Q:  How forgiving are we? really!

August 31, 2023

I really don’t wish to stir the pot, but sometimes it’s the only way to really learn the lessons and maybe help to see if things have been resolved to any satisfaction.

Is Covid ‘really’ over ‘if and when’ vaccines are made to supposedly stop its spread, when as I speak there is no overall pandemic [wide-spread virus] around, and many like myself doubt there ever was a virus, hence making it easy to say its disappeared as a wide-spread thing, if as we believe it was never there to begin with: which begs the question, if it wasn’t Covid as a virus we were fighting then what were we fighting???

I suggest we have been fighting corruption and among certain types on this planet, it is almost the duty they owe themselves to scan and take from the largest-pot going; as Max Igan said, it’s a criminal enterprise and they are all one big club ‘and you ain’t in it, as George Carlin said: but let me explain my understanding of privilege leading or making people/beings who are attracted or even destined to go into jobs/roles where by their greedy natures they can scam monies from within the jobs they do, its like saying in common-parlance ‘I hate working this job – so, I’ll take whatever I can from it, and when you are a politician the ‘tickles’ can amount-up and when your corrupt nature is exposed – you simply either work for those people/organisations you lobbied for or some such and try to rake-in more and more – it’s a true enough saying – that for some people their greed knows no bounds – its so inbuilt into their essential nature that to breathe is equivalent to want to be corrupt so that they earn – and rather sadly the rest of the system helps feed their addiction to corrupt practices and their need to satisfy their greedy impulses. See those figures who sold us the vaccine and went straight into that industry at the first sniff of their future profits.

Q: Have they slipped the net? A short-while ago, we supposedly weren’t going to be so forgiving to those that by things they did/enforced on the public ‘to basically line their pockets and the damage done to millions who lost their lives – again, so certain people could benefit’ but now the pandemic is not here in the way it was before – we seem to have become more forgiving – but maybe that is because although we know who the guilty people are in that those that brought stuff on just so they could keep profiting, we couldn’t prove that link of saying ‘its by their greed that millions were killed and forced to face a miserable life of seeing symptoms appear in their bodies years before they should’ve manifested, plus the quick roll-out of a ‘truly’ untested to high standard vaccine also should be taken into account to.

So, why does this all matter still? Well, its ‘lessons learnt’ and more importantly, that those people not fully taken-down will [just like the sexual-instinct] when the greed impulse arises in them will find ways to re-introduce into the World system ways of them profiting again, and thus we may’ve just seen a shift of personnel from authorities to big pharma – [oh if only there were a ‘shot’ that could cure their greed – well, there is actually, but less said of that, the better, I suppose], anyway, what I am driving at is what I’ve said many times before – when they can’t stop themselves – they need taking-out of the picture, so less harm can be done – big pharma are just waiting to step-in and clean-up, but truly it’s a real shame they went-down the MNRA vaccines route, as no-one in their right-mind wants that tech inserted by vaccine into them – it’s a real shame that big pharma are going to lose BIG on these types of vaccines; but the saddest thing of all is this, before the Covid vaccine was ‘used’ for future profitability the public would willingly take any vaccine with no concern really but now they don’t so readily – but ‘straight’ vaccines were good in the ‘get your shots’ before vacation kind-of-way, and sadly I don’t wish us humans to lose out on the real necessaries of picking-up what could’ve been avoided by say a simple rabies or suchlike shot, from a vaccine that isn’t MRNA based, because dying from something just because you disagree or so problems with the covid shots is not a good way to go – yes, do the preventable shots – but keep fighting the modern MRNA shots and dismiss them from our lives; as to a money-maker, the callous mind says they were going to die at some point anyway, and my personal wealth is what defines me, and so now, you hopefully see why being totally unforgiving of a persons actions is not always advisable – if and when they themselves haven’t learnt the lessons of their greedy natures and its wider consequences.

I am not always that unforgiving: imagine standing in front of a smiling corrupter with wads of cash in their hands and a corpse who died from their greed and as a human-being ‘seeing and feeling’ where your sympathy and compassion goes, when you can imagine that, you know why you are still fighting!


The Slumber of Intelligence

August 30, 2023

After years in my youth being known as ‘dopey Nob’ Nobby is a nickname of mine, I know full-well the benefits of playing-down ‘your own suss’ and pretending somewhat to be less intelligent and sussed than you really are – it’s a big plus when everyone thinks you are stupid and know nothing.

That’s all well and fine when you actually have intelligence and suss, but when it’s the other way around and you haven’t gained the intelligence [or have let your natural sense grow, and you couldn’t spot a turd in a barrel of shit, what then? you can’t ‘shed’ or ‘play-down’ what you haven’t got to lose some of – I suggest there is an intelligence which comes from ‘understanding’ and is so natural that its not even ‘seen’ as a thing – its so innate that if you ignore and don’t develop it, for whatever reason, then its easily lost – I suppose on a more collective-level its known as common-sense, but common-sense is also knowing what the ‘majority’ of your fellow human beings would likely do, and that is without directly asking them – it’s a ‘knowing’ instinct – a simple example is such as – the common instinct when becoming dirty is to then clean-yourself-up, as with all mammals, once you experience what comes along with being dirty and what it means to be such, we choose cleanness if only because it solves more problems than doesn’t for us.

So, when we see our fellow-man and women struggling with their issues, first we know we hid inside ourselves the true motivation in helping [so, their ill-ease does not spread among the human-pack and thus more are affected than needs be – its not much more than our preservation instinct arising; truly, if we were that vicious and uncaring we’d simply let them slumber in their un-intelligence ways and let them die-off in their delusions and whatever – rather than let their ‘madnesse’s infect the whole tribe’ I think one day it may come to it, that we’ll have to gather certain types into a room and explain how if they don’t stop with their non-senses we are going to have to make them see the truth of being like they are and its affect on everyone else – and how it simply cannot be had from them – perhaps only by threatening their ways they are trying to impose upon us will they realise that no, it isn’t a ‘game’ and someone else’s way-to-live always goes down badly with those that have other ideas for themselves – any psychologist can tell you the root-cause of nearly every bad behaviour in society comes from those oppressed into living a way that isn’t the way they’d naturally live if they had their autonomy from those around them.

I see the ‘woke’ and ‘trans-lobby’ as the new stormtroopers and when you see what they are proposing it comes back to that excellent quote about the 1930/40’s Nazi’s, when it was said that ‘if’ they had been given a good kicking in the beginning of their time, it may’ve stopped them, or at least given them something to think about; I say I abhore physical violence, so, instead I fight with ‘words’ to show a way of dismissal that can only be countered by a measured-intelligence and justification for their being, and I really haven’t seen a good argument from them for what they propose is a better way for us all, and so, we continue to fight not just the ideologies and stuff but the proponents must become fully aware that they are in our sights to, as when they shrink-back, so does the crappy wokeness and what honestly should be kept personal, a persons ‘identity’ which is not there to be flaunted, but simply known – I hate these bastards for one reason, when I fought for stuff I realised soon enough that ‘when’ my aims and values didn’t co-incide with what mainstream society wanted there was a good reason for that, so I went-off and built my own world, and let it grew; but these types are not learning the lesson of ‘no-one’ like mainstream society to be potentially taken-over by any ideology that fixates on just a few things, for many reasons, and I say why is it ‘mankind’ always ‘falls’ at the hurdle of ‘we are taking-over – and dominating the human-scene’? I don’thonestly know why we see this again and again, do we really need another lesson/bout or round of domination by ideology in our collective lives? Or do we finally stand-up to ‘any’ bullies who try to muscle-in on all our lives – no, human-beings always come-around to saying ‘no’ to stuff eventually – but I say if awakening is anything at all its saying – we’ve seen this before and this time ‘we are not’ letting it rumble-on and fuck-up our lives a moment longer than it needs to be around – awaken to our collective good history is now an imperative – or once again we sink-back into the mire of people who believe they should be listened to more than they really should be.


Remember: the silence can and often is far more deafening. And out of the silence – the voices rose-up and came – came for those, that deafened us with their chatter.

