in many instances – its more of allowing yourself to bring into existence ‘that’ which you had little idea it was possible to do – meaning did I know that I was going to bring these words into existence before they were wrote? No! but when they had been created I knew they were the right words to say what had to be or were wanted to say – and that my friends surely is as PURE CREATION AS ITS POSSIBLE TO GET – I’VE FOUND NO BETTER. FROM MY SPIRIT TO YOURS – IN GRATIS

Is most compassion disguised?

December 16, 2023

Let us get real, as made human-beings when we are born our ancestral DNA and home environment and even the time-stamped pattern [as seen through Astrology] have many attributes that can show us why we may have little or no obvious compassion [even for ourselves].

I personally think that before birth the soul waiting to incarnate is in many times looking for the right pattern in the skies to incarnate into [a near enough match to the kind of soul that they themselves are, and many ‘troubled souls’ may have to wait decades or even centuries for the right match of circumstances to come around and I dare say the worst of souls may indeed not be able to find a bad enough match [as shown by the Astrology] and incarnate earlier in much less threatening-times, perhaps accounting for what they say about the devilish and that ‘force for those souls’ being let-out and incarnate in the population en masse every couple of thousand years.

I think we’re seeing a bunch of souls in the world who by any stretch of the imagination are the dregs of the soul-machine or machinery – those so blinded by self-interest that their compassion seems non-existent – that is until you see its turned-inwards and this self-focus is so very hard to escape – as these souls find it almost impossible to develop away from inwardness and their own stories so lash-out at the wider non-them World – when I was younger ‘we heard about vicious queens’ who’d beat you down with their wit and humour – but modern day ru-pauls are doing it with far less compassion – zero compassion – even disguised compassion [in that my/our vicious remarks to you are actually disguised beneficiary comments – that if looked at coldly would show you that I actually care about you and I am being compassionate by being bitchy and rude about you.

Can you just imagine a church or going to a church like that – where being disguised [faintly] rudeness and horribleness was meant to toughen-you-up and you were just meant to take it – I personally don’t ever want a military-like temperament inside any church – as the two temperaments don’t go together easily. I say I go to church to gain knowledge and some comfort from the stories of compassion dealt-out from one human or more to another human or more, and learn to live more compassionately the whole year though – so why are some souls living in the nasty ways all year through? Some may say that they have little choice these ‘types’ of people simply have to be the type of person they are and perhaps they have a lot lot more nastiness to get through before they evolve into nicer beings so have to be bitchy 24hrs a day 365 days a year to get it dealt with, and yes I can see that – I mean what is a non-compassionate person meant to do when they have little in the ‘well’ to draw-upon but that’s no real excuse; its also true-enough to say that those who’ve developed compassion know how easily it can be drained-off them by those that see it as a fuel-source and thus don’t have the emotional intelligence of realising that perhaps one day if these compassionate people weren’t around then we’d see a World where ‘the compassionate’ were the only ones to step-up and help and without them here or here but drained these ‘helpers’ couldn’t dispense to those that saw them as just fuel and those fools might die because all mankind could do was laugh – as no-one had compassion enough to help anyone and anything anymore.

Be careful who you jib and jive at – it can take years sometimes for just one soul to have enough confidence to help another soul in a compassionate way – but it can take minutes and seconds for that built-up compassion inside to deflate and be lost/hidden.

If the Christian-message is anything in its obvious capacity to see beyond yourself and your own actions and the possible after-affects of ‘taking the rise’ out of any others contributions to the human story [and doing so because you don’t or won’t possibly entertain that you could be causing damages unknown because you hadn’t factored-in some compassion for anothers story or condition, that is why I don’t go after and write to demean anyone in a way that sees the disrespect just flowing-off the page, sure I like a laugh like we all do, but sometimes just holding-back a little is an act of compassion – and knowing that to open-up a new-wound isn’t always the best option either and thirdly if you imagine you are the reader of your own words and speech you are already writing and speaking in a manner that ‘cautions’ what is said – and if you know you can be vicious with your tongue and turn-that-down – then you really are the compassionate one. Ok, I could’ve said much more, but I’m tired and so I am being compassionate to myself by stopping here.

