Evolutary value

Have I spelt that right as Auto-correct gives me Involuntary as a suggestion, it looks right to me, once again I seem to have used a word that my ‘word’ programme doesn’t recognise, so, I once again evolve the words on the Internet, or perhaps my English is just bad as usual, no I think I am just using a much under used form of the main word, that being evolution; anyway, I am going for it. I am being too much like Mr Logic in the Viz magazine.

Evol-ut-ary meaning have we reached a stage in Humankinds history where we are at the end point and thus we are only able to tie-up our loose-ends and delve-in-deeper than is in many ways necessary into what seems like narcissism, but in fact is a much deeper-dive than is necessary, as all it generally does is lead on and on and on in a self-fulfilling loop and there is no ‘exit’ strand to beyond and the wheel remains unbroken and there is but ‘one’ ribbon and no ‘strip’ can be torn off that diverts us from the main area of focus; I say this, for the other day when writing I thought, am all I am doing is trying to find the right set of ‘attack-precepts’ and maybe its what I write ‘this time’ that’ll topple the hold on control, and yes, that is what I think I’m trying to do, find the key, [the set of wordage] that does the most damage and thus it unravels the current play in such a way that a stream of connected issues fail – but then I thought surely I would have to write one massive post in which all GRIPES were stated and let that do the collected work of a mighty-pen of disgruntled-ness, but I’m starting to see that as a non-working character in my saga now – no, infiltration into the main narrative is when we see our World taking-over from their World is our next-step and we see a representation of ourselves in the outer – and then not being ‘content’ with that we move-on to the next-step which should’ve become apparent in the meantime.

Still for now in this crazy game of life, I’d suggest we do a stocktake of a kind and assess ourselves, and sense our evolution in the past few years; and yes you can write your own test and even mark your own assessment, I’d suggest you simply work your questions up around the core of what VALUE you think you’ve gained or lost in where your inner evolution has brought you to?

That’s it – have fun thinking about things like ‘have I moved-on from any position held at the beginning of all the panic and stress I was told was about’ – but was it really about for me, and has any shift I have made felt forced or was I actually ready to be changed? And suchlike – as said make up your own questions – and for ‘spirits-sake’ please don’t make-up questions where you know the answers will just be affirmations, so you aren’t learning anything or in the end your evolutary scoring [just for fun] will be a mockery – it might be better for some to start at the end with the ANSWERS and how you now are and work-out how you got to the position you are now.

I end with my own assessment: I realise this; I have evolved into a tracker-monkey and the journey I have evolved into began and continues to diverge here and there and yes I do create my World around me and it scares me in some ways that I now cannot engage with society in the old way simply because EVERYTHING reminds me of some aspect of where HUMANKIND has gotten to and I reference the struggle more than actually struggling as I used to in a rather NON-MEANINGFUL way and thus I see myself as a CHILD OF THIS TIME when I’d rather just be a CHILD IN TIME but my greatest hope for my future is simply to be done with all this, but for that I’d have to purposely-knick the ribbon and feed-out a length of some thing new for myself and leave it all behind – until a time when it feels necessary to come back-in half-hoping that wouldn’t arise – either that or just ditch my computeering and thus go dark and say to myself and my readers I’VE DONE MY BIT AND I AM OFF -ADIOS AMIGOS.

But I haven’t evolve to that just yet, although I’ve threatened to many times, I know.

Maybe I should go back to school and get an English A-level or whatever today’s equivalent is, but then again I might de-evolve as there isn’t much room for being creatively-wrong in wordage, as I learnt at school, and I really don’t wish to write like STANLEY UNWIN spoke.


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