I say this and then think…

August 29, 2023

… should I leave it like that or continue ‘this’ line of thinking or ditch it by saying, well perhaps it can be looked at differently; that is what most people tend to do upon opening their mouths, so how come when the ‘transgender-lobby’ and certain ‘fixed-minded’ Gen-zeers open their mouths its with a firm determination to speak something ‘most other people’ would think about and even choose their own tack on it; I can’t believe human non-thinking faculties dried-up around the year 2000 but something changed – as if the individual-mind and what it can produce in ‘variance’ of thought view and opinion stopped and it was far more important for a collective response you agree with – to be the goal and once fixed in your own head and you are following the goal – for it to be pointed-out to you the ‘ridiculousness’ of what was said is taken as an attack on the idea propounded rather than on how most other people would tackle saying something stupid – pre or post opening their mouths to espouse whatever they said – perhaps it is partly why you seemingly cannot get them to depart from their causes – and why after the soundbite they literally have no further content to add as they have cherry-picked an idea to go along with, without much idea of what they are reinforcing – except ‘it’ works for them and until another ‘mental-breakthrough’ is made by their types and what they follow they remain blank until they are able to leech and become the next stage of their development – which as we can see – is to NOT think but just FOLLOW the herd and that is obvious why they absorb garbage and spout garbage – their minds have been stolen you may say – I say, no problem – they seem to never had that much in it anyway – and now its simply like to like, so, any old emptiness will suffice, and I also caution that if they follow what is crap to the rest of us – why the fuck should we follow that – in essence they are doing not much more than anybody alive could do today – but they think they own it – its their thing – but, oh no, the reason the rest of us don’t even consider transition is things like, when we grew-up we ditched faddiness and fashion-senses and the real truth is so many of these types are being called to adulthood and saying no, I will not grow into that, I’ll identify as anything but a human-adult and that’s why I say gender issues are a lot of the time people saying and messing with them – all to avoid for as long as they can the real issue here that of the child to adult transition which is far harder – and that is why its being avoided ‘by’ so many of these types – oh, please tell me I am wrong – I don’t claim it to be the whole truth – but its in the ‘mix’ of ‘whats going on’ with many transgenders and others – avoidance of so much – so they flee into becoming some thing/one else.

Why I dislike algorithms’

August 28, 2023

I am currently snarling at Youtube, why?

Its simple, they are putting up videos on my browser for selection but from months ago – so its likely I have already seen or not wanted to see them, no – for fucks sake, I want current videos – or the new output of creators in my stream; if this continues, I’ll go old school and click on named people and sites and bypass what is given as selected choices; is this helpful to myself? No, just another load of rubbish to circumnavigate, that’s all it is to me.

How is it discrimination when…

August 27, 2023

… you cannot be treated for something you haven’t got?

I saw this on a Youtube video today: yes, it perfectly encapsulates the ‘madness’ in some people’s trans-thinking!

It comes from a man in a dress, who clearly still has male parts, penis and bollocks [how else could he be talking bollocks, if he didn’t still have them? Ha – de – ha although I can imagine in his case if he does fully transition then as a women he’d still be speaking rubbish; no, he sat there complaining that no gynaecologists would see and exam him, his lady parts, and why, because he hadn’t any; and he felt discriminated for that, a man in a dress, who feels like a woman, but his biology is still a man: I’d say after non-surgically changed trans-women saying they can experience ‘period’ issues this has to be number two on the list of transgender delusions that have surfaced in their community, I wonder what’ll be third???


The D****’s Brigade

August 26, 2023

Note: I really don’t care if this post makes me unpopular, as popularity and ‘likes’ are not what I post for; the people who I am about to speak-about seemingly don’t give a hoot about anyone else but themselves and stand loud and proud, so I similarly am going to express what I think about them too.

Now, there’s always been a thing about whether the Devil or Satan is real or is it just an amalgamation of the badness foisted onto one figure with many names? I personally don’t see much difference whether ‘it’ actually exists or not – as beings who ‘go against’ are seen and known by their works!

Its increasingly obvious that there is a formation of people/beings on earth presently who are so openly ‘against’ and up in your face, and in their own way very intolerant of other people they see standing in their way of being who they want to be!

So who are these people and what do they want: well, it’s the ‘woke’ brigade, those who would tear-up every norm and replace it with a much more libertarian way of living; and ‘sex’ is very much behind so much of it; its no joke to say these devilish people would and indeed are trying to lower the vibration so much that ‘if’ they could they’d introduce laws where ‘it would be a persons’ right to ‘fuck’ anywhere they liked ‘openly’ and if you walked-past and was shocked and offended you couldn’t win a claim against them and it as their law wouldn’t allow you to infringe on their civil liberties – people are rightly shocked by the openness to sex and pornography children are now exposed to, yes, these people are trying to bring-in a far more permissive culture than anything the 1960’s could’ve thought of. Many new transgender ‘freaks’ are simply the Devils children doing its works, going against their creator and moulding themselves differently and espousing a totally fucked-up way of being and living, and yes, they are willing and wanting absolutely no defiance from straight society in stopping them being or becoming what they want to be – even more hellishly freaky.

I am no prude myself and naturism I’ve indulged in, and even non-straight sex, and yes other perversions as people see them too, but I don’t see the use of toys and using my sexual imaginings as being perverted, but perversion is in the eye of the beholder ‘often’, but this lot are straight out of hell, and how do I know this?

Well, it is said Satan wanted to re-shape GODS creation and set-about it, and what are transgenders of the real perverted kind doing, much the same; ok, lets just say they come-out of the same stable.

We have to REALLY recognise ‘who and what’ the majority of these people are before they destroy this whole World by making it into their own image, and be honest when you look at some transgender freaks it really is a horror show – but when you see that a badly made-up trans-person could be transposed from person to the state of the World, and you look and laugh at their non-senses – do you really want to risk that becoming the – ‘way of the world’ all because they threw a temper tantrum of their wants and when they were granted what seemed like small concessions actually turned into monstrous ways riding-out from the DEVILS BRIGADE and this really mustn’t be allowed, as in my opinion ‘those that want it, don’t have or even want to have the emotional intelligence to know where its going – it’s the fun and ride they are more concerned with; and we should be concerned with being rode roughshod over, as these mad fucks will do it to us just to experience how it for them, and don’t give a fuck for us!


QED: you get what you are paying for

August 25, 2023

I know I have gone on about the capitalist system and its bad ways ‘hey, if you want it and can pay for it, then its yours my friend! – so that’s why there is so much robbing and stealing – as people can’t afford to pay for stuff – but, they’ll risk their liberty to steal a tv and watch as they are told ‘blatantly’ how the capitalist system serves just a few – despite them telling us – we can all cash-in – yeah, sure, in capitalism we all know its aimed at making one rise above the other – until they both fall through the competitive-nature of it all.

On Youtube I watched a video by New Discourses, I like their work, because I don’t agree with everything they say, but I very much like that they say ‘everything’ about the subject under discussion, it helps sharpen your mind on any issues.

But for all Capitalisms bad bits, and surely the ‘greed-complex’ is one of the worse – it really as the ‘disclosures’ man said pails in significance to how the communist-model can be twisted and used to keep all people down, all of the time.


Surely, that’s the answer for us all, we humans are good at inventing ‘new-models’ of living and with neither communist’s wanting capitalism or vice versa – there has to be good reason for it! YEAH, they both see the bad in each other’s system – and that is to be respected – so why then aren’t they both taken-out and replaced – even if its with to start with the better parts of both models – I’ll tell you why – apparently, so we are told they are diametrically-opposed models [whatever that means???] and as such it cannot meld-together, so, dream-on if you think getting the best from both systems is what is to come [the lion sits down with the lamb – no way Jose!

