How to be human; part six – ugly

Enjoy! And yes, I do get back on some of the transgender thing too within this post.

Is this part a joke part of the series? No, it’s the d[f]uckling part, you decide how serious I am being.

Ugly is ugly, and no ugliness isn’t just in physical-looks in a person, you can look at a building and much more and come away with the fact you think its ugly; I’d say UGLY can be an attitude too, and finally ‘why supposedly waste a whole part of the ‘how to be a human series’ on ugliness, surely it doesn’t fashion such a thing – I say it does when you come to realise that UGLINESS is something you can sense in people even when it isn’t apparent and obvious, and it builds too, when certain attitudes are given-out, and with some beings you don’t even have to sense the attitude – as these beings will do stuff that binds themselves to that ugly attitude – as if they need to be that ‘vile’ so in a sympatico kind of relationship they feed-off ugliness of attitude in order to maintain their own ugliness – and its shines-through, well, dulls-through as there is little nice in a ugly-attitude [and that’s the point] if you’ve naturally got ugliness in spades then you are going to want to surround yourself in that way of being – I’ve seen it in the presenters of GB News and Talk TV, they really cannot help themselves but be snide and nasty and revel in the foulness – and that’s why HATE OF THEM is a poor substitution of what they really get me feeling – I have no words to describe them ‘cept to say they are as shitty as that which they put over – and they cackle and bay and laugh like hyenas, which is hardly surprising seeing what they can only deal-in, which comes from their own attitudes they can’t and won’t shake-off to become better people – yes, I know most of it is an act and then you say to yourself, they still have to pull-it-off the performance and I think they aren’t total performers surely, and surely are more like they come-over as, they have to be, anyway, whatever the truth of it all is? they are still UGLY, UGLY, UGLY PEOPLE pedalling the foulness, and are foul by their association – people born in thirty years-time reading this just won’t believe how UGLY the media of today really was – but believe me they were – maybe the media will have employed more decent folk in thirty years-time – but its an ugly business, so it wouldn’t surprise me if they did not.

Now I pose a question: generally-speaking who are prettier men or women? Most people if being honest would say ‘beauty’ is more often bestowed on the female, I mean across the two  genders, and its amongst the females of the human species that they find their own rank amongst themselves, and it’s a silent fight mostly, and I am very glad I needn’t partake in ‘that’ struggle as a youth with being a man, [although I was aware of who had the more attractive visage amongst the men, but knew character and standing up for yourself were considered higher values to have – men are rough looking and usually its only if a female likes your looks she’ll want to take it forward with you, but you need a decent personality too, and some steadiness and steadfastness to attract a women, and women spot immaturity in men so easily and see it as a turn-off, least they did when I was a youth; hook-up with you? yeah when you grow-up they’d say in not so many words.

God I’ve seen some ugly men – and in comparison with any women we just don’t have the features and minimal facial-hair growth and then our adams-apple and our bigger body size separate us from women – and our out-tees ‘penis’s’ rather than inn-ees ‘vaginas’ are the most defining-factor between our genders, indeed has always defined gender in my mind – and you may wish your dick away as a male but all this identifying as something you obviously have a different body type to has a long road of nonsense to play-out even when the answers are already known – if you ask me no-one will ever come-up with a good enough reason why ‘self-identity’ of which gender you want to be will overtake and replace what you actually are in physicality ‘at any point’ in your life – not in the sense of your identity and body in correspondence with each other – no, simply expressing you feel and identify as the other gender or no gender [is that even possible when you inhabit a human body with some kind of sexuality gained from them, its as bizarre as possible saying or thinking ‘who am fucking or having sex with here’? They don’t want to be a gender so my only option is to go-on whatever sexual organs they possess and the type of sex we are having – unless they want me to believe I am actually not having sex with anyone at all – because they don’t want to be genderized by me and others – so, is it to become in the future ‘I had sex with a prick but not a man’, or I had sex with a cunt but not a woman, its that maddening.

