Unsurprisingly I am running-out of…

things to watch!

I could end here – but its worth a shout-out to my doings.

I watch a lot of videos on my computer and as I said ‘rather unsurprisingly’ I have reached that ‘time’ when just like my TV watching I have to admit that I will not watch repeats and now with Youtube videos etc, I will not or just don’t want to watch newly created-content and even the specialist sites of providers draws a big meh from me.

I really am at the end, as my criteria for watching stuff has narrowed to such a point where nothing satisfies or suffices and thus I just don’t even bother with many people and sites nowadays: criteria 1 is always; am I going to get anything worthwhile in investing my time in watching someone’s creation? And after a while that is soon answered with a big fat no! So, in a sense I could possibly miss-out on the ‘best thing going’ – because I’ve dissed-off so many sites as rubbish – but I truly believe and know that no content-provider is ever going to fulfil my needs, which is unsurprising too, as no content-maker makes any thing specific for one particular person, except for themselves, as if a content-creator isn’t satisfied with their own work surely they wouldn’t publish it – although to be honest many creators should be ashamed of their efforts – I know it can’t be that easy to post videos in the ‘what do we use as content’ sense – that’s why I have never bothered with it myself – anyway I don’t wish to inflict my mug on video for all to see, especially when my words are whats far more important in the sense of a message.

I’ve seen some right ‘stinkers’ lately and I think the ‘viral’ nature of videography and its seemingly singular nature drawn from the wider-pool of events makes the ‘observational’ nature usually lumped-onto comedy performers easily added to content creators, where we all have come to bemoan ‘observational-humour’ and now should bemoan ‘observational-human-nature’ which in every human-being is being observed as they are – but isn’t it ‘money for old rope’ as anybody can observe and hence comment or have commentary on any human behaviour – WE REALLY HAVE SUNK SO LOW – in that every small movement of the human condition is now prodded and poked about – what when comes the day that we can’t even be HUMAN and do what human-beings do – simply because we’ve ridiculed ourselves out of existing as we are – I talked of COMPASSION in my last posting, I could of said be more empathetic or such like, or simply ‘take a care’ or don’t be so embittered or plain horrible as ‘every viewpoint’ matters and even a horrible viewpoint has been engendered from a previous state of condition and taken-up as a living condition and way of being by people who can’t or won’t see another way of being, being ‘extant’ for them.

No-one dares suggest that LIFE itself has run its course as that is extremely silly as a statement – no, most prefer to state that certain parts of life have surely gone as far as they can – but even that is a ‘fudge’ at best – as generally no-one really wishes to kill-off stuff preferring to add-on to stuff – but what if it gets to a stage [and here I use social media as the example] where the stuff that’s added to it is poisonous-claptrap and it is truly only ever in the creators-hands and minds to do something about it and thus the general over-lording of decency and taste has to come from themselves – and if you shit in your own back yard as many do – then you’ll soon be seen for the dung-heap your site is, and people will say – it stinks and eventually there’s a council-order to get that steaming-pile-of-crap off the Internet and popular-opinion [whether right or wrong] has more sway against you than ‘I deserve to stay doing my stuff as I think it has value’ – no, that probably won’t cut it – as a single-voiced statement of this is causing harm to myself and others like me is already enough to see cancel-culture come in to force and operation – whereas it more true to keep with the ‘tested’ but slower – if you don’t like it then don’t watch it – which eventually leads to where it should always lead to ‘the court of public-opinion’ where if its deemed lesser by more people it naturally dies-off.

I am but one person saying what we all say to a lesser or greater degree in private, that being ‘we aren’t satisfied with what others say, but we aren’t going to censor them and that brings me back to two posts ago, when I said I’d be living in the ruins and it wouldn’t bother me, but it might bother you as a person to actually see and live in a ruinous World where truly what you are watching and listening to is but a pale-soulless-expression of a world of nothingness that draws-upon nothing but the ‘known’ and can’t even try to magic-up something from nothing and present the unseen to a unknowing public – creation isn’t that which you KNOW in many instances – its more of allowing yourself to bring into existence ‘that’ which you had little idea it was possible to do – meaning did I know that I was going to bring these words into existence before they were wrote? No! but when they had been created I knew they were the right words to say what had to be or were wanted to say – and that my friends surely is as PURE CREATION AS ITS POSSIBLE TO GET – I’VE FOUND NO BETTER. FROM MY SPIRIT TO YOURS – IN GRATIS

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