How to be human; part 1; what it is to be human

I am writing ten parts, and yes, I do compare them in part to the ten commandments of old, but only in so far as they are the modern-day 10 explanations of modern 2024 living, and whether you get anything out-of or from them is entirely up to you – you can’t really live by them, in the 10 commandments of old way – but they may give you a good-bead on stuff.

I am writing these ‘parts’ as every part is a ‘specific’ – and yes you may say it’s weird I even think us humans need telling ‘how it is to be human’ but I say since 2020 we have been on a course where we are being ROBBED, yes, ROBBED of what it is like to have been HUMAN, and WHY because a lot of people have supposedly bought-in to becoming part of the new agenda but what of us that don’t fully or even partly support the ‘taking forward’ surely we are more than luddites, but we want or wish to keep to the known and settled and just don’t want to be shifted into a position where tech moves us and not as it should be ‘we use tech to shift the world around us’.

I say now ‘clearly’ since the two-thousand and twenties arrived we are seeing ever more clearly what we are losing in order to progress into a new future which we’ve got to embrace on our terms or fuck-it-off.

So, I am going to in each part deal specifically with a topic but in many instances not in the way you might expect it to be handled and possibly discussed later, I am attempting to see pass the manifestations of certain expressions and looking to the root-core of matters, focusing on the affects that it has on the human-race and the possible antidote, and if I see a non-human agenda behind what i discuss then I may interject some reasoning as to why a matter is being shifted that way – is it simply for their convenience or is it more to get us out of their way and I want to get to how it is that either we or they benefit from the turns we make, as the time to counter has come, now we are aware that countering the narrative works and it can be applied to so much more.

My goal in these parts is simple – consolidate from much if not all that is known and build-up a full as is possible picture of how life’s gotta be, from simply seeing how its notta be, and they’ll be lots of examples of how its notta be!

Its taken four long years to get to this point and by the end of the parts I really want you to sense where this has all been leading to and just exactly what it is we have done and need continuing to do TO BE HUMAN.

Basically the whole idea of these ten-posts is to collect together a series of things that are around in 2024 that take us away from being human and in this part I want to show you what it is to be human and stay human, and no, it isn’t a list of ‘be good to each other’ etc [as we surely know those, no, its more a ‘come-out-of’ type of thing in-order to remain human and even improve your chances of not totally losing your humanity in a tech/AI world we’re supposedly heading for – and blindly heading for, if you ask me.

When I say don’t engage with this or imply it, its not for fun I say it, no, its because with a little thought its able to see what is lost by where its taking you – you know the type of things – lets call all such people AIT Heads – [short for AI and Tech people who think that that is our future and are sold going-down that route, now you can spot them on SM as they are the blank-heads who almost beg for your commentary as obviously they have ran-out of ideas [by themselves to move something forward, ‘as if they had any great thoughts on something in the first-place, they didn’t’ and so like a machine-head they gather or ask to gather in the vain hope other humans who are on the tech path might just have an idea or two to help push their narrative forward, and do these collaborators have any ideas to give? From what I have seen no they don’t as its evidenced that the social media creators are soon onto their next subject and that tells you their pleas for assistance falls plainly down and thank God for that, its either the public can’t or won’t help the AIT’s, or even don’t see any personal advantage in doing so, and that is their ways, a non-human mentality coming-out in certain people who think the non-human ways are the future: it may be their future but it ain’t ours.

The number one factor in being human is not to give-in and become any more of an AIT than you find yourself being – meaning treat a phone as a phone and remind yourself it’s just the mobility factor that took it from being solely a ‘at home’ device to one where you can be contacted or contact someone else from outside of the home, and then remind yourself that ‘apps’ were originally-made for the computer and you’ll soon see that by thinking like that you dismiss the technological-hold a device can have over you and you ain’t an AIT, no, you’ve retained your humanity by putting a mental-barrier between your human life and the mental intrusion of technology that is trying and does infiltrate it, on the quiet, a slow-creeping menace that needs putting in its place.