I heard a call on the Internet for the banning of all transgenderism ‘to put a stop’ to all this gender and sex non-sense, as if that would end it ‘once and for all’ [yeah, we made a law, so that’ll stop or deter it, right, you really believe that don’t you], by the way that is another form of ugliness, that of over-arching onto stuff which isn’t your ‘life experience’ and saying in one swoop we have an answer for you, stop being ‘that’ you wish to be’ and conform to the rule of being deemed a non-sense a nothing-ness because its easier for all concerned, no, that’s a real fuckin ugly attitude to bring-down on people’s lives – but it really only covers-up other ugliness’s that many transpeople have opened-up themselves and are getting support from clinicians and cosmetic-people, that of giving sway that their mental fantasies of being something bodily different is the nirvanic goal or aspiration they should achieve to cure even the mildest of dysphoria’s, that if challenged in other ways could see surgeries reduced dramatically – if many transwomen could tone it down a little and spend more time on appearance and show the effeminate-man in all its glory then so much ugliness would be transformed – but as I say so many transwomen bring their ugliness with them in their transition and I don’t just mean physical ugliness – ugly can and is a mental attribute too – I even feel a bit ugly and unclean just talking about this stuff – trying my hardest not to be too down on the ugliest of people trying to escape their ugly roots.

But I have to talk about transwomen and being ugly, because if you can’t see it, its because you don’t want to see it; but some may say that it’s a good thing ugly men want to beautify themselves by dressing and looking like a women and even going as far as taking hormones to be like a women bodily, but I am not so sure, as to rid yourself of ugly its more an internal mental reshaping process that needs to be gone through – otherwise its just changing genders but doing nothing about the ugliness inside of yourself.

Note: I watch people on Y’tube like Blair White and Brad Polumbo and the offensive Tranny and even Odins men – and the very sarcastic but sometime really funny Disgruntled Danny all to keep abreast of Trans issues, and view-points but I won’t watch the material of those like Mulvaney and those who set-out to cause a stir in rather meaningless ways as to me that really is an ugly waste of all of our times – at least the above are adding and taking their ‘responsibility’ of being in that space seriously enough to have something sensible to say [yes, I know Danny just has an interest in the subjects like trans-life and he says he has no real connection – still his insightful comments do hit home with me being outside the trans-world myself – the others in the ‘no way’ am I watching their shit will only stir stuff with the goal of being accepted, and how is that going? supply your own answers.

Continuing: But what these people can’t escape is no sexual-organs is far more a non-binary situation of not wanting to be defined by gender than they realise, its coming the non-binary will be challenged on matters like this in the future, their arguments always fall-down on the contradictoriness of what is said within their own arguments  – and as such what else does a person have but a person’s genitals to slap a label-onto, its far more appropriate than the identity issue, if only that identities can change and be fleeting but bodily parts are usually far more permanent, and usually we are far more attracted to what body parts a person has then their identity, indeed it might be said that identity is far more for the person identifying as something or other and its entirely possible the other people simply want to know if the sex between them involves a penis, vagina or anus and makes up their mind accordingly, yeah I know it ‘base’ but so many people are base and will ignore the hstronics of a person and simply want to fuck, yes, i am saying it’s a shame or pity that people who want to hook-up will ignore an identity and concern themselves more with the possible sex they are going to get, yeah I KNOW THAT IS FUCKIN UGLY but its far more of a truth than what self-identity is trying to do – but I dare say if you are that bothered you will get around to asking at  some point – but as identity and body type is at odds in a transgender situation the first question is more what you are fucking or having a fiddle with and if its not to your taste, simply politely decline as if you believe they would never be so harsh on you, then dream-on  – as in the end whatever you believe in gender-wise no-one wants to have to say I know I was fucking with somebody but I cannot tell you more than that – they have given me nothing or taken away my ability to name them because they refuse to be bound by normal languages [taking non-binary here mainly] and we all understand and we’re sure if they want to be genderless then they must accept what that means for those that are trying to name them [hence giving some dignity to them] and when they find themselves, and we unable to by following the persons own rules they simply are following their own wishes – but in the end, we all want to know who we were fucking with last night – and its really demeaning to find yourself unable to say who – so, you fucked a ‘what’ last night – sure, comes the really I guess I did.

