I am aware of…

… what my dipping-out of the social media conversation on many topics leads to: here are what I see as the basic pro’s and con’s of doing so.

CON’S: I have left a bereft space [an absence] and I see our side floundering but I realise with me out of this area, it allows many of our speakers time to develop ‘what up to now has really only ever been ‘connections’ made – and now I see that each individual grouping of like minded and likewise ‘groups’ with a cause must really push forth unaided by following someone like me – who may know far more than he lets-on but also see that holding-back isn’t such a ‘con’ – as I said I will be watching and listening from afar – so, just do your best and yes – debate these ‘fuckheads’ as its true enough they cannot justify their actions when put under rigorous inspection.

PRO’S: With me off on my main Astrology pursuit; I know that the general media has not much to follow from me, which to my mind is very good; they’ll not get much from my Astrology ramblings, and as they concentrate on Politics and Migration and Royalty and Celebrity etc, I can, actually we can minutely see what ‘pointless’ abounds and more so what they come-up with next, and ain’t they rolling things out at an outstanding pace; I guess when there is little opposition and the road ahead seems clear enough, of us pesky little flies, the agenda they have undoubtedly goes-ahead; but I see so much failing in what they put forward, that if you breathed heavily on their World or on a card in their pack, they’d either fold or be made to fold by us – but I suggest one thing – if you play your hand ‘don’t bluff’ no, strike with the best hand you have and scoop the pot from under their noses and run for the hills before they know what has hit them – you can laugh and sense your satisfaction quietly later – unbeknownst to them.

I basically want to give ‘time’ for the shit to clear somewhat and for us all to regain our purpose – all warriors get a good night’s sleep before they go battle; and you will battle for what concerns you and what you feel is right for you and in your fights you know you fight for others too.

VICTORY IS OURS MY FRIENDS, IT JUST NEEDS TAKING! WHY? BECAUSE WE’VE ALREADY OVERCOME, AND YES, I DO MEAN ALL, and now we’re ready to take them on – it’ll be fascinating to see how we and even them do in this situation: 100 to 30 the four horsemen, nah! Our odds, well, we’ll only know our strengths at any given time we rise-up!

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