Q:  How forgiving are we? really!

I really don’t wish to stir the pot, but sometimes it’s the only way to really learn the lessons and maybe help to see if things have been resolved to any satisfaction.

Is Covid ‘really’ over ‘if and when’ vaccines are made to supposedly stop its spread, when as I speak there is no overall pandemic [wide-spread virus] around, and many like myself doubt there ever was a virus, hence making it easy to say its disappeared as a wide-spread thing, if as we believe it was never there to begin with: which begs the question, if it wasn’t Covid as a virus we were fighting then what were we fighting???

I suggest we have been fighting corruption and among certain types on this planet, it is almost the duty they owe themselves to scan and take from the largest-pot going; as Max Igan said, it’s a criminal enterprise and they are all one big club ‘and you ain’t in it, as George Carlin said: but let me explain my understanding of privilege leading or making people/beings who are attracted or even destined to go into jobs/roles where by their greedy natures they can scam monies from within the jobs they do, its like saying in common-parlance ‘I hate working this job – so, I’ll take whatever I can from it, and when you are a politician the ‘tickles’ can amount-up and when your corrupt nature is exposed – you simply either work for those people/organisations you lobbied for or some such and try to rake-in more and more – it’s a true enough saying – that for some people their greed knows no bounds – its so inbuilt into their essential nature that to breathe is equivalent to want to be corrupt so that they earn – and rather sadly the rest of the system helps feed their addiction to corrupt practices and their need to satisfy their greedy impulses. See those figures who sold us the vaccine and went straight into that industry at the first sniff of their future profits.

Q: Have they slipped the net? A short-while ago, we supposedly weren’t going to be so forgiving to those that by things they did/enforced on the public ‘to basically line their pockets and the damage done to millions who lost their lives – again, so certain people could benefit’ but now the pandemic is not here in the way it was before – we seem to have become more forgiving – but maybe that is because although we know who the guilty people are in that those that brought stuff on just so they could keep profiting, we couldn’t prove that link of saying ‘its by their greed that millions were killed and forced to face a miserable life of seeing symptoms appear in their bodies years before they should’ve manifested, plus the quick roll-out of a ‘truly’ untested to high standard vaccine also should be taken into account to.

So, why does this all matter still? Well, its ‘lessons learnt’ and more importantly, that those people not fully taken-down will [just like the sexual-instinct] when the greed impulse arises in them will find ways to re-introduce into the World system ways of them profiting again, and thus we may’ve just seen a shift of personnel from authorities to big pharma – [oh if only there were a ‘shot’ that could cure their greed – well, there is actually, but less said of that, the better, I suppose], anyway, what I am driving at is what I’ve said many times before – when they can’t stop themselves – they need taking-out of the picture, so less harm can be done – big pharma are just waiting to step-in and clean-up, but truly it’s a real shame they went-down the MNRA vaccines route, as no-one in their right-mind wants that tech inserted by vaccine into them – it’s a real shame that big pharma are going to lose BIG on these types of vaccines; but the saddest thing of all is this, before the Covid vaccine was ‘used’ for future profitability the public would willingly take any vaccine with no concern really but now they don’t so readily – but ‘straight’ vaccines were good in the ‘get your shots’ before vacation kind-of-way, and sadly I don’t wish us humans to lose out on the real necessaries of picking-up what could’ve been avoided by say a simple rabies or suchlike shot, from a vaccine that isn’t MRNA based, because dying from something just because you disagree or so problems with the covid shots is not a good way to go – yes, do the preventable shots – but keep fighting the modern MRNA shots and dismiss them from our lives; as to a money-maker, the callous mind says they were going to die at some point anyway, and my personal wealth is what defines me, and so now, you hopefully see why being totally unforgiving of a persons actions is not always advisable – if and when they themselves haven’t learnt the lessons of their greedy natures and its wider consequences.

I am not always that unforgiving: imagine standing in front of a smiling corrupter with wads of cash in their hands and a corpse who died from their greed and as a human-being ‘seeing and feeling’ where your sympathy and compassion goes, when you can imagine that, you know why you are still fighting!


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