But I’m now referring to this posts title: in the Western World the USA is seen as the epitome of the capitalist system and the people of the USA its citizens as the ‘ones’ who live it; so, when we watch videos from the USA we have to factor-in the capitalism behind the content – easy enough you might say, as Capitalism has been around for donkeys years, and us here in England know that ‘money or capital is behind most of what its citizens produce – for they opted years ago to go down the route of ‘when’ they earn a lot they likewise can afford to buy a lot too, and if that continues all well and good – there’s no NHS to fall back-upon, no, you earn – and its possible to earn big, but you must also pay big, so the people like doctors and dentists can also earn big, this way ‘no one is left-out as all the money swirls-around and you put-in and take-out; but, at the first signs of weakness – where people won’t or can’t earn – equals troubles ahead – and what usually happens then is the older are disregarded somewhat -left with what they have earnt and their property and a new guard of younger types comes in – fine, until the people notice ‘experience’ has also gone with the oldies – the young come-in and the old moan about how they ‘just don’t get nothing from what these youngee’s are doing nowadays, so don’t buy into it or them – and as they fail – the sytem brings in ever younger concepts – where you get a real sense of who is shaking and supposedly moving the narrative – but when what the youngest try’s to sell the nation is deemed as crap – and honestly the whole nation feels like buying into nothing – in places like the UK its ok, as things turn-around, but in a purely capitalist economy where everything is sucked-up into fewer hands then it can become quite crucial that a stagnate economy affects every aspect of life – when in years gone by we heard how the ‘lumber-industry’ and lack of it nearly brought the USA to its knees, because with no lumber the whole nation felt lumbered – as it meant fewer houses being built and thus the rest of the economic-model sluggishly-moved; so, when in the USA you don’t get anything, because you either won’t or can’t pay for stuff – I say this; its you, you americans who will destroy your own lives through capitalism and if the whole nation could just grasp a newer-model before capitalism dies on your ass, or it is forced on you – when the real-greedy capitalists at the top of the food-chain realise they aren’t making as much as they thought they should or could; you just need to see where your system is going and what that ultimately means – wrest now the mechanism of capital and all it means out of the hands of tyrants and like the old days hide your personal wealth away in storage and drain the capitalist-system of the funds and when the scene-changes for the better re-invest in stuff that allows you to live – USA citizens have to ask themselves if buying a 19th Elvis prayer-mat is important or if investing in something sensible like the great idea the ‘kid’ down the street had is better? Its rather ingrained in the American psyche ‘capitalism’ but buying an Elvis prayer mat is truly spending money on tat, and the kid’s idea may make millions of dollars in return for small investors and hopefully the kid may’ve invented something useful, here’s hoping!

Yes, it was a story about how bad forms of capitalism can be made into good forms of it; I am no capitalist myself – but even I see the benefits of keeping the profits from your earnings which came from your own industry over the communist-model; but when the communists have the biggest market-share in things – rather unsurprisingly, they continue to model the world in their own way – so, WORLD its time to choose, either/or, or a third way!

I choose a third way and when that fails a fourth and fifth etc, until we a close approximation to where we should be; OH SHUT-UP, YOU OLD HIPPY!

The two fishes

August 24, 2023

When it comes to symbolism, we often see it as a single ‘thing’, in that it could only have ‘one’ explanation, i.e. – this symbol means this – and only this; it represents this one or single thing, and yes that works for many things – interpretations/representations are put-onto it later by those that come later and we must respect inherent or what the person who came-up with the symbol meant it to be – and if that which it was deemed for was not logged or written about by the maker of the symbol it can bring in mis-representation later – ‘they’ meant this – oh no, they meant this – without the source or maker explaining their intentions for it – it can ‘really’ get lost and really people can put whatever meaning they so want onto something/the symbol.

Does this sound familiar in 2023? It should do! the only real difference is a ‘re-writing of history’ as its called – but honestly its not even that – as its more like – we were all going along with the accepted norms of language/speech and knowing what was what and why – then some bright-spark or sparks said – ok, that’s how it was, but what if we introduced new factors into the equation and found space for that that was NOT included before – little realising in so many cases their non-inclusion was for many good reasons and it was worked that way so the separation would in time lead to new categories being developed so they could stand-alone as an issue and meaning just like everything else in life – its not exclusionary to put things in separate boxes, not when it means that every single box is treated in the same way and seen and known for what it is, no, I’d suggest that separateness is the definition that gives it a basis like everything else to potentially flourish.

I think the weakness in any argument is when a single issue [take, inclusiveness] is tyre-levered in, over the rest of everything as a drunken reveller turns-up as an uninvited guest at a party and demands to be let in and isn’t allowed to just come-in and take-over, so sneaks-in and once in starts throwing their weight around as if its their party and they have the ‘say’ over how it goes; but doesn’t even know the party is thrown by a grouping of beings who share in the mindset of ‘we are all here together in our separateness’ and we respect that its all of our bases to work from.

Again a ‘mutual-ness’ of ‘separateness’.

Now, back to the point of single issues, well Astrology has taught me that indeed meanings for symbols and what the represent can and are indeed multifarious, so, you wish to understand a bit more clearly ‘what times you are living-under or in are’? where do you look?

I say its like an ‘overlay’ and as anyone working in the print media knows, ‘layers’ are exactly how things are built-up on screen for publications.

In Astrology it to me is like this ‘the overlay’ is the simple switching or moving of one pattern ‘planet’ in a certain sign for a certain amount of time ‘on top’ or ‘in play’ at any time – so, in a sense what we see is the 7 main planets ‘face-up’ and that is the hand that is being played ‘at any’ moment and it is constantly shifting forward and a little apparent backward retrograde motion – in a basis forward through the signs motion – and to read and know the signs and their combinations gives the greatest knowledge.

So, lets look at the current pattern, well, not the whole pattern, but parts of it.

One major dominant is always Saturn’s astrological position – but all major 7 planets play their part in their strengths and weaknesses.

Finally we get to the two fishes that represent Pisces and that is where Saturn now sits; every planet in Pisces from Sun through Saturn will bring-out certain Piscean traits more than others but generally all Piscean-ness is available whenever whichever planet is in Pisces and sure as said, certain planets have stronger agendas than others – Venus in Pisces will always tend to love and art and music -whereas as Saturn in Pisces sees these two strange-bedfellows making a combination of energies which because of both their inherent energies, tend towards pulling towards the negative and down right stupid and dumb in the way they influence human behaviour – hence if you yourself tend towards the stupid and dumb then perhaps you’ll ride the crest of that wave – as you’ll fit right in at this time.

I as an Astrologer ‘kind of know’ that this ‘overlay’ is really the main reason that things are at the ‘fore’ but also know that at the same time its only the ‘focus’ of our current pattern and it can if and when you are wise to it have or runs parallel to our natal focus – and if you are smart enough you don’t have to allow the ‘current focus’ [what is in the skies now, to overlay your natural inclinations], why should you, you can see one or the ‘overlay’ is current and moving but your natal pattern is more permanent and is getting fed and feeding the current ‘when you choose to interact from your own viewpoint, and turn the tables on the current always impacting upon yourself.

But lets get back to the current focus – the symbol is ‘two fishes swimming in opposite directions’ with the implied meaning of ‘this fish goes this way and that fish thata-way, but its not until you notice that they have a string or cord attached to each other you start to realise the co-dependency of the fish, and this can be read and seen to play-out in many ways; I think the current overlay is shouting out its message very clearly in many fields, like people saying ‘your dumbness is bringing me down – and I am trying to help you be less dumb, if only to help me – live around you: and I am sure you could think of similar co-dependencies situations in the current climate ‘that’ makes sense.

Its not so much intelligence which is the main issue at hand; its rare that just being around dumbness and stupidity actually rubs-off on you personally – but it does have a ‘wearing’ affect on the whole atmosphere and thus what is the answer? To laugh and laugh and laugh, until it seems you are as mad as the madness you are laughing at – whilst your brain races at a hundred miles an hour sifting through the mindless and best answers you can come-up with – as a come-back, yeah that would work – but really that may only help yourself and the NOT the mindless-idiot who is the real person you are trying to bring-out of the ‘coma’ of ‘whatever’ they are in.

No, folks with essentially the two fishes in swimming in opposite directions the goal isn’t to get them swimming in the same direction, no, its to realise with this overlay the ‘recognition is to recognise the two-sided nature of life and accept that knowing and coming to terms with it is the lesson here and there is no moving-on from it until the Aries overlay comes-around; just think of the Piscean symbol being also like the ‘infinity’ sign where it loops in a figure of eight, and on one side is love and the other side hate! After-all, its only the ‘current’ time and play of the particular planet Saturn we are seeing in Pisces, and if that could be distilled somewhat, we might well say it in just two words ‘calculated madness’.

Why shouldn’t we laugh at it?

August 21, 2023

So, much has been said over the past near three and half years I look at it and say ‘yes’ it has been a ‘funny old time’ but not always literally ‘funny’ in ha, ha!

Its certainly been something to tell the grandkids, but that’s meant to be only said for the teenagers, those who may or may not have children in the coming years; I glad to see the ‘debacle’ didn’t put people off having kids, that would’ve been a real shame.

I look back and blame on thing in particular, the belief that beings can force-change onto the World around them or even think bringing in change by whatever means they conceive will do it, and more so ‘try to convince others’ that the hare-brained schemes will manifest, ‘all you’ll need to do is follow them’ – oh yeah, I once said, to even consider ‘trying to make or get beings to do something which they are naturally against is a waste of time and will back-fire on anyone trying to do so, and so its proved, the silent revolution – doesn’t even need ‘sod you and sod that for a game of soldiers’ to be uttered, no, it just occurs, as it could never be changed from being what it was, ‘no’ in a different form.