I live in the ruins

December 15, 2023

I happen to have no current problem in this, but for the rest of the human population even the ‘aware’ or should I say especially the ‘aware’ mightn’t be so happy about it, as apparently in ruins seems to suggest there are NO connecting factors and so what do we go-on, fret not the ‘legacy is dying in the mainstream – as they struggle to connect [they re-run and make even weaker connections until they are simply connecting the unconnected and dead stories of years ago with other dead mediums with no life in them – we might be in the wasteland but by realising this one fact we clear ahead in taking-our chances with new mediums that can’t come from their narratives – as they know theirs are ‘from deadness’ and as I said I have no fear – as soon in this way and from this way of being – they will have to follow us and our speeches – so clean-up your act put your best WORDING-FORWARD and show them that media follows the greatest stories – and there’s always a pinch to every salt of goodness in stories that really resonate, and soon enough a new media is born.

I will continue in the ruins for as long as this is unachieved and I in ruins means you will have nothing to go-upon – so get to changing our MEDIA LANSCAPE, and no its no more difficult than fessing-up to your parents that you aren’t quite that sweet little boy or girl they always looked-upon you as – ‘cos their vision of you is a lie and you don’t break it and break-out of that illusion until you literally say in no uncertain terms ‘oh c’mon – thanks for protecting us all MOTHER-FATHER-CHILD but its really doing none of us any good ‘just pretending’ and soon when all goes well there are three adults in the room.

I am a single entity though and can live within the ruins even until my dying-day if needs be – so don’t concern yourselves with my welfare – I AM MORE HERE TO SEE YOU SUCCEED as strange as that may seem to you.

First, I went this way then that way…

December 12, 2023

…  and I couldn’t find my way in!

But where was I attempting to go?

Into my imagination, as when you aren’t listening to anything in the outside World then this scenario often comes-up; not for me personally though – as I am able to dip-in an live from my imagination or the general imagination far better than most – hence I am not lost for words or a story – but I look and see many are – and that makes me a bit sad in some ways – in that our social-commentators aren’t the full package of skill-sters I hope they would be, no – they generally feed-of-off what I call the ‘round’ and also of-off the media-way of presenting – I think most are half-scared to produce a solid-package of stuff coming solely from themselves – as they ‘live and die’ in so many ways from their viewing-figures and popularity – often just one bad post away from ‘whatever’ – IT’S A FEAR many in the media world run-on – the trouble of NOT being listened to – but it happens folks – today’s darling soon becomes to be queen of the scrapheap – I personally don’t go for popularity – with me you either like my writings or something else – and because I never see any comments and people are just riding-my-back and trying to piggy-back of my success – for many the golden goose of furthertivity is being killed as care and recognition in the right way was not given – and every slight that came my way meant a determination to become far more secret and obtuse, until what was aimed at being helpful actually became a thorn in many people’s side – and who’s side am I on anyway – ‘who do I bat for’? no, such trivialities are non-sense – I often ‘do’ just to gauge the reaction – but when I gauged I was the connector and I was the line and being managed by joking and not exploring – I knew I had nothing to offer them and they had nothing that I wanted – so what now? disappear entirely? NO, NO, NO. I can already see the future failures mounting-up for the social media realm – and I really think I will be unable to help – you’ve gone so deep on so many things that I am not going to push nor be the safety blanket – the chickens are coming home to roost and I just know from this moment forth that being seen for what you are on SM [social media] will be the least of your worries – no, what I see is a butterfly-effect of mammoth-proportions and the most seemingly insignificant ‘movement by speech’ having toppling effect – and I say this as in a world of diminishing returns people will strike-out to get and keep-on getting returns of a previous state in the current atmosphere – hence I suggest you only have one real option and that is to produce content NOT as reaction to something but more as a NEW PROPOSITION as I suggest if and when you don’t you will see a very DEAD MEDIA LANDSCAPE on SM, and SM teetering on the edge of taking-over from traditional media as the number 1 go to – people will miss this leap if and when the potential it raises is aimed solely at a revenge-like [I or we are right and you are wrong mentality – and again if we have a thousand or more ‘questionable-commentaries’ on things that hardly matter much more than making the top hundred providers ‘rich’ through others ‘listenings’.

The time has come – LIVE WITH A DYING MEDIA AND ADD TO IT – OR CREATE FROM SOMETHING YOU’VE GOT TO TAKE A CHANCE-ON AND HAVE LITTLE OR NO IDEA IF IT’LL SUCCEED FOR YOU AND OTHERS – sure it’s a risk – but by your actions SM will live or die – so, get ready to take some of the blame – for it is coming your way whatever you choose as your course-of-action.


I don’t want to listen to…

December 10, 2023

… anyone anymore, so, I shan’t or shall not.