Sadly, a lot of this trans-rubbish is in its present state making us feel as ugly for being involved or not in their trans-world, it rubs-off, and God no do I want this to become the dominating force in all matters sexual, not in its current fucked-up form at least.

There is a deficiency or lack of beauty in so many Transgender men [and I am not just talking about their attitudes to most stuff, although that shines through even to the point of many of their deep motivations to try and get what they want that was denied by other channels such as trying to date those who don’t want to know them], c’mon vile and nasty people and so many are in the modern Trans-mania that its obvious it’s a new dating ploy with their changed rules of what applies in that field now, but only on their say so, [sure it must be hard to be rejected, but work on that what was deemed ugly enough for you to be told no, don’t try and change the whole dating-dynamic just to fit your past disappointment’s, as this is truly what so much of the current stuff is beholden to, whether they recognise it or not,.

I’d probably think of transitioning from MTF if I was that horrible and ugly too, [but you really do take it with you the ugliness] in just giving myself the chance of changing, but they bring so much with them that ‘that’ kind of UGLY isn’t easily erased from a personality:

I really think MTF [male to female] people are failed men in so many ways who want to incorporate femineity in their lives to take-off their rough edges when a ‘course’ on how to be a ‘lady’ would far more suitable, I think all the ugly in a man cannot be wiped-away by simply identifying as a women, no, I remember when still at school the girls of 16 were still working-out what it was to be a women, so if you suggested to a man who wanted to present as a women and told him it needed a good ten years or more to get into the womanly ways and a big component of being a women was to look like a women and ‘pass’ and that could take years of beauty-regime and acting into the part, maybe they’d realise that an ugly-looking man has a further hill to climb than a born women – and achieving feminine beauty is usually beyond most men, you hair has grown and disguising facial hair is a real motherfucker to deal with I’d imagine, I know my hair grows so fast I’d not have a hope in hell of even partly trying to disguise it.

When I look and see so many men wanting the beauty women possess quite naturally and then see what they have to go through to even get some of their manliness taken-out [and it really doesn’t seem all that possible to do, as its proven from what Is’ve seen] before they even try to mimic women’s beauty you can see what a hard job that is – I know things have moved-on since crossdressers from the 1970’s were shown as the only examples of MTF and what horror-shows they were – they did their best but it was so obvious they were men dressed and made-up badly as women. Here I add I am only speaking from a man’s perspective but I will say that some of the transexuals I saw of women to men FTM people really passed in looks but not so much in getting men’s gaits and they really stood far to still in a pose, that is something that always tells you, you have a mimic of what a person believes the other gender is like – being a man isn’t a performance ‘ladies’ take that for free.

But I think the ugliest thing of all is the self-deniability [especially in the trans-world] of those who don’t want to work with the re-engineering they are going through, as if being not quite female is good enough for a lot of transwomen – as if the development of breasts is the ‘be-all-and-end-all’ and as if that the getting of breasts is just a supplement to their penises, yeah, I took oestrogen and now feel better about my dick, I even think its size may’ve increased too, I am more sexual now I have breasts and a penis – I say dream-on ‘dick-head’ you’ve halved your sexuality by being fifty percent male and fifty woman [in the truest sense, but you think its double-bubble] and a new appendage ‘breasts’ means you’ve got to spend more time on their care; and besides, have you seen men with breasts? some people’s/men’s chests are clearly not made to expand as breasts, with nipples not being placed as with a natural women’s when they grow into place and as for the breasts themselves the out-filling of the chest produces some funny shapeage a natural woman would think about having a boob-job to correct – but many transwomen can’t even see it as a problem – perhaps because they don’t see or have the natural beauty-aesthetic a born women has and always develops over time, unlike a man who never had to really ever consider that growing-up, and again breasts from a chest is a very ugly look in many ways.

No, a male munter can and usually does end-up as a trans-women munter too. Note: I use the word Munter as someone who has the ability to turn you off and unattract anybody just by looks alone.