REAL CHANGE is never forced – it cannot be -it reaches critical mass and changes into what was always coming – and the mad scientists in any World ‘dream’ of bringing or developing ‘change’ to be denied time and again, because it’s the one thing in life that cannot be manufactured by beings and thus it cannot be sold; if it could be bottled, it wouldn’t be any good either, as its origins or its formula of what made it up [as its constituent-parts are unknown, and hence its future cannot be known] and the greedy would’ve loved to get their hands on change – but change is ‘amphoral’ [is that the right word?] anyway, its cannot be brought-about by any World institution, and for those that try the illusion of change is all they have to fool the masses with: ‘oh this’ll be so much better this way’ -they say! Oh yeah? – how do you really know or can say that – to us! what are you basting your findings on? what findings we may well ask? The ones from multiple time machines – where they glimpsed into all the main variations of what ‘if’ we did that – oh come-on, they don’t exist, and even if they did, the answer lies in that ‘one timeline’ or changing into ‘one’ based on a choice that led to a change would still have to be taken in the end; I say this, I believe they know where they wanted to go all along and every talk of change is just that ‘talk’ a diversionary or distraction and that’s all their talk of change could ever have been.

I have known one thing from the beginning of all this, it has always been pushed by either side of the debate that ‘we’re working towards something – a newer better way of being and living’ and thus I see little difference in the mainstream and alternative, when it comes to this goal, so, I laugh when I see the ‘words’ sown that says there is a division a ‘us and them’ scenario, no, not on the goal, and if you think one side wouldn’t succeed to the other I say YOU ARE WRONG as I’ve seen many of the mainstreams MATRIX LIKE beings willing to adopt and least give succour to the alternative-sides views and ways in the past years; so this supposed fight between us and them – and who will finally get the upper-hand really makes me smile – no, its not appeasement to give-up on the fighting when you know that ‘all the fighting ever really is – is just us saying to them, hey, we live here too and its our lives you are trying to change and we WILL have some say in our own lives – so listen-up; to me we were always going to return to a more stable and settled situation one day, it was the only inevitability that was in the whole thing; sure we ‘all’ got knocked-out of kilter by the greed of certain individuals and continue to pay the price[s] they demand; some of those ‘guilty’ are yet to see their game is up, and the World’s public aren’t going to stand for their ‘game-play’ and ‘play-book’ rip=offs of the past anymore; indeed they may look askance at the loss of properties closed-down on Market street in San Fransisco and half-believe its just the turn of their economic-wheel making it happen, but when the up-swing and return of business isn’t so forthcoming once again, they’ll have to acknowledge that their ways had a bigger affect on the whole dead ‘corporate-model’ they are within, and thus they can’t pursue that anymore, no, if we THE HUMAN RACE are lucky, the GREED of the ones who started this whole era, will continue to topple the rest of the evil empire and finally we get a much more equitable-system to which to dwell-in!

Here’s hoping, fingers-crossed.

On another course now!

August 20, 2023

What do I mean? well, I am totally fed-up talking about Trans-issues, which is hardly that unsurprising considering I have no personal connections in any way to trans-people, and even Trans-porn doesn’t interest me, actually it gives me the ‘droop’, and that comes from a person who ‘can’ get erectile very easily from any or really most ‘sexual imagery’ – but enough about me.

No, sorry to have to tell you trans-people but ‘your’ World hardly fascinates me all, and I reluctantly enter into any aspect of it, I have just the minimal respect for it, and I leave it at that, oh, go girl! – that’s a joke as I’m far from getting into anything. And I will help myself not to!

So, what remains? Seek and destroy -that’s the mission, isn’t it? no, not today, today we offer solace and sustenance of a kind.

The Women’s world cup is on as I write this, but not in my house; I don’t do hype and hysteria and buying into stuff; I come from a generation ‘where the match is on in five minutes, and I sit-down and revel in the skills or not of players and want to hear commentary on the actual game, not all the distractive talk we get nowadays, no, if I were to watch it would be sound-off and little or no distractions to what was actually happening on the pitch, thank you very much.

So, I know I’ll do some Astrology in the future, I had a good idea for a post in the future, where I discuss the ‘personal’ chart cycle of planets in and around the horoscope within a year of life and how and what it means, I know I can do a better explanation now, than the one I did before, so, that is coming – along with the third part of the Astrology and food post.

As for general postings – well, honestly we’ll have to see, but as my posts are usually also written about ‘subject-wise’ by many others – generally what I’d cover it what they’d cover too; so, it would’ve to be something rather special to talk about – that would get me posting – I do have other things to do to, you know!

Only I do my housework and re-arranging, and only I will write the long-ish my death and funeral arrangements and my last will and testament out for that time ahead, and that will take time, so, as you see ‘the practicalities of living’ has to be arranged, and that means less time for posting, its just simple time-management that needs doing.

I like being practical, and yes, the side you see or read of me on my blog doesn’t really give an inkling into the rest of what I feel must be done in my slow/quiet life, you never see or hear that much about from me, but believe me, does exist, as it does for anyone and everyone; you only read about a certain aspect or opinion from me; but surely as a human-being you’d understand this; you get-up and go to bed just like me, and eat and drink and shit and piss, like me, well don’t ya??? Of course you do, don’t lie to me.

So, that’s it, a ‘to let you know’ piece of posting; a ‘share’ that needn’t be shared, but was shared anyway.

Now, I fuck-off and leave the social media side of the Internet alone for a time.

The Killer Touch

August 19, 2023

You may believe your posts are having no affect, and in Isolation ‘it’s a grand waste of time’ – but later you see its not so bad to post – ‘like handing stuff-on, but having no real idea of who may be picking it up – still, you see ‘some people’ have – and thus when I posted about Trans-women and their ‘supposed’ periods [but how could that be so, with no internal organs to bleed, which is surely what differentiates a man from a woman, and yes, we do need that ‘difference’ and even trans-woman need to know that difference, as it’ll show them where a/the trans-women are limited to ever being like the women a lot of them call cis-women; here’s the thing; you trans-women have to realise that even there are limits to all things and more so, some things like periods you’ll never be able to share-in [or should I really say co-opt] and finally yeah revel in your differences to the so-called cis-women, but don’t then bemoan the fact ‘you’ll never ever ‘fully’ be able to become the real ‘article’ A WOMAN, BORN AND KNOWING THE WAYS AND MEANS OF BEING SO, no, as in any gender MALE OR FEMALE we are born into it and thus become bred from it; I seriously wonder if the whole transgender thing is based on wanting to be re-born again, or wiping the slate-clean [as if that were possible]? And sticking two fingers-up at creation and saying make me anew; yeah, if we all could wipe our inborn-ness from ourselves, what would we have done? wiped-ourselves out of creation, some might say, I really wonder how deep the unhappiness is for people and if the urge for perfection inside people, trying to re-arrange their natural state, is not more than a talking/point or moan for many; sure we all have issues to deal with, but I kind of get why these ‘kids’ feel so ‘fucked-up’ – they were born to parents who live in aspirational-land and themselves live there, and I have seen the western culture, where its almost demanded of yourself that if and when ‘you have something slightly seemingly wrong with your ‘beauty’ it must be fixed – their parents had plastic surgeries and now the kids are trying to change it all, I say, first embrace you sadness of not being perfect, then get real, and constantly ask yourself, can I live with being the ‘me’ that I AM, and when the answer is yes, come-away from the desperate-bullshit you espouse and for fucks sake GROW-UP to become a far greater emotionally-resillenant person than some hyper-bitches who collectively are honestly not much more than a toddlers temper tantrum, screaming ‘oh, why can’t I be’? and needing an adult to show them why – the really bad fuck-heads on youtube need a slap – or to be somewhat kinder, lets say a cuddle and a reality talk – in exchange for better behaviour from them – I suggest that one day they’ll have to stop it – because as all kids know -adulthood awaits every child whether they are ready to embrace it or not – and these fuck-heads can’t and will not embrace natural biology, but its there that they’ll find the end-point.