Now you may think it a bit weird when I tell you I’ll still watch the videos and people’s commentary, as you may say what is the point in doing so ‘when’ you deem so much if not all of what they say as not worth listening to – I retort by saying I will watch as I want to keep abreast of where the fuller-combined narratives are heading – and thus it matters little to me what is being said – no – far more important to me is ‘where will it lead to’? meaning will I see what I believe i’ll see [a kind of disintegration and reformation; and then what will it be? More of the same ‘in a new jacket’? or actually a more reasoned-way? I have my suspicions – yet in flux often sees the unimaginable turn to a more concrete way of things – but I suspect as I long have that when all settles the ‘norm’ is always to revert back to the normal – so, I really am expecting that – besides isn’t or hasn’t all the weirdness really run-its-course and we’re due some plain-cold REALITY, you’d think so, wouldn’t you.

I know I’ve been building-up to this day for quite a while, and any shock and outrage I come across I almost pass with disdain and desentise-ness meaning I hardly engage in any meaningful way with it – I like to think I am back pre-2020 ‘when not giving a fuck’ because there was really nothing to give a fuck for, is where I am once again at – besides I truly wonder what we are fighting for now? If anyone can say this or that is our goal now with a straight-face, and blah-blah convincement that we’ve made such inroads and to give-up on gains is a bad idea etc etc and we must continue our struggles and this or that is around the corner and I’ll suggest that we’re in the main just bringing things in to our World to give us a reason for being – we’ve won the main war [the covid debacle] and well done us – but now we’re back in control – do we really need to fight-on? NO, OF COURSE WE DON’T – thus put all your effort into exposing the wrongs and that is enough – I say WE FOUGHT A GOOD FIGHT AND WON – AND NOW VIGILANCE IS THE THING WE NEED TO HAVE IN OUR AMOURARY AND TO CONTINUE FIGHTING THINGS WHICH JUST ARE WHAT THEY ARE, IS LIKE FIGHTING AGAINST LIFE ITSELF.

I don’t listen any more – did I tell you why – for there is little need to listen anymore, as when you do you realise that what’s being said is really of non-standard psycho-babble that is niche at best and thus it disintegrates back to its singular compartments and isn’t and can’t fulfil the greater human picture anymore – as was once needed to be the case – but hey THAT’S ONLY MY VIEW AND OPINION – and do I really know more and see it that differently to yourselves??? I am just a little further down the road maybe in my commendations and condemnations of what is currently about.

Today my children – a lesson for you

December 8, 2023

I am going to hit back a little today, but have little fear – as its myself and my words I am up against – or to be more precise ‘my past words’, I’ve said many times how people’s ponce-fi-cation of using others words and meanings is meaningless when they repeat but ‘know not’ the source it came from – and even worse ‘they’ do nothing to add to or improve from which they have ponced – today in reflection I simply say – give it your best shot you PONCING DUMMIES and I don’t care that much as its obvious so many if not ALL of you have but on skill – and it’s a weak one at that and it is of course – to try and pass-off [and in a sense pass-on] any ‘thing’ said by those of a higher brain capacity and try and convince others that your tenuous-linkage to what was said puts you in the ‘capture’ of that being pontificated about – no, you are on extremely dodgy ground – and I suggest its as simple as I’ve been alluding to all these years – that when the true sources dry-up and don’t wish or want to mingle and get dragged-in the cess-pit of where the PONCE-NIF-ICATORS are or even wish to feed the pit and purposely decide to refrain or just toss-in crappage because they know its going to be turned-into that anyway and thus the whole eco-system gets fed arse-holy-less from input so its supply is crap from the beginning and needs not be turned-into it [by process] what then? for further down the chain? Yeah, they are fucked from the beginning – not even getting a chance to turn it to crap – why are you laughing, can’t you see you’ve killed the golden goose as no-one wishes to pass anything out to people – so, get rich and benefit – but the day is coming when someone will say – didn’t anyone check the level through the gauge ‘we’re nearly empty and running on empty as we’ve been sussed in what we do – and no-one has been producing anything worth ‘stripping’ lately and our circle has been eating its own tail; although I am saying that today – YOU’VE BEEN WORKING ON THE SAME ISSUES FOR MONTHS IF NOT YEARS AND ALL MEDIA HASN’T YET NOR EVER WILL COME TO ANY SATISFACTORY ANSWERS ON ANY MAIN TOPICS AND THIS KIND OF FLUX SPEAKS FOR ITSELF – I suggest clean-up and ship-out as this time is ended and it may well produce nothing – but oh no you can’t possibly let a new wind in and for a new breath of consciousness to arise – as that would mean letting go of what you think is working for you now – I say you’ve literally got minutes to live but act as if you’ve got years – and with nothing coming from our minds because we’ve either purposely dulled them or are just unwilling to help in this charade anymore – it really has come-down to who will blink first and I suggest its really – WE’VE SPLIT AND GONE OUR SEPARATE WAYS and no longer consciously feed each other – despite appearances that we’re happily conjoined.

