Roadworks up ahead

Assimilation is one thing, but if you don’t give it time to sink-in so you see what you have then it’s a constant journey in which you mightn’t realise how far OR NOT you’ve progressed, so after assimilation comes the reckoning; sure I may feel I’ve a good bead on stuff as I progressed along but really pausing to see if you’ve actually missed any threads or roads to travel is one thing that I at least know I have to do, and how do I know? well when I ask myself, which I have lately, what is there to write about? I realise I’m lost and something big is building or built and needs tapping into – generally we see such moments breakout into avenues like new expressions or a lump of something that’s been building – for me when I realise that my subconscious has been so quiet and that [for me] has meant in the past that there’s something big coming, an explosion of consciousness – so, I pipe-down and see what emerges – a new direction or a massive say on something or other is my guess – either that or I close-off through overload – as its been push, push, push and hardly any pulling in – but rarely is it ever a big nothing – I could null-myself by wanting it to be a big-nothing but that kind of thinking is wasteful mental-energy, so, if nothing is written by me for a while that’s simply me letting the ‘sun shine in’ and keeping it to myself – I am fairly thrilled to see what comes or is coming my way – LIFE is or should I say HAS TO HAPPEN and if you do allow yourself to veer-off your own natural course by being too YIN or too YANG to your natural components, you as I will find either saying – oi mate we’re still here and need nourishing and if you don’t use us you’ll soon find we’re harder to find later – so take a hint mate and relax and wait for the lights to turn green again.

So, I sit at the ROAD WORKINGS, until something comes-about. And will dismiss any trifles as is humanly possible, which I know is just as easy as saying to myself, OH, IGNORE THAT MATE!

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