I may’ve played my part in introducing some reality into the issue, but for the real KILLER TOUCH I suggest you watch the Daisy Cousens youtube video called:

Woke Trans Woman Claims She Gets PERIODS In INSANE TikTok

Where she really sticks the boot and knife in – and watch it and see how there really is no going-back for the trans-women madness when they run-up to the brick wall of periods, and can’t smash through or even make any justification or try to fool anyone anymore; I really believe this ‘one’ issue, the period issue, is the one issue that KILLS IT, for the trans-madness they are trying to batter-us with; women will tell you how painful periods are, I am telling the trans-people that want to go-on and on about their stuff that there is a part of being a women they’ll never be able to say is theirs, and that ‘may just shut them up’ as all mouth and no trousers deniers of biological reality will get laughed out of the room, if they dare pursue this, and any ‘backers’ will waste their funding-monies if they back this lame-horse; but somehow I just know they’ll come-up with more non-sense, as these types always do.

THE KILLER TOUCH is what will rid our society, and I AM all for it ‘where appropriate’ – MADNESS BEGONE – MADNESS BEGONE, that’s what I say!

Keyboard Warrior or worrier?

August 18, 2023

No, its not really a look at writers per ‘se, no, I use the title solely to drag you in through some curiosity of what may be written; I tend to leave all my post titles ‘vague’ if only to keep the reader ‘slightly engaged’ in the sense of I may get to something they might have a ‘thing’ about be spoken of – but if you think – ahh it must be about writing – no, I am telling you now, you’ve been fooled – but did I fool you, or did you fool yourself by assuming to know? that is what vagueness in output can and does do to you – or perhaps you are ‘wise’ to my tricks???

So, where do you believe I might be going with this post? – I posed a question – are you and either/or, or perhaps you are both; its entirely possible to be both; to forge ahead and battle-on, breaking new ground and slaying the beasts and coming-out victorious – and also being a fear-monger and worrying the hell out of your readers by saying and in some ways ‘doing’ the verbal/written act of stirring-up stuff and the like: I say its time for ‘division’ or to separate or leave behind the dross, hence the easiest way is this; ‘if and when you don’t improve or even can’t or willing won’t do that it’s a clear signal that you are holding down or back your output for a number of reasons, and we all know that we are mainly beholden to many things and this beholden-ness can and does ‘support’ but it likewise ‘restricts’ our output, lets explore this a little.

My long-term readers know why I write – for fun – to inform and educate – and to correct a lot of the rubbish others produce, [indeed as an aside, there is enough alternative media people nowadays that if and when MAINSTREAM MEDIA went down/off-air we could step-in and do a job for those who wanted to ‘read all about it’ – but if that were the case, i am counting myself OUT right now, as I’ve known for quite some time that I personally work best when there is an open-adversary or adversaries to counter and if and when they are NOT there my ‘reason for being’ goes or lessens somewhat; but i could become an advisor on which roads and ways to travel ‘if’ needed and called-upon; as I said ‘for fun’ and not for ‘money’ or suchlike is and will always be my way!

So, I firmly place myself in the ‘warrior’ camp, I seek and find like an old-style ‘nuke’ – and I’ve ditched trying to ‘spook’, yeah, I like that!


Consistency is easier for some than others; my main rule is if and when I don’t like what is written then I keep deleting it until I am happy with it, but generally as I write the ‘right’ words appear first-time, so, woo-hoo!

But my point is ‘by our efforts and works shall we be known’ and the days when the explanations or excuses of why we are exploring things in the way we are, are ‘to me’ rapidly coming to a close – if you mouth that the reasons you are looking into something don’t match what actually follows in say a youtube video or a written piece – there will be little to excuse you if for example you say I am doing it or showing it for this reason [to say rather innocently ‘to get to a deeper truth’ and then you show a clip and start mocking it and putting-in or inserting various needless worries -what I am saying is your audience will soon spot ‘your angle’ and where you are ‘really coming from’ – even master-manipulators will have a hard time trying to convince ‘watchers’ that they are not the nasty slimy sleaze-balls they so obviously are – no, I am very sure the days of reckoning of who are grifters and scum-bags who’d sell any thing or anyone out, so they can ‘prosper’ are now being exposed – and once you’ve been a victim of anothers ‘ways’, you honestly don’t look at these types in the same way ever again; the split is coming, and you’ll find yourself on whichever side you deserve to be upon – or where your own path has led you to.

I feel for those with a capitalist-mindset or even those that have to work in those bounds – if and when your output is done in terms of how much ad-revenue can I receive by doing such and such, I always think, in that case, ‘where are your priorities in working on something’? meaning, am I producing my best work or am I diluting it down every time I pander to fitting-in sponsorship adverts and whoever else I bow down to [because as many know, writers especially, the moment your work is corrupted by anothers message infringing upon or even into your own work, then that spoiltness is seen for what it is, a non-part of your work, and that is why I don’t do adverts; I have no say over what WordPress does however, that must be obvious to all; I use WordPress for many reasons, as I’ve said before; I am not saying anymore, I don’t want to give big business ‘any ideas’ of how to rip-off the next big thing, as that is true capitalism at work, stealing the ‘prophets words’ and selling them as your own – money and profit from others work – the greatest capitalist scam!

What I am saying is the ‘worry-ness’ is another scam – they are all up to it – putting the fear of life – into you – totally disregarding all the other fears they’ve loaded onto you – I suggest you ignore most if not all of it and lighten your load – if for one very good reason – if most of what they worry you about ACTUALLY HAPPENED and most of it HASN’T then fair enough, but its like a game, lets load the people up with fear and worry, and just when the weak ones crack under the strain, put your hand round their shoulder and whisper ‘its just a game, its just a game, and it’ll be alright’ lets have a laugh at it all, [I say fuck-that, I and we will not laugh with you at our expense, and exclude you well before we join together and as a ‘whole’ laugh at how your exclusion from our own lives made our own lives much, much better, without you and your crap in them.


In times of delusions, you will find…

August 17, 2023

… people ‘in general’ will usually step-in to help their fellow person in snapping-out of that delusion they are sitting under; well that is the nice theory, but in exploitive times running concurrent plus many other issues too, its like being bombarded with more stuff, a lot of times irrelevant to the matter at hand; its like one weirdness is either being used to justify another or the weirdness of something else is used in the argument when its not really needed at all, ‘a red-herring of weirdness, just used for whatever nefarious reasons it is done as so.

Getting back to why people are being as helpful as they can to free others of their delusions isn’t always done totally altruistically as its saying ‘get out of our faces and don’t bring us down with your utter rubbish, sure, live in fairy make-believe places if you so wish, and deny the actual reality of something or someone if you wish and play your stupid games for as long as you like, but we’ll be there for you in the end, but don’t expect our reality to have changed by you and sure we will have moved-on, and how do I know this? well ultra-realists know that to deal with the grimness of life its best not to hang-around in the area of that which has little chance of changing, so, we don’t spend too much time and effort even bothering, no, we go to the lowlands where the grip of reality isn’t biting too hard on the people of earth, not even looking back at those that are in their infancy in what they believe is still possible to do, and yes I do mean ‘fuck-about’ with their own physicality and give the impression of being or it being different from what it actual is, no, us realists KNOW that when REALITY BITES it bites with such ‘conclusivise-ality that if and when you find yourself on the wrong side of it walking down the long dark path, due to earlier choices made by yourself that it’s the rejection of stuff that now waves back at you and makes you see how ‘rejected’ you yourself have become, and it says on its hand the ‘words’ – YOU REALLY SHOULD’VE LISTENED TO ALL THOSE LITTLE HINTS IN THE SHAPE AND FORM AND WAYS OF PEOPLE AND PROCEDURE THAT WERE THERE TO GIVE YOU A WAKE-UP CALL, LONG BEFORE THE NOW YOU FIND YOURSELF IN!

So many people nowadays want or wish to live in the DELUSION and when you see the ‘reality’ of many situations you can see why; I myself have only one main concern, in that I want to get it across to the deluded that ‘when’ they stay that ‘way’ DELUDED then it will do nothing much to help the overall recovery – so in a sense I suppose I am saying, if and when you can’t bring yourself out of your delusion[s] for yourself, do it for us, the wider public, and see yourself doing it as a kind sacrifice to the rest of humankind ‘drop your crap and rubbish, NOT in the hope of helping yourself, but if anything helping humankind to not have to suffer your crap, you know WHAT YOU SPOUT AS BEING THE REAL TRUTHS, [here an ideal example is many of those maddening theorists on youtube who relate natural functions of maleness and femaleness to their own hideous realities of trangenderness, and as we ‘cry’ hopefully with some laughter at the comparisons made – [no, I am not making this up] ‘how trans-women’ those biological men with no natural female internal organs – talking about how they can have period-issues too -DREAM ON you ******** I as man once was let into the world of womanhood for a while when my mother tried to enlighten me to just what or how painful menstrual cramps could be, but she politely gave-up on explaining it to me, saying in a nice way, ‘but as a man – and having or having no chance by birth of ever experiencing such an experience, you cannot possibly ever know, and that is not dismissing you ROBERT its more excusing you by your natural biology, and be thankful for that, and I was.