There is no way-back ‘YOU THINK YOU’VE ENOUGH LEGACY MEDIA at present, no, where do you think today’s social media ‘journo’s are going to soon end-up – we’re soon going to find old has been’s who ponce-nif-icated on all manner of things become like the presenters we see on Talk TV and GB News and become mouth-pieces for specific unresolved issues for years and years into the future – the mainstream-alternatives who spun a narrative not for an answer or answers but simply to keep the unresolved forever unresolved.

I have lost my worries on all matters ‘said’ as I know they only ponce to ponce more of their own kind NOT my kind of people – as we’ve gone above and beyond and don’t get involved in their ways anymore – as we see the difference clearly between them and us – LET THEM SPEAK TO THEIR OWN KIND – AS IT’LL MAKE SCANT DIFFERENCE TO OURSELVES.  

Evolutary value

December 6, 2023

Have I spelt that right as Auto-correct gives me Involuntary as a suggestion, it looks right to me, once again I seem to have used a word that my ‘word’ programme doesn’t recognise, so, I once again evolve the words on the Internet, or perhaps my English is just bad as usual, no I think I am just using a much under used form of the main word, that being evolution; anyway, I am going for it. I am being too much like Mr Logic in the Viz magazine.

Evol-ut-ary meaning have we reached a stage in Humankinds history where we are at the end point and thus we are only able to tie-up our loose-ends and delve-in-deeper than is in many ways necessary into what seems like narcissism, but in fact is a much deeper-dive than is necessary, as all it generally does is lead on and on and on in a self-fulfilling loop and there is no ‘exit’ strand to beyond and the wheel remains unbroken and there is but ‘one’ ribbon and no ‘strip’ can be torn off that diverts us from the main area of focus; I say this, for the other day when writing I thought, am all I am doing is trying to find the right set of ‘attack-precepts’ and maybe its what I write ‘this time’ that’ll topple the hold on control, and yes, that is what I think I’m trying to do, find the key, [the set of wordage] that does the most damage and thus it unravels the current play in such a way that a stream of connected issues fail – but then I thought surely I would have to write one massive post in which all GRIPES were stated and let that do the collected work of a mighty-pen of disgruntled-ness, but I’m starting to see that as a non-working character in my saga now – no, infiltration into the main narrative is when we see our World taking-over from their World is our next-step and we see a representation of ourselves in the outer – and then not being ‘content’ with that we move-on to the next-step which should’ve become apparent in the meantime.

Still for now in this crazy game of life, I’d suggest we do a stocktake of a kind and assess ourselves, and sense our evolution in the past few years; and yes you can write your own test and even mark your own assessment, I’d suggest you simply work your questions up around the core of what VALUE you think you’ve gained or lost in where your inner evolution has brought you to?

That’s it – have fun thinking about things like ‘have I moved-on from any position held at the beginning of all the panic and stress I was told was about’ – but was it really about for me, and has any shift I have made felt forced or was I actually ready to be changed? And suchlike – as said make up your own questions – and for ‘spirits-sake’ please don’t make-up questions where you know the answers will just be affirmations, so you aren’t learning anything or in the end your evolutary scoring [just for fun] will be a mockery – it might be better for some to start at the end with the ANSWERS and how you now are and work-out how you got to the position you are now.

I end with my own assessment: I realise this; I have evolved into a tracker-monkey and the journey I have evolved into began and continues to diverge here and there and yes I do create my World around me and it scares me in some ways that I now cannot engage with society in the old way simply because EVERYTHING reminds me of some aspect of where HUMANKIND has gotten to and I reference the struggle more than actually struggling as I used to in a rather NON-MEANINGFUL way and thus I see myself as a CHILD OF THIS TIME when I’d rather just be a CHILD IN TIME but my greatest hope for my future is simply to be done with all this, but for that I’d have to purposely-knick the ribbon and feed-out a length of some thing new for myself and leave it all behind – until a time when it feels necessary to come back-in half-hoping that wouldn’t arise – either that or just ditch my computeering and thus go dark and say to myself and my readers I’VE DONE MY BIT AND I AM OFF -ADIOS AMIGOS.

But I haven’t evolve to that just yet, although I’ve threatened to many times, I know.

Maybe I should go back to school and get an English A-level or whatever today’s equivalent is, but then again I might de-evolve as there isn’t much room for being creatively-wrong in wordage, as I learnt at school, and I really don’t wish to write like STANLEY UNWIN spoke.