We’re all the same part 2

In part 1 I rather over-confidently suggested I could or would name and associate foods with the signs of the zodiac and even suggest ‘foods’ that certain signs would or even should avoid [a sensitive soul like a Cancerian generally unless they have indications of a steel-lined stomach would probably not be advised to eat too many spicy foods which inflame the digestion; but I am sure there are some Sun in Cancer people who have other appropriate Astrological indicators at birth who are happy ramming hot-stuff down their Gullett, I think a Mars or Saturn placement [the naturally harsh planets in harsh signs, so the air or fire signs are probably more suited to such living; but as with anything Astrological it would be best to see say go to a chilly festival, [no, I don’t mean cold, I mean Chilli festival], and see who deals best eating hot foods and backtrack by looking at the top people’s or eaters birth-charts and work-out from their charts what is it in their make-up Astrologically that helps in this pursuit; indeed this is needed to be done in all fields of life and research, as I’ve said many times before!

Note: I really believe in matching what can and is done by people and retro-fitting their known abilities to what is shown as a persons potentiality from their chart; but, of course the Astrological researcher has to have some or a great idea about what they are looking for; I freely admit, human error and going-up blind alleys and all the rest will occur, but as with most things if and when we are honest in our failings and admit openly that ‘what we have as our knowledge now is going to be surpassed and improved over time, then we openly admit we aren’t trying to ‘fool anyone’, no, actually its our best ‘stab at it, at the present time, and that has to be fair enough’ – wouldn’t you agree? I would.

So, as a long-standing Vegetarian I have lost touch with the meat-eating World long-ago; but that is kind of a moot point as in the early 2020’s the whole food World went a bit bonkers and if certain forces got their way it wouldn’t take much or make any difference when the slogan is ‘Insects, it doesn’t matter what sign you were born with’ – I say, ok, if or when it makes little difference, then all zodiac signs can equally reject them!

You’d also might assume I jumped for joy when plant-based foods came onto the market as, as a vegetarian surely it had to be ‘wow, more choice’ – no, not for me; in truth I even sneer at the good range of vegetarian foods like Quorn and Cauldron, choosing very carefully what I buy and eat, but I do like a Cauldron made Lincolnshire veggie sausage and Quorn strips to fry or grill. But if and when the offering of plant-based foods doesn’t meet your own standards of what to put in your gob, then it’s a ‘no’ from me, and many others too, as the producers are finding-out.

Actually: I am going to do a Part 3, where the signs and their likes and dislikes are suggested by me, for the very reasons of our Astro make-ups plus how our ruling planet of our personal birth-charts 2nd house can often tell us more about our food intakes, and even why fadisms and medical conditions around ‘input into our bodies’ are shown from this planet and its condition and even planets in our personal second house can show things like ‘specific’ types and ingestions and all that, but I know me and I know just mentioning this now, doesn’t always relate to actually doing the work on these things later, so, if I skip things, you’ll partly know its just a defect or suchlike in myself, anyway often I read back my writing and think to myself, no, actually on that ‘bit’ enough has been said.

So, part 3, when I can be fucking bothered to do it!

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