There was little ‘delusion’ after that; but a lot of trans-idiots don’t even realise that what they are championing for is something ‘women’ would turn their backs on; but when you want it all, often you will get it all, but when reality steps-in and SHOUTS men were made this way and females like this, reality denies the inclusivity that many crave, in their naiveness!

As George carlin said, the basterized version: Trans-women, there is a club of natural women-hood and being once a born man, you ain’t in it, the ‘club’; which is funny on a number of levels ‘being in the club’, us British will get the reference.

So, I end by saying we all suffer under some delusion or other, some more severely than others: if like me its just a minor condition where I know this:

I say to myself ‘what is the actual recognised definition for the word or term DELUSION’? and then I say bugger-that I’ll not find-out the accepted ‘definition’ but go from what I believe it to be from my years of life experience, and say to myself, it’ll be close enough, then my delusion is I will write and say or give the impression I KNOW and thus I am deluding myself/and possibly you my readers too; no, the only satisfactory answer is to get the actual definition.

But there is even potential problems with that – if our delusion/reality button in our minds is working double-time, and we cannot truly trust or just plainly disagree with the accepted definition – we can but ask ourselves ‘who or what do we go with – as the definite answer we want/wish to use? Especially knowing ‘how deluded people can be and become – or even be born as’ – the answer is becoming rapidly obvious, in times of delusion the only real answer is this ‘if you can’t have faith and trust in the outer ‘spelt-out’ construction of something, then ditching all until you come to a singular version that sits well with yourself, so you don’t march on the double, but act and think and say in a singular [yours] fashion; because in delusional times, the way out of it, is to first see and ditch the delusion and quickly replace it with your best possible ??? you can think of as your answer and stick with that for as long as you can, because you are aware that in these times, many more delusions will be spouted by people – I suggest we just leave them to it and hope they one day/time just lift themselves out of their fog and see what others are saying about stuff, as when you actually LISTEN it is possible to actually LEARN.

That was a hard-dose of REALITY, I should co-co, as I wrote it; now rest and relax, its using realities tools in the way they are to be used – deep breaths – and repeat!

Some weird stuff for you!

August 15, 2023

Right listen up: I am lay it out plain, but what you’ll read you’ll more and likely say to yourself, no, surely ‘it cannot be seen like this, ‘this is a weird way to look at life in 2023 and surely this cannot have any relevance at all; and you may say I don’t see it like this at all, fair enough, I just hope that what I am drawing from LIFE does register with you – as its not made-up [well, in the sense, I just didn’t imagine it; but of course its made-up, in the sense of ‘how I am choosing to interpret it, but all MEDIA does that, you know puts their own slant on whatever is under discussion.

So, topic one:

THE YOUNGSTERS who ‘unlike’ previous young generations with their moans and complaints ACTUALLY believe they should be listened to by us older people; and the most ‘out of touch’ ones the transgender kids, and by this I mean anyone in that young age bracket [probably 8 or 9 until early 20’s who is in ‘anyway’ touched by the issue and voluntarily gets involved with the issue and half-believing that ‘just talking about it, means you are involved in it, although on Youtube the more outrageous you can be! So, the wow-factor has found a place to wow and that’s gender identity and all the fun that can be had; it kind of makes sense, in that just being ‘gay’ or ‘bisexual’ has been done, there is no real shock value and potential to ‘rock the world’ of those loved-ones by ‘just’ being gay or suchlike now, no, these youngsters are generally using trans-issues like the gays used gayness to piss straights off and give their lives a chance at some progress; all kids want/wish to shock and it’s a necessary step in growing-up, but when coming out as gay isn’t enough and has no shock value, being the other gender is really the only place to go, and yes, it won’t shock parents or suchlike as many of them may well have indulged in some kind of gayness at some point in their lives and so, as trans-kids will find a lot as they grow-up, it’s a case of ‘its been done before – sure, it wasn’t transitioning to the other identity but it matches how boys wearing lipstick might have shocked a few people years ago.

And if you now believe all I see TRANSGENDERISM as is SHOCK VALUE you really don’t understand me at all; no, all I am saying is please see it as the immature using transgender culture to personally grow into something; and that is mainly something they never were born as, so that is where they go to find growth; and as I said many months ago, all people alive have wondered what it would be like to ‘excesserize’ themselves into being more than they were born as: but here’s the weird part; I partly blame those in the porn industry and those of us who watch it, and our desires ‘which used to be seen as just ‘kinks’ and the way ‘transgenderism’ is almost hell-bent on producing people [and it gets them from the generation mentioned above, who either willingly or being co-erced to become beings with breasts and cocks, and get paid for indulging our sexual lusts, and yes, I’ve seen porn sites change from what it once was to adding whole categories for transgender porn, begging the question, do certain forces or are certain forces on a recruitment drive, and to put it simplistically are gathering future sex workers so people can jerk-off in an evening over transgender people having sex and thus the porn industry has and keeps a new revenue stream, why? are people tired of watching straight or gay sex? I doubt it, but with ‘new kids in town or one screen, a new perversion will always sell better or best over that of old, and so it is with many things in life.

And as many people are starting to see and feel for those real transexuals who neither want or wish to be exploited sexually in their desire to be something or someone else, as truly all transexuals have to realise they will surely be some ‘thing’ else, in they have breasts now and no dick, or have a dick and no breasts, but for those that just wanted to exploit their bodies for all kinds of purposes, maybe a special recognition of their exploitive natures should be found, as to them just being somewhere in-between either male or female is enough, as pleasure and saying in a statement, look at me, this is me, who I am is enough, and it’s the journey they go through to be the ever-trans [never settling kind of being which thrills most, I look and see these types all the time, ‘the eternal new experiencers’ and they all found the physical body their ultimate vehicle and weapon of choice, and I say to them, just show us all ‘what you become or ended-up as, as we all need a good laugh and cry, and don’t ever say that you had little idea what you were putting yourself and the wider public through, as at the time you more than happy to flaunt your shit at us, and that’s why those that may have had some sympathy for you at the beginning will likely be drained of it by your self-promoting antics – of how you used transgenderism as your ‘ways and means’ and thus have to take the good with the bad too, and how surgery isn’t just how available and expensive it is, but it’s a minefield of botched procedures and you being used as a cash-cow, but hey, your dream of being the real you was far more intense and maybe you achieved some kind of feeling more like you, than say the stoners of past generations ever got to totally living in a non-real [all too real] World; but what is for sure, is most or many of you will have fallen for the old advertising tricks, where life’s real monsters will always take any money from people like you, and they KNOW that you’ll always fuel their dreams of property and land and money in the bank!

Just do what you want TRANSGENDER people, but just be aware of people in past generations who also felt they were being helped by the MAN only to see how it really ‘was at’ further down-the-line!

Ok, that is enough for today, but this exploration into just one subject can and should be applied to many more issues, so, do so!

Maybe I’ll expose another ISSUE one-day; but feel free to have a go yourselves, it’ll do the world a favour and help certain beings ‘wake-up to themselves’ although I seriously think certain cretins have incarnated here on earth at this time to give false witness to so many things older people can testify to as being NEW BOLLOCKS and thus just as bad or worse in the sense ‘to follow on from’ – I suppose we have to have these dip-shits around in order that we have people and ideas and thoughts we can expose for the rubbish they are, and that’s being as kind about these people as I care to be!

The hardest thing to think about!

August 12, 2023

Whatever could it be? Weeto’s or Cornflakes for Breakfast? Can you decide what you feel is best for yourself this morning? No, its something of a far weightier measure in the grand scheme of your life, but…

… the words ‘can you decide what is best for yourself’ – at the end of your LIFE that is going to become super-relevant as this post continues.

