Put down our stuff with each other

OK, I’ve heard this many times from various alternative sources, and I think, well, if all in the ‘alternate media’ are working towards one goal ‘apparently’ [that goal is never truly stated’ but I get the general idea of the overthrowing and re-instating a better system, and yes, it seems ideal; until you ask yourself [in the greatest sense] is ‘all that is being proposed is a like for like swap where all that comes is a supposedly better way of doing things – I see trouble ahead, if only because if you replace like for like [and the original ‘like’ or ‘way of things’ failed – surely eventually the new way of things is going to fail sometime soon too – as it follows the same lines – little wonder all this jockeying for position and ‘we know our way is better than yours exists – and carries-on, as no-one is prepared to give an inch and we have ‘flux’ and/or ‘change’ and certainly no settlement on all issues affecting all things; I would be cynical and say it’s a ploy to keep us all employed ‘in trying to work it out and deal with it’ – hey, are you interested in where its all going? actually, just tell me how long this so called ‘changing-period’ is to go-on for? Sorry, your asking me the length of a piece of string, and as we all know, when pouring a drink, the pourer always asks you ‘when’? meaning – when is enough? It could be anytime! But the point is, are we ‘beings’ enough to drink-up or ‘deal with’ that which has been poured-out for our delectation? Or do we dis-regard as if ‘sure, its come-up as an issue – but now there are so many issues our only option is to ditch a few to enable us [mankind] to handle them – bringing-on the further headache of ‘who’s to say what is important or not and to who’ – DO YOU WANT TO MISS-OUT BECAUSE YOU YOURSELF AND YOUR ISSUES/STUFF WEREN’T DEEMED IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO AT LEAST BE LOOKED AT, OF COURSE YOU DON’T.

So, I see your point – its hellish having to watch humankind kick its shit around; but I honestly think in a lot of ways OUR shit needs bringing-out and our divisions need showing in all their starkness before some bright spark laughs and says ‘look people – can’t you see the funny-side to most or all of this crap’ and so, I say with conviction, it might be reasonable to assume somewhat in any situation that when what we see NOT happening and wishing it would is far more ‘there’ or ‘that’ for reasons a despairing look at it says – sadly, this has still some road to go; and if you think the above offers no solutions, you’re partly correct, but neither did your own moanings and proposings either, so, I suggest all I’ve done is express a view, that someone else may be able to expand upon; hey Bob has just invented a new form of ‘chinese whispers’ where you think about what was said and despite your initial leanings to jump-in and say the first automated thought [that everyone has] and passes it on until the original meaning is lost to crap – you actually string a paragraph or two of words or speech that at least allows the succeedant [following person] a fair stab at developing something we can all join-in with; and perhaps this may start to bring some unity you have urged us all to form into?


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