I live in the ruins

I happen to have no current problem in this, but for the rest of the human population even the ‘aware’ or should I say especially the ‘aware’ mightn’t be so happy about it, as apparently in ruins seems to suggest there are NO connecting factors and so what do we go-on, fret not the ‘legacy is dying in the mainstream – as they struggle to connect [they re-run and make even weaker connections until they are simply connecting the unconnected and dead stories of years ago with other dead mediums with no life in them – we might be in the wasteland but by realising this one fact we clear ahead in taking-our chances with new mediums that can’t come from their narratives – as they know theirs are ‘from deadness’ and as I said I have no fear – as soon in this way and from this way of being – they will have to follow us and our speeches – so clean-up your act put your best WORDING-FORWARD and show them that media follows the greatest stories – and there’s always a pinch to every salt of goodness in stories that really resonate, and soon enough a new media is born.

I will continue in the ruins for as long as this is unachieved and I in ruins means you will have nothing to go-upon – so get to changing our MEDIA LANSCAPE, and no its no more difficult than fessing-up to your parents that you aren’t quite that sweet little boy or girl they always looked-upon you as – ‘cos their vision of you is a lie and you don’t break it and break-out of that illusion until you literally say in no uncertain terms ‘oh c’mon – thanks for protecting us all MOTHER-FATHER-CHILD but its really doing none of us any good ‘just pretending’ and soon when all goes well there are three adults in the room.

I am a single entity though and can live within the ruins even until my dying-day if needs be – so don’t concern yourselves with my welfare – I AM MORE HERE TO SEE YOU SUCCEED as strange as that may seem to you.

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