This post is going to be HEAVY man! And as the title suggests I am going to go into realms I’ve never dared venture into before – end of life dealings, and the miserable or is it joyous leading up to’s that are made or should’ve been made for when we are in our ‘dotage’ [a word I think I understand, but probably don’t as much as I should, I’ll work from what I think the word means first off]; no, actually the definition given is this: ‘the period of life in which a person is old and weak’, or we could say the end or nearing the end of life; it would be nice to imagine a scene of a country cottage with roses and love care and attention from your loved-ones, but a year or so back I visited a Hospital ward where no-one was doting-about in their last days, no, it was rather depressing, I am tough or think I am to many of LIFE’S ILLS but when you can’t even look in the direction of someone who you know isn’t going to be around for much longer, you walk-out of the building knowing ‘you ain’t tough at all, at best you are toughened to stuff, but be honest with yourself, you weren’t tough enough to deal with end of life stuff, and sneer at yourself when you realise how emotional you got over people you’d not even met before.

DEATH is no laughing matter, indeed it was quite apparent that the person I was there to say goodbye to ‘didn’t want to die’ no, it was obvious she felt cheated-out of life – and who in the room at that time would be bravest to have a conversation which had to say to someone who wants to live – you time has come – it’s a hiding to nothing for both the dier and the listener/teller; it can’t be resolved in a conversation as the only options with LIFE are ‘you either continue living it or you don’t’.

There were murmurings of bringing home the person, so in their ill-health and last days she would have familiar surroundings, but that was impractical for the concerned; I hurt still when I see what being denied food and drink does to a person; its hard to say this, but I’ll try – the practical applications are obvious, the emotional ones even for the relatives are hard to deal with, but as a patient it must be intolerable ‘knowing’ that the denial of food and water has just one intention and its like saying quite bluntly that ‘you’ve been diagnosed’ and the option of keeping you alive isn’t viable, so, we’re hastening your end; I got out of that hospital showing my love as I did; but the dotage was denied in this case for this person, as ‘at home’ and ‘hospital care and procedure’ are different things.

Anyhow, I want to cheer-up a little, and as I said ‘it really is hard to think/imagine’ our last days/weeks/months.

Even trying to imagine or think-about our future lives well before our dotage is hard, ‘should I contemplate and live and work in a monastery’? Its something I once replied to someone, as a place that they might find me if I were not at home, but it was a half joke.

So, some more on all of our ‘dotage’s’

With so much Illness and infirmity around, even well before most of our ‘old ages’ we are all having to consider our future lives ‘well before’ meaning years before our natural dotages, we all accept that if we are able a ‘personal will and funeral plan’ are the least we can do, for those still around after we’ve departed, enough said on that, indeed our old and infirm times may come upon us well before we are naturally old in age, and indeed ‘lifestyle’ choices made many years previous may indeed shorten our natural or full-length life-span, but I also leave it there.

Do many of us consider especially when young what living a ‘single’ life can mean later in life, well, all I can say is ‘you had years of whooping-it-up’ as a single, so don’t complain too much at the natural situation that is around in your end times – as they say, and rightly in this case ‘you can’t have it both ways’ or ‘had your single good life and wonder in the end where your family is in the end or at the end of your life, as to be blunt, you never made a family to have around, no, your legacy is to quietly pass-away unnoticed and probably un-mourned, except by those who are of a similar age or any relatives who may have a care for you???

So, in the end I know arrangements have to be made and we’d all like to exit with our affairs in a decent state, and we generally do, when we’ve thought ahead and arranged; but that is the only real satisfaction there is.

That was a personal look at things and yes, there was a fair bit more that could’ve been said: more importantly though is this: ‘when you are unable to care or look after yourself – who do you turn to?’ it’s a serious question, and far too deep to get into here, but when its not family or friends – what do you do – simply ‘give-up and die! ITS BEEN KNOWN.

No, there is the ‘state’ to step-in – but everyone’s been told, with a serious lack of funding SOCIAL CARE in Britain isn’t worth its name – the person I saw who wanted to live I sadly have to say was one of the first in Britain to die under the new-regime of we can’t or won’t afford you or anyone else the health and care benefits that our NHS would’ve once tried [at least] to give you – so I end this post saying the obvious ending of – are all of our dotages [us who rely on the NHS for our healthcare and social care] going to find-out the hard-way just what lack of funding really means for us in the future, I think so; no, I don’t want or even wish to fund privately a scheme where my dotage means I am served smoke-salmon and champagne as a treat in my last days, no, I just would like a standard social care package like ‘meals on wheels’ delivered to my door, so I won’t starve to death and just be treated with a little respect in my last days for any contribution I have made to the land of my birth throughout my lifetime, through ‘work’ etc.

So, I needn’t say, but am going to, that for me and millions like me, who will end-up old and infirm one day [God willing] its not so much what we plan for our futures when in most cases, most people who use the NHS will stumble into SOCIAL CARE at some point.

But as said a poorly funded social care is just that, and I say its got to be a very big priority for all of our coming futures, no matter the cost; but I offer only my words, I have no solutions, except to say its for all of our benefits a better ‘social care’ structure is funded and made; if we spent less on defence and possible war, we could put the money into care; unless you believe ‘killing’ is a better option than ‘caring’ and its obvious some people calculate the overall like that. PEACE – OUT!

Put down our stuff with each other

August 11, 2023

OK, I’ve heard this many times from various alternative sources, and I think, well, if all in the ‘alternate media’ are working towards one goal ‘apparently’ [that goal is never truly stated’ but I get the general idea of the overthrowing and re-instating a better system, and yes, it seems ideal; until you ask yourself [in the greatest sense] is ‘all that is being proposed is a like for like swap where all that comes is a supposedly better way of doing things – I see trouble ahead, if only because if you replace like for like [and the original ‘like’ or ‘way of things’ failed – surely eventually the new way of things is going to fail sometime soon too – as it follows the same lines – little wonder all this jockeying for position and ‘we know our way is better than yours exists – and carries-on, as no-one is prepared to give an inch and we have ‘flux’ and/or ‘change’ and certainly no settlement on all issues affecting all things; I would be cynical and say it’s a ploy to keep us all employed ‘in trying to work it out and deal with it’ – hey, are you interested in where its all going? actually, just tell me how long this so called ‘changing-period’ is to go-on for? Sorry, your asking me the length of a piece of string, and as we all know, when pouring a drink, the pourer always asks you ‘when’? meaning – when is enough? It could be anytime! But the point is, are we ‘beings’ enough to drink-up or ‘deal with’ that which has been poured-out for our delectation? Or do we dis-regard as if ‘sure, its come-up as an issue – but now there are so many issues our only option is to ditch a few to enable us [mankind] to handle them – bringing-on the further headache of ‘who’s to say what is important or not and to who’ – DO YOU WANT TO MISS-OUT BECAUSE YOU YOURSELF AND YOUR ISSUES/STUFF WEREN’T DEEMED IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO AT LEAST BE LOOKED AT, OF COURSE YOU DON’T.

So, I see your point – its hellish having to watch humankind kick its shit around; but I honestly think in a lot of ways OUR shit needs bringing-out and our divisions need showing in all their starkness before some bright spark laughs and says ‘look people – can’t you see the funny-side to most or all of this crap’ and so, I say with conviction, it might be reasonable to assume somewhat in any situation that when what we see NOT happening and wishing it would is far more ‘there’ or ‘that’ for reasons a despairing look at it says – sadly, this has still some road to go; and if you think the above offers no solutions, you’re partly correct, but neither did your own moanings and proposings either, so, I suggest all I’ve done is express a view, that someone else may be able to expand upon; hey Bob has just invented a new form of ‘chinese whispers’ where you think about what was said and despite your initial leanings to jump-in and say the first automated thought [that everyone has] and passes it on until the original meaning is lost to crap – you actually string a paragraph or two of words or speech that at least allows the succeedant [following person] a fair stab at developing something we can all join-in with; and perhaps this may start to bring some unity you have urged us all to form into?


We’re all the same part 2

August 10, 2023

In part 1 I rather over-confidently suggested I could or would name and associate foods with the signs of the zodiac and even suggest ‘foods’ that certain signs would or even should avoid [a sensitive soul like a Cancerian generally unless they have indications of a steel-lined stomach would probably not be advised to eat too many spicy foods which inflame the digestion; but I am sure there are some Sun in Cancer people who have other appropriate Astrological indicators at birth who are happy ramming hot-stuff down their Gullett, I think a Mars or Saturn placement [the naturally harsh planets in harsh signs, so the air or fire signs are probably more suited to such living; but as with anything Astrological it would be best to see say go to a chilly festival, [no, I don’t mean cold, I mean Chilli festival], and see who deals best eating hot foods and backtrack by looking at the top people’s or eaters birth-charts and work-out from their charts what is it in their make-up Astrologically that helps in this pursuit; indeed this is needed to be done in all fields of life and research, as I’ve said many times before!