Indeed, ask yourself ‘how human am I today’? and do it every day, and no, don’t google it, or allow an app’s related stuff to measure it for you, for if you do, then DAH what is it to be human, when you are actually an AIT by doing these things.

I say its things like being able to not use AUTOFILL on searches, I deliberately write or tap-out names of people and things I search for even when in one tap it would be complete, I feel satisfied that by doing so I am using my human-ness to state i haven’t turned fully automated and retain my human-ness and this and many other things state to myself I am continuing to be human.

There’s no doubt in my mind where this is all headed – I grew-up with the Jetsons cartoons – a future where a few possibles were foreseen – but many still or if ever are coming to reality – but the AIT-Heads of today have the urge to believe so much of their ‘fuckery with life’ and others too is going to come-about or they’ll make it come-about – I say they have ALL got a lot of disappointment ahead of them – as so much isn’t going to happen – and so much more isn’t going to happen as they want or wish it to.

It’s a blitz a shit-blitz in 2024 where you have to hold-on to what being human is – as the focus is so heavily on AI and Tech it could be said that ‘humans’ are being looked at as the things for AI and Tech to be applied to.

I am concerned a lot about this as its not something we can easily pull-back from once the applications are made in our lives – indeed so concerned am I on our human-future I know I would drop everything and devote myself solely to stopping-us losing our human-ness but I know I cannot devote so much time to that fight, even when its absolutely necessary – it’s the big-one folks – and that is no joke.

I’d like to say it is as easy as simply carrying-on with just being how we now are – but the non-human agenda is strongly set-out and we will [humans] find that as more and more of the pieces are put into place it will become that the only places you’ll find your human-ness is between the set-ups or ‘stations of the toss’ as I refer to them – imagine walking to the Bus to go to the surgery – but using cards not cash to pay the fare – it’s the first station of toss – your first interaction with digital reality – then sign-in at the surgery – the second toss – get seen by a nurse or doctor and subjected to another new-fangled technology, that replaced a easily as good and reliable past technique, the third toss – go and make another appointment and it’s the fourth toss – bus home, the fifth.

Yeah, each toss taking you further and further out and away from being and feeling human – you’d get off your bus just dying to do something or have some interaction with humanity in a normal way just to try and shake-off the impersonal-humanity of what you just went through, and when you can’t get it because everyone is either on their phones or computers dealing with this non-human world you see just what this take-over means to you – you feel dirty and infected and there are few mechanisms left to get yourself clean-away from it other than just letting time diminish the experience, or if you are lucky anything you’ve developed to retain your human-ness.

It’s a bleak future when you soon realise that AI and technology CANNOT IN ANY WAY replace what human friendship and its nuances can give us all. I say don’t wait to be taken-over into this sterile world and spend your time developing networks that don’t rely on things that cannot work unless there is a Tech or AI element in them, as this is false-economy – as skills learnt by human to human interaction are to be far more valued, yes, these AIT’s think it’s a straight-run of openness to all, we are going to have to be more circumspect and realise that in so many ways its AI and Tech that has brought humanity to its ‘end days’ but a circle has no beginning or end, so, actually an or the end-days could and do occur anywhere on the circle and likewise after the end comes a new beginning and that is why end days occur, to usher-in the new – but they would want the new to be something in just one state of being and with one-way ahead, we must counter this with the knowledge of a loss of being human and the humanity that goes-along with their push and counteract it with a solid push of remaining as the parts we want to be and want to continue to be.

Note: Actually I like what I have written so much I am going to publish it today, as I want people to grasp the full-meaning of what its got to be done to remain human – and add their weight to speaking-out on their ideas to see this happen – so, join-in people – please put your two-pence worth of commentary of what an ALL-NATURAL FIGHTBACK looks like – and know IN THIS LIFE THERE ARE SOMETHINGS THAT JUST HAVE TO BE DONE TO REMAIN ON THE RIGHT ROAD.


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