So, an ugly attitude is hard to change and here’s where being a human has to put in ‘humanity’ to banish as much ‘of the ugly’ as they can.

An AI can look like crap or asthetically-pleasing and it doesn’t matter to nobody, but an actual human-being literally does look ugly if the spiritual-being and force inside their spirit is ugly beyond acceptable belief – an old hag isn’t called that for nothing, so we must banish the UGLY from ourselves and our environment as its far more of an indication of who we are and how we live and is a reckoner of who we are throughout life, [our ugliness shines through], and I say it is possible to be born with good-looks but to lose them with the or any ugly attitudes we develop throughout our lives.

Here’s what I suggest we have to do to stay beautiful: and yes, it’s imperative that we ditch the ugliness of character and attitude, and if that means not engaging with or allowing the ugly of ‘this kind in a person’ to integrate their ugliness into our lives then it’s a fight worth pursuing! I personally am always trying to fend-off anything I find ugly in my character or thoughts each and every day, as I deem it a very important part of who I am and how I come-across, and it’s a study even worthy of being included in school-work I’d say.

I say the fight of how to remain human sees us pointing-out the simple reality of if and when you have an ugly attitude and character we should or will point it out to you and by this you may be able to get some pointers to get a better grip on being beautiful, but as we know you will have to ‘want to be beautiful’, and why are we this generous to you? simply because its your bad attitudes and character that is bringing far more down around you then the ‘downness of you own being’ and that is what we care about, not being brought-down by the insufferable non-sense and crap of your being and your attempts to cling-onto that and not shift your position on things others could and do easily point-out are being mind-blowingly ‘off-course’.

We fought COVID-19 and perhaps naively thought that ‘that’ was our biggest fight – I suggest it only uncovered a far bigger problem, that of our humanity being teared-at and torn by the beings that are willingly trying to stop humanity being human and there are multiple examples, and it is not just me calling for this ‘human’ future, no, many are alluding to it even if they don’t quite realise, they are doing so in so many words.

Yes, our fight from here on in I suggest ‘is to say it’s the only way to stay human’, when we fight the 10 scourges of humanity that the woke and transgender mobs in the main are trying to re-arrange and say are flexible, and if we allow their warped-mentalities to infiltrate and command these things we’ll have a non-human world of contentions [that needn’t be contentions on this planet] to contend with.

I don’t want to contend with their ugliness, as stirring-up shit that needn’t be stirred-up is a straight to weirdness factor that doesn’t sit well with being a human-being – it is just plain ugly in the main and lowers-us to the base instincts.

Ok, I don’t really need to provide more examples, I am sure that you can find and see many yourselves. So that is it for this part.

P.S. Try not to be too ugly as you go about your daily doings, it really does matter. And no, I don’t apologise for using the word ugly or ugliness far too much in this post, indeed I did consider a whole part with the word UGLY as the only component just to ram the point home, as it would’ve done.

I am somewhat sorry I spent much time on the transgender-life on this subject of ugliness but I feel in general there is so much ugliness in the whole modern-day craze to try to erase your inner ugliness by becoming supposedly a much softer version of yourself in the only way possible and model yourself on a natural-women.

P.S. I am not the best looking person myself, but I’d never consider the cosmetic-changing of my looks in order to get a fuck or sex, no, if I can’t get sex being who I am its far more than the/my outer shell of me that needs changing – indeed I partly think if I bowed-down to softening into my more feminine-side I would have a far better chance of go at attracting female company – so, you see I ain’t totally against the feminization of my masculinity or anybody’s, but I know where to draw my lines and that is what all of should do, how far deviating off of our natural state are we willing to bend with?

Note: if you are so inclined go to Youtube and put in the song title UGLY by the stranglers – the lyrics will make you smile if nothing else.

Being nice and kind is a state of mind, but so is being vile and ugly, always remember you are better than being UGLY, or you can be if you drop your pettiness’s and revenges, you know you can rise-above-it and become more, its only a matter of effort.

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