Note: I really believe in matching what can and is done by people and retro-fitting their known abilities to what is shown as a persons potentiality from their chart; but, of course the Astrological researcher has to have some or a great idea about what they are looking for; I freely admit, human error and going-up blind alleys and all the rest will occur, but as with most things if and when we are honest in our failings and admit openly that ‘what we have as our knowledge now is going to be surpassed and improved over time, then we openly admit we aren’t trying to ‘fool anyone’, no, actually its our best ‘stab at it, at the present time, and that has to be fair enough’ – wouldn’t you agree? I would.

So, as a long-standing Vegetarian I have lost touch with the meat-eating World long-ago; but that is kind of a moot point as in the early 2020’s the whole food World went a bit bonkers and if certain forces got their way it wouldn’t take much or make any difference when the slogan is ‘Insects, it doesn’t matter what sign you were born with’ – I say, ok, if or when it makes little difference, then all zodiac signs can equally reject them!

You’d also might assume I jumped for joy when plant-based foods came onto the market as, as a vegetarian surely it had to be ‘wow, more choice’ – no, not for me; in truth I even sneer at the good range of vegetarian foods like Quorn and Cauldron, choosing very carefully what I buy and eat, but I do like a Cauldron made Lincolnshire veggie sausage and Quorn strips to fry or grill. But if and when the offering of plant-based foods doesn’t meet your own standards of what to put in your gob, then it’s a ‘no’ from me, and many others too, as the producers are finding-out.

Actually: I am going to do a Part 3, where the signs and their likes and dislikes are suggested by me, for the very reasons of our Astro make-ups plus how our ruling planet of our personal birth-charts 2nd house can often tell us more about our food intakes, and even why fadisms and medical conditions around ‘input into our bodies’ are shown from this planet and its condition and even planets in our personal second house can show things like ‘specific’ types and ingestions and all that, but I know me and I know just mentioning this now, doesn’t always relate to actually doing the work on these things later, so, if I skip things, you’ll partly know its just a defect or suchlike in myself, anyway often I read back my writing and think to myself, no, actually on that ‘bit’ enough has been said.

So, part 3, when I can be fucking bothered to do it!

I haven’t said much for a while…

August 9, 2023

… but have i actually anything to say???

We’re still here; but I am no fear-monger, so I won’t be quipping with something like [despite beings best efforts to make sure we aren’t; although there is some truth in that too.

No, today I am first going to share something personal, and its for me and me alone to deal with: I had an eye-test for new glasses the other day and I also was aware of a problem with my right-eye as looking from within myself out into the World – meaning as I’d see my right hand – anyhow the right eye is the Sun eye and the left the Moon signified eye in Astrology, and as a lunar person in so many ways and me doing so much assertiveness in the past few years which is a solar way of being and not so much my natural way I half-wonder and imagine if by being more solar than Lunar if that has put strain on my right-eye? But, I know there is no real basis or fact for these imaginings, no, back in reality, both my mother and father had cataracts and it seems feasible even if its only by hereditary and genes that I myself am susceptible, I am sanguine enough to realise I am no longer in the flush of youth and also there is no reason why I am a special case who’s ‘just’ not going to get bodily issues; but its hard when you write as seeing what you are actually writing is important; DUH, you think so!

The optician said my cataract wasn’t bad enough for a referral to have it removed, but assured me that if or when things deteriorated [which I suppose is what will happen, as it’s the nature of such a condition he would refer me; I am not exactly shrugging my shoulders and saying to myself well, there is a certain inevitability about it, but then again I suppose I am doing just that; anyhoo, its been looked at and I will wear corrected glasses for the time being.

Right, that was a push, so, I say, I see things have calmed-down a lot in the media sphere, a lot of the hype and hysteria is waning, although my new favourite word I heard today is ALARMIST and that really does say a heck of a lot about how ‘when things aren’t critical or crucial and crisis enough just bring in an alarmist and ratchet-up the fear and worry, so, how alarmed are you in Britain today? The Sun rises over the eastern hill of Cromer by the lighthouse and am I alarmed by the potentially hot day we might be having today? Of course, I am not, as it’s the 9th of August [mid-Summer] and I expect such warmth; so that’s it a nice Summer’s day coming-up, sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!

I am aware of…

August 4, 2023

… what my dipping-out of the social media conversation on many topics leads to: here are what I see as the basic pro’s and con’s of doing so.

CON’S: I have left a bereft space [an absence] and I see our side floundering but I realise with me out of this area, it allows many of our speakers time to develop ‘what up to now has really only ever been ‘connections’ made – and now I see that each individual grouping of like minded and likewise ‘groups’ with a cause must really push forth unaided by following someone like me – who may know far more than he lets-on but also see that holding-back isn’t such a ‘con’ – as I said I will be watching and listening from afar – so, just do your best and yes – debate these ‘fuckheads’ as its true enough they cannot justify their actions when put under rigorous inspection.

PRO’S: With me off on my main Astrology pursuit; I know that the general media has not much to follow from me, which to my mind is very good; they’ll not get much from my Astrology ramblings, and as they concentrate on Politics and Migration and Royalty and Celebrity etc, I can, actually we can minutely see what ‘pointless’ abounds and more so what they come-up with next, and ain’t they rolling things out at an outstanding pace; I guess when there is little opposition and the road ahead seems clear enough, of us pesky little flies, the agenda they have undoubtedly goes-ahead; but I see so much failing in what they put forward, that if you breathed heavily on their World or on a card in their pack, they’d either fold or be made to fold by us – but I suggest one thing – if you play your hand ‘don’t bluff’ no, strike with the best hand you have and scoop the pot from under their noses and run for the hills before they know what has hit them – you can laugh and sense your satisfaction quietly later – unbeknownst to them.

I basically want to give ‘time’ for the shit to clear somewhat and for us all to regain our purpose – all warriors get a good night’s sleep before they go battle; and you will battle for what concerns you and what you feel is right for you and in your fights you know you fight for others too.

VICTORY IS OURS MY FRIENDS, IT JUST NEEDS TAKING! WHY? BECAUSE WE’VE ALREADY OVERCOME, AND YES, I DO MEAN ALL, and now we’re ready to take them on – it’ll be fascinating to see how we and even them do in this situation: 100 to 30 the four horsemen, nah! Our odds, well, we’ll only know our strengths at any given time we rise-up!

I am well read on Astrology

August 3, 2023

I still have a hundred or so Astrology books for reference, when needed, but a few years back I just gave a good few Astrology books to a Norwich, UK bookshop [mainly the psychological astrology ones] for gratis or free to them, I hope they made some money for themselves, I never checked, as when I hand stuff over to others that was once mine, I see it like this, now its entirely their/your business, and its literally out-of-my-hands!

Anyhow, just saying, that’s all: I mention it, as although I’ve read nearly every book in my home, one or have escaped a rigorous read, where I have skimmed, and one such book I intend to read and digest better is ‘the secret zodiacs of Washington dc’ by David Ovason.

I have an interest in lay-out’s and mappings, plus I have always felt that the incorporation or recognised [by the village, town or city] birth-map is very revealing; indeed in front of city hall in Norwich on the pavement is a stone saying when Norwich was ‘born’ [well, recognised as being born as a city or named placed] and thus a birthchart can be drawn – but Astrologers are still wary of when to give the time of day for the chart, many pick the previous midnight to the day its said to be the day of its beginnings and that does work fairly well.

Its funny really, but I am re-reading the Washington dc book, because I’ve been to places in the World where its even possible to see the layout of a place looking like the glyphs used for the signs of the zodiac, and also, when i’ve seen [without knowing the astrology of a place] many indications that just let you know which zodiac signs have the main influence in a place you are stood at/in.

Astrology is boring some may level at it; I counter that by saying to myself, no, you are boring, because you never let your imagination and the natural scenery to coalesce and that is the connection I am after; what was built there and why and which Astrological significators are strong and obvious and which not so much; that’s real data usage, you tech morons, as it will be far more helpful in understanding than the useless out-of-date data you gather from us humans; but of course you have never imagined what Astrology can and could provide, and yes ‘it is’ a lot of avenues and streams, and just plain fun, and if any revenue can be made from it, it’ll be not money so much, but from the happiness of knowing and suchlike, yes, being happy through a reliance on knowing stuff, is a currency we all can get behind, and should, as its something we can all share in and should.